The sudden acceleration of the "informatization of reality" process (Floridi) caused by the pandemic shock confronts us with the prospect of a radical shift in the paradigm of dwelling. It is therefore necessary to philosophically analyze this process in order to redefine the concept of inhabited space, develop suitable metrics to understand it, and articulate new models for dwelling within it - with a particular focus on the workplaces. Following Heidegger's adage that the ability to (understand) dwelling is a necessary prerequisite for the possibility of constructing, the first chapter analyzes the implications of the "dematerialization of space" induced by digital technologies, focusing in particular on how the epistemological stance regarding the relevance of context leads to alternative visions and practices. On the one hand, the "spatial transition" of the Metaverse, which interprets context as a set of externalities to be disentangled from; on the other, the "ontological transition" of relational space, where context (cum-texere) is understood as the epistemological residential process proper to dwelling (Section 1.1). From this analysis, we derive the notion of relational space as poly-functional, connected, transitional, contextual, and inherently relational. This concept paves the way for a completely innovative proposition based on inter-organizational sharing of spaces and experiences "as-a-service" through digital platforms, which we call the Hubquarter—contrasted with the classic centralization of functions in defined spaces (Section 1.2). The realization that we are no longer dealing with simple, independent urban objects characterized by univocal functions, but rather with poly-functional, open, and dialogical entities, highlights the necessity of adopting tools suited to handling processes rather than discrete objects (sec. 1.3). This perspective leads to exploring a convergence between relational sociology (cf. Donati) and certain systemic approaches in the life sciences (cf. Bertolaso) (sec. 2.1.1). From the latter, we particularly derive the notion of a relational ontology of levels, which interprets the processual persistence and dynamic stability of a system as deriving from the specific relationships between functional levels that generate emergent properties capable of dynamically maintaining its identity (sec. 2.1.2). This approach is also applied to the interpretation offered by sociological literature (Nahapiet and Ghoshal et al.) of the dimensions that define the generation of social capital within a system—which we translate in terms of relational value (secs. 2.2.1–2.2.2). These dimensions—recasting the relational ontology of levels in this context—are interpreted as identificative (origin), functional (role), and cultural (environment). This allows to derive systemic metrics to account for a system's generative capacity for relational value in terms of resonance, defined as the propensity of its elements to interact according to the emergent relational properties characterizing the reference environment (sec. 2.2.3). This enables the identification of specific indicators that reveal the presence and actuality of the generative process of relational value within a social system (sec. 2.3). We then proceed to define a new taxonomy characterizing the transient dwelling of a relational space in terms of ecotonal overlap (Chapter 3), followed by an analysis—through a case study based on a specific application of the Hubquarter model—of whether and how a relational space generates dynamics that define resonance and what impact these dynamics have on the people involved. Experimental results indicate a significant correlation between high individual resonance and improved performance parameters in HR contexts, as well as an influence of factors such as population diversity (spot variety) and the richness of available knowledge (knowledge variety) on the system’s resonance (Chapter 4). The conclusion of the work highlights the "industrial" results of the research. In particular, it emphasizes the process of consolidation and affirmation of the Hubquarter model during the doctoral period (sec. 5.1) and the relational evolution of eFM’s Myspot platform—the digital interface of the Hubquarter, used to collect research data—along with the significant feedback and recognition it has received (sec. 5.2). The thesis advocated in this work is that the relational constitution of space can offer a response to the parallel and interconnected crises of the real estate market and the erosion of social capital, as it enables new forms of sociality through the new possibilities of dwelling made possible by the ontological transition of space.
