Alpine huts are facilities for tourists placed in apart settings, usually subjected to a strong wear due to environmental factors and to the massive human presence while their opening. Their working is infuenced by the optimized management of the resources and by the extreme reduction of economic and environmental costs. With the analysis of needs and requirements which allow the building use, have been identifed renovation works on the existing huts which give an improvement either in technological integration and optimization or in building energy performance (also considering the use of renewable energy sources) or in gaining an indoor environmental comfort that enables a better living in it. A procedure has been defned which allow both their evaluation and application.

Tesi: Riqualifcazione energetica e ambientale dei rifugi alpini. Supporto al processo decisionale del progetto di riqualifcazione e ottimizzazione degli edifci ricettivi isolati ad uso discontinuo in contesto climatico alpino, scollegati da reti di fornitura servizi.



Alpine huts are facilities for tourists placed in apart settings, usually subjected to a strong wear due to environmental factors and to the massive human presence while their opening. Their working is infuenced by the optimized management of the resources and by the extreme reduction of economic and environmental costs. With the analysis of needs and requirements which allow the building use, have been identifed renovation works on the existing huts which give an improvement either in technological integration and optimization or in building energy performance (also considering the use of renewable energy sources) or in gaining an indoor environmental comfort that enables a better living in it. A procedure has been defned which allow both their evaluation and application.
DAVOLI, Pietromaria
DI GIULIO, Roberto
Università degli Studi di Ferrara
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