Introduction The debate on teaching and involving citizens from migrant backgrounds in learning the language of the host society is still evolving at international level. In the last two decades, several Southern European countries have experienced significant immigration flows, initiating language inclusion policies that are today in constant evolution. The studies carried out so far show significant opportunities for children with a migrant background to access language inclusion programmes, which are generally compulsory. The researches in the linguistic field tend to focus on the paths of inclusion of minors, dedicating little in-depth study to the procedures and proposals for the inclusion of first generation adults. Although there are language training offers for immigrant adults, significant problems have been observed in the linguistic and social inclusion of the adults. This study aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of a cooperative and intergenerational glottodidactic and socialisation method aimed at enhancing the linguistic skills of minors from migrant backgrounds in teaching foreign adults who do not yet know the language of the host country. Eight households consisting of nineteen students from migrant backgrounds were involved in a study on the intergenerational transmission of second language skills in a supervised learning environment. In this group, ten minors taught the language of the host country to nine adult family members who had no or low levels of proficiency in the taught language. The ten minors focused on teaching Italian with limited supervision, providing useful support to the adults for an initial and progressive approach to the use of the Italian language. The more general context in which the experiments took place was mainly a learning environment set up ad hoc in a public square. At the same time, the course of study saw the implementation of an investigation into the validity of the aggregative and participatory role of an open-air public space, designed to provide opportunities for learning the language of the host society, foreign languages, socialisation and intercultural dialogue between natives and foreigners. Over the course of 20 months, 227 foreign students participated in Italian language learning courses. The significant participation of 167 adults and 60 minors in a new language learning course in a neighbourhood context demonstrates the need to organise further language training offers that can bring immigrant communities closer together to promote their social inclusion. The path analysed could be significant for the evaluation of operational models of teaching and cultural integration to be implemented and proposed at a reduced cost for society. The results allow us to glimpse opportunities for replication both in the same urban context and in places of immigration with similar characteristics. Objectives and research questions The main aims of this research are: • the study of experimental ways in which immigrant adults can learn a second language from the didactic action of minors from migratory backgrounds in a family environment, in supervised and guided school and extracurricular contexts • the analysis of the social and cultural impact of a proximity learning context created within the framework of this action research pathway during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic, to develop processes of social cohesion, linguistic and intercultural exchanges and opportunities for knowledge sharing between a host community and citizens from migratory backgrounds. This context was designed to be long-lasting and to evolve in relation to the demands and contributions of the community involved, providing further insights for future studies. The initial hypotheses of this work are based on the idea that school-age children from migrant backgrounds who have intermediate or high competence in the host country's language of communication have the potential to teach immigrant adults the vehicular language of the receiving society. This capacity, however, needs to be elicited and guided for effective implementation. Once the basic mechanisms for teaching a language have been set up, practised and understood, it is assumed that children of foreign origin can independently pursue a path of teaching an additional language to foreign adults, albeit with partial knowledge and not always made explicit in the field of glottodidactics. In order to define, direct and structure the research, three cognitive objectives in particular were defined: • to test and verify the skills, characteristics and effectiveness of teaching the basic phonetic, lexical, grammatical and syntactic aspects of a dominant language of a host country, carried out by minors of foreign origin of school age and addressed to adults of the same culture, in a learning context guided by teachers of the vehicular language of the host society; • to directly observe and examine the process, the effects and the results of such teaching action, both on the linguistic knowledge of the minors and on that of the adults, with reference to the acquisition of competences in the Italian language; • to analyse the personal and linguistic characteristics of the participants in the study, with the main aim of determining similarities and differences in the process of learning a second language by people with different mother tongues and with different previous study experiences. The above considerations therefore aim to provide answers to the following questions: • Can more effective ways be implemented to reach, interest and involve immigrant individuals with a low level of acculturation who have not taken part in the process of acquiring the language of the host society, in order to provide one of the fundamental tools for social inclusion and intercultural relations, represented by the language spoken in the social context in which one lives on a daily basis? • How do foreign citizens deal with the problem of linguistic inclusion, consisting in learning and acquiring the language of the host country? • Can individuals who experience linguistic isolation for long periods of time in a host society, remaining relegated to relations with their family or community of origin, begin to learn the dominant language of the host society thanks to a teaching action carried out by children or grandchildren, under the guidance and supervision of experts in the teaching of a second language? The study is organised in four chapters. The first chapter includes a survey of the literature on the interaction between foreign communities and the host society, with a focus on the mediating role played by foreign children in facilitating relations between foreign adults and institutions. Studies concerning the psychological effects of the progressive contact with a new society are also considered. Finally, the Italian case is examined in relation to the proposals of the most recent organisational strategies of educational paths dedicated to the inclusion of foreigners, both institutional and informal. The second chapter deals with the methodology used, characterised by a global action research approach and a perspective of collecting mainly qualitative data from participant observations, online questionnaires and interviews with privileged witnesses, in border migration contexts with similar characteristics between Southern Italy and Southern Spain. The planning of the collection of quantitative data, consisting of demographic and registry information, is due to the expectation of relating these to qualitative data, in order to outline a more complete analytical framework. The third chapter contains the results of the research, the relative analyses and a concluding section that includes reflections on the observations made. There are three main sections that make up this last chapter and they are organised on the basis of a chronological criterion through which the path of the experiments is outlined, consisting of two action research phases in an urban context in southern Italy and an investigation phase in a city in southern Spain. The main aspect that distinguishes the first phase from the second, in addition to the chronological perspective, is represented by the variation in the characteristics of the micro-contexts of the municipality of Reggio Calabria in which the experimentation and analysis activities took place: in a first section, the investigation focused on the formal environment of the Italian public school, with questionnaires addressed to teachers and with glottodidactic experiments involving school learners and their families from migratory backgrounds; in the next phase, the research was oriented on experiments related to teaching the language of the host society in the context of a public square and an informal environment of education, involving minors and adults with a migratory background. The third phase was characterised by interviews with privileged witnesses in an urban context in southern Spain, Seville in Andalusia, in relation to the problems of inclusion of minors and adults of foreign origin in the host country, with the aim of analysing differences and analogies with empirical observations derived from samples of schools in the Italian inclusion system and outlining a framework of comparison between the samples of the realities studied. The fourth chapter considers the results achieved, including reflections on the limitations of the research, prospects for future work, final conclusions, appendices and bibliography. Limitations of existing literature Over the past twenty years, most of the literature on the acculturation processes of families from migrant backgrounds has focused on the educational success of children and adolescents. Scholars have focused on examining the level of integration and the quality of acquisition of the official language by newly arrived minors or children of immigrants, while assigning less importance to the equivalent process for adults. The state of the art presents a significant number of researches concerning formal language teaching to adult immigrants, but an insufficient number of in-depth analyses and applied studies were found concerning language acquisition by adult immigrants in spontaneous and neighbourhood settings. Studies on processes of acquisition of basic content of the host society's language by adult immigrants as a result of spontaneous teaching and acculturation actions by children and adolescents for the benefit of adults significant to the children themselves have also been examined. These surveys need to be further investigated with regard to the role played by the younger generations of foreigners in the knowledge of a second language of the first generations of immigrants. The observation of the learning processes of a second language by the first generations of adult immigrants, implemented also through the cooperation and active intervention of the generations of newlyimmigrated minors, of second or subsequent generations, deserves further investigation. The academic literature reviewed is rich in suggestions for the elaboration of accurate analyses and paradigms, representing a solid starting point for formulating a study on the ways in which immigrant parents learn a second language through the contribution of their children, particularly in contexts where second generations could be guided by teachers of the host country's language in teaching a second language to first generations. It is also possible to evaluate the effects of educational experiments aimed at young immigrants to guide them and make them aware of their role not so much as mediators, but rather as active agents of their parents' acculturation. In fact, it has been possible to observe the scarcity of studies on the organised and conscious transmission of a second language by minors to adults from migratory contexts, within the family or in the cultural communities of reference. In the course of examining the studies published so far, the role of language learning places as an opportunity for mutual socialisation between immigrants and for their interaction with the host society was also taken into consideration. It was noted that the authors reviewed emphasise the relevance of a comprehensive view of the classroom as a language learning environment and of the context outside the classroom as the actual environment of language acquisition, both of which contribute to the growth of an individual's linguistic competence. However, scholars tend to observe the two types of places mentioned above as elements that can hardly interpenetrate, but alternate in the itinerary of knowledge of a second language, even in the situation in which the language studied in the classroom is the same as that used by society outside the study room. Methodology The overall approach with which the study was conducted is that of action research, with particular reference to the public school environment and the urban context of social relations in a public square. An inductive approach was favoured as a guideline for the study and experimentation process. Although starting from initial hypotheses based on the literature examined, the aspect of interaction between empirical observation and theoretical elaboration was fundamental for the evolution and construction of the investigation path. The study focused on the analysis of the specificity of the participants and of the relative differences, starting from diversity with the aim of arriving at homogeneity, in particular considering the aspects of competence in the language of the host society on the part of individuals of foreign origin. The participants were considered, from the start of the research, as an active part of the study. It was decided to orient the psychological relationship between the scholar and the studied individuals on the basis of the characteristics of the empathic relationship, with the aim of understanding and interpreting the cultural, linguistic, emotional and relational aspects that would emerge during the course of the investigation. From