La repentina accelerazione del processo di “informatizzazione della realtà” (Floridi) dovuta allo shock pandemico ci pone di fronte alla prospettiva di un radicale mutamento del paradigma dell’abitare. È necessario quindi analizzare filosoficamente questo processo per ridefinire il concetto di spazio abitato, costruire metriche adatte a comprenderlo e declinare nuovi modelli per abitarlo, con in focus particolare sui luoghi del lavoro. Seguendo l’adagio heideggeriano secondo il quale la capacità di (comprendere l’) abitare è premessa necessaria per la possibilità di costruire, nel primo capitolo si analizzano innanzitutto le implicazioni derivanti della “smaterializzazione dello spazio” indotta dal digitale, soffermandosi in particolare su come l’opzione epistemologica relativa alla rilevanza del contesto porti a visioni e pratiche alternative. Da un lato, la “transizione spaziale” del Metaverso che interpreta il contesto come insieme di esternalità da cui svincolarsi, dall’altra la “transizione ontologica” dello spazio relazionale, in base alla quale il contesto (cum-texere) è il processo residenziale epistemologico proprio dell’abitare (par. 1.1). Deriviamo da questa analisi una nozione di spazio relazionale come poli-funzionale, connesso, transitorio, contestuale e propriamente relazionale, che apre la strada ad una proposizione del tutto innovativa basata sulla condivisione inter-organizzativa attraverso piattaforme digitali di spazi ed esperienze “as-a-service”, che chiameremo Hubquarter - in contrapposizione alla classica centralizzazione di funzioni in spazi definiti (par. 1.2). La constatazione di non avere più a che fare con oggetti urbani semplici, indipendenti, caratterizzati da funzioni univoche quanto piuttosto con entità polifunzionali, aperte, dialogiche, richiama alla necessità di dotarsi di strumenti adatti a maneggiare processi piuttosto che oggetti discreti (par. 1.3). Questa direzione porta a percorrere la strada di una convergenza fra la sociologia relazionale (cfr. Donati) e alcuni approcci sistemici nelle scienze della vita (cfr. Bertolaso) (par. 2.1.1). Da quest’ultimi, deriviamo in particolare la nozione di ontologia relazionale dei livelli che interpreta la persistenza processuale e la stabilità dinamica di un sistema come derivata dalle relazioni specifiche fra livelli funzionali che generano proprietà emergenti capaci di mantenerne dinamicamente l'identità (2.1.2). Questo approccio viene applicato anche all’interpretazione che la letteratura sociologica (Nahapiet e Ghoshal e ss.) dà delle dimensioni che definiscono la generazione di capitale sociale di un sistema - che traduciamo in termini di valore relazionale (2.2.1 – 2.2.2) - dimensioni che - riproponendo in questo contesto l’ontologia relazionale dei livelli – traduciamo come identificativa (origine), funzionale (ruolo) e culturale (ambiente). Questo permette di derivare metriche sistemiche per dare ragione della capacità generativa di valore relazionale di un sistema in termini di risonanza, definita come l’attitudine dei suoi elementi a interagire secondo le proprietà relazionali emergenti che caratterizzano l’ambiente di riferimento (2.2.3). Questo ci permette di individuare degli indicatori specifici che manifestano la presenza e l’attualità del processo generativo di valore relazionale in un sistema sociale (2.3). Passiamo quindi a definire la nuova tassonomia che caratterizza l’abitare transitorio di uno spazio relazionale in termini di sovrapposizione ecotonale (cap. 3) per poi finalmente analizzare, attraverso un caso studio costruito su un’applicazione specifica del modello Hubquarter, se e come uno spazio relazionale determina dinamiche generative che caratterizzano la risonanza e quale sia l’impatto sulle persone coinvolte. I risultati sperimentali indicano una rilevante correlazione fra un’alta risonanza individuale e il miglioramento di parametri di performance in ambito HR, nonché un’incidenza di fattori come la diversità di popolazione (spot variety) e la ricchezza di knowledge disponibile (knowldge variety) con la risonanza del sistema (cap. 4). La conclusione del lavoro illustra i risultati “industriali” della ricerca. Viene sottolineata, in particolare, il percorso di consolidamento ed affermazione del modello Hubquarter nel periodo del dottorato (5.1) e l’evoluzione in termini relazionali della piattaforma Myspot di eFM – interfaccia digitale dell’Hubquarter utilizzata anche per raccogliere i dati delle ricerca – con gli importanti riscontri e riconoscimenti che ne sono conseguiti (5.2). La tesi sposata da questo lavoro è quindi che la costituzione relazionale dello spazio possa offrire una risposta alla parallela e concatenata crisi del mercato immobiliare e del deperimento del capitale sociale, poiché abilita nuove forme di socialità in ragione delle nuove possibilità di abitare aperte dalla transizione ontologica dello spazio.
