Abstract Biomarkers or “biological markers” play a crucial role in biological monitoring. In this thesis, we have focused on the analysis of biomarkers of effect and exposure to environmental xenobiotics. In the first part, we have evaluated the micro RNA (miRNA) as a potential tool for the early diagnosis of lung cancer in not invasive matrices -such as CAE and plasma-. In particular, we have investigated the miRNA-21, an oncogene, and the miRNA-486, a tumor suppressor. The results showed their ability to correctly distinguish people with lung cancer from healthy ones, suggesting that they might be used for diagnostic purposes. In the second part of our work, biomarkers of exposure of benzene have been studied in order to evaluate the effects of exposure to environmental concentration of benzene in children living in cities with different degrees of urbanization. The study has shown a dose-effect correlation between the concentration of benzene and its urinary metabolites and has also shown an oxidative damage to nucleic acids. However, the urinary concentrations of benzene were not affected by the degree of urbanization, in contrast with S-PMA and with the oxidative stress indicators (8-oxodGuo e 8-oxoGuo) which seem to be affected both by the place of living and by the sampling timing. Finally, we have investigated the possible biomarkers of exposure to vinylcyclohexene (VCH), an industrial byproduct of the polymerization of 1,3-butadiene, since reference BEI haven’t been proposed yet, despite the low values of TLV-TWA (0.1 ppm) suggested by ACGIH. In the first part of the work on VCH, we have been studying VCH mechanisms of toxicity by in vitro models, testing different cell lines. The results showed how the real dose of VCH is lower than the nominal one, because of the evaporation effect. Moreover, in the most sensitive cell lines, cytostatic effects have been noticed, together with cell cycle alterations, in contrast with the exposure to the epoxides of VCH, VCD and 1,2-VCHME, which determine cells lysis with a IC50 3 times lower than the one of the VCH. The quantification of the metabolites of phase I and II of the VCH in the hepatic cell line has highlighted concentrations 1000 times lower than the concentration of VCH, confirming that its toxicity is mainly caused by the production of epoxide intermediates. Furthermore, the transformation in the metabolites of phase II confirmed the detoxification effect of the metabolism. The transferability of the results obtained by in vitro approach to in vivo systems will represent the baseline to identify possible metabolites to propose for the biological monitoring of workers exposed to VCH. KEY WORDS: biomarkers of effect and exposure, lung cancer, miRNA, benzene, vinylcyclohexene.
Riassunto I biomarcatori o “marcatori biologici” svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nel monitoraggio biologico. In questo lavoro ci siamo soffermati sullo studio di biomarcatori di effetto e di esposizione a xenobiotici ambientali. Nel primo caso abbiamo valutato i micro RNA (miRNA) da utilizzare per la diagnosi precoce del tumore al polmone in matrici di facile accesso, quale il CAE e il plasma, utilizzando il miRNA-21, oncogeno, e il miRNA-486, oncosoppressore. I risultati evidenziano una loro capacità di distinguere correttamente i soggetti con tumore polmonare dai soggetti sani, ipotizzando un loro utilizzo a scopo diagnostico. Nella seconda parte del lavoro di tesi sono stati studiati i biomarcatori di esposizione a benzene per valutare gli effetti dell’esposizione a concentrazioni ambientali su bambini residenti in città e a diverso livello di urbanizzazione. Lo studio ha evidenziato una correlazione dose-effetto fra le concentrazioni di benzene e dei suoi metaboliti urinari e un danno ossidativo a livello degli acidi nucleici. Tuttavia, le concentrazioni di benzene urinario non sono influenzate dal grado di industrializzazione, a differenza dell’S-PMA e degli indicatori di stress ossidativo (8-oxodGuo e 8-oxoGuo) che sembrano risentire sia della residenza che del momento del campionamento. Infine abbiamo ricercato possibili biomarcatori di esposizione a vinilcicloesene (VCH), sottoprodotto industriale nella polimerizzazione del 1,3-butadiene, poiché non sono ancora stati proposti