Epidemiologic data show that the incidence of diabetes mellitus will reach 5.4% of the adult world population by 2025 and that the majority of deaths will be attributable to the associated cardiovascular diseases. Diabetes mellitus may represent a unique condition to establish whether organ pathology is primarily due to changes in the functional properties of stem or parenchymal cells or both. Chronic hyperglycemia is associated with long-term damage, dysfunction, and failure of different organs, especially the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart, and blood vessels. The variability in tissue response to chronic hyperglycaemia makes it difficult to sustain a unified hypothesis to dissect the mechanism of diabetes associated multiorgan damage. A significant literature exists on the functional impairment of endothelial progenitors’ cells (EPCs) and several observations by our group have documented diabetic microangiopathy in the bone marrow and demonstrated an alteration of osteoblastic stem niches by changes in the sympathetic autonomic nervous system. The present study is on line with the view that diabetes, is directed not only to parenchymal cells, but can also affect stem cell populations, in terms of distribution, number and function. Alterations in stem cell homeostatic control lead to dysfunction of target organs. Robust data on the structural changes in organ-specific cells (alpha and beta cells) and stem cells phenotypes in the course of diabetes have been poorly described. Thus, we set out to study morphologically and morphometrically the structural components of the organ in order to describe alterations induced by the disease. Our study includes 35 samples of human pancreas, 15 from normoglycemic patients and 20 from patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. After the quantification of the fibrotic component by Masson's trichrome staining, alpha-secreting glucagon and beta-secreting insulin cells were immunohistochemically detected. The immunofluorescence evaluation of the vascular network distribution was performed, by the identification of smooth muscle actin positive arteries, CD34 positive venules and capillaries and D2-40/podoplanine labelled lymphatic vessels. Using immunofluorescence techniques, we identified the presence and localization of adult stem cells phenotypes (c-kit, CD133, CD34 and CD44) in the absence of other differentiation markers. Since mast cells express high levels of c-kit we performed a double staining for Tryptase. Finally, on a limited number of pancreatic samples obtained from pancreatectomy, endothelial cells were isolated, characterized and exposed to different glucose concentrations. HUVEC were employed as control. The first evaluation, aimed at describing the distribution of the various structural components, showed that nearly 60% of the pancreas is occupied by the functional parenchymal tissue (exocrine and endocrine), 18% by fibrosis, while 22% is occupied by vascular stroma. Diabetic tissue showed a reduction of the functional component and an increase in collagen deposition especially in the interstitial and perivascular location. In diabetes the endocrine islands resulted of smaller size and with an interesting reduction of both insulin and glucagon positive cells. In contrast, a population of individual cells positive for the two markers distributed in the pancreatic parenchyma was found and was enriched in patients with diabetes. Evaluation of the vascular network documented a reduction of venular and capillary density in diabetic Langerhans islets while the density of arterioles -SMApos was reduced in the parenchyma, although the thickness of the arteriolar wall was increased in diabetic subjects. However, the reduction of the functional parenchyma, as a consequence of diabetes mellitus, tended to deplete the vessel/cell ratio in comparison with non-diabetic control parenchyma. Lymphatic vessels also showed a trend to decrease in diabetic samples. We candidate c-kit, the receptor of the stem cell factor (SCF), as one of the markers to identify the population of stem and progenitor cells resident in the pancreas. c-kitpos cells represented 0.058±0.015% of the total population in the normoglycemic pancreas, resulting predominantly (>50%) located within the islets; on the other hand, in diabetic samples the percentage was drastically reduced and to amore extent in pancreatic parenchyma. CD133pos stem cell phenotype showed an opposite trend, although without statistical significance. It is interesting to note that progenitor cells positive for CD34 were significantly reduced (p<0.05) in the pancreas of diabetic patients compared to normoglycemic controls. Regarding the in vitro study, once the endothelial cells were isolated from fresh human pancreas, a functional analysis was carried out. We tested the behavior of these cells in hyperglycemia, mimicking the diabetic microenvironment. Unexpectedly, the vitality test performed after 12 and 72h of treatment showed an increase in the proliferation of pancreatic endothelial cells in conditioned medium with the highest levels of glucose (22mM) while HUVECs were affected by the toxic effect of hyperglycemia. Wound healing and angiogenesis assay showed an inhibition of migratory and tubulogenesis capacity in PanECs in high-glucose medium. This study provides the basis for subsequent investigations on human pacreas to understand the impact of diabetes mellitus on the structural rearrangement and on the possible involvement of progenitor cells in the mechanisms of dysregulation of tissue and functional homeostasis. Although we did not establish whether these structural alterations were the consequence, or a cause of diabetes associated multiorgan damage, our approach may offer new insights on the understanding of the diabetic paradox of a tissue specific angiopathy.
