This thesis is a collection of works linked by the common purpose of investigating the formation and evolution of seismogenic fault zones in carbonate rocks through the study of the Monte Marine Fault (MMF), a seismogenic fault located in the central Apennines (Italy). This thesis is organized in three chapters. It starts with a methodological study that consists of a review of the most common techniques used for the characterization of carbonate fault rocks. In this study, new methodologies for the characterization of granular/poorly cohesive materials are also presented. The aim of this study is to compare 2D multi-scale image analysis on coherent samples with results from 3D laser granulometry and 3D optical granulometry on loose materials to test the influence of analytical procedure on the calculation of fractal dimension. The final results of this study prove that analytical procedures influence the calculation of fractal dimension in faulted carbonates. Guidelines for the characterization of carbonate materials are also provided. The second chapter of this thesis focuses on the analysis of the structural architecture and petrophysical properties of fault rocks along the MMF, through fieldwork and laboratory analyses. The aim of this study is to understand the formation and evolution of the fault rocks along the Monte Marine fault zone by studying heterogeneities in structural architecture and microstructural properties of fault rocks with field mapping, and grain size and shape characterization of faulted materials and in situ shattered rocks. The final result of this study consists of an evolutionary model that presents alternated phases of fault creeping and seismic rupture that occur during the seismic cycle. The third and last chapter of this thesis reports the results of friction experiments performed with SHIVA (Slow to High Velocity Apparatus, INGV, Rome) on a natural fault gouge collected from the MMF. Experiments were performed at different slip rates (1 m/s and 0.001 m/s) and effective normal stress (1 MPa and 5 MPa) at both dry conditions (with argon as pore fluid) and wet conditions (with water as pore fluid). The principal aim of this work is to understand the role of fluids during the seismic rupture and apply these founding at the case of the MMF. The final results of this work show that mechanisms favoring weakening (e.g. nanoparticles formation and pore fluid pressurization) mostly occur at seismic slip velocities and especially in water. The comparison between experimentally produced microstructures and naturally produced microstructures demonstrated that seismic rupture along the MMF likely occurred in dry conditions.
Questa tesi è una collezione di lavori legati dal comune obiettivo di investigare la formazione e l’evoluzione di zone di faglia sismogenetiche in rocce carbonatiche attraverso lo studio della faglia di Monte Marine (MMF) e di campioni di rocce di faglia provenienti dalla faglia di Fiamignano, in Appennino Centrale. Questa tesi consta di tre capitoli principali e si apre con uno studio metodologico volto alla revisione delle più comuni tecniche analitiche utilizzate per la caratterizzazione delle rocce di faglia in carbonati. In questo studio, pubblicato sulla rivista Journal of Structural Geology, si analizza il modo in cui le procedure analitiche influenzano il calcolo della dimensione frattale in rocce di faglia in carbonati, prendendo in esame dei campioni raccolti lungo il piano di faglia di Fiamignano. Alla fine del capitolo vengono fornite delle line guida generali per la caratterizzazione delle rocce di faglia in carbonati. Il secondo capitolo di questa tesi si focalizza sull’analisi dell’architettura strutturale e delle proprietà petrofisiche delle rocce di faglia affioranti nel blocco di letto della Faglia di Monte Marine (MMF), in provincia de L’Aquila, attraverso analisi di terreno e di laboratorio. Lo scopo di questo studio è capire la formazione e l’evoluzione della zona di faglia attraverso l’interpretazione delle eterogeneità strutturali e delle proprietà microstrutturali delle rocce di faglia, mediante mappatura sul terreno e caratterizzazione in laboratorio delle proprietà granulometriche e morfometriche di cataclasiti e brecce. Il risultato finale di questo studio consiste in un modello evolutivo che spiega la formazione di ingenti volumi di rocce brecciate in un’alternanza di fasi di fault creeping e di rottura cosismica durante il ciclo sismico. Il terzo ed ultimo capitolo di questa tesi riporta i risultati degli esperimenti frizionali condotti con l’apparato SHIVA (Slow to High Velocity Apparatus, INGV, Roma) su un gouge naturale raccolto lungo la MMF. Gli esperimenti sono stati condotti a diverso slip rate (1 m/s e 0.001 m/s) e sforzo normale efficace (1 MPa e 5 MPa) in condizioni dry (usando Argon come fluido di poro) e wet (usando acqua come fluido di poro). Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di capire il ruolo dei fluidi durante la rottura cosismica e applicare queste conoscenze al caso studio della MMF. I risultati di questo lavoro mostrano che i meccanismi di indebolimento dinamico ad es. per formazione di nanoparticelle e pressurizzazione termica del fluido) avvengono a velocità cosismiche e specialmente in presenza di acqua. La comparazione tra microstrutture prodotte sperimentalmente e microstrutture osservate sul terreno mostra come la rottura cosismica lungo la Faglia di Monte Marine sia avvenuta prevalentemente in condizioni dry.
Studio di una faglia sismogenetica in rocce carbonatiche attraverso indagini di terreno ed analisi sperimentali sulla Faglia di Monte Marine (Appennino Centrale, Italia)
This thesis is a collection of works linked by the common purpose of investigating the formation and evolution of seismogenic fault zones in carbonate rocks through the study of the Monte Marine Fault (MMF), a seismogenic fault located in the central Apennines (Italy). This thesis is organized in three chapters. It starts with a methodological study that consists of a review of the most common techniques used for the characterization of carbonate fault rocks. In this study, new methodologies for the characterization of granular/poorly cohesive materials are also presented. The aim of this study is to compare 2D multi-scale image analysis on coherent samples with results from 3D laser granulometry and 3D optical granulometry on loose materials to test the influence of analytical procedure on the calculation of fractal dimension. The final results of this study prove that analytical procedures influence the calculation of fractal dimension in faulted carbonates. Guidelines for the characterization of carbonate materials are also provided. The second chapter of this thesis focuses on the analysis of the structural architecture and petrophysical properties of fault rocks along the MMF, through fieldwork and laboratory analyses. The aim of this study is to understand the formation and evolution of the fault rocks along the Monte Marine fault zone by studying heterogeneities in structural architecture and microstructural properties of fault rocks with field mapping, and grain size and shape characterization of faulted materials and in situ shattered rocks. The final result of this study consists of an evolutionary model that presents alternated phases of fault creeping and seismic rupture that occur during the seismic cycle. The third and last chapter of this thesis reports the results of friction experiments performed with SHIVA (Slow to High Velocity Apparatus, INGV, Rome) on a natural fault gouge collected from the MMF. Experiments were performed at different slip rates (1 m/s and 0.001 m/s) and effective normal stress (1 MPa and 5 MPa) at both dry conditions (with argon as pore fluid) and wet conditions (with water as pore fluid). The principal aim of this work is to understand the role of fluids during the seismic rupture and apply these founding at the case of the MMF. The final results of this work show that mechanisms favoring weakening (e.g. nanoparticles formation and pore fluid pressurization) mostly occur at seismic slip velocities and especially in water. The comparison between experimentally produced microstructures and naturally produced microstructures demonstrated that seismic rupture along the MMF likely occurred in dry conditions.I documenti in UNITESI sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.