a physical point of view, it was decided to maintain a proximity interaction between the scholar and the participants, with the aim of ensuring effective direct observation. The writer made use of an integrated methodology, making greater use of qualitative analysis techniques for the interpretative data, while considering quantitative aspects connected to personal data, information on the partial and total numbers of participants in the research, and degrees of linguistic competence, which are fundamental for the elaboration of data matrices to draw on and refer to for the selection of participants and for the preparation and setting up of the qualitative study. In the preparation of this survey, the contexts and the area of exploration were defined and selected. The collection of both forms of data took place mainly in school contexts and in public and private places in the open air or in formal and informal closed environments, frequented also or only by students of foreign origin, minors and adults in the municipality of Reggio Calabria. Direct and participant observation was chosen as the main instrument of detection in physically delimited places: initially in pre-existing formalised school contexts and, subsequently, during the creation and consolidation of a new informal open-air school environment, set up ad hoc in a central square in the municipality of Reggio Calabria, for the reason of continuing the study begun in the aforementioned school contexts, which were closed or temporarily unable to allow the presence and experimentation of the writer in the face of restrictions related to the health emergency that began in March 2020, due to the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The aforementioned method of analysis was identified and subsequently used to allow the writer, through a prolonged immersion in the contexts under study, to build a direct relationship with the participants and to collect quantitative and qualitative data, to examine, reorganise and assess the validity of the initial hypotheses and to expand the study of the state of the art of reference on the basis of what would emerge from the progressive observations and experiments. In addition, it was decided ex ante by the writer to make his role as researcher explicit to the participants, also through the presentation of a prepared text that would have further clarified the research path, guaranteeing the anonymity of the participants. This observation procedure was accompanied by structured and semi-structured interviews with the participants, useful not only for gathering information but also for comparing and reformulating the initial research hypotheses. The interviews were to be conducted with an empathic approach during the course of the participant observation, a method that made it possible to prepare a suitable terrain for stimulating the narrative of the subjects involved. According to the initial planning, the results obtained from the participant observation were to be summarised as soon as possible, with the aim of bringing out observations and interpretations. The elaboration of an initial list of textual and didactic materials that would be produced during the empirical observations was planned, with the aim of acquiring a greater practicality and readiness to collect data in the form of verbalizations, notes, images, texts, audio-recordings and interpretations of the materials. In order to catalogue the data that would emerge, it was decided to categorise and order them according to chronological criteria and in relation to the individuals who would produce them. Bearing in mind that the evidence collected requires multiple readings, it was decided to initially develop a series of interpretative hypotheses once the information had been examined. It was planned, during the final phase of data collection, to re-examine and verify the original hypotheses and cognitive objectives and, in relation to these, the possible formulation of new questions or hypotheses for interpretation. The elements that emerged from the participant observations and interviews would be compared with the quantitative elements related to the participants, analysed as isolated elements and then compared to be considered in relation to similar answers, similar or different communication and teaching strategies and constant elements, in order to allow the elaboration of the conclusive interpretations. Results Starting from surveys consisting of written questionnaires that initially involved sixty-seven teachers from three public secondary schools in the municipality of Reggio Calabria and semi-structured interviews with twenty-three privileged witnesses, nineteen of whom were teachers and heads of secondary schools in the city of Seville, the problems, proposals and perspectives relating to the linguistic and social inclusion of foreign pupils and the involvement of the families of students from migrant backgrounds in the school community were analysed through the data collected. In relation to the observations reported by the participants on the difficulties that emerged in the implementation of courses aimed at language learning for foreign learners and on the basis of the considerations of more than three quarters of sixty-five informant teachers in the three schools under study in Reggio Calabria on the need for staff with specific training in language teaching and linguistic and cultural mediation to be addressed to pupils and families from migratory backgrounds, a glottodidactic and socialisation method was designed. It was also planned to use an open-air public environment in the vicinity to create a teaching and learning context with a low economic impact, with the aim of fostering cultural integration between foreigners and the host society and to implement the experiments envisaged by the above method, designed for language teaching and learning and socialisation. The planning described above allowed the writer to examine the phenomenon of interactions in language acquisition between 10 minors and 9 adults from 8 families from migratory backgrounds, during which the younger ones taught and the older ones learned the contents of a second language at an initial and basic level. It was possible to observe the effectiveness of the intergenerational teaching method: minors of school age with at least pre-intermediate competence in Italian taught the language of the host society to adults who did not know or had a basic knowledge of the language in question, under the supervision of the writer. The activities proposed elicited and enhanced the linguistic skills of the schoolage children involved, with the aim of making them aware of their ability to deal with a complex task such as teaching a second language, with the prospect that in the future the pre-adolescents and adolescents involved in the study may have had useful ideas for providing support in learning a second language for their families, reducing the risk of becoming exclusively translators and interpreters for communication between adults and the host society, in cases where the latter do not know the language. In the more general context in which the experiments were carried out, characterised by a language learning context set up and organised by the writer, the spontaneous and overall presence of 227 participants, of whom 167 adults and 60 minors, in Italian language courses offered in a proximity context during a twentymonth educational pathway is evident. The enrolment of a significant number of participants in language training courses over a period of one year and eight months testifies to the willingness on the part of citizens coming from migratory contexts to learn the language of the host society and makes it possible to hypothesise that the reasons why some of them had never previously approached Italian language courses, were conditioned first of all by the fact that 94 adult students out of a total of 167 adults had arrived in Italy less than a year before, therefore by motivations linked to a relatively short period of time in which to find useful information on the presence of Italian courses and overcome a possible initial cultural shock. However it was also observed that 47 out of 73 adult learners who had been resident in Italy for more than a year, had never attended Italian language courses, yet 64% of adult learners who had been resident in Italy for a considerable period of time, attended the didactic activities of the Italian school in Piazza. It is possible to consider that this choice of attending Italian lessons for the first time, mainly in an open-air context, was conditioned precisely by the characteristics of proximity and visibility of the environment in which the lessons were held and by the observation of the presence of other compatriots who were already attending Italian courses in a public square, which guarantees, due to its nature as a place for the community, easy access and inclusion in the proposed educational courses. In the final analysis, the greater ease of attending courses in the language of the host society in an open-air context that is easily accessible, close and recognisable must be considered, compared to other closed environments which for two consecutive years from March 2020, for health protection purposes have necessarily imposed constraints on attendance at language training courses. Placed in the condition of learning the language of the host society, both minors and adults from migratory contexts approached the language training courses and showed determination and awareness of the importance of knowing the language of the society in which they are living, even though the majority of adults enrolled and resident in Italy for more than a year stated that they had never studied the language of the host country. In the comparison between the Italian and Spanish immigrant contexts examined in the field of public education, it was possible to observe that in Spain several autonomous communities, among which the Andalusian one, have shown to offer a structural and flexible investment aimed at the use of Spanish language teachers to students coming from migratory contexts in public primary and secondary schools, guaranteeing the effective presence of these teachers, who constitute the internal staff of the institutions, especially in schools with newly arrived non Spanish-speaking pupils. On the other hand, in the Italian context, the didactic intervention of teachers expert in teaching Italian to foreign learners in public schools is not yet organised in an organic way. Although the legislation provides for the opportunity to use external experts for individual institutions in cases of necessity, the schools do not always have the resources or choose to direct the educational project by hiring professional teachers in the teaching of Italian to non-Italian-speaking learners, even though they are present in their classes. In both the contexts studied, moreover, a structural presence of linguistic and cultural mediators is not yet foreseen and in particular in the samples examined these professional figures do not appear to be formally included in the institutions. The results achieved with respect to the expected results were characterised by aspects that complemented the initial planning, adding elements to the pathway that had been set in motion that contributed to directing the work itinerary towards the creation of an intercultural community in an open-air learning context, since the teaching of foreign languages was planned in itinere only after having noted the need for greater involvement of the Italian community in order to promote concrete opportunities for intercultural socialisation and comparison. Contributions to existing literature This study proposes to continue research on language learning with cooperative and socially mediated modes, outlining an opportunity for in-depth study in relation to family teaching and learning pathways between minors and adults from the same migratory context who interact to teach and learn the language of the host society in proximity contexts and in periods characterised by extraordinary limitations in access to language training courses in the presence mode, in terms of both the limited number of physical spaces available and the closure to the public of many learning sites globally. The study also proposes to contribute to a global vision of the concept of teaching and learning, proposing that the two actions should not be clearly separated, confirming that both can lead to language acquisition, both for those who assume the role of teacher and for those who formally appear as learners. Delving in particular into the issue of language inclusion of illiterate and loweducated adults during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic, in which social inequalities became more pronounced, the study aims to outline the greater vulnerability of these latter users in terms of reduced opportunities to access educational settings, while also documenting the exclusion from educational pathways for minors who do not know the language of the host society. In addition, the research contributes to providing food for thought on the effectiveness of a language inclusion pathway in an outdoor proximity environment, which is not only easily accessible but also usable with a lower risk of contingency in the number of students compared to indoor learning places. The experiments carried out to favour proposals for interaction between foreigners and the host society with a view to promoting intercultural exchanges, have shown significant participation on the part of the urban context's citizens and involvement in the organisational phases and in the implementation of activities that have in any case had the objective of facilitating linguistic acquisition and intercultural exchange. The above-mentioned results make it possible to direct future studies towards the design and analysis of language training courses which are not limited to classroom learning but which can consider the external context