In this work it is our intention to explore the theories conceiving the desire as a core to question around and as something to be deeply involved with within our identity creation and our life project. For this reason it is not our aim to analyze the desire through a historical prospective, thus approaching some of the authors who have reached an effective pedagogical overview of this concept. We do not want to define an object, rather follow it along its path. What we are going to outline are not deductions, but approaches and suggestions evoking a non-linear cognitive process, bounded with empathy and amazement, rather than logic and deduction. Therefore the approach of such a topic requires us to be willing to proceed along this path lying in wait to listen to the echoes personally chording in ourselves and find some helpful theories to invigorate and partially orientate us along this trip. For this reason I decided to move from some of the privileged observation vertexes, traced in the works of authors from different cultural origins, associated by the fact of being contemporary teachers and having reflected on the topic thus observing the human being and the actual world. In the first chapter the desire was examined in Natoli’s philosophical prospective, who identifies it as an object which has to be examined to develop a nature, and the prospective of Monticelli, who sees it as a necessary incentive to reach the real kingdom, or rather those experiences which help us to feel absorbed in the mystery of life and able to enjoy it. Whereas instead Contini is the one who shows us the desire in an eminent pedagogical key, identifying it with a feeling which allows the educationalists to question themselves upon the sense and the way of being educators in relation with their students. A feeling which brings us to query upon the idea of educating, upon the sensations it rouses and upon the traces this path leaves or would like to leave. Writing is what takes care of this traces and, according to a deep analysis on what the writing act conducted by Demetrio concerns, it chases the desire by stimulating and nourishing it. In the second chapter we will present the on-site research done with the aim of exploring this subject and rendering explicit the phenomenological frame we refer to, enhanced by the overview of Dallari and Iori (who underlines the affective key); an epistemological frame woven with the one which refers to the clinic training proposed by Massa, in particular for what concerns some of the methodological cues examined by the author and the textual reading of the data. The third chapter, besides eliciting the training-research methodology, is aimed at narrating the thematic cores related to the desire, identified after the path at Grande Casa. They are the link between desire and identity, desire and integration, desire and vulnerability, desire and body, desire and project. Together with Contini and Iori, who allowed me to investigate the themes from a pedagogical point of view, I examined the approaches derived from the four psychologies of Hillman, Phillips, Benasayag and Recalcati: besides their originality and confident of their different origins, these four tendencies, read with pedagogical lenses, found in this path a territory of contamination and partially of contiguity. The fourth chapter illustrates the second part of the research, totally included in the narrative paradigma of the self-training highlighted by Demetrio and it analyzes the process through which from participants’ interviews we arrived at creating and writing fables for them, reflecting on the educative potentialities of a metaphorical language appropriate for the narration of the desire. The fifth chapter contains fables written after some interviews made to the research participants: they are four teachers’ portraits who, thanks to a common object, narrate how the desire entered their professions and how it influenced them. The sixth and final chapter demonstrates the potential of telling someone’s history to the institution as a fable, turning in particular to what Cavarero says concerning a self-identification through the narration of someone else. The methodology used in this research path firstly allowed the operators and secondly the institution to see themselves from another point of view, recognizing some of the inner parts and surprising for some others maybe non-specifically recognizable and voiceless but perceived. Then, inside this research, appears as an author and as a mentor Mariangela Gualteri, a poetess from Cesena whose talent is seeing the real and being able to express it. At the beginning the idea was to have her point of view regarding some of the questions or considerations that would have come out during the research. After having contacted her to expose her my projects, she offered me to answer by email to the questions the research was asking. In reality there was no need of this passage. Every time I had something to ask her I firstly referred to her poems and these were immediately answering like no emails would ever done. Everything was already there. In this way it happened to me to meet her personally several times during my research, but even in those occasions my desire, my questions, my thirst of knowledge and feeling were fulfilled by those clear words, sweat and cruel, that were completing the space of her reading. Nothing else was needed. Her poems, included in the pages I named “poetic notebooks”, represent, in this research, a trace to confide in, to allow the mind and the heart to make sudden jumps in the kingdom of desire: something a prose text will not allow to do.
