The integration of Information and Communication Technologies in the healthcare sector has been one of the main research areas in the recent years. To date, in many hospitals there are several procedure there still manually performed by the operators. Thanks to the ICT and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies integrations, it is possible to build innovative and intelligent systems, which allow the healtcare processes optimization. In particular, with the introduction of RFID technology, it is possible to reduce the time and costs of data acquisition and to minimize human errors due to operators manual entries. The objective of this PhD was the re-engineering of the RFID Resolution system, which was commissioned by Johnson&Johnson Medical Italy to the spin-off of the University of Parma, Id-Solutions in 2009. RFID Resolution is installed at distribution centers (DCs) and hospitals and it enables to track&trace medical devices along the Supply Chain steps, from the labeling (RFID tag application), to the product consuption in hospitals operatig rooms. The use of RFID technology allows the logistic process automation and increases the data accuracy. RFID Resolution enables also the punctual link beetween the products consumed and a specific surgery, increasing the patient safety.The data generated by RFID Resolution system allow the monitoring of stocks level, products consumption and expiring product. With these data it is possible to apply collaborative stocks management paradigms, like the Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI). The RFID Resolution solution has a distributed client-server architecture, in which there are two different type of systems: the local systems, installed in hospitals and DCs, and the cloud system, which resides on Google Cloud Platform; in this architecture, the local systems are the clients of the cloud systems. In turn, each local system has a client-server architecture within the local networ of an hospital/DC,. The local system provides several features called "processes", which are useful for the automated data collecting of tagged medical devices. Processes are executed by using the client devices (like handheld RFID reader or fixed reader with web user interface), which collect raw data and send them to the local server; the local server computes these data and generate EPCIS events. The DC standard processes are: Item Labeling and Shipping; at hospital it is possible to perform the following: Receiving (from an RFID DC), Item Labeling, Inventory, Return, Trash (item consumption with surgery informations link) and Products transfer (beetween two different locations internal to the hospital). If an hospital/DC manifests particular needs that can not be satisfied through standard processes, it is possible to customize one of the existing processes or create a new ad-hoc process. The EPCIS events, generated by local servers, are sent to the cloud system, which stores them on the cloud databases. The cloud system offers some RESTful web services for the processes data dowload, which can be queried (through the Internet) by the third-party applications integrated with RFID Resolution system (like hospitals ERP). These web service are the standard integration mode. If a hospital/DC can not take charge of the development of the software integration, it is possible to develop a customized software for the RFID Resolution data sharing. The cloud system provides a web-application called Dashboard, from which it is mainly possible to consult processes data and manage the system datasets (products or interventions datasets). On the cloud system are also installed some additional features which add value to the entire solution like, for example, the local systems status monitoring feature and the expiring products e-mail report. The installations of the RFID Resolution system (in production environment) at Italian hospitals started in 2011. Before the go-live of the project in the hospitals, the system was installed at the (only) Italian DC. In 2015, after having gained a certain awareness of the processes and after having carried out an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the system, the re-engineering was started. During the re-engineering the system architecture, the data format and the data-sharing modes were completely changed. The crux of this process was the design of the cloud system and the web services necessary for the data exchange. It have also been developed some new processes and features and the possibility of tracing products belonging to different suppliers than Johnson&Johnson has been added. In 2016, the RFID Resolution system was installed at a Dutch hospital and, about a year later, it was installed also in a Dutch DC in which multiple-suppliers products are tagged. In November 2017, the pilot project was installed at three Australian hospitals. In August 2018, the re-engineering process was still ongoing: the designing of new functionalities was in progress (such as an RFID-based algorithm for the directions calculation and a Business Intelligence dashboard) and the conversion of the Windows Mobile applications to Android applications was about to start. Overall in the world, in the period between November 2011 and August 2018, the RFID Resolution system was installed in 69 hospitals and 2 DCs. During this period some millions of items were managed and tracked with RFID Resolution system. In August 2018, 18 Italian hospitals ERPs, Johnson&Johnson Medical Italy ERP, Australian hospitals SAP and Dutch ERP, were integrated with RFID Resolution system.
