This research project is the result of an Executive PhD program, within an agreement between the "Casa di Riposo Fondazione Fratelli Enrico e Antonio Nobili Onlus" in Viganò Brianza (LC) and the University of Milano-Bicocca. The research aimed to identify useful elements to improve the quality of reception for the elderly and their families in Retirement Home, at acquiring functional elements to analyse and enhance care activities and at illuminate critical aspects that can influence the interaction with the facility, particularly concerning the risk of exclusion of family members, well highlighted during the experience of the Covid-19 pandemic. The study is set in the contest of the care and assistance of not self-sufficient elderly within the phenomenon of population aging. The research highlights the political, economic, social, cultural, and pedagogical significance of the ongoing changes, with a focus on the experience of entering a nursing home from the point of view of family members. The decision to investigate the theme by listening to the testimonies of the protagonists placed the research in the framework of the ecological paradigm (Mortari 2007) and the panorama of qualitative methods (Denzin & Lincoln 2011; Mantovani, 1998). The study was grounded on twenty-three phenomenological interviews (Sità, 2012) with eleven family members and twelve operators chosen for their specific role and experience. The research also involved four facilities located in territories other than Lombardy to collect useful data with particular reference to exemplary and well-established practices within the services. The analysis of the interviews provided useful insights to guide functional actions to allow an entry not only facilitating, but also preparatory to the entire subsequent path of life in Retirement Home. The comparison between the collected meanings has provided a better understanding of the operator-family relationship which appears to be the core of the entering experience. In this regard, it becomes evident that the significant change is not only in terms of space but, more importantly, in terms of relationship, which – when placed at the heart of the process – functionally influences the ongoing experience of change. From the point of view of family members, a good knowledge of Retirement Home prior to the entering is considered an orientating and reassuring factor. The construction of meaningful relationships with peers and professionals is likely to facilitate the adaptation to change and the community dimension is considered a distinctive added value of the new place of life, only perceived at a later stage. The entry is also associated with feelings of relief and improvement, and even self-improvement: the critical change in one's condition appears to have already occurred taken place before the actual entry. It emerges that the social and cultural vision of entering the Rsa, perceived as an act of abandonment of the elderly by their family members, negatively affects the choice and experience of entering itself. A comparison of the data reveals an imbalance between the operators’ opportunity of reflection on the experiences of family members, facilitated by the relationship with multiple relatives, and the difficulty of doing so by family members, engaged in a solitary and individual experience. The lack of systematic exchange between peers and communication with professionals can result in a disconnection, hindering the potential for forming alliances and enhancing the overall experience. Finally, the research highlighted the need to find other words to define the Retirement Home: the extensive use of metaphors seems to bring out the need to attribute a new, yet undefined, meaning to this place and the experience associated with it
Il progetto di ricerca è in un percorso di Dottorato Executive all’interno della convenzione tra la Residenza Sanitaria Assistenziale “Casa di Riposo Fondazione Fratelli Enrico e Antonio Nobili Onlus” di Viganò Brianza (Lc) e l’Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca. La ricerca ha lo scopo di individuare elementi utili per migliorare la qualità dell’accoglienza degli anziani e delle loro famiglie, di acquisire dati funzionali ad analizzare e potenziare le attività di cura e di mettere a fuoco quali criticità possono condizionare l’ingresso, soprattutto in riferimento al rischio di esclusione dei familiari, messo ben in luce nell’esperienza della pandemia Covid-19. Il contesto a cui lo studio fa riferimento è quello dei bisogni relativi alla cura e all’assistenza degli anziani non autosufficienti, all’interno del fenomeno dell’invecchiamento della popolazione. La ricerca mette in luce la portata politica, economica, sociale, culturale e pedagogica dei cambiamenti in corso e si dedica al focus dell’esperienza dell’ingresso in Rsa dal punto di vista dei familiari. La scelta di indagare il tema ascoltando le testimonianze dei soggetti protagonisti ha posto la ricerca nella cornice del paradigma ecologico (Mortari 2007) e del panorama dei metodi qualitativi (Denzin & Lincoln 2011; Mantovani 1998). Sono state realizzate ventitré interviste fenomenologiche (Sità 2012) a undici familiari e a dodici operatori scelti perché in posizioni funzionali in merito a ruolo ed esperienza. L’indagine ha coinvolto anche quattro strutture collocate in territori diversi da quello lombardo al fine di raccogliere dati utili con particolare riferimento a prassi esemplari e collaudate dai servizi. Dall’analisi delle interviste emergono risultati utili ad orientare azioni funzionali ad un ingresso non solo facilitante, ma anche propedeutico a tutto il percorso successivo di vita in Rsa. Il confronto tra i significati raccolti e incrociati ha reso possibile una maggiore conoscenza della relazione