Polarized antiprotons allow unique access to a number of fundamental physics observables. One example is the transversity distribution which is the last missing piece to complete the knowledge of the nucleon partonic structure at leading twist in the QCD-based parton model. The transversity is directly measurable via Drell-Yan production in double polarized antiproton-proton collisions. This and a multitude of other findings, which are accessible via ~p ~p scattering experiments, led the Polarized Antiproton eXperiments (PAX) Collaboration to propose such investigations at the High Energy Storage Ring (HESR) of the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR). Futhermore the production of intense polarized antiproton beams is still an unsolved problem, which is the core of the PAX proposal. In this frame, an intense work on the feasibility of this ambitious project is going on at COSY (COoler SYnchrotron of the Institut für KernPhysik –IKP– of the Forschungs Zentrum Jülich) (FZJ) where the work of this thesis has been performed. Presently, the only available method to polarize an antiproton beam is by means of the mechanism of spin-filtering exploiting the spin dependence of the (p p) interaction via the repeated interaction with a polarized hydrogen target. Since the total cross section is different for parallel and antiparallel orientation of the beam particle spins relative to the direction of the target polarization, one spin direction is depleted faster than the other, so that the circulating beam becomes increasingly polarized, while the intensity decreases with time. A spin-filtering experiment with protons has been prepared and finally realized in 2011 at the COSY ring in Jülich. Aims of the spin-filtering experiments at COSY performed by the PAX Collaboration were two. The first was to confirm the present understanding of the spin filtering processes in storage rings, and the second was the commissioning of the experimental setup, which will be used for the experiments with the antiprotons. The major part of my PhD work consisted in the development and commissioning of a new trigger board to be implemented in the Data Acquisition System (DAQ) of the experiment. The motivation for the project was the replacement of the existing old-fashioned trigger system based on NIM logic modules, with a modern system based on FPGA programmable chips. This, also in perspective of the more complex detection system that the Collaboration is planning to realize for the future experimental activity. The trigger board was designed and realized by the electronic workshop of the University of Ferrara and INFN of Ferrara. My first task was to write the control-software of the board. After that I performed a series of development and commissioning tests which successfully demonstrated the full efficiency of the board and gave green light for the implementation of the board in the experimental setup.

Development of a new trigger system for spin-filtering studies



Polarized antiprotons allow unique access to a number of fundamental physics observables. One example is the transversity distribution which is the last missing piece to complete the knowledge of the nucleon partonic structure at leading twist in the QCD-based parton model. The transversity is directly measurable via Drell-Yan production in double polarized antiproton-proton collisions. This and a multitude of other findings, which are accessible via ~p ~p scattering experiments, led the Polarized Antiproton eXperiments (PAX) Collaboration to propose such investigations at the High Energy Storage Ring (HESR) of the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR). Futhermore the production of intense polarized antiproton beams is still an unsolved problem, which is the core of the PAX proposal. In this frame, an intense work on the feasibility of this ambitious project is going on at COSY (COoler SYnchrotron of the Institut für KernPhysik –IKP– of the Forschungs Zentrum Jülich) (FZJ) where the work of this thesis has been performed. Presently, the only available method to polarize an antiproton beam is by means of the mechanism of spin-filtering exploiting the spin dependence of the (p p) interaction via the repeated interaction with a polarized hydrogen target. Since the total cross section is different for parallel and antiparallel orientation of the beam particle spins relative to the direction of the target polarization, one spin direction is depleted faster than the other, so that the circulating beam becomes increasingly polarized, while the intensity decreases with time. A spin-filtering experiment with protons has been prepared and finally realized in 2011 at the COSY ring in Jülich. Aims of the spin-filtering experiments at COSY performed by the PAX Collaboration were two. The first was to confirm the present understanding of the spin filtering processes in storage rings, and the second was the commissioning of the experimental setup, which will be used for the experiments with the antiprotons. The major part of my PhD work consisted in the development and commissioning of a new trigger board to be implemented in the Data Acquisition System (DAQ) of the experiment. The motivation for the project was the replacement of the existing old-fashioned trigger system based on NIM logic modules, with a modern system based on FPGA programmable chips. This, also in perspective of the more complex detection system that the Collaboration is planning to realize for the future experimental activity. The trigger board was designed and realized by the electronic workshop of the University of Ferrara and INFN of Ferrara. My first task was to write the control-software of the board. After that I performed a series of development and commissioning tests which successfully demonstrated the full efficiency of the board and gave green light for the implementation of the board in the experimental setup.
GUIDI, Vincenzo
Università degli Studi di Ferrara
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