The subject-matter of this study is the Attic black-figured pottery recovered in Italy, that can be set between 630 and 560/550 B.C. The documentary material is derived from the published one. The objectives of the research are: to update the data sample collected in the indexes published by J. Beazley (Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painting, Oxford 1956; Paralipomena. Additions to Attic Black-Figure Vase Painters and to Red-Figure Vase Painters, Oxford 1971) and in the monograph edited by R. Rosati (La ceramica Attica nel Mediterraneo. Analisi computerizzata della diffusione. Le fasi iniziali (630-560 a.C.), Bologna 1989); to propose a reading of the classified documentation that takes into account information about the recovery contexts in order to understand function and meaning of the Attic pottery in the cultural areas that can be located in the territory and the period taken into consideration. The work of census of material and contexts has made it possible to identify more than 400 Attic black-figured patterns, coming from fifty-nine places that situated in the Po area, in the Adriatic regions, in the Ionian ambit, in the Tyrrhenian one, in the areas of Sicily and Sardinia. The examination of the forms and the images attested in the funeral, sacred and habitable spaces give an opportunity of reflecting upon the dynamics that regulate the acquisition of the Athenian manufactured articles in the various cultural areas and stimulates suppositions on the meaning of these objects in the period taken into consideration.
Oggetto di studio è la ceramica Attica a figure nere inquadrabile fra il 630 e il 560/550 a.C. rinvenuta in Italia. Il materiale documentario è attinto dall'edito. Gli obiettivi della ricerca sono: aggiornare il campione di dati raccolto nei repertori editi da J. Beazley (Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painting, Oxford 1956; Paralipomena. Additions to Attic Black-Figure Vase Painters and to Red-Figure Vase Painters, Oxford 1971) e nella monografia a cura di R. Rosati (La ceramica attica nel Mediterraneo. Analisi computerizzata della diffusione. Le fasi iniziali (630-560 a.C.), Bologna 1989); proporre una lettura della documentazione censita che tenga conto delle informazioni sui contesti di rinvenimento per comprendere funzione e significato della ceramica Attica nelle aree culturali individuabili nel territorio e nel periodo esaminati. Il lavoro di censimento dei materiali e dei contesti ha consentito di individuare più di 400 esemplari attici a figure nere, provenienti da cinquantanove siti che ricadono nell'area padana, nelle regioni adriatiche, nell'ambito ionico, in quello tirrenico, nelle aree della Sicilia e della Sardegna. L'esame delle forme e delle immagini attestate negli spazi funerari, sacri e abitativi offre spunti per riflettere sulle dinamiche che regolano l'acquisizione dei manufatti ateniesi nelle varie aree culturali e stimola ipotesi sul significato rivestito da tali oggetti nel periodo preso in esame.
Ricerche sui contesti delle ceramiche attiche a figure nere in Italia (630-560/550 a.C.)
Antoniucci, Alessandra
The subject-matter of this study is the Attic black-figured pottery recovered in Italy, that can be set between 630 and 560/550 B.C. The documentary material is derived from the published one. The objectives of the research are: to update the data sample collected in the indexes published by J. Beazley (Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painting, Oxford 1956; Paralipomena. Additions to Attic Black-Figure Vase Painters and to Red-Figure Vase Painters, Oxford 1971) and in the monograph edited by R. Rosati (La ceramica Attica nel Mediterraneo. Analisi computerizzata della diffusione. Le fasi iniziali (630-560 a.C.), Bologna 1989); to propose a reading of the classified documentation that takes into account information about the recovery contexts in order to understand function and meaning of the Attic pottery in the cultural areas that can be located in the territory and the period taken into consideration. The work of census of material and contexts has made it possible to identify more than 400 Attic black-figured patterns, coming from fifty-nine places that situated in the Po area, in the Adriatic regions, in the Ionian ambit, in the Tyrrhenian one, in the areas of Sicily and Sardinia. The examination of the forms and the images attested in the funeral, sacred and habitable spaces give an opportunity of reflecting upon the dynamics that regulate the acquisition of the Athenian manufactured articles in the various cultural areas and stimulates suppositions on the meaning of these objects in the period taken into consideration.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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