Endometriosis is a pathological condition caused by the dissemination and growth of endometrial tissue, glands and stroma, in abnormal locations, or by the onset of endometrial tissue, due to a process of metaplasia, outside the usual site. Although the exact prevalence of endometriosis in the general population is unknown, it is estimated to be present in about 10% of women of childbearing age, reaching a prevalence of 50% in women with infertility. The most frequent site of localization of the pathology is the ovary, with the presence of characteristic cystic formations called endometriomas. Current therapies are medical, surgical, or a combination of both approaches. Among the surgical treatments, the laparoscopic technique of excision of the endometriotic cyst with the "stripping" procedure undoubtedly represents the most complete treatment of endometrioma. However, surgical interventions performed on the appendages can be responsible for a reduction in the ovarian reserve and cause of infertility. Laparoscopic excision by stripping of the endometriotic cyst wall has often been questioned over the years as it is associated with the removal of healthy ovarian tissue adjacent to the endometrioma wall with potential reduction in follicular reserve. With a previous study we have shown how the use of FloSeal, a thrombin-based matrix, to obtain haemostasis during laparoscopic excision of ovarian endometrioma allows immediate and lasting haemostasis, with results comparable to those obtained using the methods conventional coagulation. This is the first randomized study in which antral follicle count (AFC) was used to assess ovarian reserve, comparing a thrombin-based hemostatic matrix (FloSeal) with conventional bipolar coagulation to achieve tissue hemostasis. ovarian after laparoscopic stripping for endometrioma. Materials and methods From June 2013 to February 2015, all patients aged> 18 years and with ultrasound evidence of unilateral ovarian endometrioma who belonged to the Gynecology department of the Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital of Rome were enrolled. The inclusion criteria were: absence of contraindications to laparoscopic surgery, signature of the written informed consent, presence of unilateral ovarian endometrioma with a maximum diameter> 3 cm evaluated on ultrasound, aged between 18 and 35 years, negative history for taking hormone therapy (GnRH or OC) in the six months prior to surgery. All patients with deep endometriosis, previous pelvic surgery, present or previous gynecological malignancy, BMI> 40, current or recent pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), concomitant polystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), were excluded from the study. intraoperative diagnosis of the presence of other types of ovarian cysts, therapy with GnRH or oral contraceptives (CO) in the follow-up period, pregnancy and menopause. All patients were divided into two groups: in group A the patients in whom ovarian haemostasis was obtained through FloSeal and in group B those in which haemostasis was obtained by bipolar electrocoagulation. Prior to surgery, all patients underwent repeated transvaginal ultrasound at least 8 weeks apart to confirm the presence of ovarian cysts presenting ultrasound features of endometrioma. During the second ultrasound, the antral follicle counts (AFC) of both ovaries were determined. The patients underwent laparoscopic excision of ovarian endometrioma using the stripping technique and all procedures were performed by the same surgeon. At the end of the laparoscopic stripping procedure, the ovarian cortex was carefully inspected to identify the precise location of the bleeding. In group A, hemostasis was achieved by applying FloSeal under direct laparoscopic vision. In group B, hemostasis was achieved using a laparoscopic forceps with bipolar current at 25-30 W. In the follow-up, scheduled for all patients at 3, 6 and 12 months after surgery, a transvaginal ultrasound was performed on the second or third day of the menstrual cycle and the antral follicle count (AFC) of the ovary undergoing surgery. These ultrasound scans were always performed by the same gynecologist, who was not aware of the surgical procedure used for each patient. We calculated that 48 patients are needed for each treatment group to obtain a statistically significant difference, using a power of 80% and a significance level of 50%. For the statistical analysis we used, as needed, the Student test, the Mann-Whitney test, the Chi-square test and the Fisher test, considering the values of p <0.05 to be significant. Results A