The diagnosis of a landslide, based upon the knowledge of the processes occurring in the slope and determining its failure, is fundamental for selecting the more sustainable and long-lasting mitigation measures. It may be particularly chal-lenging for deep paleo-landslides characterised by very slow movements, jeopardiz-ing the safety of the built environment. According to the Stage Wise Methodology approach (Cotecchia et al., 2020), applied to the case study, this thesis presents the diagnosis of a complex landslide mechanism, the one affecting the town of Chieuti in southern Italy, which could be considered as a prototype of several paleo-landslides involving sandy-clayey suc-cessions. The landslide risk assessment and the design of sustainable mitigation measures should be based on a comprehensive diagnosis of the landslide mecha-nism, i.e. the characterisation of the predisposing and triggering causes of slope fail-ure, along with its expected progression with time. Being the final process of a se-quence of natural, complex and coupled deformation phenomena in the slope, the phenomenological interpretation of the landslide mechanism, the first phase suggest-ed by the methodology should arise from an interdisciplinary analysis of data result-ing from geological, geomorphological, geotechnical, structural and geomatic inves-tigations. Thereafter, the limit equilibrium back analysis and the numerical modelling of the slope failure should validate the phenomenological interpretation, thus support-ing the landslide diagnosis. This interdisciplinary approach has been adopted for the analysis of a deep, very slow-moving landslide process involving the western slope of Chieuti (southern Italy), herein selected as a prototype slope. The current landslide activity concerns a paleo-landslide, probably triggered by river erosion at the toe of the hill during the Quaternary. Therefore, the challenges faced within the analysis of this prototype case could be relevant for the diagnosis of other very slow-moving and deep slope failure processes. Chieuti is a small town located on the top of a hill, at 221 m a.s.l., where con-tinental deposits, overlaying marine successions (sands, silts and clays), outcrop. The western side of the hillslope is currently involved in slow-moving landslides, which have been damaging the built-up area since the 19th century, despite the sev-eral mitigations works (e.g., retaining structures and storm water management measures) carried out during the last 60 years and currently affected by the instability process. During the 2020-2023, a comprehensive investigation of the slope factors has been carried out aimed at characterising the landslide process for the design of long-lasting mitigation measures. Geological, geomorphological and hydrogeological field surveys have been performed, together with aerial-photointerpretation and the analysis of the data coming from historical archives, field testing (i.e., electrical re-sistivity tomography, P-waves seismic refraction, permeability tests) and piezomet-ric monitoring. The lithological and meso-structural features of the soil corings have been analysed in detail, integrating them with the geotechnical data resulting from la-boratory testing. The soil displacements at depth and at the ground surface along the western slope have been measured through inclinometric and topographic monitor-ing, respectively. In particular, the ground displacements have been detected through Multi-Temporal Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (MTInSAR) techniques and Automated Total Station monitoring. From the phenomenological interpretation, based on all the discussed data, the current landslide process affecting the western slope of Chieuti has been inter-preted as a long-term evolution stage of deep strain localisation processes occurred in the past, triggered by its geological history. The paleo-landslide process should have involved at first the norther sector of the hillslope, moving towards south. Now-adays, two main deep roto-translational landslides have been detected, joining within a single shear band with the toe at the southern tributary of the Fico stream. The retrogressive evolution of the landslide process involved the urbanised area, which is currently dislocated by the landslide scarps that delimite a body char-acterised by predominant vertical displacements, coherent only with a deep shear band outcropping sub-vertically at the ground surface. The stability of this slope por-tion is related not only to the mobilised shear strengths, but, more importantly, to the activity of the most active downstream bodies, whose horizontal movements may cause unloading at the toe of this body. The phenomenological interpretation of the landslide mechanism has been validated by means of