Einkorn wheat (Triticum monococcum ssp monococcum) is a diploid species tolerant to various biotic and abiotic stresses, capable of giving an economically viable production even in poorly fertile soils. Recent studies show that the monococcus wheat is characterized by a high content of proteins and biologically active substances such as tocols, carotenoids and fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and by the presence of prolamins with reduced toxicity towards celiac patients. In the present thesis the prolamins extracted from the S. Pastore and Bolero soft wheat varieties were digested with pepsin and trypsin and administered to human leukemic cells K562 (S) causing their complete agglutination at concentrations = 73 mg / L. The same agglutinating effect was found with prolamins extracted from three monococcus wheat genotypes (ID 1636, ID 358 and Monlis) free of ω-Gliadins. On the contrary, the prolamins obtained from the Hammurabi and ID331 monococcus wheat varieties, both with ω-gliadins, were not able to agglutinate the K562 (S) cells even at concentrations = 4000 mg / L. Furthermore, in vitro cultures of small intestine mucosa of 5 celiac patients exposed to prolamines extracted from Bolero soft wheat and from the Monlis and ID 358 genotypes incorporated bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) in a high percentage (> 30%) of epithelial cells of the crypts, percentage significantly higher than that observed in untreated cells (14.4%) or in those exposed to Hammurabi prolamine (14.2%). Stimulation of cell proliferation returned to baseline values (14.0%) when 10 g / mL of the 9-mer QQPQRPQPF peptide was added to the Bolero soft wheat prolamins administered to the mucosal cells. Two-dimensional A-PAGE x SDS-PAGE electrophoretic separations identified 12-13 ω-Gliadins in cv. Hammurabi and a single ω-Gliadin (ω-331) with low apparent molecular weight (circa 45 KDa) in the cv. ID 331. Hammurabi ω-Gliadins belong to four families with different molecular weight (from 60 to 50 KDa), each consisting of 2 or 3 proteins, in addition to a small gliadin (ω-331H) similar to the aforementioned ω-331. Immunoblotting tests with specific antibodies developed in rabbits allowed the attribution of six of the 12-13 ω-Gliadins present in the CV. Hammurabi to three gene families with a known nucleotide sequence and to associate the 9-mer peptide QQPQRPQPF with gliadins ω-331 and ω-331H. The peptide was also found in ω-Gliadins homologous to ω-331 in another 19 accessions of monococcus wheat among the 48 analyzed. Analysis of the MALDI-TOF spectrum indicated that ω-331 is actually made up of two polypeptides, one of which has an amino acid sequence corresponding to the nucleotide sequence of the ω-21 gene. The experimental cultivation of Monlis, Hammurabi and ID331 in Rome and Orosei (Nuoro) according to two cultivation regimes (organic-conventional) confirmed the high content of proteins (18.3%) and carotenoids (13ppm) and the high capacity antioxidant (50 mmol TEAC / Kg) of monococcum wheat compared to soft wheat (cv. Blasco) and durum wheat (cv. Simeto). Furthermore, the farinographic and alveographic analyzes showed that the monococcus wheat doughs have alveographic W values (11-52 Jx10-4) far from those optimal for the purposes of bread making (W = 180 Jx10-4). Among the three genotypes analyzed, the Monlis variety, devoid of ω-Gliadins, gave the best results from a technological point of view, while the Hammurabi variety, equipped with numerous ω-Gliadinic components, showed the poorest visco-elastic properties. The rheological parameters of ID 331, containing only ω-331, were similar to those of Monlis. In conclusion, experimental evidence was obtained that the reduced toxicity of the Hammurabi and ID331 prolamins is associated with the presence of ω-Gliadins and in particular with the "protective" peptide QQPQRPQPF contained in ω-331 and ω-331H. This peptide has the insertion of the RP dipeptide in the QQPQQPF sequence which is very common in wheat gliadins and has the same "protective" effect as the peptides QQPQDAVQPF and QQPQRPQQPF already described in the literature respectively in durum wheat and rye. On the other hand, the absence of ω-Gliadins was associated with the superior quality of Monlis gluten compared to Hammurabi. The ID 331 variety, containing the protein ω-331 as the only ω-Gliadinic component, combines an acceptable bread-making quality with a reduced toxicity for the intestinal mucosa of the celiac.
