The rapid expansion of the nanotechnology field implied the diffusion of metal oxide nanoparticles (NPs) in the indoor and work environments, thus setting a relevant sanitary matter. People primarily exposed to engineered NPs are not only consumers of end-user nanoproducts, but also workers in the field of nanotechnology. They may come in contact with NPs during NPs synthesis or further treatments and applications of such materials where the primary exposure route is inhalation. The internalization of nanoparticles in the cellular environment could induce subsequent cytotoxic, genotoxic and epigenotoxic effects, inflammatory response and carcinogenic effects. This thesis focuses on the evaluation of the cyto-toxic effects of three metal-based NP, titanium dioxide (TiO2 NP), cobalt oxide (Co3O4 NP), cadmium sulfide quantum dots (CdS QD), which extensive use in industrial processes makes them appealing candidates for an extensive investigation on their toxicity. The selected NPs were exposed to cell lines representative of the tissues with greater exposure risk: A549 (human lung adenocarcinoma), HepG2 (human liver hepatocellular carcinoma), HUVEC (Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells), HAEC (Human Aorta Endothelial Cells) and explanted rat cardiomiocytes. Selected lines were tested for cytotoxicity (MTS assay), genotoxicity (comet assay), reactive oxygen species induction (DCFH-DA fluorescence assay) and epigenotoxic interactions. To evaluate the potential epigenetic interactions, this thesis proposes the development and application of a relatively novel technique, based on a solid and broadly used system such as the comet assay, for the measurement of global methylation level. The technique is a modified protocol of the alkaline comet assay, able to assess global methylation levels in a cell population through digestion with two restriction enzymes (HpaII, MspI). The method was tested for repeatability and for its capability of perceiving changes in global methylation level, using two substances with known effects toward the methylome: decitabine (demethylating agent) and nickel chloride (NiCl2 – hypermethylating agent). To elucidate if xenobiotic interaction could have effects on methylome maintenance system, DNA methyltransferase transcriptional levels have been assessed alongside, trough real time RT-PCR. Comet assay modified protocol was then used to evaluate a possible epigenotoxic activity of Co3O4 NPs and TiO2 NPs on the A549 cell line. Cobalt- and titan-based NPs showed low cytotoxicity on all tested cell lines, while cadmium based NPs showed a higher cytotoxicity with an IC50 around 14µg/ml. All NPs have caused the induction of genotoxicity in all tested cell lines. In particular, Co3O4 NPs and TiO2 NPs induced genotoxicity arises in absence of significant cytotoxicity. Most cell lines seem to recover from genotoxic damage at different times after exposure. HAEC cells exposed to Co3O4 NPs showed the induction of ROS and genomic fragmentation together with a decreased metabolic activity. Of all the two tested nanoparticles (Co3O4 NP and TiO2 NP), only Co3O4 NPs have shown interaction with the cell methylome. Exposure of A549 cell line to Co3O4 NP induced a mild but significant global demethylation. This, together with the reported enhanced ROS level and genotoxicity induction, shows the need to reconsider the risk associated with exposure to cobalt-based NPs.
La rapida espansione del campo delle nanotecnologie ha implicato l’ingresso e la successiva diffusione di nanoparticelle (NP) a base di ossidi metallici in ambiente domestico e lavorativo, suscitando di conseguenza una problematica sanitaria rilevante. Gli individui esposti a NP non sono esclusivamente i consumatori finali di prodotti contenenti nanomateriali ma anche lavoratori che possono potenzialmente venire in contatto con NP durante tutte le fasi del ciclo produttivo. L’internalizzazione delle nanoparticelle nel citoplasma può indurre risposta infiammatoria, effetti citotossici, genotossici, epigenotossici e cancerogeni. Questa tesi è incentrata su tre NP a base metallica, NP di biossido di titanio (TiO2 NP), NP di cobalto (II, III) ossido (Co3O4 NP), quantum dots di solfuro di cadmio (CdS NP), il cui uso estensivo in processi industriali rende necessario caratterizzarne approfonditamente gli effetti. Gli effetti delle NP selezionate sono stati saggiati su linee cellulari in vitro rappresentative dei tessuti con più alto rischio associato all’esposizione: A549 (cellule umane di adenocarcinoma polmonare), HepG2 (cellule umane di carcinoma epatocellulare), HUVEC (Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells), HAEC (Human Aorta Endothelial Cells) e cardiomiociti di ratto da espianto primario. Le linee cellulari sono state saggiate per l’induzione di citotossicità (MTS assay), genotossicità (comet assay), induzione di specie reattive dell’ossigeno (ROS – test in fluorescenza con DCFH-DA) ed effetti epigenotossici. Al fine di valutare le possibili interazioni epigenetiche, questa tesi propone lo sviluppo e successiva applicazione di una nuova metodica basata su un sistema solido ed ampiamente usato come il comet assay. Il protocollo modificato del comet assay alcalino è in grado di rilevare macrovariazioni di metilazione globale in una popolazione di cellule attraverso la digestione con due enzimi di restrizione (HpaII, MspI). È stata saggiata la ripetibilità del metodo e la sua sensibilità