total of 110 patients with ultrasound evidence of unilateral ovarian endometrioma were considered for the study. Of these, 108 were enrolled in the study and divided into two groups of 54 patients; six patients (4 in group A and 2 in group B) conceived during the follow-up and therefore were excluded from the statistical analysis. Then a total of 50 patients for group A and 52 for group B were considered for the final statistical analysis. No statistically significant differences were found between the two groups regarding age, BMI, endometrioma size and postoperative hospital stay. The mean blood loss, assessed by the postoperative decrease in hemoglobin compared to the preoperative value, was lower in the FloSeal group, but this difference was not statistically significant (0.39 ± 0.2 and 0.42 ± 0.2 g / dL, respectively for the group A and B; p = 0.256). There were no intraoperative complications for either technique at any stage of the procedures and there was no need for laparotomy conversion during all surgeries. Operative time was not significantly longer in the FloSeal group (49.9 ± 5.9 and 48.3 ± 5.5 minutes for group A and B, respectively; p = 0.149). Furthermore, in the postoperative period, no bleeding occurred or any signs of infection were observed in any patient. During the preoperative evaluation of the antral follicle count (AFC) no statistically significant differences were found between the two groups for either the healthy ovary or the ovary with endometrioma. In both groups, however, the antral follicle count (AFC) was significantly reduced in the ovary with endometrioma compared to the healthy ovary (p <0.0001). Evaluations performed during follow-up showed that 3 months after surgery the antral follicle count (AFC) was significantly higher in the FloSeal group (6.5 ± 1.1 VS 6 ± 1.4 for group A and B, respectively; p <0.05). Furthermore, the antral follicle count (AFC) was significantly higher in the Floseal group even 6 months (7.5 ± 2.3 VS 6.8 ± 2.3 for group A and B respectively; p <0.05) and 12 months after surgery (9.1 ± 3.2 VS 7.0 ± 2.6 respectively for group A and B; p <0.05). Furthermore, in the ovary with endometrioma the postoperative antral follicle count was significantly higher than the preoperative one for both groups at each follow-up evaluation. Conclusions The use of antral follicle count has shown that after laparoscopic stripping for endometrioma, using the FloSeal, a thrombin-based hemostatic matrix, to obtain haemostasis of ovarian tissue it is possible to reduce iatrogenic damage to healthy ovarian parenchyma. In fact, the ovarian reserve is more preserved than what can be obtained using conventional coagulation methods.
L'endometriosi è una condizione patologica provocata dalla disseminazione e dalla crescita di tessuto endometriale, ghiandole e stroma, in sedi anomale, o dall’insorgenza di tessuto endometriale, per un processo di metaplasia, al di fuori della sede abituale. Sebbene la prevalenza esatta dell'endometriosi nella popolazione generale non sia nota, si stima che sia presente in circa il 10% delle donne in età fertile, arrivando ad una prevalenza del 50% nelle donne affette da infertilità. La sede più frequente di localizzazione della patologia è l'ovaio, con la presenza di caratteristiche formazioni cistiche dette endometriomi. Le terapie attuali sono mediche, chirurgiche o una combinazione di entrambi gli approcci. Tra i trattamenti chirurgici la tecnica laparoscopica di escissione della cisti endometriosica con la procedura di "stripping" rappresenta senza dubbio il trattamento più completo dell'endometrioma. Gli interventi chirurgici eseguiti sugli annessi possono però essere responsabili di una riduzione della riserva ovarica e causa di infertilità. L'escissione laparoscopica mediante "stripping" della parete della cisti endometriosica è stata spesso messa in discussione nel corso degli anni, in quanto associata a rimozione di tessuto ovarico sano adiacente la parete dell'endometrioma con potenziale riduzione della riserva follicolare. Con uno studio precedente abbiamo dimostrato come l'impiego del FloSeal, una matrice a base di trombina, per ottenere l'emostasi durante l’escissione laparoscopica di endometrioma ovarico consenta un’emostasi immediata e duratura, con risultati sovrapponibili a quelli ottenuti utilizzando i metodi convenzionali di coagulazione. Questo è il primo studio randomizzato nel quale è stata utilizzata la conta dei follicoli antrali (AFC) per valutare la riserva ovarica, mettendo a confronto una matrice emostatica a base di trombina (FloSeal) con la coagulazione bipolare convenzionale per