as a constant learning opportunity. Conclusions The proximity courses in which lessons were held in the framework of the outdoor school project presented in the second phase of the study of the third chapter, represent today, and in particular have represented in a health emergency context, a valid system for approaching training paths especially for those who present significant linguistic and psychological vulnerabilities, for whom formal education contexts sometimes constitute insurmountable barriers, especially for those who are beginning for the first time to approach the study of a language they do not know. Due to their characteristic of being easily accessible and reachable places, privileged contexts of outreach courses, such as outdoor public spaces, can be a training opportunity for anyone, especially in emergency situations, such as in the case of the recent Covid-19 pandemic, during which educational, academic and generally training institutions in several countries closed their physical spaces to open virtual education and training sites for an extended period. The opportunities for maintaining concrete social and cultural exchanges that these institutions had previously offered therefore disappeared for health reasons. Was it really impossible to transfer from physically closed contexts, representative of formal education, to open-air environments the offers and training opportunities already provided? In the municipality of Reggio di Calabria there are non-formalised language education and training places, dedicated in particular to adults and organised by religious centres and non-governmental organisations, which have remained closed, for the most part for prolonged periods up to the duration of two years, sometimes not replacing teaching in the presence mode with distance teaching. These contexts are the first points of contact for many citizens coming from migratory backgrounds, precisely because they are located in proximity areas and are not always interested in asking citizens of foreign origin for excessive personal documentation and authorisations that they may not immediately have in order to attend a free and informal Italian language course for a short period. Distance learning cannot be an adequate response to all kinds of theoretical training. Illiterate students are unlikely to approach virtual literacy courses, both because in order to have computer skills one would first have to have basic reading and writing skills, and because learners have never experienced the implications of a school-based approach: from sitting for a relevant amount of time, to the correct way of holding a pen or pencil to write, to all the rituals of a classroom that are instead a matter of course for children who have gradually learnt to read and write and that in any case change in relation to the culture offering the education service, its codified and implicit norms. The proposal of language inclusion paths that are stable in time and reference points in space that guarantee the presence of one or more proximity places for an extended period of time for the provision of second or foreign language courses, could also represent an opportunity for the creation of an intercultural community around the educational paths. Limitations and directions for future research The presence of a structural economic fund linked to the study would have offered the opportunity, in the second phase of the action research, to hire teachers of Italian for foreigners who were already specialised, providing them with a salary and consequently making the teaching and learning of the Italian language more effective with methods and techniques known and already tested by all the teachers, as well as allowing the hiring of professional teachers of foreign languages. In addition, a lack of financial resources has not made it possible to structure learning pathways with a higher number of weekly teaching hours to be included in the curriculum by paying more teachers. A lack of funds did not even allow the replication or parallel implementation of a similar research pathway in another urban context in Italy and abroad, which would have allowed to validate the study or to highlight the weaknesses regarding the effective replicability of the research. However, in spite of the absence of economic funds, a continuous and long-term teaching service was guaranteed regardless of the possibility of providing a monetary contribution to the teachers, in contrast to the teaching and inclusion projects funded for a short period, which, although involving professionals in the field, are prevented from operating in a structural and truly inclusive manner by the constraint of economic resources ensured for limited periods of time. The choice to deepen the study in a single additional immigrant context of first reception, represented by the city of Seville in southern Spain, with characteristics of a place of border migration similar to the reality of southern Italy in Reggio di Calabria, was conditioned by the difficulties of planning and undertaking study trips related to instability and constraints imposed by international regulations during much of the period in which the research was carried out. A study carried out in more than two border immigration contexts would have allowed for a more extensive and thorough comparison in order to outline a more consistent international picture of the needs of educational institutions to ensure more effective inclusion pathways for foreign pupils who do not know the language of communication and study of the schools in which they are placed. From the analyses carried out it is possible to observe the impact of the research on the concrete social reality and its potential applicability in other immigration contexts, also with the involvement of a larger number of participants. Starting from the observations that emerged from the experiments carried out, the validity of this teaching and learning pathway was considered for an initial phase of knowledge of the language of the host society, which has an impact and relevance for the third mission of the universities, understood as scientific and cultural transfer and productive transformation of knowledge, and is applicable to actions of linguistic inclusion and cultural integration in the society studied. Since the action research of an empirical nature in the present work was aimed at analysing intergenerational language teaching and learning pathways addressed in particular to smaller families and for a period of time of two months for each family involved, future research could address the same experimentation not only to larger families, but also to members of the same community of origin for each group of participants involved. In this way it would be possible to observe the efficacy and validity of the didactic and socialisation method proposed with experiments on larger samples, such as groups of adults of more than two units and not necessarily with family relations, who follow lessons in a second language given by a minor from the same community of origin as the adults, under the supervision of a teacher of the language being taught. The proposal of language inclusion paths that are stable in time and reference points in space that guarantee the presence of one or more proximity places for an extended period of time for the provision of second or foreign language courses, could also represent an opportunity for the creation of an intercultural community around the educational paths. The path of the open-air school described in the third chapter could be significant for the evaluation of operational models of teaching and linguistic and cultural integration to be implemented and proposed at a reduced cost for society. The action research has also led to results that make it possible to glimpse the possibility of replicability both in the same urban context in which the experimentation was carried out, with particular attention to areas that are more peripheral than the one examined in the present work, and in places of immigration with characteristics similar to those of southern Italy, For example, Spain and Greece, which were the first destinations of the Mediterranean migratory routes, with necessary interventions of recontextualisation in relation to the differences with the studied environment and to the problems and proposals detected by privileged witnesses who act in the territorial realities in which the present work could be replicated.
Introduzione Il dibattito su insegnamento e coinvolgimento di cittadini provenienti da contesti migratori in percorsi d’apprendimento della lingua della società ospitante è ancora in evoluzione a livello internazionale. Negli ultimi due decenni, diversi Paesi dell’Europa meridionale hanno sperimentato rilevanti flussi immigratori, avviando politiche d’inclusione linguistica oggi in costante evoluzione. Gli studi sinora effettuati evidenziano rilevanti opportunità per minori di provenienza migratoria nell’accesso a programmi d’inclusione linguistica, generalmente obbligatori. Le ricerche in ambito linguistico tendono a focalizzarsi sui percorsi d’inclusione dei minori, dedicando un ridotto approfondimento a iter e proposte di inclusione degli adulti di prima generazione. Pur essendovi offerte di formazione linguistica destinati ad adulti immigrati, sono state osservate problematiche significative per l’inclusione linguistica e sociale di questi ultimi. Il presente studio si propone di dimostrare l’efficacia di un metodo glottodidattico e di socializzazione di carattere cooperativo e intergenerazionale finalizzato a valorizzare le competenze linguistiche dei minori provenienti da contesti migratori nell’insegnamento ad adulti stranieri che ancora non conoscono la lingua del Paese ospitante. Otto nuclei familiari composti da diciannove studenti di provenienza migratoria sono stati coinvolti in uno studio sulla trasmissione intergenerazionale di conoscenze di una seconda lingua in un ambiente d’apprendimento supervisionato. In questo gruppo, dieci minori hanno realizzato lezioni della lingua del Paese ospitante in favore di nove adulti loro familiari, i quali presentavano un nullo o basso grado di conoscenza della lingua insegnata. I dieci minori si sono focalizzati sull’insegnamento dell’italiano con una supervisione limitata, fornendo supporto utile agli adulti per un avvicinamento iniziale e progressivo all’uso della lingua italiana. L’ambito più generale in cui sono avvenute le sperimentazioni è stato principalmente un ambiente d’apprendimento predisposto ad hoc in una piazza pubblica. Contestualmente il percorso di studio ha visto l’attuazione di un’indagine sulla validità del ruolo aggregativo e di coinvolgimento di uno spazio pubblico di prossimità all’aperto, progettato per fornire occasioni d’apprendimento della lingua della società d’accoglienza, di lingue straniere, di socializzazione e dialogo interculturale tra nativi e stranieri. Nel corso di 20 mesi, 227 studenti stranieri hanno partecipato a percorsi d’apprendimento dell’italiano. La significativa partecipazione di 167 adulti e 60 minori a un nuovo percorso d’apprendimento linguistico in un contesto di prossimità, testimonia la necessità d’organizzazione di ulteriori offerte di formazione linguistica che possano avvicinare le comunità immigrate per favorirne l’inclusione sociale. Il percorso analizzato potrebbe essere significativo per la valutazione di modelli operativi d’insegnamento e integrazione culturale da implementare e proporre a costi ridotti per la società. I risultati consentono d’intravedere opportunità di replicabilità sia nel medesimo contesto urbano, sia in luoghi d’immigrazione con caratteristiche analoghe. Obiettivi e domande di ricerca Gli scopi principali della presente ricerca consistono: • nello studio di modalità sperimentali con le quali gli adulti immigrati possono apprendere una seconda lingua dall’azione didattica di minori provenienti da contesti migratori in ambito familiare, in contesti scolastici ed extrascolastici supervisionati e guidati; • nell’analisi dell’impatto sociale e culturale di un contesto di apprendimento di prossimità predisposto nell’ambito del presente percorso di ricerca azione durante il periodo di diffusione della pandemia da Covid-19, per sviluppare processi di coesione sociale, scambi linguistici, interculturali e occasioni di condivisione di conoscenze tra una comunità ospitante e cittadini provenienti da contesti migratori. Tale contesto è stato progettato per avere una lunga durata ed evolversi in relazione alle istanze e ai contributi della comunità coinvolta, fornendo ulteriori spunti per studi futuri. Le ipotesi iniziali del presente lavoro partono dall’idea che i minori in età scolare provenienti da contesti migratori, i quali presentano una competenza intermedia o elevata nella lingua di comunicazione del Paese ospite, abbiano le potenzialità per insegnare agli adulti immigrati la lingua veicolare della società che riceve questi ultimi. Tale capacità tuttavia presenta la necessità di essere elicitata e guidata per un’applicazione efficace. Una volta avviati, praticati e compresi i meccanismi di base per la didattica di una lingua, si ipotizza che i minori di origine straniera possano proseguire autonomamente un percorso di insegnamento di una lingua aggiuntiva agli adulti stranieri, seppur con conoscenze parziali e non sempre esplicitate nell’ambito della glottodidattica. Per definire, indirizzare e strutturare la ricerca, in particolare sono stati definiti tre obiettivi conoscitivi: • sperimentare e verificare le capacità, le caratteristiche e l’efficacia di azioni d’insegnamento di aspetti fonetici, lessicali, grammaticali e sintattici di base di una lingua dominante di un Paese ospitante, condotte da minori di origine straniera in età scolare e rivolte ad adulti della medesima cultura di appartenenza, in un contesto di apprendimento guidato da docenti della lingua veicolare della società di accoglienza; • osservare in maniera diretta ed esaminare il processo, gli effetti e i risultati di tale azione