The creation of an interconnected ecosystem could be achieved where, in a symbiotic context, the different actors involved in the consumption of resources, the production of waste streams, and the recovery of resources can work together. In this context, this thesis aims to propose solutions for the management and exploitation of waste and wastewater to achieve the recovery of water and materials, in the context of industrial symbiosis. The case study of Rosignano Solvay (Livorno, Italy) sees the potential study of the use of environmentally friendly treatment techniques to recycle wastewater from the Solvay Chimica Italia peroxide plant in the cooling towers of the production plant. In this framework, experimental tests were conducted to design the treatment chain and the P&ID of the WAPEREUSE pilot system, its implementation, and start-up. The biological treatment was also tested on a bench scale with an SBR reactor, proving effective for the removal of nitrates, while COD has been removed up to 75%. The UV-Visible and Fluorescence spectrometer analysis highlighted a correlation between COD and the adsorbance intensity values at 254 nm. Fluorescence can separate the peaks defined as the biodegradable fraction from the more recalcitrant ones. In the same study site, the possibility of using treated wastewater for industrial purposes and reducing the consumption of fresh water was studied, including the use of industrial by-products to further improve the circularity of the proposed solutions which involve the recovery of both water of material using a slow pyrolysis hydrochar and soda Solvay (out of specification) to reduce COD and hardness respectively. Water pollution is a natural consequence of human activities. In fact, a further barrier in the water reuse sector concerns emerging contaminants (EC) present in the water cycle, due to agricultural practices, industrial discharges, and daily activities which play an important role in the release of pollutants through wastewater. In the context of the European Fit4Reuse project, MIP technology was studied to complement the AnMBR technique for improved DCF removal by adsorption. Characterization, batch tests, and isothermal models were developed to evaluate the adsorption capacity, also established at the pilot scale. Regarding waste recovery, different brine management strategies can be applied to reduce the volume of brine before its disposal according to a zero-liquid discharge (ZLD) approach. In this work, three different combinations of treatments were studied and compared. Treatment chain 2, with chemical precipitation, direct osmosis, and second chemical precipitation, was the process with the lowest energy consumption and allowed a good recovery of calcium and magnesium salts such as Bassanite, Brucite, and Calcite which can be reused in the construction industry or implemented as a functional filler in plastic compounds and polymer formulations. Finally, a critical analysis of PE pipes used in distribution networks, characterization, and accelerated aging methods was performed, to understand the interaction between the material in contact with chlorine dioxide. The technical-scientific activity carried out has allowed the development of a prototype for the study of the aging of "pressurized circuit" pipes, in dynamic conditions. It was found that the carbonyl index is the most representative characterization parameter for the quantification and study of the aging of PE pipes in contact with chlorine dioxide.
La creazione di un ecosistema interconnesso si potrebbe realizzare laddove, in un contesto simbiotico, i diversi attori coinvolti nel consumo delle risorse, nella produzione dei flussi di rifiuti e nel recupero delle risorse possano lavorare insieme. In questo contesto, questa tesi mira a proporre soluzioni per uno sfruttamento dei rifiuti e delle acque reflue così da raggiungere il recupero di acqua e materiali, nel contesto della simbiosi industriale. Il caso studio di Rosignano Solvay (Livorno, Italia) vede lo studio potenziale dell’utilizzo di tecniche di trattamento rispettose dell’ambiente per riciclare le acque reflue provenienti dall’impianto dei perossidi di Solvay Chimica Italia nelle torri di raffreddamento dell’impianto produttivo. In questo contesto, sono stati condotti test sperimentali per progettare la filiera di trattamento e il P&ID del sistema pilota WAPEREUSE, la sua realizzazione e l'avvio. Il trattamento biologico è stato testato anche su scala banco con un reattore SBR dimostrandosi efficace per la rimozione dei nitrati; mentre, il COD è stato rimosso fino al 75%. L'analisi allo spettrometro UV-Visibile e Fluorescenza ha evidenziato una correlazione tra COD ed i valori di intensità di assorbanza a 254 nm. In particolare, la fluorescenza è in grado di separare i picchi definiti come frazione biodegradabile rispetto a quelli più recalcitranti. Nello stesso sito di studio è stata studiata la possibilità di utilizzare le acque reflue trattate per scopi industriali e di ridurre il consumo di acqua dolce, incluso l'uso di sottoprodotti industriali per migliorare ulteriormente la circolarità delle soluzioni proposte che prevedono il recupero sia di acqua che di materia utilizzando un hydrochar a lenta pirolisi e soda solvay (fuori specifica) per ridurre rispettivamente COD e durezza. L’inquinamento dell’acqua è una conseguenza naturale delle attività umane. Infatti, un’ulteriore barriera nel settore del riutilizzo dell’acqua riguarda i contaminanti emergenti (EC) presenti nel ciclo dell’acqua, dovuti alle pratiche agricole, agli