I dati epidemiologici evidenziano che l’incidenza del diabete mellito, entro il 2025, raggiungerà il 5,4% della popolazione mondiale adulta e che la maggior parte delle morti sarà attribuibile a patologie cardiovascolari ad esso associato. Il diabete potrebbe rappresentare una condizione di partenza per stabilire se la patologia d’organo sia primitivamente dovuta a modificazioni nelle proprietà funzionali delle cellule staminali, delle cellule parenchimali o di entrambe le popolazioni. La condizione di iperglicemia cronica caratteristica del diabete si associa ad un danneggiamento a lungo termine, disfunzione, fino all’insufficienza multiorgano, attraverso complicanze micro- e macro-vascolari che colpiscono cuore, cervello, vasi sanguigni periferici, retina, reni e sistema nervoso periferico. La variabilità della risposta tissutale all’iperglicemia causata dal diabete rende difficile, però, attribuire una causa univoca dello scompenso multiorgano associato alla malattia. Esiste una letteratura significativa riguardante i difetti funzionali dei progenitori endoteliali sia midollari che circolanti (EPCs), e numerose osservazioni del nostro gruppo hanno documentato la presenza di microangiopatia nel midollo e una alterazione delle nicchie osteoblastiche dovuta ad un difetto del sistema nervoso simpatico nel diabete. L’ipotesi che si vuole dimostrare nel corso di uno studio molto più ampio è che, il diabete, oltre all’insulto metabolico diretto alle cellule parenchimali, possa anche determinare uno scompenso funzionale delle cellule staminali progenitrici residenti e circolanti, tali da portare ad alterazioni dell’omeostasi e disfunzione di organi bersaglio. Poiché in letteratura sono scarsi i dati che descrivono in un organo complesso quale il pancreas, la distribuzione sia di cellule organo-specifiche (alfa e beta cellule) sia di cellule caratterizzanti le nicchie staminali in corso di diabete, ci siamo proposti di studiare morfologicamente e morfometricamente le componenti strutturali dell’organo al fine di descrivere possibili alterazioni indotte dalla malattia. La casistica comprende 35 campioni di pancreas umano di cui 15 provenienti da pazienti normoglicemici e 20 da pazienti con diabete mellito di tipo 2. Dopo aver quantificato la componente fibrotica del tessuto mediante colorazione tricromica di Masson, avvalendoci di tecniche di immunoistochimica, è stato effettuato il riconoscimento di cellule alfa secernenti glucagone e cellule beta secernenti insulina. E’ stata, poi, effettuata una valutazione mediante immunofluorescenza della distribuzione della rete vascolare, riconoscendo i profili positivi ad actina muscolare liscia (arterie), CD34 (venule e capillari) e D2-40/podoplanina (vasi linfatici). Mediante tecniche di immunofluorescenza abbiamo identificato la presenza e la localizzazione di cellule che presentassero fenotipi di staminalità adulta (c-kit, CD133, CD34 e CD44) in assenza di altri marcatori di differenziazione. Dal momento che i mastociti esprimono alti livelli di c-kit abbiamo effettuato una doppia colorazione per Tryptase. Infine, su un numero limitato di campioni di pancreas ottenuti da pancreasectomia, abbiamo isolato e caratterizzato le cellule endoteliali e le abbiamo testate sottoponendole a diverse concentrazioni di glucosio, paragonandole alle cellule HUVEC, cellule usate come controllo nello studio di popolazioni endoteliali. La prima valutazione, volta alla descrizione