operatore-familiare sulla quale appare strutturarsi il cuore dell’esperienza dell’ingresso. Emerge, in questo senso, che il significativo cambiamento non è solo di luogo, ma anche, e soprattutto, di relazione che, quando messa al centro del processo, condiziona in maniera funzionale l’esperienza del cambiamento in atto. Il significato specifico attribuito dai soggetti al livello di conoscenza della Rsa precedente all’ingresso è di fattore orientativo e rassicurante. La costruzione di relazioni significative tra pari e con le figure professionali risulta favorire l’elaborazione del cambiamento e la dimensione comunitaria è considerata un valore aggiunto peculiare del nuovo luogo di vita, ma è percepita solo successivamente. All’ingresso viene, inoltre, dato significato di sollievo e di miglioramento anche in riferimento a sé: il cambiamento critico della propria condizione appare già avvenuto precedentemente. Emerge che la visione sociale e culturale relativa all’ingresso in Rsa, valutato come gesto di abbandono degli anziani da parte dei familiari, condiziona negativamente la scelta e l’esperienza dell’ingresso stesso. Dal confronto dei dati si rileva uno sbilanciamento tra la possibilità di riflessione degli operatori sull’esperienza dei familiari, agevolata dal rapporto con molteplici figure parentali e la difficoltà a farlo da parte dei familiari, impegnati in una esperienza solitaria ed individuale. La mancanza di un confronto organizzato tra pari e con gli operatori può determinare il rischio di una separazione che non agevola la potenziale alleanza, oltre a non permettere la valorizzazione dell’esperienza stessa. La ricerca ha messo in luce, infine, la necessità di trovare altre parole per definire l’Rsa: l’ampio utilizzo di metafore sembra fare emergere il bisogno di attribuire a questo luogo e all’esperienza che vi si collega un nuovo significato non ancora presente.
This research project is the result of an Executive PhD program, within an agreement between the "Casa di Riposo Fondazione Fratelli Enrico e Antonio Nobili Onlus" in Viganò Brianza (LC) and the University of Milano-Bicocca. The research aimed to identify useful elements to improve the quality of reception for the elderly and their families in Retirement Home, at acquiring functional elements to analyse and enhance care activities and at illuminate critical aspects that can influence the interaction with the facility, particularly concerning the risk of exclusion of family members, well highlighted during the experience of the Covid-19 pandemic. The study is set in the contest of the care and assistance of not self-sufficient elderly within the phenomenon of population aging. The research highlights the political, economic, social, cultural, and pedagogical significance of the ongoing changes, with a focus on the experience of entering a nursing home from the point of view of family members. The decision to investigate the theme by listening to the testimonies of the protagonists placed the research in the framework of the ecological paradigm (Mortari 2007) and the panorama of qualitative methods (Denzin & Lincoln 2011; Mantovani, 1998). The study was grounded on twenty-three phenomenological interviews (Sità, 2012) with eleven family members and twelve operators chosen for their specific role and experience. The research also involved four facilities located in territories other than Lombardy to collect useful data with particular reference to exemplary and well-established practices within the services. The analysis of the interviews provided useful insights to guide functional actions to allow an entry not only facilitating, but also preparatory to the entire subsequent path of life in Retirement Home. The comparison between the collected meanings has provided a better understanding of the operator-family relationship which appears to be the core of the entering experience. In this regard, it becomes evident that the significant change is not only in terms of space but, more importantly, in terms of relationship, which – when placed at the heart of the process – functionally influences the ongoing experience of change. From the point of view of family members, a good knowledge of Retirement Home prior to the entering is considered an orientating and reassuring factor. The construction of meaningful relationships with peers and professionals is likely to facilitate the adaptation to change and the community dimension is considered a distinctive added value of the new place of life, only perceived at a later stage. The entry is also associated with feelings of relief and improvement, and even self-improvement: the critical change in one's condition appears to have already occurred taken place before the actual entry. It emerges that the social and cultural vision of entering the Rsa, perceived as an act of abandonment of the elderly by their family members, negatively affects the choice and experience of entering itself. A comparison of the data reveals an imbalance between the operators’ opportunity of reflection on the experiences of family members, facilitated by the relationship with multiple relatives, and the difficulty of doing so by family members, engaged in a solitary and individual experience. The lack of systematic exchange between peers and communication with professionals can result in a disconnection, hindering the potential for forming alliances and enhancing the overall experience. Finally, the research highlighted the need to find other words to define the Retirement Home: the extensive use of metaphors seems to bring out the need to attribute a new, yet undefined, meaning to this place and the experience associated with itFile | Dimensione | Formato | |
embargo fino al 27/02/2027
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