The research activities of this PhD project are part of a wider collaboration between the University of Ferrara and the Sahrawi people. Starting from the consideration that the Sahrawi population suffers from malnutrition, due to the condition of refugee for over 40 years in the Sahara desert, the research work was oriented towards 4 of the 17 global goals of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development: no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, quality education. These general objectives were then declined in specific objectives: 1) to identify some plants of Western Sahara with adequate micro and macro-nutrients content that could be suggested for the integration of the Sahrawi diet 2) to evaluate the content of secondary metabolites and antioxidant activity 3) to investigate from a phytochemical and biological point of view some drugs more in-depth 4) to formulate some health products for topical use. Ammodaucus leucotrichus L. (fruits), Atriplex halimus L. (leaves), Cleome amblyocarpa Barratte & Murb. (aerial parts), Matricaria pubescens (Desf.) Sch. Beep. (aerial parts), Anvillea garcinii subsp. radiata (Coss. & Durieu) Anderb (leaves), Anastatica hierochuntica L. (aerial parts), Nucularia perrinii Batt. (leaves) were harvested in the wild in Western Sahara in March 2016 (Bir Lehlu). In addition, a sample of Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana (Savi) Brenan gum was purchased in the local market of the liberated territories. The proximate analysis of the selected species represents an aspect of novelty in the related literature and has allowed to identify interesting values of macro and micronutrients for A. leucotrichus, A. halimus, N. perrini: the obtained data will have to be evaluated by nutritionists to determine the applicability of these drugs as supplements of the sahrawi diet. The polyphenol content and the antioxidant activity were not interesting. As regards A. leucotrichus, the chemical composition of the essential oil, already known in the literature, and of two preparations, the decoction and the ethanol extract, titrated by HPLC-DAD in perillaldehyde and ammolactone, were performed. Biological activity has shown for essential oil a fungicidal capacity towards dermatophytes and fungistatic activity towards phytopathogens. Its inclusion in a cosmetic formulation, oleolite at 2%, despite being safe for topical use, returned only a weak antifungal activity and, in addition, a moderate antimicrobial activity towards S. aureus and C. albicans. It will be considered whether to increase the concentration of essential oil in the formulated product to suggest its use as a topical antimicrobial and antifungal agent. Perilladehyde was found to be interesting for its anti-inflammatory activity with the enzymatic 5-lipoxygenase assay and, together with the ammolactone, it showed the ability to reduce inflammation on IB3-1 cells, inhibiting the expression of IL-8. The two molecules can be considered promising compounds to control inflammation in cystic fibrosis. These results also contributed to the validation of ethnomedical uses for the treatment of airways diseases due to infections. After purification, the gum of A. tortilis subsp. raddiana, has been the subject of an accurate chemical characterization. The biological activity centered on the wound-healing test has proven the traditional use of the gum as healing agent. The 10% hydrogel formulation resulted safe for topical use. The emerged results open perspectives for the formulation of some products at a local level and the possible integration of the Sahrawi diet with some of the studied drugs.
Le attività di ricerca di questo progetto di dottorato si inseriscono in una più ampia collaborazione tra l’Università di Ferrara e il popolo Sahrawi. Tra gli obiettivi generali che hanno ispirato il lavoro di ricerca vanno ricordati 4 dei 17 global goals dell’Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile: la lotta alla fame nel mondo, la buona salute, la lotta alla povertà, l’istruzione di qualità, considerando che la popolazione sahrawi soffre di malnutrizione, dovuta alla condizione di profuga da oltre 40 anni nel deserto del Sahara. Questi obiettivi generali sono stati poi declinati in obiettivi specifici: 1) individuare alcune piante del Sahara Occidentale con adeguato contenuto di micro e macro-nutrienti che potessero essere suggerite per l’integrazione della dieta sahrawi 2) valutare il contenuto di metaboliti secondari e di attività antiossidante 3) indagare dal punto di vista fitochimico e biologico alcune droghe più approfonditamente 4) formulare alcuni prodotti salutistici ad uso topico. Ammodaucus leucotrichus L. (frutti), Atriplex halimus L. (foglie), Cleome amblyocarpa Barratte & Murb. (parti aeree), Matricaria pubescens (Desf.) Sch. Bip. (parti aeree), Anvillea garcinii subsp. radiata (Coss. & Durieu) Anderb (foglie), Anastatica hierochuntica L. (parti aeree), Nucularia perrinii Batt. (foglie) sono state raccolte in natura nel Sahara Occidentale nel marzo 2016 (località Bir Lehlu). E’ stato acquistato, inoltre, nel mercato locale dei territori liberati un campione di gomma di Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana (Savi) Brenan. L’analisi bromatologica delle specie selezionate rappresenta un aspetto di novità in letteratura ed ha consentito di individuare risultati interessanti per A. leucotrichus, A. halimus, N. perrini per il contenuto di macro e micronutrienti: i dati ottenuti dovranno essere vagliati da nutrizionisti per valutare l’applicabilità dell’integrazione di queste droghe nella dieta sahrawi. Il contenuto di polifenoli e l’attività antiossidante non sono risultati interessanti. Per quanto riguarda A. leucotrichus è stata determinata la composizione