Background Ischemic preconditioning is an innate protective phenomenon against ischemia, which tends to lessen in older individuals. It is defined remote (RIPC: remote ischemic preconditioning) when the occurrence of brief episodes of ischemia-reperfusion on a vascular bed exerts beneficial effects on a distant tissue or organ subjected to a subsequent protracted ischemia. Although they represent a large part of patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, the elderly are often excluded from cardiological rehabilitation programs due to the considerable unpredictability of their responses to rehabilitation interventions. We hypothesized that the trans-thoracic echocardiographic assessment of coronary flow in response to RIPC could be a useful prognostic tool in elderly cardiac patients, allowing to discern those who have this form of natural protection from ischemia preserved by those who have attenuated or abolished. Study Monocentric observational perspective with transversal phase. Aims of the study To examine the response of coronary flow to RIPC in elderly patients in cardiological rehabilitation, studying its predictors and evaluating its prognostic value on the future use of healthcare resources. Methods From February 2013 to March 2016, 89 elderly people were enrolled (average age 77 years, M / F: 51/38) with an indication to undertake a cardiological rehabilitation program in ordinary hospitalization or day hospital. Patients underwent the RIPC procedure (3 cycles of right arm ischemia of 5 minutes alternating with 5 minutes of reperfusion). Trans-thoracic echocardiographic analysis of the maximum diastolic flow rate of the anterior descending coronary artery was performed at baseline and at the end of the RIPC procedure. Based on the mean change in coronary flow velocity after RIPC, the patients were divided into two groups (high RIPC responsive / low RIPC responsive). At the end of the intensive cardiac rehabilitation cycle, patients were followed prospectively (mean follow-up: 66 weeks) in order to detect the possible occurrence of events included in the combined endpoint (death from all causes, death from cardiovascular causes, new non-fatal myocardial infarction, fatal and non-fatal stroke, new arterial revascularization procedures, exacerbation of heart failure, new hospitalizations for cardiovascular causes). Data were reviewed with SPSS 20.0 statistical software. Statistical significance was considered with p <0.05. Results After the RIPC procedure, study patients presented a significant mean change in diastolic flow rate of VAT from baseline (0.25 vs 0.30 m / sec; p: 0.000 by t-Test for paired data). Multivariate linear regression analysis documented that the main predictors of this change were heart failure, uricaemia, and post-cardiac patient status. Kaplan-Meier analysis found that elderly subjects whose coronary flow was more responsive to RIPC (high RIPC responsive) had better event-free survival than the combined endpoint (p: 0.004 by Log rank test). Cox regression analysis (backward conditional) showed that a reduced increase in coronary flow rate after RIPC was associated with an increased event rate over a mean follow-up of 66 weeks. The other event predictors included in the statistical model were older age, male, not being a post-cardiac patient. Discussion The observation of an increased coronary flow after RIPC in the elderly under study confirms the persistence of the cardioprotective mechanism in the more advanced age groups. The reduced response of coronary flow to RICP found in subjects with heart failure could probably be traced back to greater endothelial dysfunction and coexisting negative neuro-hormonal interferences. It is possible that in subjects undergoing cardiac surgery the response to RIPC is enhanced by the effect of previous cardioprotective triggers (volatile anesthetics and aortic clamping). The ability of coronary flow variation to predict cardiovascular events in elderly patients in cardiac rehabilitation, if confirmed in further studies, would allow to obtain useful prognostic information in a simple, safe and non-invasive way.
