The present research is devoted to the study of the personal library of Paul Claudel (1868-1955), which was carried out through the creation of a digital catalogue that contains reproductions of all of the poet’s handwritten markings found within the pages of his books. The library, rich in annotations, inscriptions, and dedications, and preserved by Claudel’s descendants in Brangues Castle, constitutes a valuable instrument for all who are interested in the sources of the poet’s oeuvre as well as in his cultural milieu. In the 1970’s, a catalogue of the library’s collection was published, but the rich literary patrimony has been left mostly unexplored. This first catalogue, in fact, only states whether there are handwritten markings and simply refers the reader to the physical exemplars of the books, although the library and the castle that contains it are not open to the public and still belong to Claudel’s progeny. In order to make the library accessible to the academic community, I set as the primary goal of this study the realization of a digital catalogue containing the reproductions of all handwritten marks found within the pages of the books. Furthermore, I improved considerably the state of conservation of the collection by means of a deep cleaning and a reordering of its shelving. This study thus describes and discusses the main phases of this twofold work. The first chapter presents an analysis of the concept of a “personal library,” a necessary prelude that delimits the complex object of my research. The second chapter focuses on the specific case of Claudel’s library and includes a biography of the poet with an emphasis on the relationship with his books and his reading throughout his life. The third chapter takes stock of the main studies of the library until now, with particular scrutiny of the 1970’s catalogue. The fourth chapter constitutes the heart of this study. It presents the new digital catalogue, which I created with an eye to the previous one but which is radically different in its structure and expanded in content. This chapter also describes the heavy cleaning and reordering of the entire physical collection. The fifth chapter makes use of the new content of the digital catalogue and presents the most important handwritten additions to the books. In this chapter, I demonstrate how these markings witness to Claudel’s intellectual bonds as well as to his relationship with books and reading. In light of what I learned through the digital and physical phases of this work, I devote the sixth and last chapter to a reflection on the library’s collection in its totality. I show that the library accurately reflects the human vicissitudes of the poet, but more importantly that an analysis of the marginalia and other additions allows the reconstruction of Claudel’s reading methods. As a privileged example of this, I take up the theme of Claudel as reader of the Bible.
La presente ricerca è dedicata allo studio della biblioteca di Paul Claudel (1868-1955) attraverso la realizzazione di un suo indice digitale contenente le riproduzioni di tutti gli interventi manoscritti ritrovati tra le pagine dei libri. La biblioteca personale del poeta ed ambasciatore Paul Claudel, ricca di annotazioni e dediche manoscritte, è stata conservata dai suoi discendenti nel castello di Brangues, sua dimora a partire dal pensionamento, e costituisce uno strumento prezioso per conoscere le fonti della produzione letteraria di Claudel e ricostruire il suo milieu culturale. Nonostante sia stato pubblicato negli anni ’70 un catalogo della collezione libraria, questo ricco patrimonio è rimasto fino a oggi pressoché inesplorato: il catalogo cartaceo si limita infatti ad indicare la presenza di aggiunte manoscritte, rimandando il lettore a una consultazione diretta del testo, ma la biblioteca e il castello che la contiene sono di proprietà dei discendenti e quindi non liberamente accessibili. Per rendere disponibile alla comunità scientifica questo patrimonio, la nostra ricerca ha avuto lo scopo primario di realizzare un indice digitale della biblioteca contenente le riproduzioni di tutti gli interventi manoscritti ritrovati tra le pagine dei libri. Si è mirato, inoltre, a migliorare le condizioni di conservazione del fondo tramite una sua pulizia e riorganizzazione a scaffale. Il presente lavoro discute ed espone dunque le principali fasi di questa duplice valorizzazione. Il primo capitolo presenta una discussione del concetto di ‘biblioteca d’autore’, premessa fondamentale al fine di delimitare il complesso oggetto della ricerca e di evidenziare le opportunità offerte dal suo studio. Il secondo capitolo si concentra sul caso specifico della biblioteca di Brangues e propone una biografia del poeta per mettere in rilievo il suo rapporto con il libro e con la lettura lungo il corso della sua vita. Il terzo capitolo analizza i principali studi dedicati alla biblioteca con uno scrutinio particolare del catalogo cartaceo. Il quarto capitolo descrive il cuore del presente studio: l’indice digitale della biblioteca, creato a partire dal catalogo preesistente, ma ripensato radicalmente nella sua struttura, ampliato dall’aggiunta di nuovi dati e accompagnato da una pulizia e riorganizzazione dell’intera collezione libraria. Il quinto capitolo si avvale dei dati ricavati dal nuovo indice digitale, presentando le più importanti aggiunte manoscritte e tracce di lettura, al fine di mostrare come esse testimonino i legami intellettuali del poeta e il suo rapporto con il libro e la lettura. Alla luce di quanto appreso durante la valorizzazione digitale e fisica della biblioteca, il sesto e ultimo capitolo è dedicato a una riflessione sulla collezione libraria nel suo insieme e mostra come la biblioteca rifletta accuratamente le vicende umane di Claudel, ma soprattutto come l’analisi delle annotazioni permetta di ricostruire il suo modo di leggere e documentarsi, concentrandosi infine sul tema di Claudel lettore della Bibbia.
Paul Claudel e i suoi libri. Creazione e studio del catalogo digitale della biblioteca del castello di Brangues
The present research is devoted to the study of the personal library of Paul Claudel (1868-1955), which was carried out through the creation of a digital catalogue that contains reproductions of all of the poet’s handwritten markings found within the pages of his books. The library, rich in annotations, inscriptions, and dedications, and preserved by Claudel’s descendants in Brangues Castle, constitutes a valuable instrument for all who are interested in the sources of the poet’s oeuvre as well as in his cultural milieu. In the 1970’s, a catalogue of the library’s collection was published, but the rich literary patrimony has been left mostly unexplored. This first catalogue, in fact, only states whether there are handwritten markings and simply refers the reader to the physical exemplars of the books, although the library and the castle that contains it are not open to the public and still belong to Claudel’s progeny. In order to make the library accessible to the academic community, I set as the primary goal of this study the realization of a digital catalogue containing the reproductions of all handwritten marks found within the pages of the books. Furthermore, I improved considerably the state of conservation of the collection by means of a deep cleaning and a reordering of its shelving. This study thus describes and discusses the main phases of this twofold work. The first chapter presents an analysis of the concept of a “personal library,” a necessary prelude that delimits the complex object of my research. The second chapter focuses on the specific case of Claudel’s library and includes a biography of the poet with an emphasis on the relationship with his books and his reading throughout his life. The third chapter takes stock of the main studies of the library until now, with particular scrutiny of the 1970’s catalogue. The fourth chapter constitutes the heart of this study. It presents the new digital catalogue, which I created with an eye to the previous one but which is radically different in its structure and expanded in content. This chapter also describes the heavy cleaning and reordering of the entire physical collection. The fifth chapter makes use of the new content of the digital catalogue and presents the most important handwritten additions to the books. In this chapter, I demonstrate how these markings witness to Claudel’s intellectual bonds as well as to his relationship with books and reading. In light of what I learned through the digital and physical phases of this work, I devote the sixth and last chapter to a reflection on the library’s collection in its totality. I show that the library accurately reflects the human vicissitudes of the poet, but more importantly that an analysis of the marginalia and other additions allows the reconstruction of Claudel’s reading methods. As a privileged example of this, I take up the theme of Claudel as reader of the Bible.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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