One of the great investigations of the science of polymers is to find new plastics that have better or equal characteristics than polymers obtained from non-renewable source. This approach has various objectives, one of them is of the biodegradability of said materials, the accessible cost in the industry and production costs. Actuality, is being research in the incorporation of natural fibers into polymer matrices, whose objective is to increase the degradability and reduce costs. The objective of this research is to study the behavior of three natural fibers, such as: banana fiber, Lechuguin and Riso in dosing with thermosetting and biodegradable polymers, as well as determining which are dosages that represent the best properties of the new biopolymer elaborate. The study was been carried out with thermosetting polymers, selecting the epoxy resins such as: 828 LVEL, 862 and 834, in addition, as crosslinking agents, were analyzed different anhydrides such as Ftálica, MHEHPA (methylexahydroftalic anhydride), HHPA (anhydride exahydroftalica) and the following amines: NN DMBA (N, N-Dimethylbenzoamine), POLYCAT34 (Tertiary aliphatic amine), was carried out the cross-linking of the resin with different catalysts and cross-linking agents was studied in order to analyze the kinetics of each reaction. For the characterization of the resins, crosslinking agents and catalysts, it was used by infrared spectroscopy FT-IR which is an absorption spectroscopy in addition to the analysis of steric exclusion chromatography (SEC) for the determination of the molecular weight of the polymer using the absolute method of triple detector (TD). For the morphology of the polymer and materials, was used the technique microscopy scanning electron SEM where could be observed the physical structure of the solid material at a resolution of 3 nm and for the study of the reaction kinetics it was used by the differential analysis of sweep (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), where it was possible to appreciate the reticultion of the materials and the degradation. Regarding the mechanical tests, were chosen to determine the melt flow rate of the polymer using the Melt Flow Index (MFI) following the ISO 11_33 method A and the ASTM D 1238 standard at constant temperature and pressure; the tests dynamic mechanical DM - TA, where was appreciated the deformation behavior of the polymer, subjected to an oscillation of 1.10 Hz of frequency , as well as, a method of control or measurement of the Shore hardness for the polymers formed following the 868 standard and the ASTM D 2240, these procedures are for the determination of hardness made at 23 º C. Once was made the mixture with the best conditions, it was dosed with Banano and Lechuguin fiber; This new mixture was studied its kinetics through DSC tests and its mechanical behavior through DMTA tests. In addition to studying these thermosetting polymers, was carried out the mechanical study with biodegradable polymers such as polyester polylactic acid (PLA) dosed with polybutylene succinate adipate (PBSA) that is another biodegradable polymer derived from renewable resources. The dosage of the PLA in PBSA was different percentages, and for its characterization by differential scanning analysis (DSC) using a ten-sector extruder and Twin-Screw model LTE-26-40. In addition to these same mixtures were carried out dynamic mechanical tests (DMTA ), shore hardness tests and the fluency index; to this mixture was dosed with the components of the riso fiber called "pula" and "lolla" and subsequently were carried out tensile tests and hardness tests Of all the analyzes that have been carried out, we can said first that the banana fiber influences the cross-linking of the mixture; of all the dosages that were carried out, it was observed that the best reticulation presented the test with 6% fiber at 25 μm, resulting in a crosslinking of 272.3 J / g, for the dosage with the Lechuguin fiber the best
ASTRATTO Una delle grandi ricerche della scienza dei polimeri consiste nel trovare nuove materie plastiche con caratteristiche migliori o uguali ai polimeri ottenuti da fonti non rinnovabili. Questo approccio hai diversi obiettivi, uno dei quali e la biodegradabilità di tali materiali, il costo accessibile nell'industria e i costi di produzione. Attualmente, vengono condotte ricerche sull'incorporazione di fibre naturali in matrici polimeriche, il cui obiettivo è aumentare la degradabilità e disminuire i costi. L'obiettivo di questa ricerca è studiare il comportamento di tre fibre naturali, como sono: fibra di banana, Lechuguin e Riso nel dosaggio con polimeri termoindurenti e biodegradabili, nonché di determinare quali sono li dosaggi cè rappresentano le migliori proprietà del nuovo biopolimero prodotto. Lo studio è stato condotto con polimeri termoindurenti, selezionando le resine epossidiche come: 828 LVEL, 862 e 834, inoltre, come agenti reticolanti, sono state analizzate diverse anidridi come Ftálica, MHEHPA (metilossidroftalico anidride), HHPA (anidride exahydroftalica) e seguenti come catalizadori alcuni ammine come: NN DMBA (N,N-dimetilbenzoammina), POLYCAT34 (ammina terziaria alifatica); è stata studiata la reticolazione della resina con diversi catalizzatori e agenti reticolanti al fine di analizzare la cinetica di ciascuna reazione. Per le caratterizzazione delli resine, agenti reticolanti e catalizzatori, è stato utilizzato le spettroscopia infrarossa FT-IR che è una spettroscopia di assorbimento oltre all'analisi della cromatografia di esclusione sterica (SEC) per la determinazione del peso molecolare del polimero utilizzando il metodo assoluto di triplo rivelatore (TD). Per alla morfologia del polimero e dei materiali, è stata utilizzata la tecnica di microscopia elettronica a scansione SEM, dove si poteva essere osservata li struttura fisica del materiale solido con una risoluzione di 3 nm e per lo studio della cinetica di reazione è stata utilizzata dall'analisi differenziale a scansione (DSC) e il analisi termogravimetrica (TGA), dove è stato possibile