The aim of this PhD thesis was the valorisation of products from the Calabrian territory (Italy) through the introduction of process modifications aimed to obtaining functional olive oil useful for subjects who suffer from hyperglycaemia and hyperlipidaemia and are very often obese. To achieve this goal, extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) derived from the Ottobratica cultivar olive oil was enriched with fruits, herbs, and spices. In this way, a series of flavoured oils (FVOOs) were obtained. These FVOO have been formulated to present a high-quality index including stability over time, sensorial pleasantness and health properties. To achieve this goal, turmeric, ginger, bergamot, mace, goji berries and spirulina were selected as matrices for the enrichment of the oil. These matrices were added using two different technological approaches. The first approach tested involved the direct addition of the matrix to the olive paste after pressing the olives, allowing it to blend throughout the malaxing phase process. In the second hypothesis tested, the matrix was inserted into the extra virgin olive oil, using the infusion technique, for 30 days in the dark and under controlled stirring. The resulting FVOOs were immediately filtered to separate the oil from the aqueous phase or matrix residues. These methods, in addition to guaranteeing extraction efficiency, superior to classic maceration, are considered to have a low environmental impact due to the reduced use of chemical products and energy saving. Oils (EVOO and FVOOs) were stored for 12 months at room temperature, in amber glass bottle, in the dark and with a headspace between 2 and 5%. Samples were periodically (on the day of production, after 15 days, after one month, after two months, after six months and after one year) characterized from physical-chemical point of view as well as bioactivity. EVOO showed a free acidity value from 0.68 to 0.84% at 0 and 12 months of storage. Among the FVOOs only turmeric-FVOO, at every stage of storage, maintained lower free acidity level than the control, as opposed to the bergamot or mace samples which after one year, showed values even above 1. Concerning the peroxide values, all the samples produced by malaxation, showed significantly lower levels than the control. An opposite trend was observed in FVOO obtained by infusion process, which had very similar values to the control, excepts for turmeric or bergamot FVOOs, which after the 12 months storage reached values even superior to 20 mEqO2 kg-1. As regards to the pigment content, there is a great variability among the FVOOs. At the end of the period of observation, FVOOs obtained by malaxation exhibited higher values than the EVOO, excepts for mace FVOO. Instead, the lowest TPC was found in the FVOO enriched with bergamot fruits by malaxation process. In this oil the TPC value varied approximately between 110 and 140 mg kg-1 for 0- and 12-months storage, respectively. Among bioactive compounds quantified in this study α-tocopherol was attentioned. In fact, its content is positively correlated with the antioxidant activity. Generally, the initial level of α-tocopherol was constant in all tested samples, inversely, at the end of the storage, FVOOs maintained higher values than the EVOO. In particular, ginger FVOO reached α-tocopherol values above 100 vs 80 mg kg-1 of the control oil. FVOO were subjected also to UHPLC analyses to identify characteristic compounds from each matrix used for enrichment. Hesperidin, bergamottin, 6-gingerol, 6-shogaol, demethoxycurcumin, bisdemethoxycurcumin and curcumin were identified. Moreover, FVOOs health properties (antioxidant, carbohydrate hydrolysing enzyme and lipase inhibitory activities) were studied in order to identify the special category of consumers to be targeted. In DPPH and ABTS tests, turmeric FVOOs, exhibited a good activity comparable with the EVOO (IC50 9.49 vs 12.33 μg mL-1 and 3.43 vs 3.47 μg mL-1, respectively). With regard to β-carotene bleaching test, that investigated the ability of FVOO to protect from lipid peroxidation the following trend of potency was observed: bergamot>ginger>turmeric. As regards to the ferric reducing antioxidant power, only ginger and bergamot FVOOs exhibited FRAP values higher than the EVOO control. Bergamot FVOOs, showed the highest inhibitory activity against the key enzymes related to obesity independently by the storage period considered. In addition, the sensory attributes were evaluated through expert panellists to check if those additions could be appreciable by the future consumers. Among FVOOs the most appreciated resulted the oil enriched with bergamot, followed by mace FVOO. Headspace solid-phase microextraction method for the gas chromatography, coupled with the mass spectrometry analyses (HS-SPME GC-MS) was optimized to investigate EVOO and FVOOs volatile profile. A total of about 140 volatiles were characterized. Aliphatic alcohols, aldehydes and esters were the most predominant chemical classes arising from olive oils. Furthermore, through this technique it was also possible to detect the volatile terpenoids characteristic of the enrichment matrix used for the flavouring of EVOO (such as bergamiol in bergamot FVOO; zingiberene in ginger FVOO; etc.). Regarding quantitation, (E)-2-hexenal (0.06-0.25 mg mL-1), limonene (0.004-3.82 mg mL-1), β-pinene (0.0001-0.34 mg mL-1), -pinene (0.001-0.3 mg mL-1), etc, were some of the major FVOO volatile compounds. The results reported in this PhD thesis could contribute to valorising the extra virgin olive oil produced in Calabria (Italy) thanks to the identification of new commercial strategies aimed at its functionalisation. This will allow us to obtain a product with a strong territorial connotation, a high-quality profile and promising health properties. All the elements that today's consumer pays particular attention to.