della distribuzione delle varie componenti strutturali ha evidenziato che circa il 60% del pancreas è occupato dal tessuto parenchima funzionale (esocrino ed endocrino), 18% da fibrosi mentre per il 22% da stroma vascolare; percentuali che si modificano in presenza di diabete con una riduzione della componente funzionale ed un aumento della deposizione di collagene, soprattutto di tipo interstiziale e perivascolare. Per quanto riguarda la porzione endocrina, nel diabete le isole risultano essere di minore dimensione e con una interessante riduzione sia di cellule positive per insulina sia di quelle positive per glucagone. Contrariamente, è stata ritrovata una popolazione di cellule singole positive per i due marcatori distribuite nel parenchima pancreatico che, invece, è risultata arricchita nei pazienti con diabete. La valutazione della rete vascolare documenta una riduzione della densità venulare e capillare nelle sole isole di Langerhans diabetiche mentre la densità di arteriole -SMApos è ridotta nel parenchima, ma con un aumento dello spessore della parete arteriolare nei soggetti diabetici. Tuttavia, la riduzione del parenchima funzionale, come conseguenza del diabete mellito, tende a depletare il rapporto vasi /cellule in confronto con il parenchima di controllo. Anche per i vasi linfatici si documenta un trend di riduzione nei campioni con presenza di patologia diabetica. Si è quindi proceduto al riconoscimento delle cellule progenitrici, costituite da una popolazione di cellule positive per c-kit, recettore di stem cell factor. Queste cellule c-kitpos rappresentano lo 0,058±0,015% della popolazione totale nei pancreas normoglicemici, risultando prevalentemente (>50%) localizzate all’interno degli isolotti; nei campioni diabetici, invece, la percentuale si riduce drasticamente e in maniera più evidente nel parenchima pancreatico. Il fenotipo staminale CD133 mostra invece un andamento opposto, con un incremento anche se non significativo nei campioni patologici. È interessante notare che le cellule progenitrici positive per CD34 sono risultate significativamente ridotte (p<0,05) nei pancreas dei pazienti diabetici confrontati con i controlli normoglicemici. Per quanto riguarda lo studio in vitro, una volta isolate le cellule endoteliali dai pezzi a fresco di pancreas umano, è stata condotta un’analisi funzionale sul comportamento di queste cellule in condizioni di iperglicemia, volte a mimare il microambiente diabetico. Inaspettatamente, il saggio di vitalità effettuato a 12 e 72ore ha mostrato un aumento della proliferazione delle cellule endoteliali pancreatiche (PanEC) nel medium condizionato con i più alti livelli di glucosio (22mM) mentre le HUVEC risentono dell’effetto tossico dell’iperglicemia. I saggi di Wound Healing e angiogenesi su matrigel hanno mostrato un rallentamento della migrazione e della tubulogenesi nella nostra popolazione di interesse (PanEC) in tenore di alto glucosio. Questo studio offre le basi per indagini successive volte a comprendere l’impatto del diabete mellito sul riarrangiamento strutturale e sul possibile coinvolgimento di cellule progenitrici nei meccanismi di disregolazione dell’omeostasi tissutale e funzionale. Pur non avendo stabilito se queste modificazioni siano una causa o una conseguenza del danneggiamento multiorgano tipico del diabete, il nostro approccio potrebbe offrire nuovi spunti nella comprensione della angiopatia diabetica tessuto-specifica.