limit equilibrium back-analyses, implementing the piezometric regime retrieved from a FE simulation of the steady-state seepage in the slope, co-herent with the in-situ piezometric data, and with the numerical modeling of the slope’s geological history. Once the cinematic interpretation was concluded, a dynamic interpretation of was conducted, observing the evolution over time of the superficial and deep dis-placements, of the piezometric levels (detected with Casagrande cells and electric piezometers) and of the retaining wall inclination (measured using high-precision tilt-meters). The integration of this data and their comparison with the building damage state survey have allowed us to better define the dynamics of the landslide process, also considering creep phenomena. Indeed, the study of displacement data over time, piezometric monitoring da-ta on the slope, and those indicating the evolving morphology of the downstream gully, have made it possible to diagnose how such activity is related to the variation of internal and external slope forces, leading to changes in equilibrium that result in the evolution of deformation in the elastic-plastic field, and to what extent secondary deformation, or creep, should be invoked as the cause of slow movements of such landslide bodies. Finally, a contribution has been made to the advancement of the scientific application of SWM on a large scale, focusing the study on the development of a methodology for managing the safety of infrastructure by managing authorities (case study of a stretch of the A16 highway, between Grottaminarda and Vallata, km 81-104, direc-tion Naples-Bari). In conclusion, the thesis reports the diagnosis of a currently active complex paleo-landslide interacting with the urbanised area of Chieuti, highlighting the issues faced during the interpretation process. This prototype case study may be consid-ered example of the complexity lying within the diagnosis of a landslide mechanism, especially when dealing with very slow-moving paleo landslides. Indeed, given the low displacement rates (i.e., few mm/year), the assessment of the morphology of such landslide bodies can be pursued only through a long-lasting displacement mon-itoring, implementing the survey of deep inclinometers through high-resolution sen-sors. In these cases, the stratigraphic analysis may require a data resolution of about one meter to accurately catch the dislocation of the soil units, while the kinematic characterisation of the ground surface displacement field may need a centimetre res-olution. The same applies also to other techniques adopted for the diagnosis of the failure mechanism, which should be able to catch low displace-ment/strain/disturbance levels. Such analysis of all the slope data and processes is, then, crucial for the definition of appropriate and sustainable landslide mitigation measures.
La diagnosi di una frana, basata sull’analisi dei processi che avvengono all’interno del versante e che ne determinano la rottura, è fondamentale per selezio-nare le più adeguate, sostenibili e durature misure di mitigazione del rischio. Ciò ri-sulta particolarmente articolato per paleo-frane profonde, molto lente, che inficiano la sicurezza e la funzionalità del costruito. Secondo l’approccio della Stage Wise Methodology (Cotecchia et al., 2020), applicato al caso di studio, il lavoro di ricerca condotto è approdato alla diagnosi di un complesso meccanismo franoso, ossia quello che coinvolge il versante occiden-tale del Comune di Chieuti, nel Sud Italia, che può essere considerato quale prototipo di numerose paleo-frane che si insediano in successioni sabbioso-argillose. La valutazione del rischio da frana e la progettazione di adeguate misure di mitigazione del rischio devono basarsi su una diagnosi completa del meccanismo di frana, ovvero sulla caratterizzazione delle cause predisponenti e innescanti la rottura interna al pendio, nonché l’attività e la sua progressiva evoluzione nel tempo. Essen-do il processo il risultato finale di una sequenza di fenomeni deformativi naturali, complessi e in interazione tra loro all’interno del pendio, l’interpretazione fenomeno-logica del meccanismo di frana, prima fase prevista dalla metodologia, deve scaturi-re da un’analisi interdisciplinare dei dati risultanti dalle indagini geologiche, geomor-fologiche, geotecniche, strutturali e geomatiche. Successivamente, le analisi a ritroso dell’equilibrio limite e la modellazione numerica della rottura del pendio devono vali-dare l’interpretazione fenomenologica, supportando così la diagnosi della frana. Questo approccio interdisciplinare è stato adottato per l'analisi di un proces-so franoso profondo e molto lento che ha interessato il versante occidentale di Chieuti (Sud Italia), identificato come versante prototipo. L'attività