ottenere l'emostasi del tessuto ovarico dopo stripping laparoscopico per endometrioma. Materiali e metodi Da Giugno 2013 a Febbraio 2015 sono state arruolate tutte le pazienti con età >18 anni e con evidenza ecografica di endometrioma ovarico unilaterale che afferivano al dipartimento di Ginecologia del Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico di Roma. I criteri di inclusione sono stati: assenza di controindicazioni alla chirurgia laparoscopica, firma del consenso informato scritto, presenza di endometrioma ovarico unilaterale con diametro massimo >3 cm valutato all’ecografia, età compresa tra i 18 e 35 anni, anamnesi negativa per assunzione di terapia ormonale (GnRH o OC) nei sei mesi precedenti l’intervento chirurgico. Sono state escluse dallo studio tutte le pazienti con endometriosi profonda, precedente chirurgia pelvica, neoplasia ginecologica presente o pregressa, BMI >40, malattia infiammatoria pelvica (PID) in corso o storia recente della stessa, concomitante sindrome dell'ovaio polistico (PCOS), diagnosi intraoperatoria della presenza di altre tipologie di cisti ovariche, terapia con GnRH o con contraccettivi orali (CO) nel periodo di follow-up, gravidanza e menopausa. Tutte le pazienti sono state suddivise in due gruppi: nel gruppo A le pazienti in cui l'emostasi ovarica è stata ottenuta tramite FloSeal e nel gruppo B quelle in cui l’emostasi è stata ottenuta tramite elettrocoagulazione bipolare. Prima dell'intervento chirurgico tutte le pazienti sono state sottoposte ad ecografia transvaginale ripetuta ad almeno 8 settimane di distanza per confermare la presenza delle cisti ovariche che presentavano caratteristiche ecografiche di endometrioma. Durante la seconda ecografia è stata determinata la conta dei follicoli antrali (AFC) di entrambi le ovaie. Le pazienti sono state sottoposte ad intervento di escissione laparoscopica di endometrioma ovarico tramite la tecnica dello stripping e tutte le procedure sono state effettuate dallo stesso chirurgo. Alla fine della procedura di stripping laparoscopico la corticale ovarica è stata accuratamente ispezionata per identificare la precisa localizzazione del sanguinamento. Nel gruppo A l'emostasi è stata ottenuta tramite applicazione di FloSeal sotto diretta visione laparoscopica. Nel gruppo B l'emostasi è stata ottenuta utilizzando una pinza laparoscopica con corrente bipolare a 25-30 W. Nel follow-up, programmato per tutte le pazienti a 3, 6 e 12 mesi dall'intervento, è stata effettuata una ecografia transvaginale il secondo o il terzo giorno del ciclo mestruale ed è stata determinata la conta dei follicoli antrali (AFC) dell'ovaio sottoposto a intervento chirurgico. Tali ecografie sono state eseguite sempre dallo stesso ginecologo, il quale non era a conoscenza della procedura chirurgica utilizzata per ciascuna paziente. Abbiamo calcolato che sono necessarie 48 pazienti per ciascun gruppo di trattamento per ottenere una differenza statisticamente significativa, utilizzando una potenza pari all'80% ed un livello di significatività del 50%. Per l'analisi statistica abbiamo utilizzato, a seconda delle necessità, il test di Student, il test di Mann-Whitney, il test del Chi quadro ed il test di Fisher, considerando significativi i valori di p <0.05. Risultati Un totale di 110 pazienti con evidenza ecografica di endometrioma ovarico unilaterale sono state considerate per lo studio. Di queste, 108 sono state arruolate nello studio e suddivise in due gruppi di 54 pazienti; sei pazienti (4 nel gruppo A e 2 nel gruppo B) hanno concepito durante il follow-up e quindi sono state escluse dall'analisi statistica. Quindi un totale di 50 pazienti per il gruppo A e 52 per il gruppo B sono state considerate per l'analisi statistica finale. Tra i due gruppi non sono state rilevate differenze statisticamente significative riguardanti l'età, il BMI, le dimensioni dell'endometrioma e la degenza postoperatoria. La media della perdita di sangue, valutata tramite il decremento postoperatorio dell'emoglobina rispetto al valore preoperatorio, è risultata inferiore nel gruppo FloSeal, ma tale differenza non è risultata statisticamente significativa (0.39 ± 0.2 e 0.42 ± 0.2 g/dL, rispettivamente per il gruppo A e B; p = 0.256). Non si sono verificate complicanze intraoperatorie per entrambe le tecniche in ognuna delle fasi delle procedure e non si è verificata la necessità di conversione laparotomica durante tutti gli interventi chirurgici. Il tempo operatorio non è stato significativamente più lungo nel gruppo FloSeal (49.9 ± 5.9 e 48.3 ± 5.5 minuti rispettivamente per il gruppo A e B; p = 0.149). Inoltre nel periodo postoperatorio