d’insegnamento, sia sulle conoscenze linguistiche dei minori, sia su quelle degli adulti, in riferimento all’acquisizione di competenze nella lingua italiana; • analizzare le caratteristiche anagrafiche e linguistiche dei partecipanti allo studio, con la finalità principale di determinare analogie e differenze nel processo di apprendimento di una seconda lingua da parte di persone con lingue materne diverse e con esperienze pregresse di studio differenti. Le considerazioni sopraccitate si propongono dunque di fornire risposta alle seguenti domande: • Possono essere attuate modalità più efficaci per raggiungere, interessare e coinvolgere individui immigrati con un basso livello di acculturazione che non hanno preso parte al processo di acquisizione della lingua della società ospite, ai fini di fornire uno dei fondamentali strumenti per l’inclusione sociale e la relazione interculturale, rappresentato dalla lingua parlata nel contesto sociale in cui si vive quotidianamente? • Come affrontano i cittadini stranieri il problema dell’inclusione linguistica, consistente nell’apprendimento e acquisizione della lingua del Paese di accoglienza? • Gli individui che in una società ospitante sperimentano la condizione di isolamento linguistico per lunghi periodi, rimanendo relegati alle relazioni con la famiglia o comunità d’origine, possono iniziare a conoscere la lingua dominante della società d’accoglienza grazie a un’azione di insegnamento operata da figli o nipoti, sotto la guida e supervisione di esperti nella didattica di una seconda lingua? Lo studio è organizzato in quattro capitoli. Il primo capitolo comprende una ricognizione della letteratura sull’interazione tra comunità straniere e società ospite, con un focus sul ruolo di mediazione esercitato dai minori stranieri per agevolare le relazioni tra adulti stranieri e istituzioni. Sono inoltre considerati studi riguardanti gli effetti psicologici del progressivo contatto con una società nuova. Infine è esaminato il caso italiano in relazione alle proposte di strategie organizzative più recenti di percorsi didattici dedicati all’inclusione degli stranieri, istituzionali e informali. Il secondo capitolo tratta della metodologia utilizzata, caratterizzata da un approccio globale di ricerca azione e da una prospettiva di raccolta di dati principalmente qualitativi da osservazioni partecipanti, questionari online e interviste a testimoni privilegiati, in contesti migratori frontalieri con caratteristiche analoghe tra Italia meridionale e Spagna meridionale. La pianificazione della raccolta di dati quantitativi, consistenti in informazioni di carattere anagrafico e demografico è dovuta alla previsione di porre in relazione queste ultime con i dati qualitativi, al fine di delineare un quadro analitico di maggiore completezza. Il terzo capitolo contiene i risultati della ricerca, le relative analisi e una sezione conclusiva che comprende le riflessioni sulle osservazioni esplicitate. Tre sono le sezioni principali che costituiscono quest’ultimo capitolo e sono organizzate sulla base di un criterio cronologico attraverso il quale si delinea il percorso delle sperimentazioni, consistente in due fasi di ricerca azione in un contesto urbano dell’Italia meridionale e in una fase d’indagine in una città della Spagna meridionale. L’aspetto principale che distingue la prima fase dalla seconda, oltre alla prospettiva cronologica, è rappresentato dalla variazione delle caratteristiche dei microcontesti del comune di Reggio Calabria in cui si sono svolte le attività di sperimentazione e analisi: in una prima sezione, l’indagine si è concentrata sull’ambiente formale della scuola pubblica italiana, con questionari rivolti ai docenti e con sperimentazioni glottodidattiche che hanno coinvolto i discenti delle scuole e le relative famiglie provenienti da contesti migratori; nella fase successiva, la ricerca è stata orientata su sperimentazioni connesse all’insegnamento della lingua della società ospitante nel contesto di una piazza pubblica e di un ambiente informale di istruzione, coinvolgendo minori e adulti con un retroterra migratorio. La terza fase è stata caratterizzata da interviste a testimoni privilegiati in un contesto urbano della Spagna meridionale, Siviglia in Andalusia, in relazione alle problematiche d’inclusione di minori e adulti di origine straniera nel Paese di accoglienza, con l’obiettivo di analizzare differenze e analogie con le osservazioni empiriche derivanti da campioni di scuole del sistema di inclusione italiano e delineare un quadro di confronto fra i campioni delle realtà studiate. Il quarto capitolo considera i risultati raggiunti, comprendendo le riflessioni sui limiti della ricerca, le prospettive di lavoro future, le conclusioni finali, le appendici e la bibliografia. Limitazioni della letteratura esistente Negli ultimi venti anni, la maggior parte della letteratura riguardante i processi di acculturazione delle famiglie provenienti da contesti migratori si è concentrata sul successo scolastico dei bambini e degli adolescenti. L'attenzione degli studiosi è stata rivolta in particolare all’esame del livello d’integrazione e della qualità di acquisizione della lingua ufficiale da parte degli studenti minori neoarrivati o figli di immigrati, assegnando minor rilevanza al processo equivalente per gli adulti. Lo stato dell'arte presenta un numero significativo di ricerche riguardanti l'insegnamento formale delle lingue agli immigrati adulti, tuttavia è stata riscontrata un’insufficienza di analisi approfondite e di studi applicati riguardanti l'acquisizione delle lingue da parte di adulti immigrati in ambienti spontanei e di prossimità. Sono stati inoltre vagliati studi riguardanti processi di acquisizione di contenuti di base della lingua della società ospitante da parte di immigrati adulti come conseguenza di azioni didattiche e di acculturazione spontanee operate da bambini e adolescenti a vantaggio di adulti significativi per i minori stessi. Tali indagini presentano necessità di approfondimento per quanto concerne il ruolo esercitato dalle generazioni più giovani di stranieri nel percorso di conoscenza di una seconda lingua delle prime generazioni di immigrati. Ulteriori approfondimenti meriterebbe l’osservazione degli iter di apprendimento di una seconda lingua, da parte delle prime generazioni di adulti immigrati, attuati anche mediante la cooperazione e l’intervento attivo delle generazioni di minori neoimmigrati, di seconda generazione o di generazioni successive. La letteratura accademica esaminata è ricca di spunti per l’elaborazione di analisi accurate e paradigmi, rappresentando un solido punto di partenza per formulare uno studio sulle modalità in cui i genitori immigrati apprendono una seconda lingua per mezzo del contributo dei loro figli, in particolare nei contesti in cui le seconde generazioni potrebbero essere guidate da docenti della lingua del Paese ospitante nell’insegnamento di una seconda lingua alle prime generazioni. Si apre inoltre la possibilità di valutare gli effetti di esperimenti educativi rivolti ai giovani immigrati per guidarli e renderli consapevoli del loro ruolo non tanto di mediatori, quanto piuttosto di agenti attivi dell'acculturazione dei loro genitori. Si è potuta difatti osservare la limitatezza di studi in merito alla trasmissione organizzata e consapevole di una seconda lingua, operata da parte di minori verso adulti provenienti da contesti migratori, in ambito familiare o nelle comunità culturali di riferimento. Nel percorso d’esame degli studi sinora pubblicati, è stato inoltre preso in considerazione il ruolo dei luoghi di apprendimento linguistico come opportunità di socializzazione reciproca tra immigrati e di interazione di questi ultimi con la società di accoglienza. È stato osservato che gli autori vagliati sottolineano la rilevanza di una visione globale dell’aula di studio come ambiente di apprendimento di una lingua e del contesto esterno all’aula come ambiente reale di acquisizione linguistica, i quali concorrono entrambi alla crescita della competenza linguistica dell’individuo. Tuttavia gli studiosi tendono a osservare i due tipi di luoghi sopraccitati come elementi che difficilmente possono compenetrarsi, ma alternarsi nell’itinerario di conoscenza di una seconda lingua, anche nella situazione in cui la lingua studiata in aula è la medesima ad essere utilizzata dalla società esterna all’aula di studio. Metodologia L’approccio globale con cui è stato condotto lo studio è quello della ricerca azione, con particolare riferimento all’ambiente delle scuole pubbliche e al contesto urbano delle relazioni sociali in una piazza pubblica. È stato privilegiato un approccio di carattere induttivo come linea guida al percorso di studio e sperimentazione. Pur muovendo da ipotesi iniziali, fondate sulla letteratura esaminata, è risultato fondamentale l’aspetto di interazione tra osservazione empirica ed elaborazione teorica per l’evoluzione e costruzione del percorso d’indagine. Lo studio si è concentrato sull’analisi della specificità dei partecipanti e delle relative differenze, partendo dalle diversità con l’obiettivo di arrivare all’omogeneità, in particolare considerando gli aspetti di competenza nella lingua della società ospite da parte di individui di origine straniera. I partecipanti sono stati considerati, dall’avvio della ricerca, come parte attiva del percorso di studio. È stato scelto di orientare la relazione psicologica tra lo studioso e gli studiati sulla base delle caratteristiche della relazione empatica, con l’obiettivo di comprendere e interpretare gli aspetti culturali, linguistici, emotivi e relazionali che sarebbero emersi nel corso dell’indagine. Da un punto di vista fisico, è stato stabilito di mantenere un’interazione di prossimità tra lo studioso e i partecipanti, con l’obiettivo di garantire un’osservazione diretta efficace. Lo scrivente si è avvalso di una metodologia integrata, ricorrendo maggiormente a tecniche di analisi qualitative per i dati interpretativi, pur considerando aspetti quantitativi connessi a dati anagrafici, informazioni sui numeri parziali e totali dei partecipanti alla ricerca, gradi di competenza linguistica, fondamentali per l’elaborazione di matrici di dati a cui attingere e riferirsi per la selezione dei partecipanti e per la preparazione e impostazione dello studio qualitativo. Nella predisposizione della presente indagine sono stati definiti e selezionati i contesti e l’area di esplorazione. La raccolta di entrambe le forme di dati è avvenuta principalmente in contesti scolastici e in luoghi pubblici e privati all’aperto o in ambienti chiusi formali e informali, frequentati anche o unicamente da studenti di origine straniera minori e adulti nel comune di Reggio Calabria. L’osservazione diretta e partecipante è stata scelta come principale strumento di rilevazione in luoghi fisicamente delimitati: inizialmente in contesti scolastici formalizzati preesistenti e, in seguito, nel corso della creazione e consolidamento di un nuovo ambiente scolastico informale all’aperto, predisposto ad hoc in una piazza centrale del comune di Reggio Calabria, a ragione di proseguire lo studio avviato negli ambiti scolastici sopraccitati, risultati chiusi o temporaneamente impossibilitati a consentire la presenza e le sperimentazioni dello scrivente a fronte delle restrizioni connesse all’emergenza sanitaria che ha avuto inizio nel mese di marzo 2020, dovuta alla diffusione del virus SARS-CoV-2. Il metodo di analisi sopraccitato è stato individuato e successivamente utilizzato per consentire allo scrivente, attraverso un’immersione prolungata nei contesti oggetto di studio, di costruire una relazione diretta con i partecipanti e di raccogliere dati quantitativi e qualitativi, di esaminare, riorganizzare e valutare la validità delle ipotesi di partenza e di ampliare lo studio dello stato dell’arte di riferimento sulla base di quanto sarebbe emerso dalle progressive osservazioni e sperimentazioni. Inoltre è stato scelto ex ante da parte di chi scrive di rendere esplicito ai partecipanti il proprio ruolo di ricercatore, anche mediante la presentazione di un testo predisposto che avrebbe reso ulteriormente chiaro il percorso di ricerca, garantendo l’anonimato ai partecipanti. Tale procedimento di osservazione è stato affiancato da interviste strutturate e semistrutturate ai partecipanti, utili non solo alla raccolta delle informazioni ma anche al confronto e alla riformulazione rispetto alle ipotesi di ricerca iniziali. Le interviste sarebbero state condotte con approccio empatico nel corso dell’osservazione partecipante, metodo che ha permesso di predisporre un terreno idoneo a stimolare la narrazione dei soggetti coinvolti. Secondo la pianificazione iniziale, i risultati ottenuti dall’osservazione partecipante avrebbero dovuto essere sintetizzati appena possibile, con l’obiettivo di far emergere osservazioni e interpretazioni. È stata progettata l’elaborazione di un elenco iniziale dei materiali testuali e didattici che sarebbero stati prodotti nel corso delle osservazioni empiriche, con l’obiettivo di acquisire una maggiore praticità e predisposizione a raccogliere i dati sotto forma di verbalizzazioni, appunti, immagini, testi, audioregistrazioni e interpretazioni dei materiali. Al fine di catalogare i dati che sarebbero emersi, è stato stabilito di rubricarli e ordinarli secondo criteri cronologici e in relazione agli individui che li avrebbero prodotti. Tenendo presente che le evidenze raccolte necessitano di molteplici letture, è stato stabilito di elaborare inizialmente una serie di ipotesi interpretative una volta esaminate le informazioni. È stato pianificato, nel corso della fase finale della raccolta dei dati, il riesame e la verifica delle ipotesi e degli obiettivi conoscitivi originari e, in relazione ad essi, la possibile formulazione di nuove domande o ipotesi di interpretazione. Gli elementi emersi dalle osservazioni partecipanti e dalle interviste sarebbero stati confrontati con gli elementi quantitativi connessi ai partecipanti, analizzati come elementi isolati e successivamente posti a confronto