franosa attuale ri-guarda una paleo-frana, plausibilmente innescata, durante il Quaternario, dall’erosione asimmetrica fluviale valliva. Pertanto, le sfide affrontate nell’analisi di questo caso di studio prototipo potrebbero essere rilevanti per la diagnosi di altri processi franosi molto lenti e profondi. Chieuti è un piccolo comune situato sulla sommità di una collina, a 221 m s.l.m., dove affiorano depositi continentali a cui soggiacciono successioni marine (sabbie, limi e argille). Il versante occidentale del versante è attualmente coinvolto in processi franosi molto lenti che danneggiano diffusamente l'abitato a partire dal XIX secolo, nonostante l’avvicendarsi di numerose opere di mitigazione (es. strutture di contenimento e misure di regimentazione delle acque piovane), realizzate negli ultimi 60 anni. Si registra attualmente una significativa attività del processo franoso. Durante il periodo 2020-2023 è stata condotta un’indagine approfondita dei fattori di pendio volta a caratterizzare il processo franoso per la progettazione di mi-sure di mitigazione a lungo termine. Sono stati eseguiti rilievi geologici, geomorfolo-gici e idrogeologici in sito, fotointerpretazione aerea e analisi dei dati provenienti da archivi storici, prove in sito (ad es. tomografia di resistività elettrica, rifrazione sismi-ca delle onde P, prove di permeabilità) e monitoraggio piezometrico. Le caratteristi-che litologiche e mesostrutturali dei carotaggi del terreno sono state analizzate nel dettaglio, integrandole con i dati geotecnici risultanti dalle prove di laboratorio. Gli spostamenti del suolo in profondità e in superficie lungo il versante occidentale sono stati misurati rispettivamente mediante monitoraggio inclinometrico e topografico. In particolare, gli spostamenti del suolo sono stati rilevati mediante tecniche Radar In-terferometriche ad Apertura Sintetica Multi-Temporale (MTInSAR) e monitoraggio tramite Stazione Totale Automatizzata. Dall’interpretazione fenomenologica condotta sulla base di tutti questi dati, si è dedotto che il processo franoso in atto, lungo il versante occidentale di Chieuti, sia da interpretarsi come stadio evolutivo, nel lungo termine, dei processi di localizza-zione delle deformazioni profonde al piede, avvenuti nel passato geologico, inne-scanti il primo processo di rottura. Il processo paleo-franoso dovrebbe aver interes-sato dapprima il settore settentrionale del versante, spostandosi poi verso Sud. Ad oggi sono state rilevate due principali frane roto-traslative profonde, che convergono in un’unica banda di taglio con il piede in corrispondenza dell’affluente meridionale del torrente Fico, sito a valle. L'evoluzione retrogressiva del processo franoso ha interessato l’area urba-nizzata, attualmente confinata da due scarpate di frana che delimitano, a monte, un corpo caratterizzato prevalentemente da spostamenti verticali, coerenti solo con una superficie di scivolamento profonda che affiora sub-verticalmente in corrispondenza del piano campagna. La stabilità di questa porzione di pendio è legata non solo alle forze di taglio mobilizzate, ma, soprattutto, all’attività del dei corpi più attivi a valle, i cui movimenti orizzontali possono provocare lo scarico laterale del cuneo a monte. L'interpretazione fenomenologica del meccanismo di frana è stata validata mediante analisi a ritroso dell’equilibrio limite, implementando il regime piezometrico ricavato da una simulazione FE della infiltrazione stazionaria nel pendio, coerente con i dati piezometrici di sito, e con la modellazione numerica della storia geologica del versante. Conclusa l’interpretazione cinematica, si è condotta un’interpretazione dina-mica del problema, osservando l’evoluzione nel tempo degli spostamenti superficiali e profondi, dei livelli piezometrici (rilevati con celle di Casagrande e piezometri elet-trici) e delle loro variazioni, e dell’inclinazione del muro di contenimento (rilevati at-traverso tiltmetri ad alta precisione). L’integrazione di questi dati e il confronto con i rilievi dello stato di danno dell’edificato hanno consentito di definire meglio la dina-mica del processo franoso, considerando anche eventuali fenomeni di creep. Infatti, lo studio dei dati di spostamento nel tempo, dei dati di monitoraggio piezometrico nel versante e di quelli indicativi della morfologia evolutiva del fosso a valle, hanno permesso di diagnosticare in che termini tale attività sia connessa a va-riazione delle azioni interne ed esterne di pendio, determinanti variazioni di equilibrio cui conseguono evoluzioni della deformazione in campo elasto-plastico, ed in che limiti vada invocata la deformazione secondaria, o creep, quale causa dei movimenti lenti di tali corpi franosi. In ultimo, si è dato un contributo nell’avanzamento nell’applicazione scientifi-ca della