non si sono verificati sanguinamenti né sono stati osservati segni di infezione in alcuna paziente. Durante la valutazione preoperatoria della conta dei follicoli antrali (AFC) non sono state evidenziate differenze statisticamente significative tra i due gruppi sia per l'ovaio sano che per quello con endometrioma. In entrambi i gruppi però la conta dei follicoli antrali (AFC) è risultata significativamente ridotta nell'ovaio con endometrioma rispetto all'ovaio sano (p <0,0001). Le valutazioni effettuate durante il follow-up hanno mostrato che 3 mesi dopo l'intervento chirurgico la conta dei follicoli antrali (AFC) era significativamente più alta nel gruppo FloSeal (6.5 ± 1.1 VS 6 ± 1.4 rispettivamente per il gruppo A e B; p <0.05). Inoltre la conta dei follicoli antrali (AFC) è stata significativamente più alta nel gruppo Floseal anche 6 mesi (7.5 ± 2.3 VS 6.8 ± 2.3 rispettivamente per il gruppo A e B; p <0.05) e 12 mesi dopo l’intervento chirurgico (9.1 ± 3.2 VS 7.0 ± 2.6 rispettivamente per il gruppo A e B; p <0.05). Inoltre nell'ovaio con endometrioma la conta postoperatoria dei follicoli antrali è stata significativamente più alta di quella preoperatoria per entrambi i gruppi ad ogni valutazione di follow-up. Conclusioni L'impiego della conta dei follicoli antrali ha evidenziato che dopo stripping laparoscopico per endometrioma, utilizzando il FloSeal, una matrice emostatica a base di trombina, per ottenere l'emostasi del tessuto ovarico è possibile ridurre il danno iatrogeno al parenchima ovarico sano. Infatti la riserva ovarica risulta maggiormente preservata rispetto a quanto è possibile ottenere utilizzando i metodi di coagulazione convenzionali.
Emostasi dopo asportazione laparoscopica di cisti endometriosica: confronto tra coagulazione bipolare e FloSeal, uno studio prospettico
Patrizio, Damiani
Endometriosis is a pathological condition caused by the dissemination and growth of endometrial tissue, glands and stroma, in abnormal locations, or by the onset of endometrial tissue, due to a process of metaplasia, outside the usual site. Although the exact prevalence of endometriosis in the general population is unknown, it is estimated to be present in about 10% of women of childbearing age, reaching a prevalence of 50% in women with infertility. The most frequent site of localization of the pathology is the ovary, with the presence of characteristic cystic formations called endometriomas. Current therapies are medical, surgical, or a combination of both approaches. Among the surgical treatments, the laparoscopic technique of excision of the endometriotic cyst with the "stripping" procedure undoubtedly represents the most complete treatment of endometrioma. However, surgical interventions performed on the appendages can be responsible for a reduction in the ovarian reserve and cause of infertility. Laparoscopic excision by stripping of the endometriotic cyst wall has often been questioned over the years as it is associated with the removal of healthy ovarian tissue adjacent to the endometrioma wall with potential reduction in follicular reserve. With a previous study we have shown how the use of FloSeal, a thrombin-based matrix, to obtain haemostasis during laparoscopic excision of ovarian endometrioma allows immediate and lasting haemostasis, with results comparable to those obtained using the methods conventional coagulation. This is the first randomized study in which antral follicle count (AFC) was used to assess ovarian reserve, comparing a thrombin-based hemostatic matrix (FloSeal) with conventional bipolar coagulation to achieve tissue hemostasis. ovarian after laparoscopic stripping for endometrioma. Materials and methods From June 2013 to February 2015, all patients aged> 18 years and with ultrasound evidence of unilateral ovarian endometrioma who belonged to the Gynecology department of the Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital of Rome were enrolled. The inclusion criteria were: absence of contraindications to laparoscopic surgery, signature of the written informed consent, presence of unilateral ovarian endometrioma with a maximum diameter> 3 cm evaluated on ultrasound, aged between 18 and 35 years, negative history for taking hormone therapy (GnRH or OC) in the six months prior to surgery. All patients with deep endometriosis, previous pelvic surgery, present or previous gynecological malignancy, BMI> 40, current or recent pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), concomitant polystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), were excluded from the study. intraoperative diagnosis of the presence of other