Immunohistochemical analysis of structural remodelling and stem cell phenotypes distribution in human diabetic pancreas
Epidemiologic data show that the incidence of diabetes mellitus will reach 5.4% of the adult world population by 2025 and that the majority of deaths will be attributable to the associated cardiovascular diseases. Diabetes mellitus may represent a unique condition to establish whether organ pathology is primarily due to changes in the functional properties of stem or parenchymal cells or both. Chronic hyperglycemia is associated with long-term damage, dysfunction, and failure of different organs, especially the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart, and blood vessels. The variability in tissue response to chronic hyperglycaemia makes it difficult to sustain a unified hypothesis to dissect the mechanism of diabetes associated multiorgan damage. A significant literature exists on the functional impairment of endothelial progenitors’ cells (EPCs) and several observations by our group have documented diabetic microangiopathy in the bone marrow and demonstrated an alteration of osteoblastic stem niches by changes in the sympathetic autonomic nervous system. The present study is on line with the view that diabetes, is directed not only to parenchymal cells, but can also affect stem cell populations, in terms of distribution, number and function. Alterations in stem cell homeostatic control lead to dysfunction of target organs. Robust data on the structural changes in organ-specific cells (alpha and beta cells) and stem cells phenotypes in the course of diabetes have been poorly described. Thus, we set out to study morphologically and morphometrically the structural components of the organ in order to describe alterations induced by the disease. Our study includes 35 samples of human pancreas, 15 from normoglycemic patients and 20 from patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. After the quantification of the fibrotic component by Masson's trichrome staining, alpha-secreting glucagon and beta-secreting insulin cells were immunohistochemically detected. The immunofluorescence evaluation of the vascular network distribution was performed, by the identification of smooth muscle actin positive arteries, CD34 positive venules and capillaries and D2-40/podoplanine labelled lymphatic vessels. Using immunofluorescence techniques, we identified the presence and localization of adult stem cells phenotypes (c-kit, CD133, CD34 and CD44) in the absence of other differentiation markers. Since mast cells express high levels of c-kit we performed a double staining for Tryptase. Finally, on a limited number of pancreatic samples obtained from pancreatectomy, endothelial cells were isolated, characterized and exposed to different glucose concentrations. HUVEC were employed as control. The first evaluation, aimed at describing the distribution of the various structural components, showed that nearly 60% of the pancreas is occupied by the functional parenchymal tissue (exocrine and endocrine), 18% by fibrosis, while 22% is occupied by vascular stroma. Diabetic tissue showed a reduction of the functional component and an increase in collagen deposition especially in the interstitial and perivascular location. In diabetes the endocrine islands resulted of smaller size and with an interesting reduction of both insulin and glucagon positive cells. In contrast, a population of individual cells positive for the two markers distributed in the pancreatic parenchyma was found and was enriched in patients with diabetes. Evaluation of the vascular network documented a reduction of venular and capillary density in diabetic Langerhans islets while the density of arterioles -SMApos was reduced in the parenchyma, although the thickness of the arteriolar wall was increased in diabetic subjects. However, the reduction of the functional parenchyma, as a consequence of diabetes mellitus, tended to deplete the vessel/cell ratio in comparison with non-diabetic control parenchyma. Lymphatic vessels also showed a trend to decrease in diabetic samples. We candidate c-kit, the receptor of the stem cell factor (SCF), as one of the markers to identify the population of stem and progenitor cells resident in the pancreas. c-kitpos cells represented 0.058±0.015% of the total population in the normoglycemic pancreas, resulting predominantly (>50%) located within the islets; on the other hand, in diabetic samples the percentage was drastically reduced and to amore extent in pancreatic parenchyma. CD133pos stem cell phenotype showed an opposite trend, although without statistical significance. It is interesting to note that progenitor cells positive for CD34 were significantly reduced (p<0.05) in the pancreas of diabetic patients compared to normoglycemic controls. Regarding the in vitro study, once the endothelial cells were isolated from fresh human pancreas, a functional analysis was carried out. We tested the behavior of these cells in hyperglycemia, mimicking the diabetic microenvironment. Unexpectedly, the vitality test performed after 12 and 72h of treatment showed an increase in the proliferation of pancreatic endothelial cells in conditioned medium with the highest levels of glucose (22mM) while HUVECs were affected by the toxic effect of hyperglycemia. Wound healing and angiogenesis assay showed an inhibition of migratory and tubulogenesis capacity in PanECs in high-glucose medium. This study provides the basis for subsequent investigations on human pacreas to understand the impact of diabetes mellitus on the structural rearrangement and on the possible involvement of progenitor cells in the mechanisms of dysregulation of tissue and functional homeostasis. Although we did not establish whether these structural alterations were the consequence, or a cause of diabetes associated multiorgan damage, our approach may offer new insights on the understanding of the diabetic paradox of a tissue specific angiopathy.I documenti in UNITESI sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.