The research work was focused on the development of a methodology for environmental risk assessment (ERA) applied to phytoremediation of contaminated soils. The proposed method has the purpose of facilitating the collection of information needed by the ERA, in a standardized way and of enabling the identification of potentially associated effects, with a case by case approach. The proposed structure for environmental risk assessment, PhytERA, (Phytoremediation Environmental Risk Assessment), includes a Conceptual Model and an electronic questionnaire driven by an application, developed ad hoc, in Microsoft Access. Development of PhytERA has followed two parallel paths aimed at collecting data and information to be used for the definition of the specific Conceptual Model and to be considered in preparing the associated electronic questionnaire. The first part of the work involved the analysis of the existing literature on the subject and consultation of working groups and international experts working in the field of phytoremediation. The consultation was carried out through personal interviews, through participation in conferences and seminars, and by sending to international working groups a questionnaire survey on the research currently taking place. The second part of the doctoral work was planned and aimed at the development of the Conceptual Model and of the associated electronic questionnaire. The Conceptual Model is based on the assumption that to produce an environmental effect, the presence of three components and their interconnections is required: SOURCE - FACTORS FOR DISSEMINATION - RECEPTORS; in the absence of even one of the components, the risk does not occur. The source of risk is the process of phytoremediation; the diffusion factors are related to the botanical-agronomic characteristics of the plant, to the morpho-climatic conditions of the site in which phytoremediation occurs, to the culture method applied, including the use of soil amendments, and to the collection and storage of plant material; receptors can be humans, animals and various environmental components, potential targets of the risk. The conceptual model is represented graphically as a flow chart. For each box of the diagram, I have prepared the necessary questions for the process of environmental risk assessment. The information has been divided so as to enable the characterization of the subjects of each box and to understand which, if any, of the various routes (source-diffusion factor-receptor) are activated. The questions prepared for a complete characterization of the Conceptual Model are 289 and they are of three types. The first type requires a descriptive answer and allows to characterize the object of each box of the Conceptual Model (the process of phytoremediation, pollen, seed, etc.); the second type includes multiple questions that typically require answers like yes / no / do not know and that allow or not to open a way of specific risk, some of the multiple questions provide a short list of options from which the user can select, but no text can be entered. The third type are control questions that allow to consider simultaneously the answers to two or more questions. The application developed in Access automatically activates each potential path depending on the entered information and answers to open / close questions. The user of the questionnaire, either responsible for the evaluation or researcher, is allowed, by answering questions, to follow individual routes starting at the source of risk, considering the individual factors of diffusion, the migration routes and receptors, arriving to identification of the specific effects related to the specific route. In this way it is possible to obtain a list of effects directly relatable to the diffusion factor that caused them and to the specific receptor, and it will be possible, if required, to implement specific measures of risk management to stop the risk path lowering the probability of occurrence of that effect. Once the questionnaire is completed, the user will be able to print a report containing all the information entered and the list of potential effects identified. A careful analysis of the information collected in the reports will allow the user to assess the exposure and the possible consequences related to each of the identified effects and thus characterize the risks. Moreover, the application of PhytERA to a significant number of diverse case studies and the analysis and comparison of the results could lead to the development of more effective management strategies and monitoring plans even ex ante to the release.
Il lavoro di ricerca ha avuto come oggetto lo sviluppo di una metodologia di valutazione del rischio ambientale (VRA) applicata al fitorisanamento di suoli contaminati. Il metodo proposto ha lo scopo di agevolare la raccolta delle informazioni, necessarie alla VRA, in maniera standardizzata e permettere l'identificazione dei potenziali effetti connessi con un approccio caso per caso. La struttura di valutazione del rischio ambientale proposta, PhytERA, (Phytoremediation Environmental Risk Assessment), comprende un Modello Concettuale e un questionario elettronico guidato da un'applicazione, sviluppata ad hoc, in Microsoft Access. Lo sviluppo di PhytERA ha seguito due percorsi paralleli finalizzati alla raccolta di dati ed informazioni da utilizzare per la definizione dello specifico Modello Concettuale e da considerare nella redazione del questionario elettronico abbinato. La prima parte del lavoro ha previsto l'analisi della bibliografia esistente sull'argomento e la consultazione di gruppi di lavoro ed esperti internazionali che lavorano nel campo del fitorimedio. La parte di consultazione è stata portata avanti sia attraverso interviste di persona, sia con la partecipazione a convegni e seminari, sia mediante l'invio a gruppi di lavoro internazionali di un questionario di indagine sulle ricerche in atto. La seconda parte del lavoro di dottorato è stato programmato e finalizzato ad allo sviluppo del Modello Concettuale e del questionario elettronico abbinato. Il Modello Concettuale si basa sul presupposto che affinché si presenti un effetto ambientale è necessaria la presenza di 3 componenti e dalle loro interconnessioni: FONTE – FATTORI DI DIFFUSIONE -– RECETTORI; in assenza anche di una sola delle componenti il rischio non si verifica. La fonte di rischio è il processo di fitorisanamento; i fattori di diffusione sono legati alle caratteristiche botanico-agronomiche della pianta, alle caratteristiche morfo-climatiche del sito in cui avviene il fitorisanamento, al metodo colturale applicato, incluso l'utilizzo di ammendanti del suolo, e alla raccolta e immagazzinamento del materiale vegetale; i recettori possono essere uomini, animali e diversi componenti ambientali potenzialmente bersaglio del rischio. Il modello concettuale viene rappresentato graficamente come un diagramma di flusso. Per ogni singola casella del diagramma, sono state redatte le domande necessarie al processo di valutazione del rischio ambientale. Le informazioni sono state suddivise in modo da permettere la caratterizzazione dei soggetti