SWM su area vasta, finalizzando lo studio ad una crescita nella metodologia di gestione della sicurezza delle infrastrutture da parte di enti gestori (caso di studio di un tratto dell’Autostrada A16, tra Grottaminarda e vallata, km 81-104 direzione Napoli-Bari). In conclusione, in questo lavoro di ricerca si affronta la diagnosi di un com-plesso paleo-frana attualmente attivo che interagisce con l'area urbanizzata di Chieuti, evidenziando le problematiche affrontate durante il processo interpretativo. Questo prototipo di caso di studio può essere considerato un esempio della complessità della diagnosi di un meccanismo franoso, soprattutto quando si ha a che fare con paleofrane a movimento molto lento. Infatti, attestate le basse velocità di spostamen-to (pochi mm/anno), la definizione della morfologia di tali corpi di frana può essere perseguita solo attraverso un monitoraggio degli spostamenti di lungo termine, im-plementando il rilievo degli inclinometri profondi tramite sensori ad alta risoluzione. In questi casi, l’analisi stratigrafica può richiedere una risoluzione dei dati di circa un metro per cogliere con precisione la dislocazione delle unità litostratigrafiche, mentre la caratterizzazione cinematica del campo di spostamento della superficie terrestre può richiedere una risoluzione centimetrica. Lo stesso vale anche per altre tecniche adottate per la diagnosi del meccanismo di rottura, che dovrebbero essere in grado di individuare gli esigui incrementi di spostamento/deformazione. Si ribadisce dun-que, quanto l’analisi di tutti i dati e processi relativi ai pendii è, quindi, cruciale per la definizione di misure di mitigazione delle frane adeguate e sostenibili.
Avanzamento nelle metodiche di caratterizzazione geo-idro-meccanica dell'attività di frane antiche a cinematica lenta
Stragapede, Marianna
The diagnosis of a landslide, based upon the knowledge of the processes occurring in the slope and determining its failure, is fundamental for selecting the more sustainable and long-lasting mitigation measures. It may be particularly chal-lenging for deep paleo-landslides characterised by very slow movements, jeopardiz-ing the safety of the built environment. According to the Stage Wise Methodology approach (Cotecchia et al., 2020), applied to the case study, this thesis presents the diagnosis of a complex landslide mechanism, the one affecting the town of Chieuti in southern Italy, which could be considered as a prototype of several paleo-landslides involving sandy-clayey suc-cessions. The landslide risk assessment and the design of sustainable mitigation measures should be based on a comprehensive diagnosis of the landslide mecha-nism, i.e. the characterisation of the predisposing and triggering causes of slope fail-ure, along with its expected progression with time. Being the final process of a se-quence of natural, complex and coupled deformation phenomena in the slope, the phenomenological interpretation of the landslide mechanism, the first phase suggest-ed by the methodology should arise from an interdisciplinary analysis of data result-ing from geological, geomorphological, geotechnical, structural and geomatic inves-tigations. Thereafter, the limit equilibrium back analysis and the numerical modelling of the slope failure should validate the phenomenological interpretation, thus support-ing the landslide diagnosis. This interdisciplinary approach has been adopted for the analysis of a deep, very slow-moving landslide process involving the western slope of Chieuti (southern Italy), herein selected as a prototype slope. The current landslide activity concerns a paleo-landslide, probably triggered by river erosion at the toe of the hill during the Quaternary. Therefore, the challenges faced within the analysis of this prototype case could be relevant for the diagnosis of other very slow-moving and deep slope failure processes. Chieuti is a small town located on the top of a hill, at 221 m a.s.l., where con-tinental deposits, overlaying marine successions (sands, silts and clays), outcrop. The western side of the hillslope is currently involved in slow-moving landslides, which have been damaging the built-up area since the 19th century, despite the sev-eral mitigations works (e.g., retaining structures and storm water management measures) carried out during the last 60 years and currently affected by the instability process. During the 2020-2023, a comprehensive investigation of the slope factors has been carried out aimed at characterising the landslide process for the design of long-lasting mitigation measures. Geological, geomorphological and hydrogeological field surveys have been performed, together with aerial-photointerpretation and the analysis of the data coming from historical archives, field testing (i.e., electrical re-sistivity