The aim of the present thesis is the study of the long-term development of a benthic community over a period of twenty years. Such a long-term study, including its start from a new substratum, could represent a helpful insight in understanding the most important changes occurring in the community structure during and after the colonization process. To this end, the choice was to work on artificial substrata that, for their structural simplicity, allow to exactly quantify the areas and the times of benthic settlement. The artificial reef of Fregene was selected because past benthic assemblage data were already available for the period 1981 to 1992. This artificial reef is located in the mid Tyrrhenian Sea, 5 miles north of the two mouths of the Tevere River (Latium, Italy) and 1,5 miles offshore Fregene (Rome, Italy). The artificial reef was deployed for fisheries enhancement in 10-14 m of water on a sand-silty seabed in March 1981. The reef was composed of 280 concrete cube-shaped blocks (with 2 m long sides) arranged in groups of five, four at the base and one on the top, so as to form a pyramid and covering a total area of 6 ha. The area is characterised by a soft bottom. The Tevere river carries suspended materials and a noteworthy organic load since it transports Rome’s effluent, thus conditioning the eutrophic state of the area. The actual benthic assemblage was studied and the data were compared with data collected in the past. Benthic samplings were carried out by scuba diving in 2001, in four different periods. During each sampling time two standard surfaces of 400 cm2 were scraped from the vertical walls of the same top block. The methodology used is the same as that adopted in the previous periods, so that the 2001 data could be compared with past collected data. The evolution of the benthic assemblage from 1981 to 2001 was analysed by descriptive and structural analysis. Changes in benthic assemblages and hydrological trends of the Tevere river were investigated using the cumulative sum series method. The twenty year development of the benthic community, starting from the new substratum, is composed of different phases characterized by different benthic assemblages. In particular five different phases are distinguished: 1. pioneer species recruitment (settlement) (5.81-6.81); 2. Mytilus galloprovincialis dominance (8.81-83); 3. M. galloprovincialis regression (84-85); 4. soft bottom species abundance (91-92); 5. bryozoan bioconstruction dominance (2001). The dynamic succession of the observed benthic assemblages exhibited a good correlation with the Tevere river flow. The monthly cumulative sum series shows a clear upward trend between 1981 and 1985. This trend was subsequently reversed in the successive period (1990- 2000). The succession of benthic assemblages is followed by a temporal increase in number of species. According to McArthur’s and Wilson’s “Island biogeographic theory” the succession observed after 20 years should not have yet reached a steady-state equilibrium. From a biocoenosis point of view, the reef is located in a transition zone, characterised by abiotic factors which are typical of the infralittoral zone (high hydrodynamism and eutrophic water) and the circumlittoral zone (reduced illumination). A mussel dominated assemblage, characteristic of shallow exposed and eutrophic environments, was present in the first period. The increasing sedimentation present in 1981-85 caused the mussels to die. The assemblage was therefore subsequently characterised by the presence of species typical of sciaphilous muddy infralittoral hard bottoms. The ensuing dramatic decrease of the Tevere terrigenous particles favoured the presence of suspension-feeding organisms, such as bryozoans. These organisms, together with serpulids, barnacles and vermetids, formed a bioconstruction that for morphology and composition is similar to a “coralligenous” bioconstruction, thereby favouring the settlement of many typical coralligenous habitat species. The coexistence of coralligenous species with infralittoral species favours the maintenance of a high biodiversity. If the environmental conditions shall remain constant, it is possible to forecast that this complex assemblage may evolve into a real “coralligenous” assemblage.
Questa ricerca si propone di descrivere e analizzare l’evoluzione a lungo termine di un popolamento bentonico di substrato duro, fin dalle prime fasi di colonizzazione. Per raggiungere questo obbiettivo si è deciso di lavorare su substrati artificiali che consentono di quantificare con precisione le aree e i tempi degli insediamenti bentonici grazie alla loro semplicità strutturale. Si è, pertanto, scelto di proseguire lo studio sul popolamento bentonico della barriera artificiale sommersa di Fregene di cui erano disponibili dati per un periodo di 10 anni, dal 1981 al 1992, in modo tale da descrivere e analizzare l’evoluzione temporale del popolamento per un arco di tempo di 20 anni. I campionamenti, effettuati in immersione, si sono svolti nel 2001, in diversi periodi dell’anno. Le modalità e le tecniche di campionamento sono state simili a quelle adottate nei periodi precedenti, così che i dati raccolti potessero essere comparati con quelli del passato. L’area di studio è caratterizzata da acque eutrofiche, idrodinamismo medio e scarsa illuminazione. Il popolamento attuale è caratterizzato principalmente dalla presenza di colonie massicce e tridimensionali di due specie di briozoi, Schizoporella errata e Turbicellepora magnicostata, che ricoprono tutto il substrato. La presenza di queste biocostruzioni ha modificato in maniera evidente la struttura edifica della barriera, aumentando sia la superficie del substrato colonizzabile, sia la sua eterogeneità. Questo ha determinato una maggiore diversificazione del popolamento che viene così ad essere costituito da una maggiore numero di specie rispetto al passato. Dall’analisi descrittiva e strutturale, l’evoluzione temporale del popolamento è risultata caratterizzata da 5 diverse fasi, ognuna con una particolare associazione bentonica: 1) insediamento delle specie pioniere; 2) dominanza di Mytilus galloprovincialis; 3) regressione di Mytilus galloprovincialis; 4) abbondanza di specie di substrato mobile; 5) prevalenza di biocostruzioni a briozoi. Il succedersi di queste associazioni è stato messo in relazione all’apporto di materiale in sospensione proveniente dal fiume Tevere le cui acque influenzano fortemente l’area dove è posizionata la barriera. Da un punto di vista bionomico la barriera si trova in una zone di transizione, caratterizzata da fattori abiotici tipici sia del piano infralitorale, come l’elevato idrodinamismo e l’eutrofia, sia del circalitorale, come la scarsa illuminazione. L’attuale coesistenza nel popolamento di molte specie tipiche di coralligeno con specie appartenenti a biocenosi del piano infralitorale contribuisce al mantenimento di una elevata biodiversità. Dopo 20 anni il popolamento non è stabile e continua ad evolversi. Si può ipotizzare che con il tempo, se le condizioni ambientali rimarranno costanti, questo popolamento possa evolvere verso una biocenosi di tipo coralligeno.