L'integrazione delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione nel settore sanitario è stata una delle aree di ricerca più importanti degli ultimi anni. Ancora oggi, infatti, in un gran numero di ospedali molte procedure vengono effettuate manualmente dagli operatori. Grazie all'integrazione delle tecnologie ICT, ed in particolar modo a quelle relative all'Internet of Things (IoT), è possibile realizzare sistemi innovativi e intelligenti, che consentono l'ottimizzazione dei processi sanitari. In particolare, con l'introduzione della tecnologia RFID è possibile ridurre al minimo i tempi e i costi dell'acquisizione dei dati e minimizzare gli errori dovuti agli inserimenti manuali effettuati dagli operatori. L'obiettivo di questo Dottorato di Ricerca è stato la reingegnerizzazione del sistema RFID Resolution, nato nel 2009 da uno studio commissionato da Johnson&Johnson Medical Italia allo spin-off dell'Università degli Studi di Parma Id-Solutions. RFID Resolution viene installato presso i CEDI e gli ospedali e consente di tracciare i dispositivi medici lungo i vari step della Supply Chain, dal momento dell'etichettatura (applicazione di tag RFID), al momento del loro utilizzo presso le sale operatorie degli ospedali. Con l'impiego della tecnologia RFID sono stati automatizzati i principali processi logistici e, grazie ad una riduzione degli errori umani, è stata incrementata l'accuratezza dei dati. RFID Resolution consente inoltre di associare in modo puntuale il consumato a uno specifico intervento chirurgico, aumentando così la sicurezza per il paziente. I dati generati dal sistema RFID Resolution consentono il monitoraggio delle scorte, dei prodotti in scadenza e dei consumi, rendendo possibile l'applicazione di paradigmi per la gestione collaborativa delle scorte come, ad esempio, il Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI). Il sistema RFID Resolution ha un'architettura distribuita di tipo client-server, all'interno della quale sono presenti due tipologie di sistemi: i sistemi locali, installati presso i CEDI e gli ospedali, e il sistema cloud, che risiede sulla piattaforma cloud di Google, Google Cloud Platform; in questa architettura, i sistemi locali fungono da client del sistema cloud. Il sistema locale, che all'interno della rete dell'ospedale o del CEDI ha anch'esso un'architettura di tipo client-server, mette a disposizione una serie di funzionalità chiamate "processi", indispensabili per la raccolta automatizzata delle informazioni relative ai dispositivi medici dotati di tag RFID. I processi vengono eseguiti per mezzo dei dispositivi client (ad esempio, dispositivi personalizzati dotati di un reader RFID fisso e un'interfaccia utente web-based o terminali RFID mobili), i quali raccolgono i dati grezzi e li inviano al server, che li elabora e genera eventi EPCIS. I processi standard che possono essere effettuati nei CEDI sono quelli di Etichettatura e Spedizione, mentre tra i processi che possono essere effettuati negli ospedali vi sono: quelli di inbound (Ricevimento da CEDI RFID ed Etichettatura di prodotti), quelli di outbound (Scarico e Reso), l'inventario e il Trasferimento di prodotti tra più locazioni interne alla stessa struttura ospedaliera. Qualora una struttura dovesse avere esigenze particolari non soddisfacibili tramite i processi standard, è possibile effettuare una personalizzazione software di uno dei processi esistenti o realizzare un processo ad-hoc. Gli eventi EPCIS generati dai server locali vengono inviati al sistema cloud, il quale li memorizza e, tramite una serie di web service accessibili tramite Internet, li espone agli applicativi sviluppati da terze parti che si integrano con il sistema RFID Resolution. Questi web service costituiscono la modalità di integrazione standard. Vi sono però strutture che richiedono la realizzazione di un'integrazione personalizzata; ciò solitamente accade per ragioni di tipo organizzativo o nel caso in cui l'integrazione da realizzare sia particolarmente complessa. Il sistema cloud mette a disposizione un'applicazione web accessibile tramite Internet, chiamata Dashboard; essa consente principalmente la visualizzazione dei dati generati dall'esecuzione dei processi e la gestione delle anagrafiche. Sul sistema cloud sono inoltre presenti delle funzionalità accessorie che apportano valore aggiunto alla soluzione come, ad esempio, il monitoraggio dello stato dei sistemi locali e l'invio di report sui prodotti in scadenza. Le installazioni del sistema in produzione presso gli ospedali italiani sono iniziate nel 2011. Prima di procedere con l'avvio del progetto in produzione, è stata effettuata l'installazione del sistema presso l'unico CEDI presente in Italia. A partire dal 2015, dopo aver maturato una certa consapevolezza dei processi e dopo aver effettuato un'analisi dei punti di forza e di debolezza del sistema, è iniziato il processo di reingegnerizzazione del sistema. Durante la reingegnerizzazione è stata totalmente rivista la sua architettura, il formato dei dati e le modalità per la loro condivisione. Il punto cruciale di questo processo è stata la progettazione del sistema cloud e dei servizi indispensabili per lo scambio dei dati. Sono inoltre stati sviluppati nuovi processi ed è stata aggiunta la possibilità di tracciare prodotti appartenenti a fornitori diversi da Johnson&Johnson. Nel 2016, il sistema RFID Resolution è stato installato presso un ospedale olandese. In Olanda, l'anno successivo, è stato installato il sistema anche presso un CEDI, dal quale transitano sia prodotti Johnson&Johnson, che prodotti di altri fornitori. A Novembre 2017 è stato installato il progetto pilota presso tre ospedali australiani. Ad Agosto 2018, il processo di reingegnerizzazione era ancora in corso: era infatti in corso la progettazione di nuove funzionalità (come l'algoritmo per il calcolo delle direzioni tramite tecnologia RFID e una dashboard per la Business Intelligence) e stava per essere iniziata la conversione delle applicazioni Windows Mobile in applicazioni Android. Complessivamente, nel periodo compreso tra Novembre 2011 ed Agosto 2018, il sistema RFID Resolution è stato attivato presso 69 strutture (ospedali e CEDI) e ha consentito di gestire alcuni milioni di item. Ad Agosto 2018, erano integrati con il sistema RFID Resolution i gestionali di 18 ospedali italiani (intesi come strutture fisicamente separate o unità operative differenti della medesima struttura), il gestionale utilizzato dal personale di Johnson&Johnson Medical Italia, il sistema SAP dei tre ospedali australiani e il sistema ERP utilizzato presso l'ospedale olandese.
