Transposable elements (TEs) constitute nearly 45% of the human genome and nowadays non-LTR retrotransposons are the only TEs able to retrotranspose. LINE-1 (L1) and Alu elements (Alus), the most abundant non-LTR retrotransposons with 500 thousand and 1 million copies, respectively, have been extremely successful in populating the human genome through a “copy-and-paste” mode of mobilization requiring transcription by host RNA polymerase II or III followed by retrotranscription. Firstly considered as junk DNA, they have been reevaluated because of their ability to influence genome stability through insertional mutagenesis and unequal non allelic crossing-over and to interfere with cellular pathways in ways that are largely unexplored. In this context, the study of Alus and L1 as the hugest part of the human genome, is principally relevant because of the emerging evidence of their possible roles in causing human diseases. The analysis of the regulation of their expression and the possible consequences of their derepression are interesting mainly because of the sporadic evidence of a connection between Alus transcriptional derepression and the hypomethylation of their sequences. Relevant with this respect are emerging data about TEs’ hypomethylation in tumours, suggesting a potential connection between Alus derepression and their genomic hypomethylation. Along this line, examples of L1 hypomethylation in a few malignancies have been reported. Moreover there are many examples of Alus and L1 hypomethylation upon environmental exposures associated with high risk of pathologies: this increases their possible activation through abrogation of their silencing (they are normally hypermethylated and silent) and their potential involvement in exposure-associate pathologies. Retrotransposons derepression after environmental exposure is thus a phenomenon deserving the most of our attention. The present thesis manuscript reports our work in searching for a bioinformatic pipeline able to distinguish Alu RNAs autonomously transcribed by the RNA polymerase III (Pol III) through ENCODE RNA-seq raw data, corresponding to seven different human cell lines, and we were able to find a tiny subset of cell type-specific Alu RNAs which allow us to conclude that Alus could present different sensitivity to DNA methylation and chromatin status, and that they can be representative of epigenomic states, that are different from one cell line to another. In this sense, the analysis of Alu expression profiles, made possible by sequencing of the transcriptome, might represent a novel, extremely subtle and sensitive way to monitor epigenome alterations accompanying physiological and pathological states and also environmental exposures. Despite their massive influence on genome evolution and sporadic examples of their involvement in tumour, the transcriptional activity of Alu loci in normal and cancer cells has never been satisfactorily investigated so the identification of Alu RNA profiles could be useful in considering them like cancer biomarkers, as previously mentioned. In so doing we were able to open the way for future investigations about Alu RNAs involvement in cancer, as it reported for other ncRNAs (such as miRNA and lncRNA). Furthermore Alu RNA overexpression in HeLa cells allow us to highlight the possible mechanism of action of these transcripts, because of our evidence of downregulation of mRNAs containing almost 3 antisense Alus in their 3’UTRs and of lncRNAs containing almost 2 sense Alus in their post-splicing form. These results strongly suggest a sense-antisense mechanism (we overexpressed sense oriented Alu RNAs) for mRNA downregulation. The pathways’ analysis also emphasized that Alus overexpression affect groups of genes involved in fundamental cellular processes, such as cell-cycle, transcription and splicing of RNAs, and this is relevant because one of the first examples in this context. Finally we examined environmental influence on Alu and LINE-1 expression, considering the reported hypomethylation effects that several environmental chemicals have on these retroelements. According to the fact that DNA hypomethyation is generally associated to transcriptional derepression, our goal was to analyse if the alteration of the methylation status of Alus and L1 loci could be one of the possible cause of their derepression. With this aim, we treated THP-1 and HSC cells with hydroquinone, the most abundant benzene metabolite selected as the paradigm of environmental chemicals, and we found a significant increase of Alus and LINE-1 expression with a possible correlation to the loss of methylation in their sequences. These observations were cell type-independent suggesting that hydroquinone might exert the same effects in different cell lines and that, finally, retrotransposon derepression might be one of its peculiar outcome. The same analysis reported for hydroquinone exposure, could be useful to analyse the influence that other environmental chemicals can have on Alus and LINE-1 expression, and they could increase our knowledge on the possible mechanism underlying the risk of pathologies connected with human’s environmental exposure.