The aim of the present thesis is the study of the long-term development of a benthic community over a period of twenty years. Such a long-term study, including its start from a new substratum, could represent a helpful insight in understanding the most important changes occurring in the community structure during and after the colonization process. To this end, the choice was to work on artificial substrata that, for their structural simplicity, allow to exactly quantify the areas and the times of benthic settlement. The artificial reef of Fregene was selected because past benthic assemblage data were already available for the period 1981 to 1992. This artificial reef is located in the mid Tyrrhenian Sea, 5 miles north of the two mouths of the Tevere River (Latium, Italy) and 1,5 miles offshore Fregene (Rome, Italy). The artificial reef was deployed for fisheries enhancement in 10-14 m of water on a sand-silty seabed in March 1981. The reef was composed of 280 concrete cube-shaped blocks (with 2 m long sides) arranged in groups of five, four at the base and one on the top, so as to form a pyramid and covering a total area of 6 ha. The area is characterised by a soft bottom. The Tevere river carries suspended materials and a noteworthy organic load since it transports Rome’s effluent, thus conditioning the eutrophic state of the area. The actual benthic assemblage was studied and the data were compared with data collected in the past. Benthic samplings were carried out by scuba diving in 2001, in four different periods. During each sampling time two standard surfaces of 400 cm2 were scraped from the vertical walls of the same top block. The methodology used is the same as that adopted in the previous periods, so that the 2001 data could be compared with past collected data. The evolution of the benthic assemblage from 1981 to 2001 was analysed by descriptive and structural analysis. Changes in benthic assemblages and hydrological trends of the Tevere river were investigated using the cumulative sum series method. The twenty year development of the benthic community, starting from the new substratum, is composed of different phases characterized by different benthic assemblages. In particular five different phases are distinguished: 1. pioneer species recruitment (settlement) (5.81-6.81); 2. Mytilus galloprovincialis dominance (8.81-83); 3. M. galloprovincialis regression (84-85); 4. soft bottom species abundance (91-92); 5. bryozoan bioconstruction dominance (2001). The dynamic succession of the observed benthic assemblages exhibited a good correlation with the Tevere river flow. The monthly cumulative sum series shows a clear upward trend between 1981 and 1985. This trend was subsequently reversed in the successive period (1990- 2000). The succession of benthic assemblages is followed by a temporal increase in number of species. According to McArthur’s and Wilson’s “Island biogeographic theory” the succession observed after 20 years should not have yet reached a steady-state equilibrium. From a biocoenosis point of view, the reef is located in a transition zone, characterised by abiotic factors which are typical of the infralittoral zone (high hydrodynamism and eutrophic water) and the circumlittoral zone (reduced illumination). A mussel dominated assemblage, characteristic of shallow exposed and eutrophic environments, was present in the first period. The increasing sedimentation present in 1981-85 caused the mussels to die. The assemblage was therefore subsequently characterised by the presence of species typical of sciaphilous muddy infralittoral hard bottoms. The ensuing dramatic decrease of the Tevere terrigenous particles favoured the presence of suspension-feeding organisms, such as bryozoans. These organisms, together with serpulids, barnacles and vermetids, formed a bioconstruction that for morphology and composition is similar to a “coralligenous” bioconstruction, thereby favouring the settlement of many typical coralligenous habitat species. The coexistence of coralligenous species with infralittoral species favours the maintenance of a high biodiversity. If the environmental conditions shall remain constant, it is possible to forecast that this complex assemblage may evolve into a real “coralligenous” assemblage.I documenti in UNITESI sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.