per essere considerati in relazione a risposte simili, strategie di comunicazione e insegnamento analoghe o differenziate ed elementi costanti, al fine di consentire di elaborare le interpretazioni conclusive. Risultati Partendo da indagini consistite in questionari scritti che hanno inizialmente coinvolto sessantasette docenti di tre scuole pubbliche secondarie di primo grado nel comune di Reggio Calabria e interviste semistrutturate a ventitré testimoni privilegiati, di cui diciannove con ruoli di insegnanti e di responsabili di scuole secondarie della città di Siviglia, sono state analizzate attraverso i dati raccolti le problematiche, le proposte e le prospettive relative all’inclusione linguistica e sociale degli alunni stranieri e al coinvolgimento nella comunità scolastica delle famiglie degli studenti provenienti da contesti migratori. In relazione alle osservazioni riportate dai partecipanti sulle difficoltà emerse nell’attuazione di percorsi mirati all’apprendimento linguistico destinati ai discenti stranieri e in base alla rilevazione delle considerazioni di più di tre quarti di sessantacinque insegnanti informanti delle tre scuole oggetto di studio di Reggio Calabria sulla necessità di personale con formazione specifica per l’insegnamento linguistico e la mediazione linguistica e culturale da rivolgere in favore di allievi e famiglie provenienti da contesti migratori, è stato progettato un metodo glottodidattico e di socializzazione. È stato inoltre pianificato l’utilizzo di un ambiente pubblico all’aperto di prossimità per la creazione di un contesto di insegnamento e apprendimento a basso impatto economico, con l’obiettivo di favorire l’integrazione culturale tra stranieri e società ospitante e per attuare le sperimentazioni previste dal metodo sopraccitato, concepito per l’insegnamento e l’apprendimento linguistico e la socializzazione. La pianificazione sopra descritta ha permesso allo scrivente di esaminare il fenomeno delle interazioni nell’acquisizione linguistica intercorse tra 10 minori e 9 adulti di 8 famiglie provenienti da contesti migratori, nel corso delle quali i più giovani hanno insegnato e i maggiorenni hanno appreso contenuti di una seconda lingua a un grado iniziale e di base. È stato possibile osservare l'efficacia del metodo d'insegnamento intergenerazionale: minori in età scolare con una competenza almeno preintermedia nell'italiano, hanno insegnato la lingua della società d’accoglienza ad adulti che non conoscevano o presentavano una conoscenza di base della lingua in oggetto, con la supervisione dello scrivente. Le attività proposte hanno elicitato e valorizzato le competenze linguistiche dei minori in età scolare coinvolti, con l’obiettivo di renderli consapevoli di essere in grado di affrontare un compito complesso come quello dell’insegnamento di una seconda lingua, nella prospettiva che in futuro i preadolescenti e gli adolescenti coinvolti nello studio possano avere avuto spunti utili a fornire un supporto per l’apprendimento di una seconda lingua in favore dei familiari, riducendo il rischio di diventare esclusivamente dei traduttori e interpreti per le comunicazioni tra adulti e società ospitante, nei casi in cui questi ultimi non ne conoscono la lingua. Nell’ambito più generale in cui si sono svolte le sperimentazioni, caratterizzato da un contesto di apprendimento linguistico predisposto e organizzato dallo scrivente, si evidenzia la presenza spontanea e complessiva di 227 partecipanti, di cui 167 adulti e 60 minori, a corsi di lingua italiana proposti in un contesto di prossimità durante un percorso didattico della durata di venti mesi. L’iscrizione di un numero rilevante di partecipanti ai corsi di formazione linguistica in un arco temporale di un anno e otto mesi, testimonia la volontà da parte dei cittadini provenienti da contesti migratori di apprendere la lingua della società ospitante e permette di ipotizzare che le motivazioni per le quali una parte di questi in precedenza non si era mai avvicinata a corsi di lingua italiana, siano state condizionate innanzitutto dall’arrivo in Italia da meno di un anno per 94 studenti adulti su un totale di 167 maggiorenni, dunque da motivazioni connesse a un periodo relativamente breve per reperire informazioni utili sulla presenza di corsi di italiano e superare un possibile shock culturale iniziale. Tuttavia è stato inoltre osservato che 47 adulti su 73 maggiorenni residenti da più di un anno in Italia, non hanno mai frequentato corsi di lingua italiana, eppure il 64% dei discenti adulti domiciliati in Italia da un periodo di tempo considerevole, hanno frequentato le attività didattiche della scuola di italiano in piazza. È possibile considerare che tale scelta di seguire lezioni di italiano per la prima volta, principalmente in un contesto all’aperto, sia stata condizionata proprio dalle caratteristiche di prossimità e visibilità dell’ambiente in cui si sono svolte le lezioni e dall’osservazione della presenza di altri connazionali che seguivano già corsi di italiano in una piazza pubblica, che garantisce per la sua natura di luogo per la collettività, un facile accesso e inserimento nei percorsi didattici proposti. In ultima analisi deve essere considerata la maggiore facilità di seguire corsi della lingua della società ospitante in un contesto all’aperto facilmente accessibile, prossimo e riconoscibile rispetto ad altri ambienti chiusi che per due anni consecutivi a partire da marzo 2020, con finalità di tutelare la salute hanno necessariamente imposto vincoli per la frequentazione a corsi di formazione linguistica in presenza. Posti nella condizione di apprendere la lingua della società ospitante, sia minori, sia adulti provenienti da contesti migratori si sono avvicinati ai percorsi di formazione linguistica e hanno dimostrato determinazione e consapevolezza sull’importanza di conoscere la lingua della società in cui stanno vivendo, seppur la maggior parte degli adulti iscritti e residenti in Italia da più di un anno abbia affermato di non aver mai studiato la lingua del Paese di accoglienza. Nella comparazione tra contesto immigratorio italiano e spagnolo esaminati nell’ambito dell’istruzione pubblica, è stato possibile osservare che in Spagna diverse comunità autonome tra cui quella andalusa hanno dimostrato di offrire un investimento strutturale e flessibile indirizzato all’utilizzo di docenti di lingua spagnola a studenti provenienti da contesti migratori nelle scuole pubbliche primarie e secondarie, garantendo l’effettiva presenza di questi insegnanti, i quali vanno a costituire il personale interno degli istituti, specialmente nelle scuole con allievi neoarrivati non ispanofoni. In contesto italiano invece non è ancora organizzato in maniera organica l’intervento didattico di docenti esperti nell’insegnamento dell’italiano a discenti stranieri nelle scuole pubbliche. Pur essendo prevista dalla normativa l’opportunità di avvalersi di esperti esterni per i singoli istituti in casi di necessità, non sempre le scuole dispongono di risorse o scelgono di indirizzare il progetto educativo assumendo docenti professionisti nell’insegnamento dell’italiano a discenti non italofoni pur presenti nelle loro classi. In entrambi i contesti oggetto di studio inoltre non è ancora prevista una presenza strutturale di mediatori linguistici e culturali e in particolare nei campioni esaminati queste figure professionali non appaiono inserite formalmente negli istituti. I risultati raggiunti rispetto ai risultati attesi sono stati caratterizzati da aspetti che hanno integrato la progettazione iniziale, aggiungendo elementi al percorso avviato che hanno contribuito a indirizzare l’itinerario di lavoro verso la creazione di una comunità interculturale in un contesto di apprendimento all’aperto, dal momento che l’insegnamento delle lingue straniere è stato pianificato in itinere soltanto dopo aver rilevato la necessità di un maggiore coinvolgimento della comunità italiana per favorire occasioni concrete di socializzazione e confronto interculturali. Contributi alla letteratura esistente Il presente studio si propone di proseguire le ricerche sull’apprendimento linguistico con modalità cooperative e a mediazione sociale, delineando un’opportunità di approfondimento in relazione ai percorsi d’insegnamento e apprendimento familiare tra minori e adulti provenienti da un medesimo contesto migratorio che interagiscono per insegnare e apprendere la lingua della società d’accoglienza in contesti di prossimità e in periodi caratterizzati da limitazioni straordinarie di accesso a corsi di formazione linguistica in modalità in presenza, in termini sia di numeri limitati di spazi fisici disponibili, sia per la chiusura al pubblico di numerosi luoghi di apprendimento a livello globale. Lo studio realizzato propone inoltre di contribuire a una visione globale del concetto di insegnamento e apprendimento, proponendo di non separare nettamente le due azioni, confermando che entrambe possono condurre all’acquisizione linguistica, sia per coloro che assumono il ruolo di insegnanti, sia per coloro che formalmente figurano come apprendenti. Approfondendo in particolare il tema dell’inclusione linguistica degli adulti analfabeti e bassamente scolarizzati nel periodo di diffusione della pandemia da Covid-19, in cui le disparità sociali si sono accentuate, il percorso di studi mira a delineare la maggiore vulnerabilità di questi ultimi utenti in termini di riduzione di opportunità di accesso ai luoghi di istruzione, documentando inoltre l’esclusione da percorsi di istruzione per minori che non conoscono la lingua della società ospitante. Inoltre la ricerca contribuisce a fornire spunti di riflessione sull’efficacia di un percorso di inclusione linguistica in un ambiente di prossimità all’aperto, non soltanto facilmente accessibile ma anche fruibile con un rischio inferiore di contingentamento del numero degli studenti rispetto a luoghi di apprendimento in contesti al coperto. Le sperimentazioni condotte per favorire proposte d’interazione tra stranieri e società ospitante in un’ottica di promozione di scambi interculturali, hanno dimostrato una partecipazione rilevante da parte della cittadinanza del contesto urbano e un coinvolgimento nelle fasi organizzative e di realizzazione di attività che hanno avuto in ogni caso obiettivi di facilitazione all’acquisizione linguistica e di confronto interculturale. Il risultato esposto sopra consente di indirizzare i futuri studi verso la progettazione e l’analisi di percorsi di formazione linguistica che non si limitino all’apprendimento in aula ma che possano considerare il contesto esterno come costante opportunità d’apprendimento. Conclusioni I corsi di prossimità nei quali si sono svolte le lezioni nell’ambito del progetto di scuola all’aperto presentato nella seconda fase di studio del terzo capitolo, rappresentano oggi e in particolare hanno rappresentato in un contesto di emergenza sanitaria, un valido sistema per l’avvicinamento a percorsi formativi specialmente per coloro che presentano significative vulnerabilità linguistiche e psicologiche, per i quali i contesti di istruzione formali costituiscono talvolta barriere invalicabili, in particolare per chi inizia per la prima volta ad avvicinarsi allo studio di una lingua che non conosce. Per la caratteristica di luoghi facilmente accessibili e raggiungibili, i contesti privilegiati dei corsi di prossimità, come ad esempio spazi pubblici all’aperto, possono costituire per chiunque un’opportunità formativa, soprattutto in situazioni emergenziali, come nel caso della recente pandemia da Covid-19, durante la quale le istituzioni scolastiche, accademiche e generalmente dedicate alla formazione di diversi Paesi hanno chiuso i propri spazi fisici per aprire luoghi di istruzione e formazione virtuali per un periodo prolungato. Le opportunità di mantenimento di scambi sociali e culturali concreti che precedentemente offrivano tali istituzioni, è pertanto venuta meno per motivi sanitari. Era davvero impossibile trasferire dai contesti fisicamente chiusi, rappresentativi dell’istruzione formale, agli ambienti all’aperto le offerte e le opportunità formative già previste? Nel comune di Reggio di Calabria vi sono luoghi di istruzione e formazione linguistica non formalizzati, dedicati in particolare agli adulti e organizzati da centri religiosi e organizzazioni non governative che sono rimasti chiusi, in gran parte per tempi prolungati fino alla durata di due anni, talvolta non sostituendo la didattica in modalità in presenza con la didattica a distanza. Questi contesti costituiscono i primi punti di contatto per molti cittadini provenienti da contesti migratori, proprio perché collocati in aree di prossimità e non sempre interessati a richiedere ai cittadini di origine straniera documentazione personale eccessiva e autorizzazioni di cui questi ultimi potrebbero non disporre nell’immediato per frequentare un corso gratuito e informale di lingua italiana per un breve periodo. Le lezioni a distanza non possono essere una risposta adeguata a ogni genere di formazione teorica. Gli studenti analfabeti difficilmente possono avvicinarsi a corsi di alfabetizzazione virtuali, sia perché per avere le competenze informatiche bisognerebbe innanzitutto avere delle competenze di base nella lettoscrittura, sia perché gli allievi non hanno mai sperimentato le implicazioni di un approccio scolastico: dallo stare seduti per un tempo rilevante, al modo corretto di impugnare la penna o la matita per scrivere, a tutti i rituali di una classe che invece sono un’ovvietà per i bambini che gradualmente hanno imparato a leggere e scrivere e che in ogni caso cambiano in relazione alla cultura che offre il servizio di istruzione, alle sue norme codificate e implicite. La proposta di percorsi di inclusione linguistica stabili nel tempo e punti di riferimento nello spazio che garantiscano la presenza di uno o più luoghi di prossimità per un periodo prolungato destinati all’erogazione di corsi di lingua seconda o lingua straniera, potrebbe rappresentare anche un’occasione per la creazione di una comunità interculturale intorno