In my thesis I investigate the themes of poverty dynamics and household perceived financial hardship. In the first chapter, I study poverty in Italy from a dynamic perspective, investigating the determinants of poverty entry and poverty persistence. A special emphasis is dedicated to the issue of state dependence. Persistence in poverty status (i.e. the fact that an individual is found in poverty status for consecutive periods) may be due to observed or unobserved differences among individuals (heterogeneity) or to the causal effect of past poverty on current poverty. To decompose these two effects econometric techniques have been developed by the previous economic literature. Moreover, estimating the magnitude of poverty genuine state dependence has important policy implications. If individuals remain in poverty mainly because they have experienced poverty in the past, policies should focus on income transfers that break the poverty trap. On the other hand, if persistence is explained mainly by individual heterogeneity, policies should focus on those characteristics that protect against economic hardship. Data used are those from nine consecutive waves of the Bank of Italy Survey on Household Income and Wealth (SHIW), running from 1998 to 2014. My econometric strategy relies on a first order Markov model. In particular, I estimate a bivariate endogenous switching probit model, controlling for the initial condition problem and using parental background as exclusion restrictions. To validate my results, I also take into account non-random panel attrition, estimating a trivariate probit model with endogenous switching and using the general climate of the interview as instrument. One of the main findings of my work is that more than the 60% of the probability of being poor in a given period is caused by the fact of having experienced poverty in the past, a result in line with previous literature. In the second chapter I investigate the causal effect of fiscal policy on perception of households regarding their own economic situation. To do this, I examine a national massive tax rebate for employees introduced in Italy in 2014 and data from the Bank of Italy-Survey on Household Income and Wealth (SHIW). As my dependent variable I exploit individual self-assessed ability to make ends meet, measured through a specific survey question. My analysis relies on a difference-in-differences (DD) methodology and shows that a causal impact of the policy on individuals perception do exist. I found that household who received the tax bonus experienced a decrease in the probability of perceive financial hardship from 7% to 5% according to the econometric specification used.
Nella mia tesi analizzo le tematiche della povertà e della percezione delle difficoltà finanziarie da parte delle famiglie. Nel primo capitolo, studio la povertà da un punto di vista dinamico, analizzando le determinanti dell’entrata e della permanenza in stato di povertà. Particolare enfasi è dedicata al concetto di dipendenza da stato. La persistenza in stato di povertà (la circostanza di trovarsi in stato di povertà per periodi consecutivi) potrebbe essere causata da differenze, osservabili o non osservabili, fra gli individui (eterogeneità) o dall’effetto casuale della povertà passata su quella presente (dipendenza dallo stato genuina). Al fine di decomporre questi due effetti, la letteratura ha sviluppato apposite tecniche econometriche. Inoltre, la stima dell’ammontare della dipendenza da stato genuina ha importanti implicazioni di politica economica. Se gli individui permangono in stato di povertà principalmente a causa del fatto di esser stati poveri in passato, le misure di politica economica dovrebbero focalizzarsi su politiche di supporto al reddito che spezzino la trappola della povertà. D’altra parte, se la persistenza è spiegata principalmente dall’ eterogeneità degli individui, gli interventi dovrebbero focalizzarsi su quelle caratteristiche che proteggono dalle avversità economiche. I dati utilizzati in questo primo capitolo sono quelli dell’Indagine sui Bilanci delle Famiglie Italiane della Banca d’ Italia e coprono l’arco temporale che va dal 1998 al 2014. La strategia econometrica adottata è riconducibile alla famiglia dei modelli markoviani di primo ordine, in particolare, viene stimato un modello probit bivariato con switching endogeno, che permette di tenere in considerazione il problema delle condizioni iniziali utilizzando il livello di istruzione dei genitori come strumento. Per validare i miei risultati, prendo in considerazione anche l’ipotesi di abbandono dell’indagine da parte degli individui in maniera non casuale, stimando un probit trivariato con switching endogeno e utilizzando il clima generale dell’intervista come strumento. Uno dei principali risultati del mio capitolo è che più del 60% della probabilità di essere poveri in un determinato periodo dipende in maniera causale dalla condizione di essersi trovati in stato di povertà in passato. Un risultato, questo, in linea con la precedente letteratura. Nel secondo capitolo analizzo l’effetto causale che la politica fiscale ha sulla percezione delle famiglie circa la propria situazione economica. Per farlo, analizzo un bonus fiscale per lavoratori dipendenti introdotto in Italia nel 2014 e dati dell’Indagine sui Bilanci delle Famiglie della Banca d’Italia. Come variabile dipendente utilizzo la capacità percepita dalle famiglie di arrivare alla fine del mese misurata da un’apposita domanda del questionario. La mia analisi utilizza la metodologia del difference- in – differences (DD) e mostra l’esistenza di un impatto causale della politica fiscale sulla percezione degli individui. In particolare, l’effetto causale del bonus è stato di aver diminuito dal 5% al 7% la probabilità per le famiglie di sentirsi in difficoltà economiche.
Essays on Poverty Dynamics and Household Perceived Financial Hardship
In my thesis I investigate the themes of poverty dynamics and household perceived financial hardship. In the first chapter, I study poverty in Italy from a dynamic perspective, investigating the determinants of poverty entry and poverty persistence. A special emphasis is dedicated to the issue of state dependence. Persistence in poverty status (i.e. the fact that an individual is found in poverty status for consecutive periods) may be due to observed or unobserved differences among individuals (heterogeneity) or to the causal effect of past poverty on current poverty. To decompose these two effects econometric techniques have been developed by the previous economic literature. Moreover, estimating the magnitude of poverty genuine state dependence has important policy implications. If individuals remain in poverty mainly because they have experienced poverty in the past, policies should focus on income transfers that break the poverty trap. On the other hand, if persistence is explained mainly by individual heterogeneity, policies should focus on those characteristics that protect against economic hardship. Data used are those from nine consecutive waves of the Bank of Italy Survey on Household Income and Wealth (SHIW), running from 1998 to 2014. My econometric strategy relies on a first order Markov model. In particular, I estimate a bivariate endogenous switching probit model, controlling for the initial condition problem and using parental background as exclusion restrictions. To validate my results, I also take into account non-random panel attrition, estimating a trivariate probit model with endogenous switching and using the general climate of the interview as instrument. One of the main findings of my work is that more than the 60% of the probability of being poor in a given period is caused by the fact of having experienced poverty in the past, a result in line with previous literature. In the second chapter I investigate the causal effect of fiscal policy on perception of households regarding their own economic situation. To do this, I examine a national massive tax rebate for employees introduced in Italy in 2014 and data from the Bank of Italy-Survey on Household Income and Wealth (SHIW). As my dependent variable I exploit individual self-assessed ability to make ends meet, measured through a specific survey question. My analysis relies on a difference-in-differences (DD) methodology and shows that a causal impact of the policy on individuals perception do exist. I found that household who received the tax bonus experienced a decrease in the probability of perceive financial hardship from 7% to 5% according to the econometric specification used.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 14/03/2021
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