The research Home educational services in Italy. Friuli-Venezia Giulia as a case study aims to capture the main characteristics, peculiarities, and functioning of specific early childhood educational services, supplementary to the traditional kindergartens. First, this paper investigates the different types of home-based educational services active in the national territory. Therefore, through a careful documentary analysis regarding the different regional regulations governing these services, and their concrete applications, the research gives an overview of the national definition of this specific type of educational service. The purpose of this exploratory investigation will be to understand and outline how these services operate and their possible prospects for development, to define more precisely their profile, and to enhance the peculiarities by which they differ from traditional kindergartens. For this intention, the second part of the research work is devoted to a detailed exploratory case study on the mode of operation of Home Educational Services (S.E.D.) present in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region. The regional location of the study was selected using the criteria defined by Patton (1990). Specifically, it is a case defined by convenience chosen for its accessibility and significance, not according due to an intrinsic purpose but to explore and enrich the knowledge of a precise educational reality (Sorzio, Bembich, 2022). On the empirical level, all 62 S.E.D. present on the regional territory of Friuli-Venezia Giulia were mapped; later, two meetings were held with the research participants for an initial sharing of the path and to facilitate the subsequent access to the field. The service managers were subjected to a detailed semi-structured narrative interview organized around six thematic cores and related primary and secondary questions. The collected data were integrally transcribed and then subjected to thematic coding and analysis using Atlas.ti qualitative analysis software. The results that emerged showed the presence of three different groups of S.E.D.: services that work with one educator typically within their own home; services that work with two or more educators, services working with two or more female educators, usually in specially selected locations set aside for the purpose. The number of users received at the services appears to be mostly variable: the number of children enrolled often turns out to be higher than the maximum allowable receptivity. This tends to occur because of the characteristics of flexibility and customization that characterize this type of service; that is, thanks to the possibility, offered to parents, of defining a specific hourly package of daytime and/or weekly attendance. In this regard, the main elements of the peculiarity of these services appear to be the flexibility with which parents can take advantage of this educational reality and the informal relationship, often referred to as familial, that is created between educators and families. On the contrary, the main critical elements highlighted by S.E.D. appear to be the onerous bureaucracy required of them, the excessive flexibility sometimes demanded by parents, and the little educational value they are accorded by institutions and the community at large.
La ricerca intitolata I servizi educativi domiciliari in Italia. Il Friuli-Venezia Giulia come studio di caso ha l’interesse di cogliere le principali caratteristiche, peculiarità e modalità di funzionamento di specifici servizi educativi per la prima infanzia, integrativi al tradizionale nido d’infanzia. Anzitutto, la ricerca intende porsi come un’indagine esplorativa circa le tipologie di servizio educativo domiciliare esistenti sul territorio nazionale. Pertanto, attraverso un’attenta analisi documentale relativa alle diverse normative regionali disciplinanti tali servizi, e alle loro applicazioni concrete, intenderà comporre un quadro d'insieme sulla definizione nazionale di questa specifica tipologia di servizio educativo. Il fine di tale indagine esplorativa sarà quello di comprendere e di delineare le modalità di funzionamento di questi servizi e le loro possibili prospettive di sviluppo, al fine di definirne con più precisione il profilo e di valorizzarne le peculiarità per la quale si distinguono dai tradizionali nidi d’infanzia. Per tale intendimento, la seconda parte del lavoro di ricerca è dedicato a un dettagliato studio di caso di tipo esplorativo, relativo alle modalità di funzionamento dei Servizi Educativi Domiciliari (S.E.D.) presenti nella Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia. La selezione del territorio oggetto di studio si è basata sui criteri per la scelta dei casi definiti da Patton (1990). Nello specifico, si tratta di un caso definito per convenienza: selezionato per la sua accessibilità e significatività; non secondo uno scopo intrinseco ma con il fine di esplorare e di arricchire la conoscenza di una precisa realtà educativa (Sorzio, Bembich, 2022). Sul piano empirico, sono stati mappati tutti i 62 S.E.D. presenti sul territorio regionale del Friuli-Venezia Giulia; successivamente sono stati svolti due incontri conoscitivi con i soggetti destinatari della ricerca per una prima