apprezzare li reticulazione dei materiali e la degradazione. Per quanto riguarda i test meccanici, si fatto prova per determinare l'indice di fluidità del polimero utilizzando il Melt Flow Index (MFI) seguendo il norma ISO 11_33 metodo A e lo standard ASTM D 1238 a temperatura e pressione costanti, i test meccanici dinamici DM - TA in dove è stato apprezzato il comportamento di deformazione del polimero sottoposto ad un'oscillazione di 1,10 Hz di frequenza, nonché un metodo di controllo o misura della durezza Shore per i polimeri formati, seguendo lo standard 868 e l'ASTM D 2240, questi procedure, per la determinazione della durezza eseguita a 23 º C. Una volta che la miscela è stata preparata con le migliori condizioni, è stata dosata con fibra di Banano e Lechuguin; Questa nuova miscela è stata studiata la sua cinetica attraverso i test DSC e il suo comportamento meccanico mediante test DMTA. Anche di studiare questi polimeri termoindurenti, si stato realizzato il studio meccanico con polimeri biodegradabili come l'acido polilattico poliestere (PLA) dosato con poliputilene succinato adipato (PBSA) cè è un altro polimero biodegradabile derivato da risorse rinnovabili. Il dosaggio del PLA in PBSA era diverso porcentuali e per la sua caratterizzazione mediante analisi di scansione differenziale (DSC) utilizzando un estrusore a dieci settori e il modello Twin-Screw LTE-26-40. Anche a queste stesse miscele, sono stati effettuati test meccanici dinamici (DMTA) ), test di durezza shore e analisi dell'indice di fluenza; a questa miscela sono stati dosati i componenti della fibra di riso denominata "pula" e "lolla" e successivamente sono stati effettuati test di trazione e prove di dureza. Di tutte le analisi che sono state realizzato, possiamo notare in primo luogo che la fibra di banana influenza nella reticolazione della miscela.
Miscele con matrici polimeriche termoplastiche e termoindurenti contenenti fibre naturali
One of the great investigations of the science of polymers is to find new plastics that have better or equal characteristics than polymers obtained from non-renewable source. This approach has various objectives, one of them is of the biodegradability of said materials, the accessible cost in the industry and production costs. Actuality, is being research in the incorporation of natural fibers into polymer matrices, whose objective is to increase the degradability and reduce costs. The objective of this research is to study the behavior of three natural fibers, such as: banana fiber, Lechuguin and Riso in dosing with thermosetting and biodegradable polymers, as well as determining which are dosages that represent the best properties of the new biopolymer elaborate. The study was been carried out with thermosetting polymers, selecting the epoxy resins such as: 828 LVEL, 862 and 834, in addition, as crosslinking agents, were analyzed different anhydrides such as Ftálica, MHEHPA (methylexahydroftalic anhydride), HHPA (anhydride exahydroftalica) and the following amines: NN DMBA (N, N-Dimethylbenzoamine), POLYCAT34 (Tertiary aliphatic amine), was carried out the cross-linking of the resin with different catalysts and cross-linking agents was studied in order to analyze the kinetics of each reaction. For the characterization of the resins, crosslinking agents and catalysts, it was used by infrared spectroscopy FT-IR which is an absorption spectroscopy in addition to the analysis of steric exclusion chromatography (SEC) for the determination of the molecular weight of the polymer using the absolute method of triple detector (TD). For the morphology of the polymer and materials, was used the technique microscopy scanning electron SEM where could be observed the physical structure of the solid material at a resolution of 3 nm and for the study of the reaction kinetics it was used by the differential analysis of sweep (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), where it was possible to appreciate the reticultion of the materials and the degradation. Regarding the mechanical tests, were chosen to determine the melt flow rate of the polymer using the Melt Flow Index (MFI) following the ISO 11_33 method A and the ASTM D 1238 standard at constant temperature and pressure; the tests dynamic mechanical DM - TA, where was appreciated the deformation behavior of the polymer, subjected to an oscillation of 1.10 Hz of frequency , as well as, a method of control or measurement of the Shore hardness for the polymers formed following the 868 standard and the ASTM D 2240, these procedures are for the determination of hardness made at 23 º C. Once was made the mixture with the best conditions, it was dosed with Banano and Lechuguin fiber; This new mixture was studied its kinetics through DSC tests and its mechanical behavior through DMTA tests. In addition to studying these thermosetting polymers, was carried out the mechanical study with biodegradable polymers such as polyester polylactic acid (PLA) dosed with polybutylene succinate adipate (PBSA) that is another biodegradable polymer derived from renewable resources. The dosage of the PLA in PBSA was different percentages, and for its characterization by differential scanning analysis (DSC) using a ten-sector extruder and Twin-Screw model LTE-26-40. In addition to these same mixtures were carried out dynamic mechanical tests (DMTA ), shore hardness tests and the fluency index; to this mixture was dosed with the components of the riso fiber called "pula" and "lolla" and subsequently were carried out tensile tests and hardness tests Of all the analyzes that have been carried out, we can said first that the banana fiber influences the cross-linking of the mixture; of all the dosages that were carried out, it was observed that the best reticulation presented the test with 6% fiber at 25 μm, resulting in a crosslinking of 272.3 J / g, for the dosage with the Lechuguin fiber the bestFile | Dimensione | Formato | |
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Open Access dal 25/08/2018
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