Lo scopo di questa tesi di dottorato è stato la valorizzazione dei prodotti del territorio calabrese (Italia) attraverso l'introduzione di modifiche di processo volte all'ottenimento di olio di oliva funzionale utile per soggetti che soffrono di iperglicemia e iperlipidemia e molto spesso obesi. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, l'olio extra vergine di oliva (EVOO), cultivar Ottobratica, è stato arricchito con frutti, erbe aromatiche e spezie. In questo modo sono stati ottenuti una serie di oli aromatizzati (FVOO). Questi FVOO sono stati formulati per avere degli alti standard qualitativi, tra cui stabilità nel tempo, gradevolezza sensoriale e proprietà salutistiche. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo come matrici di arricchimento sono state selezionate curcuma, zenzero, bergamotto, macis, bacche di goji e spirulina. Queste matrici sono state aggiunte utilizzando due diversi approcci tecnologici. Il primo approccio testato ha previsto l'aggiunta diretta della matrice alla pasta di olive dopo la loro frangitura, consentendole di amalgamarsi durante tutta la fase di gramolatura. Nella seconda ipotesi sperimentata, la matrice è stata inserita nell'olio extravergine di oliva, mediante la tecnica dell'infusione, per 30 giorni al buio e sotto agitazione controllata. Gli FVOO risultanti sono stati immediatamente filtrati per separare l'olio dalla fase acquosa o dai residui della matrice. Questi metodi, oltre a garantire un'efficienza estrattiva, superiore alla macerazione classica, sono considerati a basso impatto ambientale per il ridotto utilizzo di prodotti chimici e il risparmio energetico. Gli oli (EVOO e FVOO) sono stati conservati per 12 mesi a temperatura ambiente, in bottiglie di vetro ambrato, al buio e con uno spazio di testa compreso tra il 2 e il 5%. I campioni sono stati periodicamente caratterizzati (il giorno della produzione, dopo 15 giorni, dopo un mese, dopo due mesi, dopo sei mesi e dopo un anno) dal punto di vista fisico-chimico e della loro bioattività. L'olio EVOO ha mostrato un valore di acidità libera compreso tra 0.68 e 0.84% a 0 e 12 mesi di conservazione. Tra gli FVOO solo quelli arricchiti con curcuma, in ogni fase di conservazione, hanno mantenuto un livello di acidità libera inferiore rispetto al controllo, a differenza dei campioni contenenti bergamotto o macis, i quali dopo un anno mostravano valori anche superiori a 1%. Per quanto riguarda i valori di perossido, tutti i campioni prodotti in fase di gramolatura, hanno mostrato livelli significativamente inferiori rispetto al controllo. Una tendenza opposta è stata osservata negli FVOO ottenuti mediante processo di infusione, i quali avevano valori molto simili al controllo, ad eccezione degli FVOO con curcuma o bergamotto i quali dopo 12 mesi di conservazione hanno raggiunto valori addirittura superiori a 20 mEqO2 kg-1. Per quanto riguarda il contenuto di pigmenti, è stata osservata una grande variabilità tra gli FVOO. Al termine del periodo di osservazione, gli FVOO ottenuti per gramolatura hanno mostrato valori più elevati dell'olio EVOO, ad eccezione dell’olio arricchito con macis. Il TPC più basso è stato invece riscontrato nel FVOO arricchito con frutti di bergamotto mediante processo di gramolatura. In questo olio il valore TPC variava approssimativamente tra 110 e 140 mg kg-1 a 0 e 12 mesi di conservazione, rispettivamente. Tra i composti