Background Breast cancer is the most common oncological pathology in the female population with more than a million cases and about 600,000 deaths each year. Estrogen is the hormone primarily involved in the development and growth of breast cancer. Aromatase enzyme (AI) inhibitors, by suppressing plasma estrogen levels, have been shown to significantly reduce disease recurrence and mortality in cases of hormone-responsive breast cancer. The conspicuous and rapid hypoestrogenism induced by adjuvant hormone therapy is associated with an intensification of the typical side effects of the postmenopausal state including osteoporosis and atherosclerosis. Reduced levels of estradiol have been shown to inhibit the activity of the osteoprotegerin mediator (OPG), thus increasing the activity of the RANK-RANKL axis and thus favoring the activation of osteoclasts on the one hand and the differentiation of mesenchymal vascular cells into cells. of the osteogenic line on the other, with consequent induction of bone resorption and increase of intimal calcium apposition respectively. A statistically significant correlation between bone loss and the presence of aortic calcification has been demonstrated in women in physiological menopause, but there are no similar studies in the literature in and in adjuvant hormone therapy for operated breast cancer. Objective The objective of our study was to investigate for the first time the possible correlation between the reduction of bone mineralization density and the levels of aortic calcification in patients with breast cancer operated on and on AI therapy. In particular, we wanted to investigate the correlation between bone loss and the level of calcifications in the abdominal aorta at the time of initiation of therapy with aromatase inhibitors and the correlation between changes in bone density with changes in calcifications. aortic diseases during aromatase inhibitor therapy. Patients and methods The observational study retrospectively enrolled patients with histological diagnosis of infiltrating breast cancer treated with adjuvant AI between January 2009 and September 2015 at the Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital of Rome. As far as diagnostics are concerned, we made use of the MOC DEXA (lumbar and femoral T score) and of the CT SCAN TOTAL BODY relating to "time zero" (before the start of therapy with AI) and the corresponding data obtained from the same tests. instrumental repeated after one year of treatment with AI. Of the CT scans, the aortic segment between T12 and L4 was selected to evaluate the number, length, mean and total height and density of any calcifications. Correlation analyzes were obtained using Pearson's test. The changes in density of aortic calcifications between baseline and 12-month CT from the start of treatment with AI were compared by t test for continuous variables (Mann Whitney U test). Values of p <0.005 were considered significant. Statistical analyzes were performed using SPSS software (version 19.00, SPSS, Chicago). Results and discussion Eighty patients were included in the study. From the correlation studies between the various T scores and the individual parameters of calcifications (number, average density, maximum density, average height, maximum height and total height) at time zero, a statistically significant direct correlation relationship was shown. Similar statistical analyzes performed with MOC and CT data after 12 months of treatment with AI also demonstrated a significant correlation. In particular, an inverse correlation was highlighted between changes in bone density and changes in calcifications of the abdominal aorta during therapy with aromatase inhibitors. Among all the values of calcifications detected, the average density proved to be the value most directly connected with the hormonal variations induced by aromatase inhibitors and probably the data most correctly to be correlated with the corresponding variations in bone density. In conclusion, it was shown for the first time that patients with more osteopenic breast cancer had more calcifications and that, during therapy with AI, this worsening trend was also associated with an increase in calcifications, confirming the acceleration of both. the processes (loss of bone density and aortic calcification).
Background Il tumore mammario rappresenta la patologia oncologica più comune nella popolazione femminile con più di un milione di casi e circa 600.000 morti ogni anno. Gli estrogeni sono l'ormone principalmente coinvolto nello sviluppo e nella crescita del tumore alla mammella. Gli inibitori dell'enzima aromatasi (AI), sopprimendo i livelli di estrogeno plasmatico, si sono dimostrati ridurre significativamente la recidiva di malattia e la mortalità nei casi di tumore mammario ormonoresponsivo operato. Il cospicuo e rapido ipoestrogenismo indotto dalla terapia ormonale adiuvante è associato ad una intensificazione degli effetti collaterali tipici dello stato postmenopausale tra i quali l'osteoporosi e l'aterosclerosi. È stato dimostrato che ridotti livelli di estradiolo inibiscono l'attività del mediatore osteoprotegerina (OPG), aumentando così l'attività dell'asse RANK-RANKL e favorendo così l'attivazione degli osteoclasti da una parte e la differenziazione delle cellule vascolari mesenchimali in cellule della linea osteogenica dall'altra, con conseguente induzione di riassorbimento osseo ed incremento dell'apposizione di calcio intimale rispettivamente. Nelle donne in menopausa fisiologica è stata dimostrata una correlazione statisticamente significativa tra la perdita di massa ossea e la presenza di calcificazione aortica, ma non esistono in letteratura studi analoghi in ed in terapia ormonale adiuvante per tumore mammario operato. Obiettivo dello studio L'obiettivo del nostro studio è stato quello di investigare per la prima volta l'eventuale correlazione tra la riduzione della densità di mineralizzazione ossea e i livelli di calcificazione aortica in pazienti con tumore mammario operato ed in terapia con AI. In particolare abbiamo voluto indagare la correlazione tra la perdita di massa ossea e il livello di calcificazioni a livello dell'aorta addominale al momento dell'inizio della terapia con Inibitori dell'Aromatasi e la correlazione tra le modificazioni della densità ossea con le variazioni delle calcificazioni aortiche durante la terapia con Inibitori dell'Aromatasi. Pazienti e metodi Lo studio osservazionale ha arruolato retrospettivamente pazienti con diagnosi istologica di un carcinoma mammario infiltrante trattate con IA in adiuvante tra il Gennaio 2009 e il Settembre 2015 presso il Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico di Roma. Per quanto concerne la diagnostica ci siamo avvalsi dell'utilizzo della MOC DEXA (T