Con questo lavoro è mia intenzione esplorare quelle teorie che si rifanno a una concezione del desiderio come un nucleo attorno a cui non solo interrogarsi, ma esserne profondamente coinvolti in vista della propria costruzione identitaria e del proprio progetto di vita. Per questo motivo non si vuole analizzare il desiderio attraverso la prospettiva storica, ma avvicinare alcuni autori che hanno consentito un’efficace declinazione pedagogica di tale concetto. Non si vuole qui tematizzare un oggetto, ma seguirlo nel suo percorso. Quelle che verranno tracciate non saranno delle deduzioni ma degli accostamenti, delle suggestioni che vogliono suggerire un processo conoscitivo non lineare, legato all’empatia e allo stupore più che alla logica e alla deduzione. Pertanto l’atteggiamento che richiede l’approccio di un argomento come questo è essere disposti ad attraversare tale territorio in attesa di ascoltare quali sono gli echi che risuonano personalmente in ciascuno di noi, e trovare alcune teorie che aiutino a rinvigorire e in parte a orientarci in questo viaggio. A tale proposito ho scelto di prendere le mosse da alcuni vertici di osservazione privilegiati, rintracciati nelle opere di autori di diversa estrazione culturale, accomunati però dall’essere maestri del contemporaneo e di aver quindi riflettuto su questo argomento alla luce del loro sguardo sull’essere umano e sul mondo attuale. Nel primo capitolo il desiderio viene indagato dalla prospettiva filosofica di Natoli, che lo identifica come un oggetto che va imprescindibilmente attraversato per la formazione del carattere e da quella di De Monticelli, che lo vede come una spinta necessaria ad accedere al regno del vivo, ovvero sia a quelle esperienze che ci fanno avvertire di essere immersi nel mistero della vita e di goderne. Ma è Contini che ci mostra il desiderio nella sua chiave eminentemente pedagogica, identificandolo come un sentimento che permette agli operatori di interrogarsi profondamente sul senso e sull’attitudine del loro essere educatori in rapporto ai propri educandi. Un sentimento che porta ad interrogarsi sul senso dell’educare, sui sentimenti che smuove, sulle tracce che lascia o vorrebbe lasciare questo attraversamento. A occuparsi di queste tracce è la scrittura, che, secondo la profonda analisi su quanto concerne l’atto di scrivere condotta da Demetrio, insegue il desiderio, lo sollecita e alimenta. Nel secondo capitolo viene presentata la ricerca sul campo che è stata fatta al fine di esplorare questo oggetto e viene qui esplicitata la cornice fenomenologica cui ci si riferisce, approfondita dallo sguardo di Dallari e di Iori (che ne sottolinea la chiave affettiva), cornice epistemologica intrecciata con quella che afferisce alla clinica della formazione proposta da Massa, in particolar modo per quanto concerne alcuni spunti metodologici proposti dalla stessa e la lettura testuale dei dati. Il terzo capitolo, oltre a esplicitare la metodologia della ricerca-formazione, è volto a raccontare i nuclei tematici attinenti al desiderio individuati in seguito al percorso fatto in Grande Casa. Essi sono il rapporto tra desiderio e identità, desiderio e integrazione, desiderio e vulnerabilità, desiderio e corpo e desiderio e progetto. Insieme a Contini e Iori, che mi hanno permesso di approfondire i temi emersi dal punto di vista prettamente pedagogico, ho preso in esame gli approcci derivati dalle quattro psicologie di Hillman, di Phillips, Benasayag e Recalcati : pur nella propria originalità e forti delle diverse provenienze, queste quattro posizioni, lette con lenti pedagogiche, hanno trovato in questo percorso un territorio di contaminazione e per certi versi di contiguità. Il quarto capitolo esplicita la seconda parte della ricerca, totalmente compresa nel paradigma narrativo dell’auto formazione esplicitato da Demetrio e dettaglia il processo per cui dalle interviste ai partecipanti si è passati a costruire e scrivere delle fiabe per loro, riflettendo sulle potenzialità educative di un linguaggio metaforico adeguato alla trattazione del desiderio. Il quinto capitolo contiene le fiabe scritte in seguito alle interviste fatte ai partecipanti alla ricerca: si tratta di quattro ritratti di educatori che sotto le sembianze di un oggetto comune raccontano che piega ha assunto il desiderio nella loro professione di educatori e come l’ha influenzata. Il sesto e ultimo capitolo esplicita le potenzialità di raccontare la propria storia sotto forma di fiaba all’istituzione, rifacendosi in particolar modo a quanto dice Cavarero sul riconoscimento di sé attraverso la narrazione di un altro. La metodologia usata in questo percorso di ricerca ha permesso in primo luogo agli operatori e in secondo luogo all’istituzione di vedersi da un altro punto di vista, di riconoscere alcune parti di sé e di sorprendersi per alcune altre forse non immediatamente riconoscibili ma che si avvertivano e non avevano voce. Vi è poi all’interno di questo testo, in qualità non solo di autrice, ma anche di mentore, Mariangela Gualtieri, poetessa cesenate, la cui dote è quella di vedere il vivo e saperlo dire. Inizialmente l’idea era quella di avere il suo punto di vista rispetto ad alcune domande o riflessioni che sarebbero sorte durante tutta la ricerca. Dopo averla contattata per raccontarle il progetto, lei stessa si era resa disponibile per rispondere via mail alle questioni che la ricerca sul campo mi rimandava. In realtà non c’è stato bisogno di questo passaggio. Tutte le volte che avevo qualcosa da chiederle mi rivolgevo, per prima cosa, alle sue poesie e queste immediatamente mi rispondevano in un modo che nessuna prosa via mail avrebbe potuto eguagliare. Era già tutto lì. Così tutto che mi è capitato di incontrarla personalmente più volte durante i mesi della ricerca, ma anche in quelle occasioni il mio desiderio, le mie domande, la mia sete di sapere e sentire era appagato dall’ascoltare le parole pulite, dolci e feroci che riempivano lo spazio del suo reading. Non occorreva altro. Le sue poesie, contenute nelle pagine che ho nominato “taccuini poetici” rappresentano, in questa ricerca, una traccia a cui affidarsi per permettere alla mente e al cuore di fare salti improvvisi nel regno del desiderio: cosa che un testo solo prosaico non consentirebbe di compiere.