Progettazione, sviluppo e implementazione di un sistema distribuito RFID-based per la gestione della supply chain dei dispositivi medici
The integration of Information and Communication Technologies in the healthcare sector has been one of the main research areas in the recent years. To date, in many hospitals there are several procedure there still manually performed by the operators. Thanks to the ICT and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies integrations, it is possible to build innovative and intelligent systems, which allow the healtcare processes optimization. In particular, with the introduction of RFID technology, it is possible to reduce the time and costs of data acquisition and to minimize human errors due to operators manual entries. The objective of this PhD was the re-engineering of the RFID Resolution system, which was commissioned by Johnson&Johnson Medical Italy to the spin-off of the University of Parma, Id-Solutions in 2009. RFID Resolution is installed at distribution centers (DCs) and hospitals and it enables to track&trace medical devices along the Supply Chain steps, from the labeling (RFID tag application), to the product consuption in hospitals operatig rooms. The use of RFID technology allows the logistic process automation and increases the data accuracy. RFID Resolution enables also the punctual link beetween the products consumed and a specific surgery, increasing the patient safety.The data generated by RFID Resolution system allow the monitoring of stocks level, products consumption and expiring product. With these data it is possible to apply collaborative stocks management paradigms, like the Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI). The RFID Resolution solution has a distributed client-server architecture, in which there are two different type of systems: the local systems, installed in hospitals and DCs, and the cloud system, which resides on Google Cloud Platform; in this architecture, the local systems are the clients of the cloud systems. In turn, each local system has a client-server architecture within the local networ of an hospital/DC,. The local system provides several features called "processes", which are useful for the automated data collecting of tagged medical devices. Processes are executed by using the client devices (like handheld RFID reader or fixed reader with web user interface), which collect raw data and send them to the local server; the local server computes these data and generate EPCIS events. The DC standard processes are: Item Labeling and Shipping; at hospital it is possible to perform the following: Receiving (from an RFID DC), Item Labeling, Inventory, Return, Trash (item consumption with surgery informations link) and Products transfer (beetween two different locations internal to the hospital). If an hospital/DC manifests particular needs that can not be satisfied through standard processes, it is possible to customize one of the existing processes or create a new ad-hoc process. The EPCIS events, generated by local servers, are sent to the cloud system, which stores them on the cloud databases. The cloud system offers some RESTful web services for the processes data dowload, which can be queried (through the Internet) by the third-party applications integrated with RFID Resolution system (like hospitals ERP). These web service are the standard integration mode. If a hospital/DC can not take charge of the development of the software integration, it is possible to develop a customized software for the RFID Resolution data sharing. The cloud system provides a web-application called Dashboard, from which it is mainly possible to consult processes data and manage the system datasets (products or interventions datasets). On the cloud system are also installed some additional features which add value to the entire solution like, for example, the local systems status monitoring feature and the expiring products e-mail report. The installations of the RFID Resolution system (in production environment) at Italian hospitals started in 2011. Before the go-live of the project in the hospitals, the system was installed at the (only) Italian DC. In 2015, after having gained a certain awareness of the processes and after having carried out an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the system, the re-engineering was started. During the re-engineering the system architecture, the data format and the data-sharing modes were completely changed. The crux of this process was the design of the cloud system and the web services necessary for the data exchange. It have also been developed some new processes and features and the possibility of tracing products belonging to different suppliers than Johnson&Johnson has been added. In 2016, the RFID Resolution system was installed at a Dutch hospital and, about a year later, it was installed also in a Dutch DC in which multiple-suppliers products are tagged. In November 2017, the pilot project was installed at three Australian hospitals. In August 2018, the re-engineering process was still ongoing: the designing of new functionalities was in progress (such as an RFID-based algorithm for the directions calculation and a Business Intelligence dashboard) and the conversion of the Windows Mobile applications to Android applications was about to start. Overall in the world, in the period between November 2011 and August 2018, the RFID Resolution system was installed in 69 hospitals and 2 DCs. During this period some millions of items were managed and tracked with RFID Resolution system. In August 2018, 18 Italian hospitals ERPs, Johnson&Johnson Medical Italy ERP, Australian hospitals SAP and Dutch ERP, were integrated with RFID Resolution system.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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