nei confronti di variazioni nei livelli della metilazione globale usando due sostanze con azione nota sul metiloma: decitabina (agente demetilante) e cloruro di nichel (NiCl2 – agente ipermetilante). In aggiunta, al fine di verificare se l’interazione con xenobiotici potesse avere effetti anche sui sistemi cellulari di mantenimento del metiloma si è provveduto a saggiare i livelli trascrizionali dei geni delle DNA metiltransferasi (DNMT) tramite RT-PCR real time. Il protocollo modificato del comet assay è stato quindi utilizzato per verificare eventuale attività epigenotossica di Co3O4 NP e TiO2 NP sulla linea cellulare A549. Le NP a base di cobalto e titanio hanno mostrato una bassa citotossicità su tutte le linee saggiate, mentre le NP a base cadmio hanno mostrato una citotossicità più alta con valori di IC50 di circa 14µg/ml. Tutte le NP hanno causato l’induzione di genotossicità, a seguito dell’esposizione, in tutte le linee cellulari valutate. In particolare, la genotossicità indotta da Co3O4 NP e le TiO2 NP è stata rilevata a concentrazioni che non presentavano citotossicità significativa. La maggioranza delle linee cellulari sembri recuperare lo stress genotossico indotto in tempi variabili caratteristici di ogni singola linea cellulare. La linea HAEC esposta a Co3O4 NP ha mostrato l’induzione di ROS e di frammentazione genomica, unitamente a una diminuzione dell’attività metabolica. Delle due NP saggiate (Co3O4 NP e TiO2 NP), solo le Co3O4 NP hanno mostrato effetti a carico del metiloma cellulare. L’esposizione a Co3O4 NP ha determinato nella linea A549 l’induzione di una lieve seppur significativa demetilazione globale. Questa evidenza, unitamente all’aumento dei livelli di ROS e l’induzione di genotossicità riportati, pone la necessità di riconsiderare il rischio associato all’esposizione a nanoparticelle a base di cobalto.
Genotossicità ed epigenotossicità di nanomateriali ingegnerizzati
The rapid expansion of the nanotechnology field implied the diffusion of metal oxide nanoparticles (NPs) in the indoor and work environments, thus setting a relevant sanitary matter. People primarily exposed to engineered NPs are not only consumers of end-user nanoproducts, but also workers in the field of nanotechnology. They may come in contact with NPs during NPs synthesis or further treatments and applications of such materials where the primary exposure route is inhalation. The internalization of nanoparticles in the cellular environment could induce subsequent cytotoxic, genotoxic and epigenotoxic effects, inflammatory response and carcinogenic effects. This thesis focuses on the evaluation of the cyto-toxic effects of three metal-based NP, titanium dioxide (TiO2 NP), cobalt oxide (Co3O4 NP), cadmium sulfide quantum dots (CdS QD), which extensive use in industrial processes makes them appealing candidates for an extensive investigation on their toxicity. The selected NPs were exposed to cell lines representative of the tissues with greater exposure risk: A549 (human lung adenocarcinoma), HepG2 (human liver hepatocellular carcinoma), HUVEC (Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells), HAEC (Human Aorta Endothelial Cells) and explanted rat cardiomiocytes. Selected lines were tested for cytotoxicity (MTS assay), genotoxicity (comet assay), reactive oxygen species induction (DCFH-DA fluorescence assay) and epigenotoxic interactions. To evaluate the potential epigenetic interactions, this thesis proposes the development and application of a relatively novel technique, based on a solid and broadly used system such as the comet assay, for the measurement of global methylation level. The technique is a modified protocol of the alkaline comet assay, able to assess global methylation levels in a cell population through digestion with two restriction enzymes (HpaII, MspI). The method was tested for repeatability and for its capability of perceiving changes in global methylation level, using two substances with known effects toward the methylome: decitabine (demethylating agent) and nickel chloride (NiCl2 – hypermethylating agent). To elucidate if xenobiotic interaction could have effects on methylome maintenance system, DNA methyltransferase transcriptional levels have been assessed alongside, trough real time RT-PCR. Comet assay modified protocol was then used to evaluate a possible epigenotoxic activity of Co3O4 NPs and TiO2 NPs on the A549 cell line. Cobalt- and titan-based NPs showed low cytotoxicity on all tested cell lines, while cadmium based NPs showed a higher cytotoxicity with an IC50 around 14µg/ml. All NPs have caused the induction of genotoxicity in all tested cell lines. In particular, Co3O4 NPs and TiO2 NPs induced genotoxicity arises in absence of significant cytotoxicity. Most cell lines seem to recover from genotoxic damage at different times after exposure. HAEC cells exposed to Co3O4 NPs showed the induction of ROS and genomic fragmentation together with a decreased metabolic activity. Of all the two tested nanoparticles (Co3O4 NP and TiO2 NP), only Co3O4 NPs have shown interaction with the cell methylome. Exposure of A549 cell line to Co3O4 NP induced a mild but significant global demethylation. This, together with the reported enhanced ROS level and genotoxicity induction, shows the need to reconsider the risk associated with exposure to cobalt-based NPs.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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