Premesse Il precondizionamento ischemico è un fenomeno protettivo innato nei confronti dell'ischemia, che tende ad attenuarsi negli individui più anziani. Viene definito remoto (RIPC: remote ischemic preconditioning) quando il verificarsi di brevi episodi di ischemia-riperfusione su un letto vascolare esercita effetti benefici su un tessuto od organo distante sottoposto ad una successiva protratta ischemia. Pur rappresentando un'ampia parte dei pazienti affetti da malattie cardiovascolari, gli anziani sono spesso esclusi dai programmi di riabilitazione cardiologica per la notevole imprevedibilità delle loro risposte agli interventi riabilitativi. Abbiamo ipotizzato che la valutazione ecocardiografica trans-toracica del flusso coronarico in risposta al RIPC potesse configurarsi come un utile strumento prognostico in soggetti anziani cardiopatici consentendo di discernere coloro che hanno tale forma di protezione naturale dall'ischemia preservata da coloro che l'abbiano attenuata o abolita. Tipo di studio Prospettico monocentrico osservazionale con fase trasversale. Scopi dello studio Esaminare in pazienti anziani in riabilitazione cardiologica la risposta del flusso coronarico al RIPC, studiandone i predittori e valutandone il valore prognostico sul futuro uso di risorse sanitarie. Metodi Dal mese di Febbraio 2013 a Marzo 2016 sono stati arruolati 89 anziani (età media 77 anni, M/F: 51/38) con indicazione ad intraprendere programma di riabilitazione cardiologica in regime di ricovero ordinario o day hospital. I pazienti sono stati sottoposti a procedura di RIPC (3 cicli di ischemia del braccio destro di 5 minuti alternati a 5 minuti di riperfusione). In basale ed al termine della procedura di RIPC è stata effettuata analisi ecocardiografica trans-toracica della velocità massima di flusso diastolico della coronaria discendente anteriore. In base alla media della variazione di velocità di flusso coronarico dopo RIPC i pazienti sono stati suddivisi in due gruppi (high RIPC responsive/low RIPC responsive). Al termine del ciclo di riabilitazione cardiologica intensiva i pazienti sono stati seguiti prospetticamente (follow-up medio: 66 settimane) al fine di rilevare l'eventuale verificarsi di eventi inclusi nell'endpoint combinato (morte per tutte le cause, morte per cause cardiovascolari, nuovo infarto miocardico non fatale, ictus cerebri fatale e non fatale, nuove procedure di rivascolarizzazione arteriosa, riacutizzazione di scompenso cardiaco, nuovi ricoveri per cause cardiovascolari). I dati sono stati esaminati con software statistico SPSS 20.0. La significatività statistica è stata considerata con p <0,05. Risultati Dopo procedura di RIPC i pazienti in studio hanno presentato una significativa variazione media della velocità di flusso diastolico dell'IVA rispetto al basale (0,25 vs 0,30 m/sec; p: 0,000 by t-Test per dati appaiati). L'analisi di regressione lineare multivariata ha documentato che i principali predittori di tale variazione erano lo scompenso cardiaco, l'uricemia e lo stato di paziente post-cardiochirurgico. L'analisi di Kaplan-Meier ha evidenziato che i soggetti anziani il cui flusso coronarico era risultato più responsivo al RIPC (high RIPC responsive) presentavano una migliore sopravvivenza libera dagli eventi dell'endpoint combinato (p: 0,004 by Log rank test). L'analisi di regressione di Cox (backward conditional) ha mostrato che un ridotto incremento della velocità di flusso coronarico dopo RIPC era associato ad un aumentato tasso di eventi nel corso di un follow-up medio di 66 settimane. Gli altri predittori di eventi inclusi nel modello statistico erano l'età più avanzata, il sesso maschile, non essere un paziente post-cardiochirurgico. Discussione L'osservazione di un aumentato flusso coronarico dopo RIPC negli anziani in studio conferma la persistenza del meccanismo cardioprotettivo nelle classi di età più avanzate. La ridotta risposta del flusso coronarico al RICP rilevata nei soggetti con scompenso cardiaco potrebbe essere verosimilmente ricondotta ad una maggior disfunzione endoteliale ed alle coesistenti negative interferenze neuro-ormonali. E' possibile che nei soggetti sottoposti a cardiochirurgia la risposta al RIPC sia potenziata per effetto di precedenti triggers cardioprotettivi (anestetici volatili e clamping aortico). La capacità della variazione di flusso coronarico di predire eventi cardiovascolari nei pazienti anziani in riabilitazione cardiologica, se confermata in ulteriori studi, consentirebbe di ottenere utili informazioni prognostiche in modo semplice, sicuro e non invasivo.