bioattivi quantificati in questo studio è stata prestata attenzione all'α-tocoferolo. Il suo contenuto, infatti, è correlato positivamente con l'attività antiossidante. Generalmente il livello iniziale di α-tocoferolo è risultato costante in tutti i campioni analizzati. Al termine della conservazione, gli FVOO hanno mantenuto valori più alti dell'EVOO. In particolare, l’FVOO arricchito con zenzero ha raggiunto valori di α-tocoferolo superiori a 100 rispetto agli 80 mg kg-1 del controllo. Gli FVOO sono stati sottoposti anche ad analisi UHPLC per identificare i composti caratteristici di ciascuna matrice utilizzata per l'arricchimento. Sono stati identificati esperidina, bergamottina, 6-gingerolo, 6-shogaolo, demetossicurcumina, bisdemetossicurcumina e curcumina. Inoltre, sono state studiate le proprietà salutari dei FVOO (attività antiossidante, enzimatica idrolizzante dei carboidrati e inibitoria della lipasi) al fine di identificare la categoria speciale di consumatori a cui destinarli. Nei test DPPH e ABTS, gli FVOO arricchiti con curcuma hanno mostrato una buona attività paragonabile all'EVOO (IC50 9.49 vs 12.33 μg mL-1 e 3.43 vs 3.47 μg mL-1, rispettivamente). Per quanto riguarda il test del β-carotene, che ha indagato la capacità dei FVOO di proteggersi dalla perossidazione lipidica, è stato osservata la seguente capacità, in senso decrescente: bergamotto>zenzero>curcuma. Per quanto riguarda il potere antiossidante riducente del ferro, solo gli FVOO arricchiti con zenzero e bergamotto hanno mostrato valori di FRAP superiori rispetto al controllo EVOO. Gli FVOO al bergamotto hanno mostrato la più alta attività inibitoria contro gli enzimi chiave legati all'obesità, indipendentemente dal periodo di conservazione considerato. Inoltre, gli attributi sensoriali sono stati valutati attraverso panelisti esperti per verificare se tali aggiunte potessero essere apprezzabili dai futuri consumatori. Tra gli FVOO il più apprezzato è risultato l'olio arricchito con bergamotto, seguito da quello arricchito con macis. Il metodo di microestrazione in fase solida dello spazio di testa per la gascromatografia, accoppiato con le analisi di spettrometria di massa (HS-SPME GC-MS) è stato ottimizzato per studiare il profilo volatile dell’EVOO e dei FVOO. Sono stati identificati/caratterizzati un totale di circa 140 volatili. Alcoli alifatici, aldeidi ed esteri, principali composti dell’olio di oliva tal quale, sono state le classi chimiche predominanti. Inoltre, attraverso questa tecnica è stato possibile rilevare anche i terpenoidi volatili caratteristici della matrice di arricchimento (come bergamiolo nel FVOO arricchito con bergamotto; zingiberene nel FVOO arricchito con zenzero; ecc.). Per quanto riguarda la quantificazione, (E)-2-hexenal (0,06-0,25 mg mL-1), limonene (0,004-3,82 mg mL-1), β-pinene (0,0001-0,34 mg mL-1), α-pinene (0,001-0,3 mg mL-1), ecc., sono stati alcuni dei principali composti volatili dei FVOO. I risultati riportati in questa tesi di dottorato potrebbero contribuire a valorizzare l'olio extravergine di oliva prodotto in Calabria (Italia) grazie all'identificazione di nuove strategie commerciali mirate alla sua funzionalizzazione. Ciò consentirà di ottenere un prodotto dalla forte connotazione territoriale, dall'elevato profilo qualitativo e dalle promettenti proprietà salutistiche. Tutti elementi a cui il consumatore di oggi presta particolare attenzione.