chimica dell’olio essenziale e di due preparazioni, il decotto e l’estratto etanolico, titolati mediante HPLC-DAD in perillaldeide e ammolattone. L’attività biologica dell’olio essenziale ha messo in evidenza un potere fungicida verso dermatofiti e fungistatico verso fitopatogeni. Il suo inserimento in formulazione cosmetica, oleolita al 2%, pur essendo sicuro per l’uso topico, ha restituito solo una debole attività antifungina contro i dermatofiti testati e moderata attività antimicrobica contro S. aureus e C. albicans. Si valuterà se aumentare ulteriormente la concentrazione di olio essenziale nel prodotto formulato per suggerirne l’uso topico come agente antimicrobico e antifungino. Perilladeide è risultata interessante per la sua attività antinfiammatoria (test enzimatico della 5-lipossigenasi) e insieme ad ammolattone ha mostrato capacità di ridurre l’infiammazione su cellule IB3-1, inibendo l’espressione dell’IL-8. Le due molecole possono essere considerate promettenti composti per controllare l’infiammazione nella fibrosi cistica. Questi risultati hanno inoltre offerto un contributo alla validazione dell’utilizzo etnomedico della droga per il trattamento di infiammazioni alle vie aeree superiori, dovute ad infezioni. La gomma di A. tortilis subsp. raddiana, dopo purificazione, è stata oggetto di una approfondita caratterizzazione chimica. L’attività biologica incentrata sul test del wound-healing ha comprovato l’uso tradizionale della gomma come cicatrizzante. La formulazione in idrogel al 10% si è rivelata sicura per l’uso topico. I risultati emersi aprono prospettive di formulazione di alcuni prodotti a livello locale e la possibile integrazione della dieta sahrawi con alcune delle droghe studiate.
ABDI BELLAU, Mohamed Lamin
The research activities of this PhD project are part of a wider collaboration between the University of Ferrara and the Sahrawi people. Starting from the consideration that the Sahrawi population suffers from malnutrition, due to the condition of refugee for over 40 years in the Sahara desert, the research work was oriented towards 4 of the 17 global goals of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development: no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, quality education. These general objectives were then declined in specific objectives: 1) to identify some plants of Western Sahara with adequate micro and macro-nutrients content that could be suggested for the integration of the Sahrawi diet 2) to evaluate the content of secondary metabolites and antioxidant activity 3) to investigate from a phytochemical and biological point of view some drugs more in-depth 4) to formulate some health products for topical use. Ammodaucus leucotrichus L. (fruits), Atriplex halimus L. (leaves), Cleome amblyocarpa Barratte & Murb. (aerial parts), Matricaria pubescens (Desf.) Sch. Beep. (aerial parts), Anvillea garcinii subsp. radiata (Coss. & Durieu) Anderb (leaves), Anastatica hierochuntica L. (aerial parts), Nucularia perrinii Batt. (leaves) were harvested in the wild in Western Sahara in March 2016 (Bir Lehlu). In addition, a sample of Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana (Savi) Brenan gum was purchased in the local market of the liberated territories. The proximate analysis of the selected species represents an aspect of novelty in the related literature and has allowed to identify interesting values of macro and micronutrients for A. leucotrichus, A. halimus, N. perrini: the obtained data will have to be evaluated by nutritionists to determine the applicability of these drugs as supplements of the sahrawi diet. The polyphenol content and the antioxidant activity were not interesting. As regards A. leucotrichus, the chemical composition of the essential oil, already known in the literature, and of two preparations, the decoction and the ethanol extract, titrated by HPLC-DAD in perillaldehyde and ammolactone, were performed. Biological activity has shown for essential oil a fungicidal capacity towards dermatophytes and fungistatic activity towards phytopathogens. Its inclusion in a cosmetic formulation, oleolite at 2%, despite being safe for topical use, returned only a weak antifungal activity and, in addition, a moderate antimicrobial activity towards S. aureus and C. albicans. It will be considered whether to increase the concentration of essential oil in the formulated product to suggest its use as a topical antimicrobial and antifungal agent. Perilladehyde was found to be interesting for its anti-inflammatory activity with the enzymatic 5-lipoxygenase assay and, together with the ammolactone, it showed the ability to reduce inflammation on IB3-1 cells, inhibiting the expression of IL-8. The two molecules can be considered promising compounds to control inflammation in cystic fibrosis. These results also contributed to the validation of ethnomedical uses for the treatment of airways diseases due to infections. After purification, the gum of A. tortilis subsp. raddiana, has been the subject of an accurate chemical characterization. The biological activity centered on the wound-healing test has proven the traditional use of the gum as healing agent. The 10% hydrogel formulation resulted safe for topical use. The emerged results open perspectives for the formulation of some products at a local level and the possible integration of the Sahrawi diet with some of the studied drugs.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Tesi Abdi Bellau Mohamed Lamin.pdf
Open Access dal 27/02/2020
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Abstract in italiano Abdi Bellau Mohamed Lamin.pdf
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Abstract in inglese Abdi Bellau Mohamed Lamin.pdf
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