Il grano monococco (Triticum monococcum ssp monococcum) è una specie diploide tollerante a diversi stress biotici e abiotici, capace di dare una produzione economicamente valida anche in terreni poco fertili. Da studi recenti risulta che il grano monococco è caratterizzato da alto contenuto di proteine e sostanze biologicamente attive come tocoli, carotenoidi e frutto-oligosaccaridi (FOS) e dalla presenza di prolamine con ridotta tossicità nei confronti dei pazienti celiaci. Nella presente tesi le prolamine estratte dalle varietà di grano tenero S. Pastore e Bolero sono state digerite con pepsina e tripsina e somministrate alle cellule leucemiche umane K562(S) causandone la completa agglutinazione a concentrazioni =73 mg/L. Lo stesso effetto agglutinante è stato riscontrato con le prolamine estratte da tre genotipi di grano monococco (ID 1636, ID 358 e Monlis) privi di ω-gliadine. Al contrario, le prolamine ottenute dalle varietà di grano monococco Hammurabi e ID331, entrambe dotate di ω-gliadine, non sono state in grado di agglutinare le cellule K562(S) anche a concentrazioni =4000 mg/L. Inoltre colture in vitro di mucosa di intestino tenue di 5 pazienti celiaci esposte a prolamine estratte dal grano tenero Bolero e dai genotipi Monlis e ID 358 hanno incorporato bromodeossiuridina (BrdU) in una elevata percentuale (>30%) di cellule epiteliali delle cripte, percentuale significativamente più elevata di quella osservata nelle cellule non trattate (14,4%) o in quelle esposte alla prolamine di Hammurabi (14,2%). La stimolazione della proliferazione cellulare è ritornata ai valori di base (14,0%) quando alle prolamine del grano tenero Bolero somministrate alle cellule mucosali sono stati aggiunti 10 g/mL del peptide 9-mer QQPQRPQPF. Le separazioni elettroforetiche bidimensionali A-PAGE x SDS-PAGE hanno identificato 12-13 ω-gliadine nella cv. Hammurabi ed una singola ω-gliadina (ω-331) a basso peso molecolare apparente (circa 45 KDa) nella cv. ID 331. Le ω-gliadine di Hammurabi appartengono a quattro famiglie con diverso peso molecolare (da 60 a 50 KDa), ciascuna costituita da 2 o 3 proteine, oltre a una piccola gliadina (ω-331H) simile all’ω-331 succitata. Prove di immunoblotting con anticorpi specifici sviluppati in coniglio hanno consentito di attribuire sei delle 12-13 ω-gliadine presenti nella cv. Hammurabi a tre famiglie geniche a sequenza nucleotidica nota e di associare il peptide 9-mer QQPQRPQPF alle gliadine ω-331 e ω-331H. Il peptide è stato riscontrato anche in ω-gliadine omologhe alla ω-331 in altre 19 accessioni di grano monococco tra le 48 analizzate. L’analisi dello spettro MALDI-TOF ha indicato che ω-331 è in realtà costituita da due polipeptidi, uno dei quali possiede una sequenza aminoacidica corrispondente alla sequenza nucleotidica del gene ω-21. La coltivazione sperimentale di Monlis, Hammurabi e ID331 a Roma ed Orosei (Nuoro) secondo due regimi di coltivazione (biologico-convenzionale) ha confermato l’alto contenuto di proteine (18,3%) e carotenoidi (13ppm) e l’elevata capacità antiossidante (50 mmol TEAC/Kg) del grano monococco rispetto al frumento tenero (cv. Blasco) e duro (cv. Simeto). Inoltre le analisi farinografiche e alveografiche hanno mostrato che gli impasti di grano monococco hanno valori di W alveografico (11-52 Jx10-4) lontani da quelli ottimali ai fini della panificazione (W =180 Jx10-4). Tra i tre genotipi analizzati la varietà Monlis, priva di ω-gliadine, ha dato i migliori risultati dal punto di vista tecnologico, mentre la varietà Hammurabi, dotata di numerosi componenti ω-gliadinici, ha mostrato le proprietà visco-elastiche più scadenti. I parametri reologici di ID 331, contenente la sola ω-331, sono risultati simili a quelli di Monlis. In conclusione, è stata ottenuta l’evidenza sperimentale che la ridotta tossicità delle prolamine di Hammurabi e ID331 è associata alla presenza delle ω-gliadine ed in particolare al peptide “protettivo” QQPQRPQPF contenuto in ω-331 e ω-331H. Questo peptide presenta l’inserzione del dipeptide RP nella sequenza QQPQQPF molto comune nelle ?-gliadine di grano ed ha lo stesso effetto “protettivo” dei peptidi QQPQDAVQPF e QQPQRPQQPF già descritti in letteratura rispettivamente in grano duro e segale. D’altra parte, l’assenza di ω-gliadine è risultata associata alla superiore qualità del glutine di Monlis rispetto ad Hammurabi. La varietà ID 331, contenente la proteina ω-331 come unico componente ω-gliadinico, mette assieme una accettabile qualità panificatoria ad una ridotta tossicità per la mucosa intestinale del celiaco.