ai percorsi didattici. Limiti e traiettorie di ricerca futura La presenza di un fondo economico strutturale legato allo studio avrebbe offerto l’opportunità, nella seconda fase della ricerca azione, di assumere docenti di italiano per stranieri già specializzati fornendo a questi ultimi una retribuzione e di conseguenza di rendere più efficace l’insegnamento e l’apprendimento della lingua italiana con metodi e tecniche conosciuti e già sperimentati dalla totalità degli insegnanti, oltre a consentire di assumere anche insegnanti professionisti di lingue straniere. Inoltre l’insufficienza di risorse economiche non ha permesso di strutturare, retribuendo un maggior numero di docenti, i percorsi di apprendimento con un numero superiore di ore di lezione settimanali da inserire nell’offerta formativa. Una mancanza di fondi non ha neppure consentito di replicare o realizzare in parallelo un analogo percorso di ricerca in un altro contesto urbano in Italia e all’estero, che avrebbe permesso di avvalorare lo studio o di evidenziare le debolezze in merito all’effettiva replicabilità della ricerca. Tuttavia, nonostante l’assenza di fondi economici è stato garantito un servizio d’insegnamento continuativo e a lungo termine indipendentemente dalla possibilità di fornire un contributo in denaro ai docenti, a differenza dei progetti di insegnamento e di inclusione finanziati per breve durata, i quali, pur mettendo in campo professionalità del settore, sono impossibilitati a operare in maniera strutturale e realmente inclusiva dal vincolo delle risorse economiche assicurate per periodi limitati nel tempo. La scelta di approfondire lo studio in un unico ulteriore contesto immigratorio di prima accoglienza, rappresentato dalla città di Siviglia nella Spagna meridionale, con caratteristiche di luogo di immigrazione frontaliera analoghe alla realtà dell’Italia meridionale di Reggio di Calabria, è stata condizionata dalle difficoltà di pianificare e intraprendere viaggi di studio connesse all’instabilità e ai vincoli imposti da regolamenti internazionali durante gran parte del periodo in cui si è svolta la ricerca. Uno studio condotto in più di due contesti di immigrazione frontalieri avrebbe consentito una comparazione di maggiore ampiezza e spessore al fine di delineare un quadro internazionale più consistente riguardo alle esigenze degli istituti scolastici per garantire una maggiore efficacia dei percorsi di inclusione degli allievi stranieri che non conoscono la lingua di comunicazione e di studio delle scuole in cui sono inseriti. Dalle analisi svolte è possibile osservare la ricaduta della ricerca sulla realtà sociale concreta e la sua potenziale applicabilità in altri contesti di immigrazione, anche con il coinvolgimento di un numero superiore di partecipanti. Partendo dalle osservazioni emerse dalle sperimentazioni effettuate, è stata considerata la validità della modalità di tale percorso di insegnamento e apprendimento per una fase iniziale di conoscenza della lingua della società d’accoglienza che presenta una ricaduta e una rilevanza per la terza missione delle università, intesa come trasferimento scientifico, culturale e di trasformazione produttiva delle conoscenze ed è applicabile ad azioni di inclusione linguistica e di integrazione culturale nella società studiata. Poiché la ricerca azione a carattere empirico del presente lavoro è stata rivolta all’analisi di percorsi intergenerazionali di insegnamento e apprendimento linguistico rivolti in particolare a nuclei familiari di dimensioni ridotte e per un periodo di tempo di due mesi dedicati a ogni famiglia coinvolta, future ricerche potrebbero rivolgere la medesima sperimentazione non solo a nuclei familiari più ampi, ma anche a componenti della stessa comunità d’origine per ogni gruppo di partecipanti coinvolto. In tal modo sarebbe possibile osservare l’efficacia e validità del metodo didattico e di socializzazione proposto con sperimentazioni su campioni più ampi, come gruppi di adulti superiori alle due unità e non necessariamente con relazioni di parentela, che seguono lezioni di una lingua seconda realizzate da un minore della stessa comunità d’origine degli adulti, sotto la supervisione di un insegnante della lingua oggetto della lezione. Il percorso della scuola all’aperto descritto nel terzo capitolo potrebbe essere significativo per la valutazione di modelli operativi di insegnamento e di integrazione linguistica e culturale da implementare e proporre a costi ridotti per la società. La ricerca azione ha inoltre portato a risultati che consentono di intravedere la possibilità di replicabilità sia nel medesimo contesto urbano in cui si è svolta la sperimentazione, con particolare attenzione ad aree più periferiche rispetto a quella esaminata nel presente lavoro, sia in luoghi di immigrazione che presentano caratteristiche analoghe a quelle dell’Italia meridionale, come ad esempio Spagna e Grecia, mete di prima accoglienza delle rotte migratorie del Mediterraneo, con necessari interventi di ricontestualizzazione in relazione alle differenze con l’ambiente studiato e alle problematiche e proposte rilevate da testimoni privilegiati che agiscono nelle realtà territoriali in cui potrebbe essere replicato il presente lavoro.
INTERAZIONI TRA PRIME E SECONDE GENERAZIONI DI CITTADINI PROVENIENTI DA CONTESTI MIGRATORI NELL’APPRENDIMENTO DI UNA SECONDA LINGUA Un’indagine intergenerazionale su percorsi d’inclusione sociale con sperimentazioni di glottodidattica guidata
Furfaro, Giorgio
Introduction The debate on teaching and involving citizens from migrant backgrounds in learning the language of the host society is still evolving at international level. In the last two decades, several Southern European countries have experienced significant immigration flows, initiating language inclusion policies that are today in constant evolution. The studies carried out so far show significant opportunities for children with a migrant background to access language inclusion programmes, which are generally compulsory. The researches in the linguistic field tend to focus on the paths of inclusion of minors, dedicating little in-depth study to the procedures and proposals for the inclusion of first generation adults. Although there are language training offers for immigrant adults, significant problems have been observed in the linguistic and social inclusion of the adults. This study aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of a cooperative and intergenerational glottodidactic and socialisation method aimed at enhancing the linguistic skills of minors from migrant backgrounds in teaching foreign adults who do not yet know the language of the host country. Eight households consisting of nineteen students from migrant backgrounds were involved in a study on the intergenerational transmission of second language skills in a supervised learning environment. In this group, ten minors taught the language of the host country to nine adult family members who had no or low levels of proficiency in the taught language. The ten minors focused on teaching Italian with limited supervision, providing useful support to the adults for an initial and progressive approach to the use of the Italian language. The more general context in which the experiments took place was mainly a learning environment set up ad hoc in a public square. At the same time, the course of study saw the implementation of an investigation into the validity of the aggregative and participatory role of an open-air public space, designed to provide opportunities for learning the language of the host society, foreign languages, socialisation and intercultural dialogue between natives and foreigners. Over the course of 20 months, 227 foreign students participated in Italian language learning courses. The significant participation of 167 adults and 60 minors in a new language learning course in a neighbourhood context demonstrates the need to organise further language training offers that can bring immigrant communities closer together to promote their social inclusion. The path analysed could be significant for the evaluation of operational models of teaching and cultural integration to be implemented and proposed at a reduced cost for society. The results allow us to glimpse opportunities for replication both in the same urban context and in places of immigration with similar characteristics. Objectives and research questions The main aims of this research are: • the study of experimental ways in which immigrant adults can learn a second language from the didactic action of minors from migratory backgrounds in a family environment, in supervised and guided school and extracurricular contexts • the analysis of the social and cultural impact of a proximity learning context created within the framework of this action research pathway during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic, to develop processes of social cohesion, linguistic and intercultural exchanges and opportunities for knowledge sharing between a host community and citizens from migratory backgrounds. This context was designed to be long-lasting and to evolve in relation to the demands and contributions of the community involved, providing further insights for future studies. The initial hypotheses of this work are based on the idea that school-age children from migrant backgrounds who have intermediate or high competence in the host country's language of communication have the potential to teach immigrant adults the vehicular language of the receiving society. This capacity, however, needs to be elicited and guided for effective implementation. Once the basic mechanisms for teaching a language have been set up, practised and understood, it is assumed that children of foreign origin can independently pursue a path of teaching an additional language to foreign adults, albeit with partial knowledge and not always made explicit in the field of glottodidactics. In order to define, direct and structure the research, three cognitive objectives in particular were defined: • to test and verify the skills, characteristics and effectiveness of teaching the basic phonetic, lexical, grammatical and syntactic aspects of a dominant language of a host country, carried out by minors of foreign origin of school age and addressed to adults of the same culture, in a learning context guided by teachers of the vehicular language of the host society; • to directly observe and examine the process, the effects and the results of such teaching action, both on the linguistic knowledge of the minors and on that of the adults, with reference to the acquisition of competences in the Italian language; • to analyse the personal and linguistic characteristics of the participants in the study, with the main aim of determining similarities and differences in the process of learning a second language by people with different mother tongues and with different previous study experiences. The above considerations therefore aim to provide answers to the following questions: • Can more effective ways be implemented to reach, interest and involve immigrant individuals with a low level of acculturation who have not taken part in the process of acquiring the language of the host society, in order to provide one of the fundamental tools for social inclusion and intercultural relations, represented by the language spoken in the social context in which one lives on a daily basis? • How do foreign citizens deal with the problem of linguistic inclusion, consisting in learning and acquiring the language of the host country? • Can individuals who experience linguistic isolation for long periods of time in a host society, remaining relegated to relations with their family or community of origin, begin to learn the dominant language of the host society thanks to a teaching action carried out by children or grandchildren, under the guidance and supervision of experts in the teaching of a second language? The study is organised in four chapters. The first chapter includes a survey of the literature on the interaction between foreign communities and the host society, with a focus on the mediating role played by foreign children in facilitating relations between foreign adults and institutions. Studies concerning the psychological effects of the progressive contact with a new society are also considered. Finally, the Italian case is examined in relation to the proposals of the most recent organisational strategies of educational paths dedicated to the inclusion of foreigners, both institutional and informal. The second chapter deals with the methodology used, characterised by a global action research approach and a perspective of collecting mainly qualitative data from participant observations, online questionnaires and interviews with privileged witnesses, in border migration contexts with similar characteristics between Southern Italy and Southern Spain. The planning of the collection of quantitative data, consisting of demographic and registry information, is due to the expectation of relating these to qualitative data, in order to outline a more complete analytical framework. The third chapter contains the results of the research, the relative analyses and a concluding section that includes reflections on the observations made. There are three main sections that make up this last chapter and they are organised on the basis of a chronological criterion through which the path of the experiments is outlined, consisting of two action research phases in an urban context in southern Italy and an investigation phase in a city in southern Spain. The main aspect that distinguishes the first phase from the second, in addition to the chronological perspective, is represented by the variation in the characteristics of the micro-contexts of the municipality of Reggio Calabria in which the experimentation and analysis activities took place: in a first section, the investigation focused on the formal environment of the Italian public school, with questionnaires addressed to teachers and with glottodidactic experiments involving school