types of ovarian cysts, therapy with GnRH or oral contraceptives (CO) in the follow-up period, pregnancy and menopause. All patients were divided into two groups: in group A the patients in whom ovarian haemostasis was obtained through FloSeal and in group B those in which haemostasis was obtained by bipolar electrocoagulation. Prior to surgery, all patients underwent repeated transvaginal ultrasound at least 8 weeks apart to confirm the presence of ovarian cysts presenting ultrasound features of endometrioma. During the second ultrasound, the antral follicle counts (AFC) of both ovaries were determined. The patients underwent laparoscopic excision of ovarian endometrioma using the stripping technique and all procedures were performed by the same surgeon. At the end of the laparoscopic stripping procedure, the ovarian cortex was carefully inspected to identify the precise location of the bleeding. In group A, hemostasis was achieved by applying FloSeal under direct laparoscopic vision. In group B, hemostasis was achieved using a laparoscopic forceps with bipolar current at 25-30 W. In the follow-up, scheduled for all patients at 3, 6 and 12 months after surgery, a transvaginal ultrasound was performed on the second or third day of the menstrual cycle and the antral follicle count (AFC) of the ovary undergoing surgery. These ultrasound scans were always performed by the same gynecologist, who was not aware of the surgical procedure used for each patient. We calculated that 48 patients are needed for each treatment group to obtain a statistically significant difference, using a power of 80% and a significance level of 50%. For the statistical analysis we used, as needed, the Student test, the Mann-Whitney test, the Chi-square test and the Fisher test, considering the values of p <0.05 to be significant. Results A total of 110 patients with ultrasound evidence of unilateral ovarian endometrioma were considered for the study. Of these, 108 were enrolled in the study and divided into two groups of 54 patients; six patients (4 in group A and 2 in group B) conceived during the follow-up and therefore were excluded from the statistical analysis. Then a total of 50 patients for group A and 52 for group B were considered for the final statistical analysis. No statistically significant differences were found between the two groups regarding age, BMI, endometrioma size and postoperative hospital stay. The mean blood loss, assessed by the postoperative decrease in hemoglobin compared to the preoperative value, was lower in the FloSeal group, but this difference was not statistically significant (0.39 ± 0.2 and 0.42 ± 0.2 g / dL, respectively for the group A and B; p = 0.256). There were no intraoperative complications for either technique at any stage of the procedures and there was no need for laparotomy conversion during all surgeries. Operative time was not significantly longer in the FloSeal group (49.9 ± 5.9 and 48.3 ± 5.5 minutes for group A and B, respectively; p = 0.149). Furthermore, in the postoperative period, no bleeding occurred or any signs of infection were observed in any patient. During the preoperative evaluation of the antral follicle count (AFC) no statistically significant differences were found between the two groups for either the healthy ovary or the ovary with endometrioma. In both groups, however, the antral follicle count (AFC) was significantly reduced in the ovary with endometrioma compared to the healthy ovary (p <0.0001). Evaluations performed during follow-up showed that 3 months after surgery the antral follicle count (AFC) was significantly higher in the FloSeal group (6.5 ± 1.1 VS 6 ± 1.4 for group A and B, respectively; p <0.05). Furthermore, the antral follicle count (AFC) was significantly higher in the Floseal group even 6 months (7.5 ± 2.3 VS 6.8 ± 2.3 for group A and B respectively; p <0.05) and 12 months after surgery (9.1 ± 3.2 VS 7.0 ± 2.6 respectively for group A and B; p <0.05). Furthermore, in the ovary with endometrioma the postoperative antral follicle count was significantly higher than the preoperative one for both groups at each follow-up evaluation. Conclusions The use of antral follicle count has shown that after laparoscopic stripping for endometrioma, using the FloSeal, a thrombin-based hemostatic matrix, to obtain haemostasis of ovarian tissue it is possible to reduce iatrogenic damage to healthy ovarian parenchyma. In fact, the ovarian reserve is more preserved than what can be obtained using conventional coagulation methods.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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