One of the main problems of the agri-food supply chain, therefore of the food industry, is the production of large quantities of waste and by-products. This production has substantial impacts on the sustainability of the supply chain, contributing to reduce its profitability and resilience. In this respect, the circular economy model could be a successful solution. The aim of this thesis is, therefore, to promote the model of circular economy in the Marche region through the sustainable management, recovery and valorization of waste and by-products of agri-food chains. This PhD has been carried out within the framework of the "Innovative PhDs with industrial characterization (POR Marche FSE 2014/2020 Project "Innovative PhD" - Scholarships for PhD for innovation of the regional system Edition 2020), funded by the Marche Region. After the background and introduction, the paper is composed of six chapters, that are the six articles produced over the three-year period and published in or submitted to international journals or conferences. Chapter 1 presents a literature review on the application of the circular model in the agri-food sector, referring to the recovery and valorization of waste. In the second Chapter, an overview of the current circular economy policy in Europe and Italy is outlined. In the third Chapter, a study is proposed on selected production chains (pasta, vegetable processing, oil, wine, coffee) to define the applicability of the circular model in the Marche region. A questionnaire was therefore carried out to identify the needs and problems perceived by the operators in the sector. In addition, due to the lack of reliable data on the quantities of waste produced, the mass balance methodology was adopted to define the types and quantities of waste produced annually from each of the selected case study. Based on this analysis, Chapter 4 proposes the adoption of a circular business model dedicated to the production of energy from waste in the supply chain (frozen vegetables), focusing on a biogas plant converted to biomethane producing one and studying its profitability through the discounted cash flow method. Still considering the energy sector, a comparative analysis between a case study in Brazil and one Italy was carried out, to assess the progress of the circular economy policy in the countries and the production of bioenergy. This study is available in Chapter 5. Finally, given that the circular economy is both a production and consumption model, in Chapter 6 the consumer’s perception of the circular economy and the intention to buy and pay for a product partially obtained from food processing waste were investigated. Data were collected through an online questionnaire and processed with a logit model, to derive the 2 factors that significantly influence the intention to purchase and to estimate the willingness to pay. The thesis concludes with some conclusive remarks and future directions.
Uno dei problemi principali della filiera agroalimentare, quindi dell'industria alimentare, è la produzione di notevoli quantità di rifiuti e sottoprodotti. Tale produzione ha impatti sostanziali sulla sostenibilità della filiera, concorrendo a ridurne la redditività e la resilienza. A tale proposito, il modello di economia circolare potrebbe rappresentare una soluzione vincente. L'obiettivo di questa tesi è, quindi, quello di promuovere il modello di economia circolare nella regione Marche attraverso la gestione sostenibile, il recupero e la valorizzazione dei rifiuti e dei sottoprodotti delle filiere agroalimentari. Questo Dottorato di Ricerca è stato svolto nell’ambito dei “Dottorati Innovativi con caratterizzazione industriale (POR Marche FSE 2014/2020 Progetto “Dottorato Innovativo” - Borse di studio per dottorato di ricerca per l’innovazione del sistema regionale Edizione Anno 2020) finanziato dalla Regione Marche. Dopo la definizione del background introduttivo, l’elaborato è composto da sei capitoli, ovvero dai sei articoli prodotti nel corso del triennio e pubblicati o sottomessi a riviste internazionali o convegni. Il primo capitolo presenta una review della letteratura relativa all’applicazione del modello circolare nel settore agroalimentare, con particolare riferimento alla valorizzazione degli scarti. Nel secondo capitolo, viene delineata una panoramica della politica attuale sull’economia circolare in Europa ed Italia. Nel terzo capitolo viene proposto uno studio su alcune filiere produttive (pasta, ortofrutta, olio, vino, caffè) per definire l’applicabilità del modello circolare nella regione Marche. A tal fine, si è svolta un’indagine a questionario per identificare le necessità e le problematiche percepite dagli operatori del settore. In aggiunta, data la scarsità di dati affidabili sui quantitativi di scarti prodotti, si è proceduto mediante l’adozione della metodologia del bilancio di massa a definire tipologie e quantità di rifiuti prodotti annualmente da ciascuno dei casi di studio selezionati. Sulla base di questa analisi, il capitolo quattro propone l’adozione di un modello di business circolare dedicato alla produzione di energia da scarti di filiera (ortaggi surgelati), concentrando l’attenzione su un impianto di biogas convertito a biometano e studiandone la redditività mediante il metodo dei flussi di cassa attualizzati. Sempre nell’ambito energetico, è stata effettuata un'analisi comparativa tra un caso studio in Brasile e uno in Italia, per valutare i progressi della politica dell'economia circolare nei due Paesi e della produzione di bioenergia. Tale studio è consultabile al capitolo cinque. Infine, considerato che l’economia circolare è sia un modello di produzione che di consumo, nel capitolo sei si è indagata la percezione del consumatore dell’economia circolare e l’intenzione ad acquistare e pagare un prodotto parzialmente ottenuto da scarti di lavorazione agroalimentari. I dati sono stati raccolti mediante un 4 questionario online ed elaborati con un modello logit, per ricavare i fattori che influenzano significativamente l’intenzione all’acquisto e per stimare la disponibilità a pagare. Il lavoro di tesi si conclude con alcune osservazioni, strategie, suggerimenti e idee per il futuro della ricerca in questo ambito.
CIRCULAR ECONOMY IN THE AGRI-FOOD SECTOR DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC: Paths for sustainable and innovative valorization of agri-food waste and by-products for the Marche Region
One of the main problems of the agri-food supply chain, therefore of the food industry, is the production of large quantities of waste and by-products. This production has substantial impacts on the sustainability of the supply chain, contributing to reduce its profitability and resilience. In this respect, the circular economy model could be a successful solution. The aim of this thesis is, therefore, to promote the model of circular economy in the Marche region through the sustainable management, recovery and valorization of waste and by-products of agri-food chains. This PhD has been carried out within the framework of the "Innovative PhDs with industrial characterization (POR Marche FSE 2014/2020 Project "Innovative PhD" - Scholarships for PhD for innovation of the regional system Edition 2020), funded by the Marche Region. After the background and introduction, the paper is composed of six chapters, that are the six articles produced over the three-year period and published in or submitted to international journals or conferences. Chapter 1 presents a literature review on the application of the circular model in the agri-food sector, referring to the recovery and valorization of waste. In the second Chapter, an overview of the current circular economy policy in Europe and Italy is outlined. In the third Chapter, a study is proposed on selected production chains (pasta, vegetable processing, oil, wine, coffee) to define the applicability of the circular model in the Marche region. A questionnaire was therefore carried out to identify the needs and problems perceived by the operators in the sector. In addition, due to the lack of reliable data on the quantities of waste produced, the mass balance methodology was adopted to define the types and quantities of waste produced annually from each of the selected case study. Based on this analysis, Chapter 4 proposes the adoption of a circular business model dedicated to the production of energy from waste in the supply chain (frozen vegetables), focusing on a biogas plant converted to biomethane producing one and studying its profitability through the discounted cash flow method. Still considering the energy sector, a comparative analysis between a case study in Brazil and one Italy was carried out, to assess the progress of the circular economy policy in the countries and the production of bioenergy. This study is available in Chapter 5. Finally, given that the circular economy is both a production and consumption model, in Chapter 6 the consumer’s perception of the circular economy and the intention to buy and pay for a product partially obtained from food processing waste were investigated. Data were collected through an online questionnaire and processed with a logit model, to derive the 2 factors that significantly influence the intention to purchase and to estimate the willingness to pay. The thesis concludes with some conclusive remarks and future directions.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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