score lombare e femorale) e della TC SCAN TOTAL BODY relativi al "tempo zero" (prima dell'inizio della terapia con IA) e i corrispettivi dati ricavati dagli stessi esami strumentali ripetuti dopo un anno di trattamento con IA. Delle scansioni TC è stato selezionato il segmento aortico compreso tra T12 e L4 per valutare il numero, la lunghezza, l'altezza media e totale e la densità delle eventuali calcificazioni. Le analisi di correlazione sono state ottenute utilizzando il test di Pearson. Le variazioni di densità delle calcificazioni aortiche tra la TC basale e quella a 12 mesi dall'inizio del trattamento con IA sono state confrontate tramite t test per variabili continue (Mann Whitney U test). Sono stati considerati significativi valori di p <0.005. Le analisi statistiche sono state eseguite tramite il software SPSS (versione 19.00, SPSS, Chicago). Risultati e discussione Ottanta pazienti sono state incluse nello studio. Dagli studi di correlazione tra i vari T score e i singoli parametri delle calcificazioni (numero, densità media, densità massima, altezza media, altezza massima e altezza totale) al tempo zero si è dimostrato un rapporto di correlazione diretta statisticamente significativa. Anche le analoghe analisi statistiche effettuate con i dati MOC e TC dopo 12 mesi di trattamento con AI hanno dimostrato una correlazione significativa. In particolare è stata evidenziata una correlazione inversa tra le modificazioni della densità ossea e le variazioni delle calcificazioni dell'aorta addominale durante la terapia con Inibitori dell'Aromatasi. Tra tutti i valori delle calcificazioni rilevati, la densità media si è dimostrata il valore più direttamente connesso con le variazioni ormonali indotte da inibitori dell'aromatasi e probabilmente il dato più correttamente da correlare con le corrispettive variazioni di densità ossea. In conclusione è stato per la prima volta dimostrato che le pazienti con tumore mammario operato più osteopeniche presentavano più calcificazioni e che, in corso di terapia con AI, questo trend in peggioramento si associava ad un aumento anche delle calcificazioni a conferma dell'accelerazione di entrambi i processi (perdita di densità ossea e calcificazione aortica).
Aterosclerosi e osteoporosi indotta da inibitori dell'aromatasi in donne con storia di tumore mammario: studio clinico sperimentale
Chiara, Spoto
Background Breast cancer is the most common oncological pathology in the female population with more than a million cases and about 600,000 deaths each year. Estrogen is the hormone primarily involved in the development and growth of breast cancer. Aromatase enzyme (AI) inhibitors, by suppressing plasma estrogen levels, have been shown to significantly reduce disease recurrence and mortality in cases of hormone-responsive breast cancer. The conspicuous and rapid hypoestrogenism induced by adjuvant hormone therapy is associated with an intensification of the typical side effects of the postmenopausal state including osteoporosis and atherosclerosis. Reduced levels of estradiol have been shown to inhibit the activity of the osteoprotegerin mediator (OPG), thus increasing the activity of the RANK-RANKL axis and thus favoring the activation of osteoclasts on the one hand and the differentiation of mesenchymal vascular cells into cells. of the osteogenic line on the other, with consequent induction of bone resorption and increase of intimal calcium apposition respectively. A statistically significant correlation between bone loss and the presence of aortic calcification has been demonstrated in women in physiological menopause, but there are no similar studies in the literature in and in adjuvant hormone therapy for operated breast cancer. Objective The objective of our study was to investigate for the first time the possible correlation between the reduction of bone mineralization density and the levels of aortic calcification in patients with breast cancer operated on and on AI therapy. In particular, we wanted to investigate the correlation between bone loss and the level of calcifications in the abdominal aorta at the time of initiation of therapy with aromatase inhibitors and the correlation between changes in bone density with changes in calcifications. aortic diseases during aromatase inhibitor therapy. Patients and methods The observational study retrospectively enrolled patients with histological diagnosis of infiltrating breast cancer treated with adjuvant AI between January 2009 and September 2015 at the Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital of Rome. As far as diagnostics are concerned, we made use of the MOC DEXA (lumbar and femoral T score) and of the CT SCAN TOTAL BODY relating to "time zero" (before the start of therapy with AI) and the corresponding data obtained from the same tests. instrumental repeated after one year of treatment with AI. Of the CT scans, the aortic segment between T12 and L4 was selected to evaluate the number, length, mean and total height and density of any calcifications. Correlation analyzes were obtained using Pearson's test. The changes in density of aortic calcifications between baseline and 12-month CT from the start of treatment with AI were compared by t test for continuous variables (Mann Whitney U test). Values of p <0.005 were considered significant. Statistical analyzes were performed using SPSS software (version 19.00, SPSS, Chicago). Results and discussion Eighty patients were included in the study. From the correlation studies between the various T scores and the individual parameters of calcifications (number, average density, maximum density, average height, maximum height and total height) at time zero, a statistically significant direct correlation relationship was shown. Similar statistical analyzes performed with MOC and CT data after 12 months of treatment with AI also demonstrated a significant correlation. In particular, an inverse correlation was highlighted between changes in bone density and changes in calcifications of the abdominal aorta during therapy with aromatase inhibitors. Among all the values of calcifications detected, the average density proved to be the value most directly connected with the hormonal variations induced by aromatase inhibitors and probably the data most correctly to be correlated with the corresponding variations in bone density. In conclusion, it was shown for the first time that patients with more osteopenic breast cancer had more calcifications and that, during therapy with AI, this worsening trend was also associated with an increase in calcifications, confirming the acceleration of both. the processes (loss of bone density and aortic calcification).File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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