Functional-structural plant models (FSPMs) have the peculiarity of coupling two different sub-models: one reproducing the architectural part of the tree or crop and the other simulating its physiology, in interaction with the environment. Hazelnut (Corylus avellana) is a tree nut crop that is widely cultivated and appreciated all over the world for its nutrient and edible fruits. Two experiments were settled to explore the architecture of C.avellana “Tonda di Giffoni”: The first one aimed to investigate one-year-old shoot structures, in three different treatments: own-rooted plants at two ages (either six or 35 years old) or grafted plants (on Corylus colurna seedlings) that were six years old. The second experiment aimed to analyse, over two successive years, hazelnut architectural development and bud fate pattern. From the base to the shoot tip, the number and fates of buds at each node were recorded. Based on direct observations and exploratory analyses that led to the definition of a flow diagram, we modelled the steps that lead to the construction of hazelnut tree architecture. Three experiments were settled to study some physiological processes of C.avellana: The first one aimed to determine the effect of carbohydrates in limiting photosynthesis; the second experiment aimed to investigate how changes in temperature and relative growth rate (RGR) impact dark respiration in leaves, stems and fruits of hazelnut. The third experiment aimed: 1) to notice if there was a variation in Rd that could be due to acclimation and/or organ growth; 2) which was the type of acclimation, and 3) which are the most significant factors to be included in a model of Rd.
I modelli funzionali-strutturali (FSPM) hanno la particolarità di unire due sotto modelli: uno riproducente l’architettura della pianta e l’altro la sua fisiologia in interazione con l’ambiente. Il nocciolo (Corylus avellana) è una pianta da frutto coltivata e apprezzata a livello globale per la qualità nutritiva dei suoi frutti. Due sperimenti sono stati programmati per investigare l’architettura di questa specie nella varietà “Tonda di Giffoni”. Il primo mirava a studiare la struttura dei germogli di un anno in tre diverse tesi: piante auto radicate di due età differenti (sei o 35 anni) e piante di sei anni innestate (su Corylus colurna). Il secondo esperimento ha analizzato le ramificazioni del nocciolo e la tipologia di gemme presenti su germogli di un anno in due anni consecutivi. Grazie a queste osservazioni e alle analisi esplorative è stato possibile disegnare un diagramma di flusso che consentisse la modellizzazione dei passaggi che contribuiscono alla costruzione dell’architettura dell’albero di nocciolo. Tre esperimenti sono stati studiati per indagare alcuni aspetti fisiologici di C. avellana. Il primo mirava a determinare l’effetto dell’accumulo dei carboidrati sulla fotosintesi; il secondo a comprendere come i cambiamenti di temperatura e del tasso di crescita relativo (RGR) avessero un impatto sulla respirazione di foglie, frutti e germogli; il terzo aveva l’obiettivo di studiare se ci fosse acclimatamento nelle foglie di nocciolo e quali potessero essere i fattori più significativi da includere in un modello della respirazione.
Grisafi, Francesca
Functional-structural plant models (FSPMs) have the peculiarity of coupling two different sub-models: one reproducing the architectural part of the tree or crop and the other simulating its physiology, in interaction with the environment. Hazelnut (Corylus avellana) is a tree nut crop that is widely cultivated and appreciated all over the world for its nutrient and edible fruits. Two experiments were settled to explore the architecture of C.avellana “Tonda di Giffoni”: The first one aimed to investigate one-year-old shoot structures, in three different treatments: own-rooted plants at two ages (either six or 35 years old) or grafted plants (on Corylus colurna seedlings) that were six years old. The second experiment aimed to analyse, over two successive years, hazelnut architectural development and bud fate pattern. From the base to the shoot tip, the number and fates of buds at each node were recorded. Based on direct observations and exploratory analyses that led to the definition of a flow diagram, we modelled the steps that lead to the construction of hazelnut tree architecture. Three experiments were settled to study some physiological processes of C.avellana: The first one aimed to determine the effect of carbohydrates in limiting photosynthesis; the second experiment aimed to investigate how changes in temperature and relative growth rate (RGR) impact dark respiration in leaves, stems and fruits of hazelnut. The third experiment aimed: 1) to notice if there was a variation in Rd that could be due to acclimation and/or organ growth; 2) which was the type of acclimation, and 3) which are the most significant factors to be included in a model of Rd.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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