Valore prognostico del precondizionamento ischemico remoto coronarico in pazienti anziani in riabilitazione cardiologica
Elpidio, Santillo
Background Ischemic preconditioning is an innate protective phenomenon against ischemia, which tends to lessen in older individuals. It is defined remote (RIPC: remote ischemic preconditioning) when the occurrence of brief episodes of ischemia-reperfusion on a vascular bed exerts beneficial effects on a distant tissue or organ subjected to a subsequent protracted ischemia. Although they represent a large part of patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, the elderly are often excluded from cardiological rehabilitation programs due to the considerable unpredictability of their responses to rehabilitation interventions. We hypothesized that the trans-thoracic echocardiographic assessment of coronary flow in response to RIPC could be a useful prognostic tool in elderly cardiac patients, allowing to discern those who have this form of natural protection from ischemia preserved by those who have attenuated or abolished. Study Monocentric observational perspective with transversal phase. Aims of the study To examine the response of coronary flow to RIPC in elderly patients in cardiological rehabilitation, studying its predictors and evaluating its prognostic value on the future use of healthcare resources. Methods From February 2013 to March 2016, 89 elderly people were enrolled (average age 77 years, M / F: 51/38) with an indication to undertake a cardiological rehabilitation program in ordinary hospitalization or day hospital. Patients underwent the RIPC procedure (3 cycles of right arm ischemia of 5 minutes alternating with 5 minutes of reperfusion). Trans-thoracic echocardiographic analysis of the maximum diastolic flow rate of the anterior descending coronary artery was performed at baseline and at the end of the RIPC procedure. Based on the mean change in coronary flow velocity after RIPC, the patients were divided into two groups (high RIPC responsive / low RIPC responsive). At the end of the intensive cardiac rehabilitation cycle, patients were followed prospectively (mean follow-up: 66 weeks) in order to detect the possible occurrence of events included in the combined endpoint (death from all causes, death from cardiovascular causes, new non-fatal myocardial infarction, fatal and non-fatal stroke, new arterial revascularization procedures, exacerbation of heart failure, new hospitalizations for cardiovascular causes). Data were reviewed with SPSS 20.0 statistical software. Statistical significance was considered with p <0.05. Results After the RIPC procedure, study patients presented a significant mean change in diastolic flow rate of VAT from baseline (0.25 vs 0.30 m / sec; p: 0.000 by t-Test for paired data). Multivariate linear regression analysis documented that the main predictors of this change were heart failure, uricaemia, and post-cardiac patient status. Kaplan-Meier analysis found that elderly subjects whose coronary flow was more responsive to RIPC (high RIPC responsive) had better event-free survival than the combined endpoint (p: 0.004 by Log rank test). Cox regression analysis (backward conditional) showed that a reduced increase in coronary flow rate after RIPC was associated with an increased event rate over a mean follow-up of 66 weeks. The other event predictors included in the statistical model were older age, male, not being a post-cardiac patient. Discussion The observation of an increased coronary flow after RIPC in the elderly under study confirms the persistence of the cardioprotective mechanism in the more advanced age groups. The reduced response of coronary flow to RICP found in subjects with heart failure could probably be traced back to greater endothelial dysfunction and coexisting negative neuro-hormonal interferences. It is possible that in subjects undergoing cardiac surgery the response to RIPC is enhanced by the effect of previous cardioprotective triggers (volatile anesthetics and aortic clamping). The ability of coronary flow variation to predict cardiovascular events in elderly patients in cardiac rehabilitation, if confirmed in further studies, would allow to obtain useful prognostic information in a simple, safe and non-invasive way.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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