di ogni casella e per comprendere se e quali, dei vari percorsi (fonte- fattore di diffusione-recettore) vengano attivati. Le domande redatte per una completa caratterizzazione del Modello Concettuale sono 289 e sono di tre tipi. Il primo richiede una risposta descrittiva e permette di caratterizzare l'oggetto di ogni casella del Modello Concettuale (il processo di fitorisanamento, il polline, il seme, etc.); il secondo tipo comprende domande multiple che in genere richiedono risposte del tipo si/no/non so e che permettono di aprire o meno una via di rischio specifica, alcune delle domande multiple elencano una breve lista di opzioni tra le quali l'utilizzatore può selezionarne una, ma non può inserire alcun testo. Il terzo tipo sono domande di controllo che permettono di considerare contemporaneamente le risposte fornite a due o più domande. L'applicazione sviluppata in Access permette di attivare automaticamente ogni potenziale percorso a seconda delle informazioni inserite e delle risposte date alle domande apri/chiudi. L'utilizzatore del questionario, valutatore o ricercatore, viene messo in grado, rispondendo alle domande, di seguire le singole vie di rischio iniziando dalla fonte, considerando i singoli fattori di diffusione, le relative vie di migrazione e recettori, arrivando ad identificare gli specifici effetti correlati alla via di rischio percorsa. In questo modo si otterrà una lista di effetti direttamente relazionabili al fattore di diffusione che li ha provocati e allo specifico recettore, e potrà, se richiesto, mettere in atto misure di gestione del rischio specifiche che vadano ad interrompere la via di rischio abbassando la probabilità che l'effetto identificato si realizzi. Una volta compilato il questionario sarà possibile stampare un rapporto contenente tutte le informazioni inserite e la lista dei potenziali effetti identificati. Un'attenta analisi delle informazioni raccolte nei rapporti mettono in grado l'utente di valutare l'esposizione e le possibili conseguenze legate ad ognuno degli effetti identificati e quindi la caratterizzazione dei rischi connessi. Inoltre, l'applicazione di PhytERA a un numero significativo e diversificato di casi studio e l'analisi e confronto dei risultati potrebbe portare alla messa a punto di strategie di gestione e piani di monitoraggio più efficaci anche in fase ex ante rilascio.
Fitorisanamento e Valutazione del Rischio Ambientale: un nuovo approccio
The research work was focused on the development of a methodology for environmental risk assessment (ERA) applied to phytoremediation of contaminated soils. The proposed method has the purpose of facilitating the collection of information needed by the ERA, in a standardized way and of enabling the identification of potentially associated effects, with a case by case approach. The proposed structure for environmental risk assessment, PhytERA, (Phytoremediation Environmental Risk Assessment), includes a Conceptual Model and an electronic questionnaire driven by an application, developed ad hoc, in Microsoft Access. Development of PhytERA has followed two parallel paths aimed at collecting data and information to be used for the definition of the specific Conceptual Model and to be considered in preparing the associated electronic questionnaire. The first part of the work involved the analysis of the existing literature on the subject and consultation of working groups and international experts working in the field of phytoremediation. The consultation was carried out through personal interviews, through participation in conferences and seminars, and by sending to international working groups a questionnaire survey on the research currently taking place. The second part of the doctoral work was planned and aimed at the development of the Conceptual Model and of the associated electronic questionnaire. The Conceptual Model is based on the assumption that to produce an environmental effect, the presence of three components and their interconnections is required: SOURCE - FACTORS FOR DISSEMINATION - RECEPTORS; in the absence of even one of the components, the risk does not occur. The source of risk is the process of phytoremediation; the diffusion factors are related to the botanical-agronomic characteristics of the plant, to the morpho-climatic conditions of the site in which phytoremediation occurs, to the culture method applied, including the use of soil amendments, and to the collection and storage of plant material; receptors can be humans, animals and various environmental components, potential targets of the risk. The conceptual model is represented graphically as a flow chart. For each box of the diagram, I have prepared the necessary questions for the process of environmental risk assessment. The information has been divided so as to enable the characterization of the subjects of each box and to understand which, if any, of the various routes (source-diffusion factor-receptor) are activated. The questions prepared for a complete characterization of the Conceptual Model are 289 and they are of three types. The first type requires a descriptive answer and allows to characterize the object of each box of the Conceptual Model (the process of phytoremediation, pollen, seed, etc.); the second type includes multiple questions that typically require answers like yes / no / do not know and that allow or not to open a way of specific risk, some of the multiple questions provide a short list of options from which the user can select, but no text can be entered. The third type are control questions that allow to consider simultaneously the answers to two or more questions. The application developed in Access automatically activates each potential path depending on the entered information and answers to open / close questions. The user of the questionnaire, either responsible for the evaluation or researcher, is allowed, by answering questions, to follow individual routes starting at the source of risk, considering the individual factors of diffusion, the migration routes and receptors, arriving to identification of the specific effects related to the specific route. In this way it is possible to obtain a list of effects directly relatable to the diffusion factor that caused them and to the specific receptor, and it will be possible, if required, to implement specific measures of risk management to stop the risk path lowering the probability of occurrence of that effect. Once the questionnaire is completed, the user will be able to print a report containing all the information entered and the list of potential effects identified. A careful analysis of the information collected in the reports will allow the user to assess the exposure and the possible consequences related to each of the identified effects and thus characterize the risks. Moreover, the application of PhytERA to a significant number of diverse case studies and the analysis and comparison of the results could lead to the development of more effective management strategies and monitoring plans even ex ante to the release.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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