The islands of La Réunion and Mayotte, located in the heart of the southwestern Indian Ocean, represent the "France of the Indian Ocean": these two Overseas Departments and Outermost Regions of Europe are very different from each other, but they share a relative prosperity that makes them an attractive destination for migrants in the area. Crystallized in a sui generis postcolonial situation until 2011, when it became the 101st French Department, the island of Mayotte is crossing important social, cultural and structural transformations nowadays, strongly intertwined with its political history and geographical location. Mayotte’s departmentalization process has contributed to profoundly modifying the way to « be Mahorais » on the island and elsewhere. Despite the efforts to reduce structural backwardness, Mayotte remains France’s poorest Department: the migration crisis linked to the rapid population growth, structural shortages and deep economic and social inequalities set up a chain reaction that brought a large number of Mahorais to move to La Réunion to improve their life conditions. Most of Mahorais families have mobility life stories reflecting the outcomes of postcolonial splitting boundaries. The impact of assimilation mechanisms – required by the institutional alignment program recently launched – is evident at structural level in Mayotte, but at cultural and social level the impact is less obvious. On the contrary, strong signals of Westernization can be observed among the lifestyles of Mahorais families permanently resident in La Réunion. Mobility experiences seems to multiplicated identity markers among Mahorais young people contributing to the creation of a generational fracture with the elders. Mahorais community in La Réunion face integration and stigmatisation problems because of their particular linguistic and cultural specificities, unknown or misunderstood by most Reunionese people. It appears, nevertheless, that social exclusion is not similarly experienced by the younger « Mahoreunioneses » – Mahorais born or raised in La Réunion – and by the elders, the « Pioneers » of mahorais mobility. The young « Mahoreunioneses » express a partial belonging to the two cultural systems which may contributing to a progressive integration of Mahorais in Réunionese society. The aim of the study, based on biographical approach and participant observation method, is to observe the short-term impact of Mayotte's departmentalization on regional mobility dynamics, as well as on collective representations of Mahorais group in La Réunion and their self-representation modalities. This socio-anthropological reflection highlights the different sense of belonging between the generations of Mahorais, as well as their strategies of adaptation and integration to reunionese context. In particular, this study aims to enhance understanding of how "mahority" (mahorité) is experienced by the community – on the island and on the move – influenced by migratory movements, leveraging on exogenous and endogenous pressures (attractions, resistances and reinventions).
Situate nel cuore dell’oceano Indiano sud-occidentale, le isole di La Réunion e di Mayotte rappresentano la “Francia dell’oceano Indiano”: questi due Dipartimenti d’Oltremare e Regioni ultraperiferiche d’Europa sono molto diverse tra loro, ma sono accomunate da una relativa prosperità che ha contribuito a renderle delle destinazioni privilegiate per i migranti della zona. Cristallizzata in una situazione postcoloniale sui generis fino al 2011, quando è stata dichiarata ufficialmente 101° Dipartimento francese, Mayotte attraversa una fase di riorganizzazione giuridico-istituzionale che sta trasformando profondamente il volto di questa società. La recente dipartimentalizzazione di Mayotte ha infatti contribuito a modificare sensibilmente il modo di «essere Maoresi» sull'isola e in mobilità. Sebbene gli esiti dell’applicazione dei tradizionali meccanismi di assimilazione – richiesti dall'evoluzione statutaria – iniziano a essere visibili a livello istituzionale, permangono profonde disuguaglianze economiche e strutturali che rappresentano il principale fattore della mobilità dei Maoresi a La Réunion. Gli aspetti legati all'impregnazione di stili di vita derivati dalla modernità assumono una portata particolare in situazione di mobilità: i Maoresi a La Réunion soffrono infatti di una forte stigmatizzazione a causa delle loro specificità culturali, sconosciute alla maggior parte dei Riunionesi. Benché effettiva, questa emarginazione è vissuta in modo diverso a seconda delle generazioni, così come il sentimento di appartenenza all'una e all'altra società: se i più «anziani» mostrano un attaccamento viscerale nei confronti