scarichi industriali e alle attività quotidiane che svolgono un ruolo importante nel rilascio di inquinanti attraverso le acque reflue. Nel contesto del progetto europeo Fit4Reuse, la tecnologia MIP è stata studiata per integrare la tecnica AnMBR per una migliore rimozione del DCF mediante adsorbimento. La caratterizzazione, i test batch e i modelli isotermici sono stati elaborati per valutare la capacità di adsorbimento, stabilita anche a scala pilota. Riguardo il recupero dei rifiuti, è possibile applicare diverse strategie di gestione delle salamoie per ridurre il volume della salamoia prima del suo smaltimento secondo un approccio a scarico zero di liquidi (ZLD). In questo lavoro sono state studiate e confrontate tre diverse combinazioni di trattamenti. La filiera di trattamento 2, con precipitazione chimica, osmosi diretta e seconda precipitazione chimica, è stato il processo con il minor consumo di energia e ha consentito un buon recupero dei sali di calcio e magnesio come Bassanite, Brucite e Calcite che possono essere riutilizzati nella nell’industria costruttiva o implementato come riempitivo funzionale in composti plastici e formulazioni polimeriche. Infine, è stata eseguita un'analisi critica dei tubi in PE utilizzati nelle reti di distribuzione, caratterizzazione e metodi di invecchiamento accelerato, per comprendere l'interazione tra il materiale a contatto con il biossido di cloro. L'attività tecnico-scientifica svolta ha consentito lo sviluppo di un prototipo per lo studio dell'invecchiamento delle tubazioni “circuito pressurizzato”, in condizioni dinamiche. Si è riscontrato che l’indice carbonilico è il parametro di caratterizzazione più rappresentativo per la quantificazione e lo studio dell’invecchiamento dei tubi in PE a contatto con il biossido di cloro.
Study, Development and Validation of Chemical Plants and Environmental Processes for Closed Water Loops and Sustainable Industrial Symbiosis
The creation of an interconnected ecosystem could be achieved where, in a symbiotic context, the different actors involved in the consumption of resources, the production of waste streams, and the recovery of resources can work together. In this context, this thesis aims to propose solutions for the management and exploitation of waste and wastewater to achieve the recovery of water and materials, in the context of industrial symbiosis. The case study of Rosignano Solvay (Livorno, Italy) sees the potential study of the use of environmentally friendly treatment techniques to recycle wastewater from the Solvay Chimica Italia peroxide plant in the cooling towers of the production plant. In this framework, experimental tests were conducted to design the treatment chain and the P&ID of the WAPEREUSE pilot system, its implementation, and start-up. The biological treatment was also tested on a bench scale with an SBR reactor, proving effective for the removal of nitrates, while COD has been removed up to 75%. The UV-Visible and Fluorescence spectrometer analysis highlighted a correlation between COD and the adsorbance intensity values at 254 nm. Fluorescence can separate the peaks defined as the biodegradable fraction from the more recalcitrant ones. In the same study site, the possibility of using treated wastewater for industrial purposes and reducing the consumption of fresh water was studied, including the use of industrial by-products to further improve the circularity of the proposed solutions which involve the recovery of both water of material using a slow pyrolysis hydrochar and soda Solvay (out of specification) to reduce COD and hardness respectively. Water pollution is a natural consequence of human activities. In fact, a further barrier in the water reuse sector concerns emerging contaminants (EC) present in the water cycle, due to agricultural practices, industrial discharges, and daily activities which play an important role in the release of pollutants through wastewater. In the context of the European Fit4Reuse project, MIP technology was studied to complement the AnMBR technique for improved DCF removal by adsorption. Characterization, batch tests, and isothermal models were developed to evaluate the adsorption capacity, also established at the pilot scale. Regarding waste recovery, different brine management strategies can be applied to reduce the volume of brine before its disposal according to a zero-liquid discharge (ZLD) approach. In this work, three different combinations of treatments were studied and compared. Treatment chain 2, with chemical precipitation, direct osmosis, and second chemical precipitation, was the process with the lowest energy consumption and allowed a good recovery of calcium and magnesium salts such as Bassanite, Brucite, and Calcite which can be reused in the construction industry or implemented as a functional filler in plastic compounds and polymer formulations. Finally, a critical analysis of PE pipes used in distribution networks, characterization, and accelerated aging methods was performed, to understand the interaction between the material in contact with chlorine dioxide. The technical-scientific activity carried out has allowed the development of a prototype for the study of the aging of "pressurized circuit" pipes, in dynamic conditions. It was found that the carbonyl index is the most representative characterization parameter for the quantification and study of the aging of PE pipes in contact with chlorine dioxide.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
embargo fino al 31/12/2025
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