Gli elementi trasponibili costituiscono circa il 45% del genoma umano e solo la classe dei retrotrasposoni non-LTR risulta attiva oggigiorno dal punto di vista della retrotrasposizione. Fanno parte di questa classe, gli elementi LINE-1 ed Alu, i quali si inseriscono in un locus genomico diverso da quello di origine, duplicandosi attraverso la generazione di un intermedio ad RNA, aumentando così notevolmente il loro numero di copie genomiche (circa 1 milione per gli elementi Alu e 500 mila per gli elementi L1). Inizialmente considerati DNA “spazzatura”, ovvero una porzione di DNA priva di qualsiasi funzione, attualmente essi sono stati progressivamente rivalutati, innanzitutto in quanto in grado di contribuire alla stabilità e all’evoluzione dei genomi in molteplici modi, in secondo luogo anche in quanto in grado di influenzare numerosi processi cellulari in modi ancora da esplorare. Il fatto che tali elementi si integrino in nuovi siti genomici, fa sì che essi possano generare instabilità sia mediante mutagenesi inserzionale sia attraverso eventi di ricombinazione omologa non allelica. Inoltre gli RNA stessi, prodotti dalla trascrizione dei retrotrasposoni, possono anche interferire con i normali processi cellulari. Analizzare gli elementi ripetuti, in quanto parte del genoma non ancora ben esplorata ma con ruoli emergenti sempre più associati allo sviluppo delle malattie, è quindi di rilievo per capire in dettaglio come sia regolata la loro espressione e le conseguenze di quest’ultima nel contesto cellulare. Inoltre, dal momento che vi sono alcune evidenze di una derepressione trascrizionale degli elementi Alu correlata alla loro ipometilazione e che tale ipometilazione è presente nelle cellule tumorali, si può supporre che uno dei meccanismi alla base della attivazione sia proprio una variazione nel loro stato di metilazione (normalmente gli elementi Alu e L1 sono ipermetilati e silenti) e che la loro espressione sia da considerarsi come un importante, ma ancora inesplorato, marcatore dello stato tumorale (sono riportate alcune evidenze anche della ipometilazione di elementi L1 in cellule tumorali). Ciò risulta di particolare rilievo se si considera che l’esposizione prolungata a differenti fattori ambientali, noti per essere legati alla comparsa di patologie, comporta anche una alterata metilazione (in genere ipometilazione) di elementi Alu e L1: questo avvalora l’ipotesi di una loro attivazione mediante abrogazione del silenziamento genico, e di un loro conseguente possibile coinvolgimento nella patogenesi. La derepressione di retrotrasposoni Alu e L1 in risposta a fattori ambientali rappresenta, pertanto, un fenomeno degno della massima attenzione. Nell’ambito della presente tesi di dottorato si è elaborata una strategia informatica per l’identificazione di elementi Alu trascritti autonomamente dalla RNA polimerasi III a partire da dati grezzi di RNA-seq. Si sono analizzati i dati relativi ai trascrittomi di 7 linee cellulari (tumorali e non tumorali) ottenuti all’interno del progetto ENCODE e si è individuato un sottogruppo di Alu RNA tipo cellulare-specifico che ha permesso di ipotizzare che gli elementi espressi possono avere una particolare sensibilità alla metilazione del DNA e al contesto cromatinico, i quali sono soggetti a variazioni da un tipo cellulare all’altro. Pertanto, l’analisi dei profili di espressione di elementi Alu, resa possibile dal sequenziamento dei trascrittomi cellulari, potrebbe rappresentare un nuovo modo, estremamente fine e sensibile, di monitorare le alterazione dell’epigenoma che accompagnano gli stati fisiologici e patologici, nonchè le esposizioni ambientali. Infatti, nonostante la notevole influenza degli elementi Alu sull’evoluzione del genoma e gli sporadici esempi del loro coinvolgimento in alcune forme tumorali, l’attività trascrizionale dei loci Alu nelle cellule normali e nelle cellule tumorali non è mai stata indagata a fondo. Detto ciò, l’identificazione di profili di Alu RNA potrebbe essere utile per considerarli come bio-marcatori del cancro, pertanto le nostre evidenze hanno aperto la strada ad indagini future sul possibile coinvolgimento degli Alu RNA nei tumori, come riportato per altri RNA non codificanti (come miRNA e lncRNA). La sovraespressione di due Alu RNA in cellule HeLa ha inoltre permesso di mettere in luce un possibile meccanismo di azione degli Alu RNA espressi nelle cellule, in quanto si è osservata la down-regolazione di mRNA contenenti almeno 3 elementi Alu in antisenso nella loro 3’UTR e di lncRNA con almeno 2 elementi Alu senso nella forma matura (post-splicing). Tali evidenze suggeriscono fortemente un meccanismo senso-antisenso (gli Alu RNA sovraespressi sono in orientamento senso) alla base del decremento di espressione dei trascritti codificanti per proteine. Inoltre, fra i geni per proteine deregolati dalla sovraespressione degli elementi Alu si sono trovati gruppi di geni coinvolti nel ciclo cellulare e nella maturazione dell’RNA, e ciò risulta importante in quanto uno dei primi esempi in tale ambito. Infine, si è rivolta l’attenzione all’influenza che i fattori ambientali, ai quali l’uomo è quotidianamente esposto, possono esercitare sull’espressione degli elementi ripetuti Alu e LINE-1, incuriositi dal fatto che l’esposizione ad alcuni agenti è stata associata ad una ipometilazione di tali elementi normalmente silenti, che quindi potrebbe essere interpretata come potenziale causa di una loro derepressione. Trattamenti di cellule THP-1 e staminali ematopoietiche da cordone ombelicale con concentrazioni crescenti di idrochinone, metabolita del benzene scelto come paradigma dell’esposizione ambientale, hanno permesso di osservare un apprezzabile aumento di espressione di Alu e L1 RNA che potrebbe essere correlato con una loro ipometilazione genomica. Tali variazioni di espressione e metilazione si sono rivelati tipo cellulare-indipendenti, facendo supporre che il derivato del benzene eserciti effetti paragonabili in differenti contesti cellulari e che quindi, in ultima analisi, la derepressione degli elementi Alu e L1 possa essere un suo effetto peculiare. Lo studio condotto con l’idrochinone apre la strada all’analisi degli effetti che altri fattori ambientali, generalmente ipometilanti, possono avere sull’espressione di elementi Alu e L1, e aggiungono un tassello verso la conoscenza di un possibile meccanismo alla base dell’insorgenza delle patologie indotte dai tali fattori.