dell'isola d'origine, i più giovani, cresciuti o nati a La Réunion, presentano invece una certa marginalità identitaria a entrambi i sistemi culturali. La moltiplicazione dei riferimenti identitari in situazione di mobilità ha contribuito alla creazione di una frattura generazionale tra le giovani generazioni e i «Pionieri» della mobilità maorese, che sembrerebbe agevolare la definitiva – benché graduale – integrazione della componente maorese all’interno della società riunionese. A partire dall’osservazione delle forme di organizzazione sociale e delle traiettorie biografiche dei Maoresi residenti a La Réunion si propone un’analisi socio-antropologica dell’impatto a breve termine della dipartimentalizzazione di Mayotte sulle dinamiche circolatorie regionali, nonché sulle modalità di rappresentazione e autorappresentazione dei Maoresi residenti a Mayotte e a La Réunion. L’obiettivo è analizzare l’evoluzione delle strategie di adattamento e di integrazione al contesto sociale riunionese, le forme di convivenza interetnica e l’evoluzione del sentimento di appartenenza identitaria tra le differenti generazioni. In particolare, si tenterà di esplorare in che modo la “maoresità” (mahorité) viene esperita dalla comunità in loco e in mobilità e in che modo questa viene influenzata dalle circolazioni migratorie, facendo leva sulle spinte esogene ed endogene al cambiamento (attrazioni, resistenze e reinvenzioni).
Da Mayotte a La Réunion. Mobilità, convivenze e fratture in due Oltremare europei (Oceano Indiano)
The islands of La Réunion and Mayotte, located in the heart of the southwestern Indian Ocean, represent the "France of the Indian Ocean": these two Overseas Departments and Outermost Regions of Europe are very different from each other, but they share a relative prosperity that makes them an attractive destination for migrants in the area. Crystallized in a sui generis postcolonial situation until 2011, when it became the 101st French Department, the island of Mayotte is crossing important social, cultural and structural transformations nowadays, strongly intertwined with its political history and geographical location. Mayotte’s departmentalization process has contributed to profoundly modifying the way to « be Mahorais » on the island and elsewhere. Despite the efforts to reduce structural backwardness, Mayotte remains France’s poorest Department: the migration crisis linked to the rapid population growth, structural shortages and deep economic and social inequalities set up a chain reaction that brought a large number of Mahorais to move to La Réunion to improve their life conditions. Most of Mahorais families have mobility life stories reflecting the outcomes of postcolonial splitting boundaries. The impact of assimilation mechanisms – required by the institutional alignment program recently launched – is evident at structural level in Mayotte, but at cultural and social level the impact is less obvious. On the contrary, strong signals of Westernization can be observed among the lifestyles of Mahorais families permanently resident in La Réunion. Mobility experiences seems to multiplicated identity markers among Mahorais young people contributing to the creation of a generational fracture with the elders. Mahorais community in La Réunion face integration and stigmatisation problems because of their particular linguistic and cultural specificities, unknown or misunderstood by most Reunionese people. It appears, nevertheless, that social exclusion is not similarly experienced by the younger « Mahoreunioneses » – Mahorais born or raised in La Réunion – and by the elders, the « Pioneers » of mahorais mobility. The young « Mahoreunioneses » express a partial belonging to the two cultural systems which may contributing to a progressive integration of Mahorais in Réunionese society. The aim of the study, based on biographical approach and participant observation method, is to observe the short-term impact of Mayotte's departmentalization on regional mobility dynamics, as well as on collective representations of Mahorais group in La Réunion and their self-representation modalities. This socio-anthropological reflection highlights the different sense of belonging between the generations of Mahorais, as well as their strategies of adaptation and integration to reunionese context. In particular, this study aims to enhance understanding of how "mahority" (mahorité) is experienced by the community – on the island and on the move – influenced by migratory movements, leveraging on exogenous and endogenous pressures (attractions, resistances and reinventions).File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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