Enrichment of extra virgin olive oil for the development of functional oil for special consumers
The aim of this PhD thesis was the valorisation of products from the Calabrian territory (Italy) through the introduction of process modifications aimed to obtaining functional olive oil useful for subjects who suffer from hyperglycaemia and hyperlipidaemia and are very often obese. To achieve this goal, extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) derived from the Ottobratica cultivar olive oil was enriched with fruits, herbs, and spices. In this way, a series of flavoured oils (FVOOs) were obtained. These FVOO have been formulated to present a high-quality index including stability over time, sensorial pleasantness and health properties. To achieve this goal, turmeric, ginger, bergamot, mace, goji berries and spirulina were selected as matrices for the enrichment of the oil. These matrices were added using two different technological approaches. The first approach tested involved the direct addition of the matrix to the olive paste after pressing the olives, allowing it to blend throughout the malaxing phase process. In the second hypothesis tested, the matrix was inserted into the extra virgin olive oil, using the infusion technique, for 30 days in the dark and under controlled stirring. The resulting FVOOs were immediately filtered to separate the oil from the aqueous phase or matrix residues. These methods, in addition to guaranteeing extraction efficiency, superior to classic maceration, are considered to have a low environmental impact due to the reduced use of chemical products and energy saving. Oils (EVOO and FVOOs) were stored for 12 months at room temperature, in amber glass bottle, in the dark and with a headspace between 2 and 5%. Samples were periodically (on the day of production, after 15 days, after one month, after two months, after six months and after one year) characterized from physical-chemical point of view as well as bioactivity. EVOO showed a free acidity value from 0.68 to 0.84% at 0 and 12 months of storage. Among the FVOOs only turmeric-FVOO, at every stage of storage, maintained lower free acidity level than the control, as opposed to the bergamot or mace samples which after one year, showed values even above 1. Concerning the peroxide values, all the samples produced by malaxation, showed significantly lower levels than the control. An opposite trend was observed in FVOO obtained by infusion process, which had very similar values to the control, excepts for turmeric or bergamot FVOOs, which after the 12 months storage reached values even superior to 20 mEqO2 kg-1. As regards to the pigment content, there is a great variability among the FVOOs. At the end of the period of observation, FVOOs obtained by malaxation exhibited higher values than the EVOO, excepts for mace FVOO. Instead, the lowest TPC was found in the FVOO enriched with bergamot fruits by malaxation process. In this oil the TPC value varied approximately between 110 and 140 mg kg-1 for 0- and 12-months storage, respectively. Among bioactive compounds quantified in this study α-tocopherol was attentioned. In fact, its content is positively correlated with the antioxidant activity. Generally, the initial level of α-tocopherol was constant in all tested samples, inversely, at the end of the storage, FVOOs maintained higher values than the EVOO. In particular, ginger FVOO reached α-tocopherol values above 100 vs 80 mg kg-1 of the control oil. FVOO were subjected also to UHPLC analyses to identify characteristic compounds from each matrix used for enrichment. Hesperidin, bergamottin, 6-gingerol, 6-shogaol, demethoxycurcumin, bisdemethoxycurcumin and curcumin were identified. Moreover, FVOOs health properties (antioxidant, carbohydrate hydrolysing enzyme and lipase inhibitory activities) were studied in order to identify the special category of consumers to be targeted. In DPPH and ABTS tests, turmeric FVOOs, exhibited a good activity comparable with the EVOO (IC50 9.49 vs 12.33 μg mL-1 and 3.43 vs 3.47 μg mL-1, respectively). With regard to β-carotene bleaching test, that investigated the ability of FVOO to protect from lipid peroxidation the following trend of potency was observed: bergamot>ginger>turmeric. As regards to the ferric reducing antioxidant power, only ginger and bergamot FVOOs exhibited FRAP values higher than the EVOO control. Bergamot FVOOs, showed the highest inhibitory activity against the key enzymes related to obesity independently by the storage period considered. In addition, the sensory attributes were evaluated through expert panellists to check if those additions could be appreciable by the future consumers. Among FVOOs the most appreciated resulted the oil enriched with bergamot, followed by mace FVOO. Headspace solid-phase microextraction method for the gas chromatography, coupled with the mass spectrometry analyses (HS-SPME GC-MS) was optimized to investigate EVOO and FVOOs volatile profile. A total of about 140 volatiles were characterized. Aliphatic alcohols, aldehydes and esters were the most predominant chemical classes arising from olive oils. Furthermore, through this technique it was also possible to detect the volatile terpenoids characteristic of the enrichment matrix used for the flavouring of EVOO (such as bergamiol in bergamot FVOO; zingiberene in ginger FVOO; etc.). Regarding quantitation, (E)-2-hexenal (0.06-0.25 mg mL-1), limonene (0.004-3.82 mg mL-1), β-pinene (0.0001-0.34 mg mL-1), -pinene (0.001-0.3 mg mL-1), etc, were some of the major FVOO volatile compounds. The results reported in this PhD thesis could contribute to valorising the extra virgin olive oil produced in Calabria (Italy) thanks to the identification of new commercial strategies aimed at its functionalisation. This will allow us to obtain a product with a strong territorial connotation, a high-quality profile and promising health properties. All the elements that today's consumer pays particular attention to.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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