Studio dell'espressione dei retrotrasposoni umani Alu e LINE-1 e della sua possibile modulazione in risposta a fattori ambientali
Transposable elements (TEs) constitute nearly 45% of the human genome and nowadays non-LTR retrotransposons are the only TEs able to retrotranspose. LINE-1 (L1) and Alu elements (Alus), the most abundant non-LTR retrotransposons with 500 thousand and 1 million copies, respectively, have been extremely successful in populating the human genome through a “copy-and-paste” mode of mobilization requiring transcription by host RNA polymerase II or III followed by retrotranscription. Firstly considered as junk DNA, they have been reevaluated because of their ability to influence genome stability through insertional mutagenesis and unequal non allelic crossing-over and to interfere with cellular pathways in ways that are largely unexplored. In this context, the study of Alus and L1 as the hugest part of the human genome, is principally relevant because of the emerging evidence of their possible roles in causing human diseases. The analysis of the regulation of their expression and the possible consequences of their derepression are interesting mainly because of the sporadic evidence of a connection between Alus transcriptional derepression and the hypomethylation of their sequences. Relevant with this respect are emerging data about TEs’ hypomethylation in tumours, suggesting a potential connection between Alus derepression and their genomic hypomethylation. Along this line, examples of L1 hypomethylation in a few malignancies have been reported. Moreover there are many examples of Alus and L1 hypomethylation upon environmental exposures associated with high risk of pathologies: this increases their possible activation through abrogation of their silencing (they are normally hypermethylated and silent) and their potential involvement in exposure-associate pathologies. Retrotransposons derepression after environmental exposure is thus a phenomenon deserving the most of our attention. The present thesis manuscript reports our work in searching for a bioinformatic pipeline able to distinguish Alu RNAs autonomously transcribed by the RNA polymerase III (Pol III) through ENCODE RNA-seq raw data, corresponding to seven different human cell lines, and we were able to find a tiny subset of cell type-specific Alu RNAs which allow us to conclude that Alus could present different sensitivity to DNA methylation and chromatin status, and that they can be representative of epigenomic states, that are different from one cell line to another. In this sense, the analysis of Alu expression profiles, made possible by sequencing of the transcriptome, might represent a novel, extremely subtle and sensitive way to monitor epigenome alterations accompanying physiological and pathological states and also environmental exposures. Despite their massive influence on genome evolution and sporadic examples of their involvement in tumour, the transcriptional activity of Alu loci in normal and cancer cells has never been satisfactorily investigated so the identification of Alu RNA profiles could be useful in considering them like cancer biomarkers, as previously mentioned. In so doing we were able to open the way for future investigations about Alu RNAs involvement in cancer, as it reported for other ncRNAs (such as miRNA and lncRNA). Furthermore Alu RNA overexpression in HeLa cells allow us to highlight the possible mechanism of action of these transcripts, because of our evidence of downregulation of mRNAs containing almost 3 antisense Alus in their 3’UTRs and of lncRNAs containing almost 2 sense Alus in their post-splicing form. These results strongly suggest a sense-antisense mechanism (we overexpressed sense oriented Alu RNAs) for mRNA downregulation. The pathways’ analysis also emphasized that Alus overexpression affect groups of genes involved in fundamental cellular processes, such as cell-cycle, transcription and splicing of RNAs, and this is relevant because one of the first examples in this context. Finally we examined environmental influence on Alu and LINE-1 expression, considering the reported hypomethylation effects that several environmental chemicals have on these retroelements. According to the fact that DNA hypomethyation is generally associated to transcriptional derepression, our goal was to analyse if the alteration of the methylation status of Alus and L1 loci could be one of the possible cause of their derepression. With this aim, we treated THP-1 and HSC cells with hydroquinone, the most abundant benzene metabolite selected as the paradigm of environmental chemicals, and we found a significant increase of Alus and LINE-1 expression with a possible correlation to the loss of methylation in their sequences. These observations were cell type-independent suggesting that hydroquinone might exert the same effects in different cell lines and that, finally, retrotransposon derepression might be one of its peculiar outcome. The same analysis reported for hydroquinone exposure, could be useful to analyse the influence that other environmental chemicals can have on Alus and LINE-1 expression, and they could increase our knowledge on the possible mechanism underlying the risk of pathologies connected with human’s environmental exposure.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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