tomography, P-waves seismic refraction, permeability tests) and piezomet-ric monitoring. The lithological and meso-structural features of the soil corings have been analysed in detail, integrating them with the geotechnical data resulting from la-boratory testing. The soil displacements at depth and at the ground surface along the western slope have been measured through inclinometric and topographic monitor-ing, respectively. In particular, the ground displacements have been detected through Multi-Temporal Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (MTInSAR) techniques and Automated Total Station monitoring. From the phenomenological interpretation, based on all the discussed data, the current landslide process affecting the western slope of Chieuti has been inter-preted as a long-term evolution stage of deep strain localisation processes occurred in the past, triggered by its geological history. The paleo-landslide process should have involved at first the norther sector of the hillslope, moving towards south. Now-adays, two main deep roto-translational landslides have been detected, joining within a single shear band with the toe at the southern tributary of the Fico stream. The retrogressive evolution of the landslide process involved the urbanised area, which is currently dislocated by the landslide scarps that delimite a body char-acterised by predominant vertical displacements, coherent only with a deep shear band outcropping sub-vertically at the ground surface. The stability of this slope por-tion is related not only to the mobilised shear strengths, but, more importantly, to the activity of the most active downstream bodies, whose horizontal movements may cause unloading at the toe of this body. The phenomenological interpretation of the landslide mechanism has been validated by means of limit equilibrium back-analyses, implementing the piezometric regime retrieved from a FE simulation of the steady-state seepage in the slope, co-herent with the in-situ piezometric data, and with the numerical modeling of the slope’s geological history. Once the cinematic interpretation was concluded, a dynamic interpretation of was conducted, observing the evolution over time of the superficial and deep dis-placements, of the piezometric levels (detected with Casagrande cells and electric piezometers) and of the retaining wall inclination (measured using high-precision tilt-meters). The integration of this data and their comparison with the building damage state survey have allowed us to better define the dynamics of the landslide process, also considering creep phenomena. Indeed, the study of displacement data over time, piezometric monitoring da-ta on the slope, and those indicating the evolving morphology of the downstream gully, have made it possible to diagnose how such activity is related to the variation of internal and external slope forces, leading to changes in equilibrium that result in the evolution of deformation in the elastic-plastic field, and to what extent secondary deformation, or creep, should be invoked as the cause of slow movements of such landslide bodies. Finally, a contribution has been made to the advancement of the scientific application of SWM on a large scale, focusing the study on the development of a methodology for managing the safety of infrastructure by managing authorities (case study of a stretch of the A16 highway, between Grottaminarda and Vallata, km 81-104, direc-tion Naples-Bari). In conclusion, the thesis reports the diagnosis of a currently active complex paleo-landslide interacting with the urbanised area of Chieuti, highlighting the issues faced during the interpretation process. This prototype case study may be consid-ered example of the complexity lying within the diagnosis of a landslide mechanism, especially when dealing with very slow-moving paleo landslides. Indeed, given the low displacement rates (i.e., few mm/year), the assessment of the morphology of such landslide bodies can be pursued only through a long-lasting displacement mon-itoring, implementing the survey of deep inclinometers through high-resolution sen-sors. In these cases, the stratigraphic analysis may require a data resolution of about one meter to accurately catch the dislocation of the soil units, while the kinematic characterisation of the ground surface displacement field may need a centimetre res-olution. The same applies also to other techniques adopted for the diagnosis of the failure mechanism, which should be able to catch low displace-ment/strain/disturbance levels. Such analysis of all the slope data and processes is, then, crucial for the definition of appropriate and sustainable landslide mitigation measures.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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