BEI di riferimento nonostante i bassi valori di TLV-TWA (0.1 ppm) proposti dall’ACGIH. Nella prima fase del lavoro abbiamo studiato i meccanismi di tossicità del VCH tramite modelli in vitro, testando varie linee cellulari. I risultati evidenziano come la dose reale di VCH sia di molto inferiore a quella nominale per effetto dell’evaporazione. Inoltre, nelle linee cellulari più sensibili si sono evidenziati effetti citostatici, con alterazioni del ciclo cellulare, a differenza dell’esposizione agli epossidi del VCH, il VCD e l’1,2-VCHME, che determinano lisi cellulare con IC50 di 3 ordini di grandezza inferiori a quelli del VCH. La quantificazione dei metaboliti di I fase e di II fase del VCH nelle linee cellulari epatiche ha evidenziato concentrazioni di circa 1000 volte inferiori a quelle del VCH confermando come la sua tossicità sia principalmente dovuta alla produzione degli intermedi epossidici. La trasformazione nei metaboliti di II fase conferma inoltre l’effetto detossificante del metabolismo. La trasferibilità dei risultati ottenuti in vitro su sistemi in vivo fornirà le basi per poter identificare possibili metaboliti da proporre per il monitoraggio biologico di lavoratori esposti a VCH. PAROLE CHIAVE: biomarcatori di effetto e di esposizione, tumore al polmone, miRNA, benzene, vinilcicloesene.
Biomarcatori per il monitoraggio biologico di soggetti esposti ad agenti cancerogeni per il polmone
Abstract Biomarkers or “biological markers” play a crucial role in biological monitoring. In this thesis, we have focused on the analysis of biomarkers of effect and exposure to environmental xenobiotics. In the first part, we have evaluated the micro RNA (miRNA) as a potential tool for the early diagnosis of lung cancer in not invasive matrices -such as CAE and plasma-. In particular, we have investigated the miRNA-21, an oncogene, and the miRNA-486, a tumor suppressor. The results showed their ability to correctly distinguish people with lung cancer from healthy ones, suggesting that they might be used for diagnostic purposes. In the second part of our work, biomarkers of exposure of benzene have been studied in order to evaluate the effects of exposure to environmental concentration of benzene in children living in cities with different degrees of urbanization. The study has shown a dose-effect correlation between the concentration of benzene and its urinary metabolites and has also shown an oxidative damage to nucleic acids. However, the urinary concentrations of benzene were not affected by the degree of urbanization, in contrast with S-PMA and with the oxidative stress indicators (8-oxodGuo e 8-oxoGuo) which seem to be affected both by the place of living and by the sampling timing. Finally, we have investigated the possible biomarkers of exposure to vinylcyclohexene (VCH), an industrial byproduct of the polymerization of 1,3-butadiene, since reference BEI haven’t been proposed yet, despite the low values of TLV-TWA (0.1 ppm) suggested by ACGIH. In the first part of the work on VCH, we have been studying VCH mechanisms of toxicity by in vitro models, testing different cell lines. The results showed how the real dose of VCH is lower than the nominal one, because of the evaporation effect. Moreover, in the most sensitive cell lines, cytostatic effects have been noticed, together with cell cycle alterations, in contrast with the exposure to the epoxides of VCH, VCD and 1,2-VCHME, which determine cells lysis with a IC50 3 times lower than the one of the VCH. The quantification of the metabolites of phase I and II of the VCH in the hepatic cell line has highlighted concentrations 1000 times lower than the concentration of VCH, confirming that its toxicity is mainly caused by the production of epoxide intermediates. Furthermore, the transformation in the metabolites of phase II confirmed the detoxification effect of the metabolism. The transferability of the results obtained by in vitro approach to in vivo systems will represent the baseline to identify possible metabolites to propose for the biological monitoring of workers exposed to VCH. KEY WORDS: biomarkers of effect and exposure, lung cancer, miRNA, benzene, vinylcyclohexene.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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