A diet is healthy when the food assumed on a daily basis provides the amount of nutrients actually needed. An appropriate diet also helps healthy people to prevent diseases and improve their health. If we consider the wide range of the most consumed foodstuff, fruit and vegetables play a very important role, given their significant content of health improving compounds. We focused on Strawberry, one of the richest fruits in antioxidant compounds, specific compounds representing the protective defence against high free radical concentrations responsible for oxidative stress. The aim of this project was to firstly evaluate the nutritional properties of different strawberry varieties in study (in vitro), and the effects of acute or chronic consumptions of this fruit on human health (in vivo). Then we used more generic technics in order to analyse total antioxidant capacity and total polyphenol content, through further quantitative studies on flavonoids and anthocyanins; we compared the obtained values that resulted significant from genotype to genotype, and we confirmed the results achieved in previous studies, where Sveva had prevailed as the most interesting in study variety: in our case too, Sveva showed an high total antioxidant capacity and an high micronutrient content, in detriment of a minor anthocyanin content. The OGM CALYPSO cultivar didn’t stand out among the other varieties, but showed a significative increase of anthocyanins in detriment of the parental cultivar, this feature actually being subsequent to the genetic improvement produced by the quantity of anthocyanins. Still in the strawberry subject area, we dried the fruits methanolic extracts, then we tested their gastroprotective effect on gastric ulcers caused to rats by absolute ethanol: ulcers inhibition % resulted higher for the Adria Cultivar, followed by Calypso OGM among cultivars. At the same time, we carried out the biochemical test on the gastric content of in study rats. Besides that, we wanted to test the effects of an acute or prolonged strawberry consumption on human health, firstly carrying out an evaluation of plasma antioxidant defence in the subjects participating to the study, using technics such as TEAC and FRAP, but also adding other important tests such as BAP and SHp, and then evaluating the oxidative stress level in different assumption moments, through the evaluation of carbonyl residues in plasma and the use of a further test, the hydroperoxides test (dROMs). At this point we also made use of a study on the evaluation of oxidative stress biomarkers detectable in urines, such as the 8OhdG and the levels of F2-isoprostanes. We continued the study design analysing the % variation of haemolysis, either spontaneous or induced by an antioxidant agent on red blood cells, which showed interesting results regarding the reduction of haemolysis %, either for controls or for red blood cells in contact with the antioxidant agent: therefore we were able to highlight the favourable effects of a fruit enriched diet (strawberries in our case) on spontaneous or induced oxidative stress. In the end, we carried out a pilot study on thrombocytic activation, as a possible consequence of a strawberry consumption of such an extent, but results eventually turned out to be non-significant as for thrombocytic number in the different activation levels, even though two subjects showed different behaviours compared to average. The results preliminarly obtained with this work offered a good starting point in order to keep on researching on the mechanisms associated with oxidative stress. In the future, it would be interesting to evaluate the direct effect of these oxidation products on the organs most exposed to oxidative stress, and to possibly plan studies on people categories affected by chronic-degenerative diseases associated to it.
Un'alimentazione sana è quella che fornisce tramite gli alimenti assunti quotidianamente la quantità di nutrienti che corrisponde al proprio fabbisogno. Ma l’alimentazione corretta permette anche alle persone sane di prevenire le malattie e migliorare il loro stato di salute. Nell’ambito della vasta gamma di prodotti alimentari di largo consumo, frutta e verdura ricoprono un ruolo di fondamentale importanza, grazie al loro notevole contenuto di composti benefici per la salute. La nostra attenzione si è focalizzata sul frutto della Fragola, tra i più ricchi in composti antiossidanti, composti specifici che costituiscono la barriera protettiva contro alte concentrazioni di radicali liberi responsabili dello stress ossidativo. Scopo di questo progetto di tesi è stato quello di valutare innanzitutto le caratteristiche nutrizionali di differenti varietà di fragola in studio (in vitro), e gli effetti di un consumo acuto o cronico di questi frutti sulla salute umana (in vivo). Abbiamo quindi analizzato con tecniche più generali la capacità antiossidante totale e il contenuto totale in polifenoli, con ulteriore indagine quantitativa sui flavonoidi e le antocianine, abbiamo confrontato i valori ottenuti che sono risultati significativi da genotipo a genotipo, e abbiamo confermato i risultati ottenuti in studi precedenti dove Sveva si era affermata essere tra le più interessanti varietà in studio, dimostrando anche nel nostro caso una elevata capacità antiossidante totale e un alto contenuto di micronutrienti, a scapito di un minor contenuto di antocianine. La cultivar OGM CALYPSO non si è messa in evidenza rispetto alle altre varietà, ma ha mostrato un aumento significativo delle antocianine rispetto alla cultivar parentale, caratteristica frutto proprio del miglioramento genetico subito riguardo appunto la quantità di antocianine. Rimanendo nell’ambito delle fragole, dopo aver portato a secco l’estratto metanolico dei frutti, abbiamo testato l’effetto gastroprotettivo di quest’ultimi su ulcere gastriche indotte da etanolo assoluto, nei ratti e la % di inibizione delle ulcere è risultata essere più elevata per quanto riguarda la cultivar Adria seguita tra le cultivar da Calypso OGM. Contemporaneamente siamo andati ad effettuare l’esame