This work discusses the in-plane response of thin steel framed laminated glass panes, with the aim to applying them in the seismic retrofitting of Cultural Heritage. Laminated glass, composed by glass plies bonded by polymeric interlayers, is used for structural purposes thanks to its safe post-glass-breakage response: the shards remain attached to the polymer, imparting to the assembly a certain cohesion and avoiding injuries due to catastrophic collapse. Thanks to the tension stiffening of interlayer due to the contact with the glass shards, the damaged elements exhibit a residual load-bearing capacity, strongly dependent on the amount of delamination. Furthermore, experimental studies have demonstrated that the broken element can dissipate energy under cyclic loading, due to the cohesive polymer-glass contact. This suggests the use of laminated glass panels to increase the load bearing capacity and ductility of existing buildings under horizontal actions, as those from an earthquake. To mitigate the intrinsic brittleness of glass, the panel may be contoured by a thin steel frame. This kind of hybrid glass-steel diaphragm is ideal for the seismic retrofitting of historic buildings, because it meets the criteria of minimum visual impact, immediate recognizability and complete reversibility, as suggested by the modern principles of conservation and restoration. The proposed solution is designed so to remain sound under moderate earthquakes, while it may break (in a ductile manner) and dissipate energy under cyclic loading under the most severe events. When glass is sound, the in-plane stiffness is governed by glass, while in the post-glass-breakage phase the load-resistant scheme is formed by a steel frame confining an infill panel, playing the role of a transparent strut diagonal, with a static scheme similar to that of a masonry infill panel. The behaviour in the pre-glass breakage phase is extensively investigated. A simple formula for the effective post-breakage stiffness under in-plane loading is provided, which depends upon interlayer modulus and amount of delamination. The progression of delamination under cyclic loading has been studied numerically, by assuming a non-linear stress vs. separation law for the glass-interlayer interface. Using a micro-macro approach and homogenization techniques, energy theorems in linear elasticity provide a simple formula assessing a lower bound for the effective stiffness of heat-treated panels. Comparisons with numerical experiments confirm its accuracy for interpreting the response of representative portions of broken laminated glass, composed by a large number of glass fragments, for different shapes of the glass shards and for different amount of delamination. The proposed model may represent an useful practical tool for evaluating the post-critical response of laminated glass under in-plane loading, in particular under seismic shear loads. Materials and geometry have been optimized to achieve the suitable requirements in both the pre- and post-glass-breakage phases. The direct contact between metal and glass is avoided interposing a soft material and the corners shall be designed in order to prevent stress concentrations. Linear and non-linear numerical experiments have been performed to evaluate the structural response of the hybrid cell and its interactions with the existing structure. Furthermore, analytical and/or simplifying approaches are used to provide useful control tools in the design of these elements.
Questo lavoro discute il comportamento nel piano di pannelli di vetro stratificato contornati da sottili telai in acciaio, con l’obiettivo di applicarli nel miglioramento sismico di edifici appartenenti al patrimonio culturale. Il vetro stratificato, composto da strati di vetro e interstrati polimerici, viene utilizzato per scopi strutturali in virtù della sua risposta in fase post-rottura: i frammenti rimangono attaccati al polimero, garantendo una certa coesione all’assemblaggio ed evitando danni dovuti al collasso catastrofico. Grazie al meccanismo di tension stiffening dell’intercalare dovuto al contatto con i frammenti di vetro, gli elementi danneggiati hanno una capacità portante residua, fortemente dipendente dalla quantità di delaminazione. Inoltre, studi sperimentali hanno dimostrato che l’elemento rotto può dissipare energia se sollecitato da carichi ciclici, mediante il contatto coesivo polimero-vetro. Ciò suggerisce l’uso di pannelli di vetro stratificato per aumentare la capacità portante e la duttilità di edifici esistenti sollecitati da azioni orizzontali, come quelle causate da eventi sismici. Per mitigare la fragilità intrinseca del vetro, il pannello può essere contornato da un sottile telaio in acciaio. Questo diaframma strutturale ibrido vetro-acciaio è ideale per interventi atti a conservare edifici storici, andando nella direzione dei moderni principi di conservazione e restauro: minimo impatto visivo, riconoscibilità e reversibilità. La soluzione proposta è progettata per rimanere integra in caso di terremoti moderati, mentre può collassare (duttilmente) e dissipare energia sotto carico ciclico nel caso di azioni più gravi. Quando il vetro è intatto, la rigidezza è governata da questo, mentre nella fase post-rottura lo schema resistente al carico è