In this research, we explore the issue of authenticity in religious experiences within digital environments. A critical aspect of this examination is the configuration of rituals, which plays a crucial role in identifying and describing the relationship between online and offline religious spheres. The transition of religious rituals to digital platforms raises several important questions. From a morphological perspective, it is essential to understand how the platforms shape the rite and to ...
Il lavoro di tesi esamina il ruolo cruciale delle tecnologie emergenti nel campo del telesercizio fisico, con particolare enfasi sull'Internet delle cose (IoT) e sull'intelligenza artificiale (AI). In questo lavoro si evidenzia l'importanza crescente del telesercizio, particolarmente accentuata dalla pandemia da COVID-19, e la necessità di alternative flessibili e accessibili all'esercizio fisico tradizionale. Le tecnologie emergenti, come dispositivi indossabili e sensori ambientali, consent...
La presente ricerca si innesta all’interno del paradigma teorico che interpreta il teatro, arte performativa per eccellenza, come didattica e al tempo stesso la didattica come teatro. In questa condizione, la performance del docente vede l’integrazione di corpo e azione, così da permettere di co-costruire l’evento grazie alla co-presenza di studenti che condividono uno stesso spazio didattico. Nella presente ricerca si estenderà, laddove possibile, il costrutto anche alla didattica online, a ...
The objective of this thesis is to contribute to the existing literature on waste processing by examining innovative approaches that can be implemented in both small-scale facilities and larger waste-to-energy power plants. The enhancement of the environmental and energetic efficiency of treatment facilities is associated with two significant challenges in the field. These challenges include minimising the amount of non-recyclable materials that are sent to landfills at the end of their usefu...
This research aims to analyse the issues of major interest and importance in the field of crimes committed through the media. First of all, the thesis seeks to clarify the role of law in the digital age and then analyses the legislation that rules the various types of media most used today. After this survey, the Author goes deeper and analyses crimes against honour, privacy and copyright, trying to identify the most recurring and relevant problems related to the peculiarities of communicatio...
The research investigates the historical evolution of marketing and communication strategies in museums, with a focus on science and technology museums. Contrary to prevailing notions of marketing and communication as foreign elements imposed on a reluctant museum environment, this research contextualises these practices within the broader history and social role of museums. Through in-depth analysis, it reveals how changes in museums' social roles, from elitist institutions to public service...
This doctoral dissertation explores the domain of neuropsychological assessment, with the objective of gaining a comprehensive understanding of an individual's cognitive functioning and detecting possible impairments. Traditional assessment tools, while possessing inherent value, frequently exhibit a deficiency in ecological validity when evaluating memory, as they predominantly concentrate on short-term, regulated tasks. To overcome this constraint, immersive technologies, specifically virtu...
Background: Executive functions (EFs) are a family of cognitive processes that include inhibition, working memory and cognitive flexibility. Physical activity and sports practice have been identified as activities that could improve EFs.
The relation between EFs and motor training still raises many unanswered research questions. Future studies should investigate which EFs are improved by a particular cognitive-motor training (CMT).
Aims: This thesis aimed to verify if a massed CMT using Fit...
La ricerca mira a valutare ed analizzare le questioni riguardanti il “maschile” e il “femminile” nel lungo percorso del cinema d’animazione americano, secondo una metodologia di analisi storico-critica. Vengono prese in considerazione, in particolare, alcune serie a partire da quelle degli studi Bray (Colonel Heeza Liar del 1913-1917 e Quacky Doodles del 1917) e dalle Alice Comedies (1924-1927) fino agli anni Quaranta del Novecento, attraverso diversi paradigmi storico-sociologici. Questa ric...
This research investigates the statute of spectatorial subjectivity within portal-based streaming audiovisual fruition through a comparative perspective based on an ethnosemiotic methodological approach.
The research starts with a survey of the disciplinary fields addressed — Media & Production Studies, Distribution Studies and Platform Studies —, with the speculative background surrounding the philosophy of the digital, discussing the ethnosemiotic approach that informs and binds together th...