Dallo spazio fisico allo spazio relazionale. Il modello Hubquarter. Un’analisi critica sull’evoluzione delle modalità di abitare i luoghi di lavoro
The sudden acceleration of the "informatization of reality" process (Floridi) caused by the pandemic shock confronts us with the prospect of a radical shift in the paradigm of dwelling. It is therefore necessary to philosophically analyze this process in order to redefine the concept of inhabited space, develop suitable metrics to understand it, and articulate new models for dwelling within it - with a particular focus on the workplaces. Following Heidegger's adage that the ability to (understand) dwelling is a necessary prerequisite for the possibility of constructing, the first chapter analyzes the implications of the "dematerialization of space" induced by digital technologies, focusing in particular on how the epistemological stance regarding the relevance of context leads to alternative visions and practices. On the one hand, the "spatial transition" of the Metaverse, which interprets context as a set of externalities to be disentangled from; on the other, the "ontological transition" of relational space, where context (cum-texere) is understood as the epistemological residential process proper to dwelling (Section 1.1). From this analysis, we derive the notion of relational space as poly-functional, connected, transitional, contextual, and inherently relational. This concept paves the way for a completely innovative proposition based on inter-organizational sharing of spaces and experiences "as-a-service" through digital platforms, which we call the Hubquarter—contrasted with the classic centralization of functions in defined spaces (Section 1.2). The realization that we are no longer dealing with simple, independent urban objects characterized by univocal functions, but rather with poly-functional, open, and dialogical entities, highlights the necessity of adopting tools suited to handling processes rather than discrete objects (sec. 1.3). This perspective leads to exploring a convergence between relational sociology (cf. Donati) and certain systemic approaches in the life sciences (cf. Bertolaso) (sec. 2.1.1). From the latter, we particularly derive the notion of a relational ontology of levels, which interprets the processual persistence and dynamic stability of a system as deriving from the specific relationships between functional levels that generate emergent properties capable of dynamically maintaining its identity (sec. 2.1.2). This approach is also applied to the interpretation offered by sociological literature (Nahapiet and Ghoshal et al.) of the dimensions that define the generation of social capital within a system—which we translate in terms of relational value (secs. 2.2.1–2.2.2). These dimensions—recasting the relational ontology of levels in this context—are interpreted as identificative (origin), functional (role), and cultural (environment). This allows to derive systemic metrics to account for a system's generative capacity for relational value in terms of resonance, defined as the propensity of its elements to interact according to the emergent relational properties characterizing the reference environment (sec. 2.2.3). This enables the identification of specific indicators that reveal the presence and actuality of the generative process of relational value within a social system (sec. 2.3). We then proceed to define a new taxonomy characterizing the transient dwelling of a relational space in terms of ecotonal overlap (Chapter 3), followed by an analysis—through a case study based on a specific application of the Hubquarter model—of whether and how a relational space generates dynamics that define resonance and what impact these dynamics have on the people involved. Experimental results indicate a significant correlation between high individual resonance and improved performance parameters in HR contexts, as well as an influence of factors such as population diversity (spot variety) and the richness of available knowledge (knowledge variety) on the system’s resonance (Chapter 4). The conclusion of the work highlights the "industrial" results of the research. In particular, it emphasizes the process of consolidation and affirmation of the Hubquarter model during the doctoral period (sec. 5.1) and the relational evolution of eFM’s Myspot platform—the digital interface of the Hubquarter, used to collect research data—along with the significant feedback and recognition it has received (sec. 5.2). The thesis advocated in this work is that the relational constitution of space can offer a response to the parallel and interconnected crises of the real estate market and the erosion of social capital, as it enables new forms of sociality through the new possibilities of dwelling made possible by the ontological transition of space.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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