Abitare il desiderio. Scritti per un'educazione metaforica
In this work it is our intention to explore the theories conceiving the desire as a core to question around and as something to be deeply involved with within our identity creation and our life project. For this reason it is not our aim to analyze the desire through a historical prospective, thus approaching some of the authors who have reached an effective pedagogical overview of this concept. We do not want to define an object, rather follow it along its path. What we are going to outline are not deductions, but approaches and suggestions evoking a non-linear cognitive process, bounded with empathy and amazement, rather than logic and deduction. Therefore the approach of such a topic requires us to be willing to proceed along this path lying in wait to listen to the echoes personally chording in ourselves and find some helpful theories to invigorate and partially orientate us along this trip. For this reason I decided to move from some of the privileged observation vertexes, traced in the works of authors from different cultural origins, associated by the fact of being contemporary teachers and having reflected on the topic thus observing the human being and the actual world. In the first chapter the desire was examined in Natoli’s philosophical prospective, who identifies it as an object which has to be examined to develop a nature, and the prospective of Monticelli, who sees it as a necessary incentive to reach the real kingdom, or rather those experiences which help us to feel absorbed in the mystery of life and able to enjoy it. Whereas instead Contini is the one who shows us the desire in an eminent pedagogical key, identifying it with a feeling which allows the educationalists to question themselves upon the sense and the way of being educators in relation with their students. A feeling which brings us to query upon the idea of educating, upon the sensations it rouses and upon the traces this path leaves or would like to leave. Writing is what takes care of this traces and, according to a deep analysis on what the writing act conducted by Demetrio concerns, it chases the desire by stimulating and nourishing it. In the second chapter we will present the on-site research done with the aim of exploring this subject and rendering explicit the phenomenological frame we refer to, enhanced by the overview of Dallari and Iori (who underlines the affective key); an epistemological frame woven with the one which refers to the clinic training proposed by Massa, in particular for what concerns some of the methodological cues examined by the author and the textual reading of the data. The third chapter, besides eliciting the training-research methodology, is aimed at narrating the thematic cores related to the desire, identified after the path at Grande Casa. They are the link between desire and identity, desire and integration, desire and vulnerability, desire and body, desire and project. Together with Contini and Iori, who allowed me to investigate the themes from a pedagogical point of view, I examined the approaches derived from the four psychologies of Hillman, Phillips, Benasayag and Recalcati: besides their originality and confident of their different origins, these four tendencies, read with pedagogical lenses, found in this path a territory of contamination and partially of contiguity. The fourth chapter illustrates the second part of the research, totally included in the narrative paradigma of the self-training highlighted by Demetrio and it analyzes the process through which from participants’ interviews we arrived at creating and writing fables for them, reflecting on the educative potentialities of a metaphorical language appropriate for the narration of the desire. The fifth chapter contains fables written after some interviews made to the research participants: they are four teachers’ portraits who, thanks to a common object, narrate how the desire entered their professions and how it influenced them. The sixth and final chapter demonstrates the potential of telling someone’s history to the institution as a fable, turning in particular to what Cavarero says concerning a self-identification through the narration of someone else. The methodology used in this research path firstly allowed the operators and secondly the institution to see themselves from another point of view, recognizing some of the inner parts and surprising for some others maybe non-specifically recognizable and voiceless but perceived. Then, inside this research, appears as an author and as a mentor Mariangela Gualteri, a poetess from Cesena whose talent is seeing the real and being able to express it. At the beginning the idea was to have her point of view regarding some of the questions or considerations that would have come out during the research. After having contacted her to expose her my projects, she offered me to answer by email to the questions the research was asking. In reality there was no need of this passage. Every time I had something to ask her I firstly referred to her poems and these were immediately answering like no emails would ever done. Everything was already there. In this way it happened to me to meet her personally several times during my research, but even in those occasions my desire, my questions, my thirst of knowledge and feeling were fulfilled by those clear words, sweat and cruel, that were completing the space of her reading. Nothing else was needed. Her poems, included in the pages I named “poetic notebooks”, represent, in this research, a trace to confide in, to allow the mind and the heart to make sudden jumps in the kingdom of desire: something a prose text will not allow to do.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 14/01/2017
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