costituto dal telaio in acciaio di contorno e dal puntone diagonale compresso che si realizza nel pannello, con uno schema statico simile a quello di un pannello di tamponamento in muratura. Il comportamento nella fase di pre-rottura del vetro è ampiamente studiato. Viene, inoltre proposta, una semplice formulazione per la valutazione della rigidezza equivalente nella fase post-rottura, che dipende dal modulo elastico dell intercalare e dalla quantità di delaminazione. Il confronto con esperimenti numerici conferma la sua potenzialità nell’interpretare la risposta di porzioni rappresentative di vetro stratificato rotto, costituite da un gran numero di frammenti di vetro, al variare della forma del frammento e della quantità di delaminazione. Il modello proposto può essere un pratico strumento utile per valutare la risposta post-critica del vetro stratificato caricato nel piano, in particolare nel caso di taglianti sismici. I materiali e la geometria sono stati ottimizzati per raggiungere i requisiti ricercati, sia in fase pre- che post-rottura del vetro. Il contatto diretto tra metallo e vetro viene evitato interponendo un materiale deformabile e gli angoli della cella sono progettati per evitare concentrazioni di tensione. Sono state eseguite simulazioni numeriche lineari e non lineari per valutare la risposta strutturale della cella ibrida e le sue interazioni con strutture esistenti. Inoltre, vengono utilizzati approcci analitici e/o semplificativi per fornire utili strumenti di controllo nella progettazione di questi elementi.
Sul comportamento nel piano di pannelli di vetro stratificato contornati da telai in acciaio. Applicazione alla conservazione di beni architettonici.
This work discusses the in-plane response of thin steel framed laminated glass panes, with the aim to applying them in the seismic retrofitting of Cultural Heritage. Laminated glass, composed by glass plies bonded by polymeric interlayers, is used for structural purposes thanks to its safe post-glass-breakage response: the shards remain attached to the polymer, imparting to the assembly a certain cohesion and avoiding injuries due to catastrophic collapse. Thanks to the tension stiffening of interlayer due to the contact with the glass shards, the damaged elements exhibit a residual load-bearing capacity, strongly dependent on the amount of delamination. Furthermore, experimental studies have demonstrated that the broken element can dissipate energy under cyclic loading, due to the cohesive polymer-glass contact. This suggests the use of laminated glass panels to increase the load bearing capacity and ductility of existing buildings under horizontal actions, as those from an earthquake. To mitigate the intrinsic brittleness of glass, the panel may be contoured by a thin steel frame. This kind of hybrid glass-steel diaphragm is ideal for the seismic retrofitting of historic buildings, because it meets the criteria of minimum visual impact, immediate recognizability and complete reversibility, as suggested by the modern principles of conservation and restoration. The proposed solution is designed so to remain sound under moderate earthquakes, while it may break (in a ductile manner) and dissipate energy under cyclic loading under the most severe events. When glass is sound, the in-plane stiffness is governed by glass, while in the post-glass-breakage phase the load-resistant scheme is formed by a steel frame confining an infill panel, playing the role of a transparent strut diagonal, with a static scheme similar to that of a masonry infill panel. The behaviour in the pre-glass breakage phase is extensively investigated. A simple formula for the effective post-breakage stiffness under in-plane loading is provided, which depends upon interlayer modulus and amount of delamination. The progression of delamination under cyclic loading has been studied numerically, by assuming a non-linear stress vs. separation law for the glass-interlayer interface. Using a micro-macro approach and homogenization techniques, energy theorems in linear elasticity provide a simple formula assessing a lower bound for the effective stiffness of heat-treated panels. Comparisons with numerical experiments confirm its accuracy for interpreting the response of representative portions of broken laminated glass, composed by a large number of glass fragments, for different shapes of the glass shards and for different amount of delamination. The proposed model may represent an useful practical tool for evaluating the post-critical response of laminated glass under in-plane loading, in particular under seismic shear loads. Materials and geometry have been optimized to achieve the suitable requirements in both the pre- and post-glass-breakage phases. The direct contact between metal and glass is avoided interposing a soft material and the corners shall be designed in order to prevent stress concentrations. Linear and non-linear numerical experiments have been performed to evaluate the structural response of the hybrid cell and its interactions with the existing structure. Furthermore, analytical and/or simplifying approaches are used to provide useful control tools in the design of these elements.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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