learners and their families from migratory backgrounds; in the next phase, the research was oriented on experiments related to teaching the language of the host society in the context of a public square and an informal environment of education, involving minors and adults with a migratory background. The third phase was characterised by interviews with privileged witnesses in an urban context in southern Spain, Seville in Andalusia, in relation to the problems of inclusion of minors and adults of foreign origin in the host country, with the aim of analysing differences and analogies with empirical observations derived from samples of schools in the Italian inclusion system and outlining a framework of comparison between the samples of the realities studied. The fourth chapter considers the results achieved, including reflections on the limitations of the research, prospects for future work, final conclusions, appendices and bibliography. Limitations of existing literature Over the past twenty years, most of the literature on the acculturation processes of families from migrant backgrounds has focused on the educational success of children and adolescents. Scholars have focused on examining the level of integration and the quality of acquisition of the official language by newly arrived minors or children of immigrants, while assigning less importance to the equivalent process for adults. The state of the art presents a significant number of researches concerning formal language teaching to adult immigrants, but an insufficient number of in-depth analyses and applied studies were found concerning language acquisition by adult immigrants in spontaneous and neighbourhood settings. Studies on processes of acquisition of basic content of the host society's language by adult immigrants as a result of spontaneous teaching and acculturation actions by children and adolescents for the benefit of adults significant to the children themselves have also been examined. These surveys need to be further investigated with regard to the role played by the younger generations of foreigners in the knowledge of a second language of the first generations of immigrants. The observation of the learning processes of a second language by the first generations of adult immigrants, implemented also through the cooperation and active intervention of the generations of newlyimmigrated minors, of second or subsequent generations, deserves further investigation. The academic literature reviewed is rich in suggestions for the elaboration of accurate analyses and paradigms, representing a solid starting point for formulating a study on the ways in which immigrant parents learn a second language through the contribution of their children, particularly in contexts where second generations could be guided by teachers of the host country's language in teaching a second language to first generations. It is also possible to evaluate the effects of educational experiments aimed at young immigrants to guide them and make them aware of their role not so much as mediators, but rather as active agents of their parents' acculturation. In fact, it has been possible to observe the scarcity of studies on the organised and conscious transmission of a second language by minors to adults from migratory contexts, within the family or in the cultural communities of reference. In the course of examining the studies published so far, the role of language learning places as an opportunity for mutual socialisation between immigrants and for their interaction with the host society was also taken into consideration. It was noted that the authors reviewed emphasise the relevance of a comprehensive view of the classroom as a language learning environment and of the context outside the classroom as the actual environment of language acquisition, both of which contribute to the growth of an individual's linguistic competence. However, scholars tend to observe the two types of places mentioned above as elements that can hardly interpenetrate, but alternate in the itinerary of knowledge of a second language, even in the situation in which the language studied in the classroom is the same as that used by society outside the study room. Methodology The overall approach with which the study was conducted is that of action research, with particular reference to the public school environment and the urban context of social relations in a public square. An inductive approach was favoured as a guideline for the study and experimentation process. Although starting from initial hypotheses based on the literature examined, the aspect of interaction between empirical observation and theoretical elaboration was fundamental for the evolution and construction of the investigation path. The study focused on the analysis of the specificity of the participants and of the relative differences, starting from diversity with the aim of arriving at homogeneity, in particular considering the aspects of competence in the language of the host society on the part of individuals of foreign origin. The participants were considered, from the start of the research, as an active part of the study. It was decided to orient the psychological relationship between the scholar and the studied individuals on the basis of the characteristics of the empathic relationship, with the aim of understanding and interpreting the cultural, linguistic, emotional and relational aspects that would emerge during the course of the investigation. From a physical point of view, it was decided to maintain a proximity interaction between the scholar and the participants, with the aim of ensuring effective direct observation. The writer made use of an integrated methodology, making greater use of qualitative analysis techniques for the interpretative data, while considering quantitative aspects connected to personal data, information on the partial and total numbers of participants in the research, and degrees of linguistic competence, which are fundamental for the elaboration of data matrices to draw on and refer to for the selection of participants and for the preparation and setting up of the qualitative study. In the preparation of this survey, the contexts and the area of exploration were defined and selected. The collection of both forms of data took place mainly in school contexts and in public and private places in the open air or in formal and informal closed environments, frequented also or only by students of foreign origin, minors and adults in the municipality of Reggio Calabria. Direct and participant observation was chosen as the main instrument of detection in physically delimited places: initially in pre-existing formalised school contexts and, subsequently, during the creation and consolidation of a new informal open-air school environment, set up ad hoc in a central square in the municipality of Reggio Calabria, for the reason of continuing the study begun in the aforementioned school contexts, which were closed or temporarily unable to allow the presence and experimentation of the writer in the face of restrictions related to the health emergency that began in March 2020, due to the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The aforementioned method of analysis was identified and subsequently used to allow the writer, through a prolonged immersion in the contexts under study, to build a direct relationship with the participants and to collect quantitative and qualitative data, to examine, reorganise and assess the validity of the initial hypotheses and to expand the study of the state of the art of reference on the basis of what would emerge from the progressive observations and experiments. In addition, it was decided ex ante by the writer to make his role as researcher explicit to the participants, also through the presentation of a prepared text that would have further clarified the research path, guaranteeing the anonymity of the participants. This observation procedure was accompanied by structured and semi-structured interviews with the participants, useful not only for gathering information but also for comparing and reformulating the initial research hypotheses. The interviews were to be conducted with an empathic approach during the course of the participant observation, a method that made it possible to prepare a suitable terrain for stimulating the narrative of the subjects involved. According to the initial planning, the results obtained from the participant observation were to be summarised as soon as possible, with the aim of bringing out observations and interpretations. The elaboration of an initial list of textual and didactic materials that would be produced during the empirical observations was planned, with the aim of acquiring a greater practicality and readiness to collect data in the form of verbalizations, notes, images, texts, audio-recordings and interpretations of the materials. In order to catalogue the data that would emerge, it was decided to categorise and order them according to chronological criteria and in relation to the individuals who would produce them. Bearing in mind that the evidence collected requires multiple readings, it was decided to initially develop a series of interpretative hypotheses once the information had been examined. It was planned, during the final phase of data collection, to re-examine and verify the original hypotheses and cognitive objectives and, in relation to these, the possible formulation of new questions or hypotheses for interpretation. The elements that emerged from the participant observations and interviews would be compared with the quantitative elements related to the participants, analysed as isolated elements and then compared to be considered in relation to similar answers, similar or different communication and teaching strategies and constant elements, in order to allow the elaboration of the conclusive interpretations. Results Starting from surveys consisting of written questionnaires that initially involved sixty-seven teachers from three public secondary schools in the municipality of Reggio Calabria and semi-structured interviews with twenty-three privileged witnesses, nineteen of whom were teachers and heads of secondary schools in the city of Seville, the problems, proposals and perspectives relating to the linguistic and social inclusion of foreign pupils and the involvement of the families of students from migrant backgrounds in the school community were analysed through the data collected. In relation to the observations reported by the participants on the difficulties that emerged in the implementation of courses aimed at language learning for foreign learners and on the basis of the considerations of more than three quarters of sixty-five informant teachers in the three schools under study in Reggio Calabria on the need for staff with specific training in language teaching and linguistic and cultural mediation to be addressed to pupils and families from migratory backgrounds, a glottodidactic and socialisation method was designed. It was also planned to use an open-air public environment in the vicinity to create a teaching and learning context with a low economic impact, with the aim of fostering cultural integration between foreigners and the host society and to implement the experiments envisaged by the above method, designed for language teaching and learning and socialisation. The planning described above allowed the writer to examine the phenomenon of interactions in language acquisition between 10 minors and 9 adults from 8 families from migratory backgrounds, during which the younger ones taught and the older ones learned the contents of a second language at an initial and basic level. It was possible to observe the effectiveness of the intergenerational teaching method: minors of school age with at least pre-intermediate competence in Italian taught the language of the host society to adults who did not know or had a basic knowledge of the language in question, under the supervision of the writer. The activities proposed elicited and enhanced the linguistic skills of the schoolage children involved, with the aim of making them aware of their ability to deal with a complex task such as teaching a second language, with the prospect that in the future the pre-adolescents and adolescents involved in the study may have had useful ideas for providing support in learning a second language for their families, reducing the risk of becoming exclusively translators and interpreters for communication between adults and the host society, in cases where the latter do not know the language. In the more general context in which the experiments were carried out, characterised by a language learning context set up and organised by the writer, the spontaneous and overall presence of 227 participants, of whom 167 adults and 60 minors, in Italian language courses offered in a proximity context during a twentymonth educational pathway is evident. The enrolment of a significant number of participants in language training courses over a period of one year and eight months testifies to the willingness on the part of citizens coming from migratory contexts to learn the language of the host society and makes it possible to hypothesise that the reasons why some of them had never previously approached Italian language courses, were conditioned first of all by the fact that 94 adult students out of a total of 167 adults had arrived in Italy less than a year before, therefore by motivations linked to a relatively short period of time in which to find useful information on the presence of Italian courses and overcome a possible initial cultural shock. However it was also observed that 47 out of 73 adult learners who had been resident in Italy for more than a year, had never attended Italian language courses, yet 64% of adult learners who had been resident in Italy for a considerable period of time, attended the didactic activities of the Italian school in Piazza. It is possible to consider that this choice of attending Italian lessons for the first time, mainly