The bridges are structures that allow to cross discontinuities and irregularities of the earth’s surface (rivers, hills, etc.). This structures require a specific pavement, different from that usually built on the soil subgrade. In fact, the bridge deck is made up with a con-crete slab which has a very high stiffness, if compared with a normal soil, the mechanical properties of which are much lower. The pavements on the bridge decks usually consist of a bituminous sheet (or another syn-thetic material), which waterproofs the deck, a layer of bituminous mortar (1 or 2 centime-ters thick) to ensure a good adhesion, an asphalt concrete base course and a wearing course. However, this type of pavement presents many problems due to the damage due to their use; moreover, the damage of the underlying structure (bridge deck) can be the origin of ruptures and deformations in the pavement. Degradations are mainly due to: traffic, weath-er and chemical agents. They determine fatigue of material, an accumulation of permanent deformation, poor adhesion between the slab of the bridge and the pavement, a chemical-physical degradation due to the presence of deicing salts with simultaneous action of cycles of freeze/thaw, etc.This work of thesis presents a study of pavements for bridge decks made with synthetic binders and aggregate; unlike traditional asphalt concrete road pavements, they possess the ability to make the structure trafficable and, at the same time, waterproofing. Three synthetic pavement types were studied in order to compare their performance char-acteristics with those of traditional asphalt concrete road pavementa. Furthermore, the sur-face properties (macrotexture, skid resistance and permeability) and mechanical characteris-tics (fatigue strength, resistance to permanent deformation, pull-off strength, thermal expansion, etc.) of the coatings were studied. The results demonstrated that these polymeric pavements, depending on the coating meth-od, have good surface characteristics and good mechanical properties, resisting in a satis-factory way to the simultaneous action of chemical agents and cycles of freeze/thaw.
I ponti sono manufatti che consentono il superamento di depressioni e disconti-nuità della superficie terrestre (fiumi, colline, ecc.). A causa della peculiarità della loro strut-tura rispetto all’usuale corpo stradale, essi necessitano di una finitura carrabile specifica. In-fatti l’impalcato del ponte è costituito solitamente da una soletta in calcestruzzo che possiede una rigidezza molto elevata rispetto ad un normale sottofondo realizzato in terra, le cui caratteristiche portanti sono molto inferiori. Le pavimentazioni sugli impalcati dei ponti, di solito, sono costituite da: una membrana bi-tuminosa (o altro materiale sintetico), che impermeabilizza la superficie di appoggio; uno strato di malta bituminosa (di 1 o 2 centimetri di spessore) per garantire una buona adesio-ne; uno strato di collegamento e uno strato di usura in conglomerato bituminoso. Questo tipo di pavimentazione, però, presenta non pochi problemi, a causa dei danni che può subire la sovrastruttura a causa dell’esercizio veicolare; danni che possono cagionare degradi all’impalcato del ponte (e che successivamente divengono maggiori ammaloramenti per la pavimentazione). I danni maggiori si riscontrano principalmente a causa di azioni de-rivanti da: traffico, clima e agenti chimici, che possono determinare un eccessivo affatica-mento dei materiali, un accumulo di deformazioni permanenti, una scarsa adesione tra la soletta del ponte e la pavimentazione, un degrado fisico-chimico dei materiali dovuto alla presenza di sali disgelanti con contemporanea azione di cicli di gelo/disgelo, ecc. Questo elaborato presenta lo studio di pavimentazioni per impalcati di ponte confezionate con leganti di tipo sintetico ed inerte, che possiedono la capacità di rendere la sovrastruttu-ra direttamente carrabile e al tempo stesso impermeabile. Sono stati studiati tre metodi di stesa, in modo da poterne confrontare le caratteristiche prestazionali con quelle di una tra-dizionale pavimentazione in conglomerato bituminoso. Sono state indagate inoltre le pro-prietà superficiali (macrotessitura, resistenza allo scivolamento e permeabilità) e le caratteri-stiche meccaniche (resistenza a fatica, resistenza alle deformazioni permanenti, resistenza allo strappo, dilatazione termica dei materiali, ecc.). I risultati hanno dimostrato che le soluzioni proposte, a seconda del metodo di stesa, han-no buone caratteristiche superficiali e buone proprietà meccaniche, resistendo in modo soddisfacente anche all’azione di agenti chimici e di cicli di gelo/disgelo.
Pavimentazioni con leganti polimerici per impalcati di ponte in calcestruzzo
Giovanni, Giacomello
The bridges are structures that allow to cross discontinuities and irregularities of the earth’s surface (rivers, hills, etc.). This structures require a specific pavement, different from that usually built on the soil subgrade. In fact, the bridge deck is made up with a con-crete slab which has a very high stiffness, if compared with a normal soil, the mechanical properties of which are much lower. The pavements on the bridge decks usually consist of a bituminous sheet (or another syn-thetic material), which waterproofs the deck, a layer of bituminous mortar (1 or 2 centime-ters thick) to ensure a good adhesion, an asphalt concrete base course and a wearing course. However, this type of pavement presents many problems due to the damage due to their use; moreover, the damage of the underlying structure (bridge deck) can be the origin of ruptures and deformations in the pavement. Degradations are mainly due to: traffic, weath-er and chemical agents. They determine fatigue of material, an accumulation of permanent deformation, poor adhesion between the slab of the bridge and the pavement, a chemical-physical degradation due to the presence of deicing salts with simultaneous action of cycles of freeze/thaw, etc.This work of thesis presents a study of pavements for bridge decks made with synthetic binders and aggregate; unlike traditional asphalt concrete road pavements, they possess the ability to make the structure trafficable and, at the same time, waterproofing. Three synthetic pavement types were studied in order to compare their performance char-acteristics with those of traditional asphalt concrete road pavementa. Furthermore, the sur-face properties (macrotexture, skid resistance and permeability) and mechanical characteris-tics (fatigue strength, resistance to permanent deformation, pull-off strength, thermal expansion, etc.) of the coatings were studied. The results demonstrated that these polymeric pavements, depending on the coating meth-od, have good surface characteristics and good mechanical properties, resisting in a satis-factory way to the simultaneous action of chemical agents and cycles of freeze/thaw.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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