Intolleranza al glutine e qualità nutrizionale del grano monococco (Triticum monococcum)
Gloria, Gazzelloni
Einkorn wheat (Triticum monococcum ssp monococcum) is a diploid species tolerant to various biotic and abiotic stresses, capable of giving an economically viable production even in poorly fertile soils. Recent studies show that the monococcus wheat is characterized by a high content of proteins and biologically active substances such as tocols, carotenoids and fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and by the presence of prolamins with reduced toxicity towards celiac patients. In the present thesis the prolamins extracted from the S. Pastore and Bolero soft wheat varieties were digested with pepsin and trypsin and administered to human leukemic cells K562 (S) causing their complete agglutination at concentrations = 73 mg / L. The same agglutinating effect was found with prolamins extracted from three monococcus wheat genotypes (ID 1636, ID 358 and Monlis) free of ω-Gliadins. On the contrary, the prolamins obtained from the Hammurabi and ID331 monococcus wheat varieties, both with ω-gliadins, were not able to agglutinate the K562 (S) cells even at concentrations = 4000 mg / L. Furthermore, in vitro cultures of small intestine mucosa of 5 celiac patients exposed to prolamines extracted from Bolero soft wheat and from the Monlis and ID 358 genotypes incorporated bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) in a high percentage (> 30%) of epithelial cells of the crypts, percentage significantly higher than that observed in untreated cells (14.4%) or in those exposed to Hammurabi prolamine (14.2%). Stimulation of cell proliferation returned to baseline values (14.0%) when 10 g / mL of the 9-mer QQPQRPQPF peptide was added to the Bolero soft wheat prolamins administered to the mucosal cells. Two-dimensional A-PAGE x SDS-PAGE electrophoretic separations identified 12-13 ω-Gliadins in cv. Hammurabi and a single ω-Gliadin (ω-331) with low apparent molecular weight (circa 45 KDa) in the cv. ID 331. Hammurabi ω-Gliadins belong to four families with different molecular weight (from 60 to 50 KDa), each consisting of 2 or 3 proteins, in addition to a small gliadin (ω-331H) similar to the aforementioned ω-331. Immunoblotting tests with specific antibodies developed in rabbits allowed the attribution of six of the 12-13 ω-Gliadins present in the CV. Hammurabi to three gene families with a known nucleotide sequence and to associate the 9-mer peptide QQPQRPQPF with gliadins ω-331 and ω-331H. The peptide was also found in ω-Gliadins homologous to ω-331 in another 19 accessions of monococcus wheat among the 48 analyzed. Analysis of the MALDI-TOF spectrum indicated that ω-331 is actually made up of two polypeptides, one of which has an amino acid sequence corresponding to the nucleotide sequence of the ω-21 gene. The experimental cultivation of Monlis, Hammurabi and ID331 in Rome and Orosei (Nuoro) according to two cultivation regimes (organic-conventional) confirmed the high content of proteins (18.3%) and carotenoids (13ppm) and the high capacity antioxidant (50 mmol TEAC / Kg) of monococcum wheat compared to soft wheat (cv. Blasco) and durum wheat (cv. Simeto). Furthermore, the farinographic and alveographic analyzes showed that the monococcus wheat doughs have alveographic W values (11-52 Jx10-4) far from those optimal for the purposes of bread making (W = 180 Jx10-4). Among the three genotypes analyzed, the Monlis variety, devoid of ω-Gliadins, gave the best results from a technological point of view, while the Hammurabi variety, equipped with numerous ω-Gliadinic components, showed the poorest visco-elastic properties. The rheological parameters of ID 331, containing only ω-331, were similar to those of Monlis. In conclusion, experimental evidence was obtained that the reduced toxicity of the Hammurabi and ID331 prolamins is associated with the presence of ω-Gliadins and in particular with the "protective" peptide QQPQRPQPF contained in ω-331 and ω-331H. This peptide has the insertion of the RP dipeptide in the QQPQQPF sequence which is very common in wheat gliadins and has the same "protective" effect as the peptides QQPQDAVQPF and QQPQRPQQPF already described in the literature respectively in durum wheat and rye. On the other hand, the absence of ω-Gliadins was associated with the superior quality of Monlis gluten compared to Hammurabi. The ID 331 variety, containing the protein ω-331 as the only ω-Gliadinic component, combines an acceptable bread-making quality with a reduced toxicity for the intestinal mucosa of the celiac.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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