in an open-air context, was conditioned precisely by the characteristics of proximity and visibility of the environment in which the lessons were held and by the observation of the presence of other compatriots who were already attending Italian courses in a public square, which guarantees, due to its nature as a place for the community, easy access and inclusion in the proposed educational courses. In the final analysis, the greater ease of attending courses in the language of the host society in an open-air context that is easily accessible, close and recognisable must be considered, compared to other closed environments which for two consecutive years from March 2020, for health protection purposes have necessarily imposed constraints on attendance at language training courses. Placed in the condition of learning the language of the host society, both minors and adults from migratory contexts approached the language training courses and showed determination and awareness of the importance of knowing the language of the society in which they are living, even though the majority of adults enrolled and resident in Italy for more than a year stated that they had never studied the language of the host country. In the comparison between the Italian and Spanish immigrant contexts examined in the field of public education, it was possible to observe that in Spain several autonomous communities, among which the Andalusian one, have shown to offer a structural and flexible investment aimed at the use of Spanish language teachers to students coming from migratory contexts in public primary and secondary schools, guaranteeing the effective presence of these teachers, who constitute the internal staff of the institutions, especially in schools with newly arrived non Spanish-speaking pupils. On the other hand, in the Italian context, the didactic intervention of teachers expert in teaching Italian to foreign learners in public schools is not yet organised in an organic way. Although the legislation provides for the opportunity to use external experts for individual institutions in cases of necessity, the schools do not always have the resources or choose to direct the educational project by hiring professional teachers in the teaching of Italian to non-Italian-speaking learners, even though they are present in their classes. In both the contexts studied, moreover, a structural presence of linguistic and cultural mediators is not yet foreseen and in particular in the samples examined these professional figures do not appear to be formally included in the institutions. The results achieved with respect to the expected results were characterised by aspects that complemented the initial planning, adding elements to the pathway that had been set in motion that contributed to directing the work itinerary towards the creation of an intercultural community in an open-air learning context, since the teaching of foreign languages was planned in itinere only after having noted the need for greater involvement of the Italian community in order to promote concrete opportunities for intercultural socialisation and comparison. Contributions to existing literature This study proposes to continue research on language learning with cooperative and socially mediated modes, outlining an opportunity for in-depth study in relation to family teaching and learning pathways between minors and adults from the same migratory context who interact to teach and learn the language of the host society in proximity contexts and in periods characterised by extraordinary limitations in access to language training courses in the presence mode, in terms of both the limited number of physical spaces available and the closure to the public of many learning sites globally. The study also proposes to contribute to a global vision of the concept of teaching and learning, proposing that the two actions should not be clearly separated, confirming that both can lead to language acquisition, both for those who assume the role of teacher and for those who formally appear as learners. Delving in particular into the issue of language inclusion of illiterate and loweducated adults during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic, in which social inequalities became more pronounced, the study aims to outline the greater vulnerability of these latter users in terms of reduced opportunities to access educational settings, while also documenting the exclusion from educational pathways for minors who do not know the language of the host society. In addition, the research contributes to providing food for thought on the effectiveness of a language inclusion pathway in an outdoor proximity environment, which is not only easily accessible but also usable with a lower risk of contingency in the number of students compared to indoor learning places. The experiments carried out to favour proposals for interaction between foreigners and the host society with a view to promoting intercultural exchanges, have shown significant participation on the part of the urban context's citizens and involvement in the organisational phases and in the implementation of activities that have in any case had the objective of facilitating linguistic acquisition and intercultural exchange. The above-mentioned results make it possible to direct future studies towards the design and analysis of language training courses which are not limited to classroom learning but which can consider the external context as a constant learning opportunity. Conclusions The proximity courses in which lessons were held in the framework of the outdoor school project presented in the second phase of the study of the third chapter, represent today, and in particular have represented in a health emergency context, a valid system for approaching training paths especially for those who present significant linguistic and psychological vulnerabilities, for whom formal education contexts sometimes constitute insurmountable barriers, especially for those who are beginning for the first time to approach the study of a language they do not know. Due to their characteristic of being easily accessible and reachable places, privileged contexts of outreach courses, such as outdoor public spaces, can be a training opportunity for anyone, especially in emergency situations, such as in the case of the recent Covid-19 pandemic, during which educational, academic and generally training institutions in several countries closed their physical spaces to open virtual education and training sites for an extended period. The opportunities for maintaining concrete social and cultural exchanges that these institutions had previously offered therefore disappeared for health reasons. Was it really impossible to transfer from physically closed contexts, representative of formal education, to open-air environments the offers and training opportunities already provided? In the municipality of Reggio di Calabria there are non-formalised language education and training places, dedicated in particular to adults and organised by religious centres and non-governmental organisations, which have remained closed, for the most part for prolonged periods up to the duration of two years, sometimes not replacing teaching in the presence mode with distance teaching. These contexts are the first points of contact for many citizens coming from migratory backgrounds, precisely because they are located in proximity areas and are not always interested in asking citizens of foreign origin for excessive personal documentation and authorisations that they may not immediately have in order to attend a free and informal Italian language course for a short period. Distance learning cannot be an adequate response to all kinds of theoretical training. Illiterate students are unlikely to approach virtual literacy courses, both because in order to have computer skills one would first have to have basic reading and writing skills, and because learners have never experienced the implications of a school-based approach: from sitting for a relevant amount of time, to the correct way of holding a pen or pencil to write, to all the rituals of a classroom that are instead a matter of course for children who have gradually learnt to read and write and that in any case change in relation to the culture offering the education service, its codified and implicit norms. The proposal of language inclusion paths that are stable in time and reference points in space that guarantee the presence of one or more proximity places for an extended period of time for the provision of second or foreign language courses, could also represent an opportunity for the creation of an intercultural community around the educational paths. Limitations and directions for future research The presence of a structural economic fund linked to the study would have offered the opportunity, in the second phase of the action research, to hire teachers of Italian for foreigners who were already specialised, providing them with a salary and consequently making the teaching and learning of the Italian language more effective with methods and techniques known and already tested by all the teachers, as well as allowing the hiring of professional teachers of foreign languages. In addition, a lack of financial resources has not made it possible to structure learning pathways with a higher number of weekly teaching hours to be included in the curriculum by paying more teachers. A lack of funds did not even allow the replication or parallel implementation of a similar research pathway in another urban context in Italy and abroad, which would have allowed to validate the study or to highlight the weaknesses regarding the effective replicability of the research. However, in spite of the absence of economic funds, a continuous and long-term teaching service was guaranteed regardless of the possibility of providing a monetary contribution to the teachers, in contrast to the teaching and inclusion projects funded for a short period, which, although involving professionals in the field, are prevented from operating in a structural and truly inclusive manner by the constraint of economic resources ensured for limited periods of time. The choice to deepen the study in a single additional immigrant context of first reception, represented by the city of Seville in southern Spain, with characteristics of a place of border migration similar to the reality of southern Italy in Reggio di Calabria, was conditioned by the difficulties of planning and undertaking study trips related to instability and constraints imposed by international regulations during much of the period in which the research was carried out. A study carried out in more than two border immigration contexts would have allowed for a more extensive and thorough comparison in order to outline a more consistent international picture of the needs of educational institutions to ensure more effective inclusion pathways for foreign pupils who do not know the language of communication and study of the schools in which they are placed. From the analyses carried out it is possible to observe the impact of the research on the concrete social reality and its potential applicability in other immigration contexts, also with the involvement of a larger number of participants. Starting from the observations that emerged from the experiments carried out, the validity of this teaching and learning pathway was considered for an initial phase of knowledge of the language of the host society, which has an impact and relevance for the third mission of the universities, understood as scientific and cultural transfer and productive transformation of knowledge, and is applicable to actions of linguistic inclusion and cultural integration in the society studied. Since the action research of an empirical nature in the present work was aimed at analysing intergenerational language teaching and learning pathways addressed in particular to smaller families and for a period of time of two months for each family involved, future research could address the same experimentation not only to larger families, but also to members of the same community of origin for each group of participants involved. In this way it would be possible to observe the efficacy and validity of the didactic and socialisation method proposed with experiments on larger samples, such as groups of adults of more than two units and not necessarily with family relations, who follow lessons in a second language given by a minor from the same community of origin as the adults, under the supervision of a teacher of the language being taught. The proposal of language inclusion paths that are stable in time and reference points in space that guarantee the presence of one or more proximity places for an extended period of time for the provision of second or foreign language courses, could also represent an opportunity for the creation of an intercultural community around the educational paths. The path of the open-air school described in the third chapter could be significant for the evaluation of operational models of teaching and linguistic and cultural integration to be implemented and proposed at a reduced cost for society. The action research has also led to results that make it possible to glimpse the possibility of replicability both in the same urban context in which the experimentation was carried out, with particular attention to areas that are more peripheral than the one examined in the present work, and in places of immigration with characteristics similar to those of southern Italy, For example, Spain and Greece, which were the first destinations of the Mediterranean migratory routes, with necessary interventions of recontextualisation in relation to the differences with the studied environment and to the problems and proposals detected by privileged witnesses who act in the territorial realities in which the present work could be replicated.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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