condivisione del percorso e per agevolare il conseguente accesso al campo. Rispetto a quest’ultimo, le responsabili dei servizi sono state sottoposte ad una dettagliata intervista narrativa di tipo semi-strutturato, organizzata su sei nuclei tematici e relative domande, primarie e secondarie. I dati raccolti sono stati quindi interamente trascritti e successivamente sottoposti a codifica e analisi tematica con il software di analisi qualitativa Atlas.ti. I risultati emersi hanno evidenziato la presenza di tre diversi gruppi di S.E.D.: servizi che lavorano con un’educatrice prevalentemente all’interno del suo domicilio; servizi che lavorano con due o più educatrici, in genere presso locali appositamente selezionati e adibiti allo scopo. L’utenza accolta ai servizi appare perlopiù variabile: il numero dei bambini iscritti risulta essere spesso superiore a quello della ricettività massima consentita. Tendenzialmente, questo si verifica a causa delle caratteristiche di flessibilità e di personalizzazione caratterizzanti questa tipologia di servizio; ossia grazie alla possibilità, offerta ai genitori, di definire uno specifico pacchetto orario di frequenza diurna e/o settimanale. In merito a ciò, i principali elementi di peculiarità di tali servizi appaiono essere: la flessibilità con la quale i genitori possono usufruire di tale realtà educativa e il rapporto informale, spesso definito familiare, che si crea tra le educatrici e le famiglie. Diversamente, i principali elementi di criticità evidenziati dai S.E.D. risultano essere l’onerosa burocrazia loro richiesta, l’eccessiva flessibilità talvolta pretesa dai genitori e la scarsa valenza educativa che viene riconosciuta loro da parte delle istituzioni e dalla comunità in generale.
I servizi educativi domiciliari in Italia. Il Friuli-Venezia Giulia come studio di caso.
The research Home educational services in Italy. Friuli-Venezia Giulia as a case study aims to capture the main characteristics, peculiarities, and functioning of specific early childhood educational services, supplementary to the traditional kindergartens. First, this paper investigates the different types of home-based educational services active in the national territory. Therefore, through a careful documentary analysis regarding the different regional regulations governing these services, and their concrete applications, the research gives an overview of the national definition of this specific type of educational service. The purpose of this exploratory investigation will be to understand and outline how these services operate and their possible prospects for development, to define more precisely their profile, and to enhance the peculiarities by which they differ from traditional kindergartens. For this intention, the second part of the research work is devoted to a detailed exploratory case study on the mode of operation of Home Educational Services (S.E.D.) present in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region. The regional location of the study was selected using the criteria defined by Patton (1990). Specifically, it is a case defined by convenience chosen for its accessibility and significance, not according due to an intrinsic purpose but to explore and enrich the knowledge of a precise educational reality (Sorzio, Bembich, 2022). On the empirical level, all 62 S.E.D. present on the regional territory of Friuli-Venezia Giulia were mapped; later, two meetings were held with the research participants for an initial sharing of the path and to facilitate the subsequent access to the field. The service managers were subjected to a detailed semi-structured narrative interview organized around six thematic cores and related primary and secondary questions. The collected data were integrally transcribed and then subjected to thematic coding and analysis using Atlas.ti qualitative analysis software. The results that emerged showed the presence of three different groups of S.E.D.: services that work with one educator typically within their own home; services that work with two or more educators, services working with two or more female educators, usually in specially selected locations set aside for the purpose. The number of users received at the services appears to be mostly variable: the number of children enrolled often turns out to be higher than the maximum allowable receptivity. This tends to occur because of the characteristics of flexibility and customization that characterize this type of service; that is, thanks to the possibility, offered to parents, of defining a specific hourly package of daytime and/or weekly attendance. In this regard, the main elements of the peculiarity of these services appear to be the flexibility with which parents can take advantage of this educational reality and the informal relationship, often referred to as familial, that is created between educators and families. On the contrary, the main critical elements highlighted by S.E.D. appear to be the onerous bureaucracy required of them, the excessive flexibility sometimes demanded by parents, and the little educational value they are accorded by institutions and the community at large.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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