biochimico del contenuto gastrico dei topi in studio. Accanto a ciò abbiamo voluto testare gli effetti di un consumo di fragole acuto o prolungato sulla salute umana, effettuando innanzitutto una valutazione della barriera antiossidante del plasma dei soggetti partecipanti allo studio con tecniche quali il TEAC il FRAP ma aggiungendo anche test rilevanti quali il BAP test e l’SHp test, per poi andare a valutare il livello di stress ossidativo nei vari momenti dell’assunzione attraverso la valutazione dei residui carbonilici nel plasma e abbinando il test degli idroperossidi, il dROMs test. A ciò abbiamo affiancato uno studio sulla valutazione dei biomarker di stress ossidativo rilevabili nelle urine, quali l’8OhdG e i livelli di F2-isoprostani. Il disegno dello studio è proseguito con un’analisi sulla variazione della % di emolisi spontanea ed indotta da un agente ossidante sui globuli rossi, che ci ha mostrato interessanti risultati di diminuzione della % d’emolisi sia per i controlli sia per i globuli rossi a contatto con l’agente ossidante, rimarcando quindi un effetto benefico di un’alimentazione arricchita da frutta, nel nostro caso fragole, sullo stress ossidativo spontaneo o indotto. Al termine abbiamo condotto uno studio pilota sull’attivazione piastrinica, come possibile conseguenza di un consumo, di così grande entità, di fragole, ma i risultati hanno determinato una non significatività per quanto riguarda il numero di piastrine nei vari gradi di attivazione, ma con un comportamento diverso di due soggetti rispetto alla media. I risultati preliminari ottenuti in questo lavoro hanno fornito un buon punto di partenza per continuare l’indagine sui meccanismi legati allo stress ossidativo. Sarebbe interessante in futuro valutare l’effetto diretto di questi prodotti di ossidazione su organi maggiormente esposti allo stress ossidativo e pianificare magari studi su categorie di persone con malattie cronico-degenerative ad esso correlate.
Valutazione delle caratteristiche nutrizionali di differenti varietà di fragola (in vitro) e degli effetti di un consumo acuto o cronico di questi frutti sulla salute umana (in vivo)
A diet is healthy when the food assumed on a daily basis provides the amount of nutrients actually needed. An appropriate diet also helps healthy people to prevent diseases and improve their health. If we consider the wide range of the most consumed foodstuff, fruit and vegetables play a very important role, given their significant content of health improving compounds. We focused on Strawberry, one of the richest fruits in antioxidant compounds, specific compounds representing the protective defence against high free radical concentrations responsible for oxidative stress. The aim of this project was to firstly evaluate the nutritional properties of different strawberry varieties in study (in vitro), and the effects of acute or chronic consumptions of this fruit on human health (in vivo). Then we used more generic technics in order to analyse total antioxidant capacity and total polyphenol content, through further quantitative studies on flavonoids and anthocyanins; we compared the obtained values that resulted significant from genotype to genotype, and we confirmed the results achieved in previous studies, where Sveva had prevailed as the most interesting in study variety: in our case too, Sveva showed an high total antioxidant capacity and an high micronutrient content, in detriment of a minor anthocyanin content. The OGM CALYPSO cultivar didn’t stand out among the other varieties, but showed a significative increase of anthocyanins in detriment of the parental cultivar, this feature actually being subsequent to the genetic improvement produced by the quantity of anthocyanins. Still in the strawberry subject area, we dried the fruits methanolic extracts, then we tested their gastroprotective effect on gastric ulcers caused to rats by absolute ethanol: ulcers inhibition % resulted higher for the Adria Cultivar, followed by Calypso OGM among cultivars. At the same time, we carried out the biochemical test on the gastric content of in study rats. Besides that, we wanted to test the effects of an acute or prolonged strawberry consumption on human health, firstly carrying out an evaluation of plasma antioxidant defence in the subjects participating to the study, using technics such as TEAC and FRAP, but also adding other important tests such as BAP and SHp, and then evaluating the oxidative stress level in different assumption moments, through the evaluation of carbonyl residues in plasma and the use of a further test, the hydroperoxides test (dROMs). At this point we also made use of a study on the evaluation of oxidative stress biomarkers detectable in urines, such as the 8OhdG and the levels of F2-isoprostanes. We continued the study design analysing the % variation of haemolysis, either spontaneous or induced by an antioxidant agent on red blood cells, which showed interesting results regarding the reduction of haemolysis %, either for controls or for red blood cells in contact with the antioxidant agent: therefore we were able to highlight the favourable effects of a fruit enriched diet (strawberries in our case) on spontaneous or induced oxidative stress. In the end, we carried out a pilot study on thrombocytic activation, as a possible consequence of a strawberry consumption of such an extent, but results eventually turned out to be non-significant as for thrombocytic number in the different activation levels, even though two subjects showed different behaviours compared to average. The results preliminarly obtained with this work offered a good starting point in order to keep on researching on the mechanisms associated with oxidative stress. In the future, it would be interesting to evaluate the direct effect of these oxidation products on the organs most exposed to oxidative stress, and to possibly plan studies on people categories affected by chronic-degenerative diseases associated to it.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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