Introduction Essential Tremor (ET) is one of the most frequent neurological diseases, but, at the same time, one of the mostly neglected. Traditionally viewed as a benign condition, ET is now considered a neurodegenerative disease that can imply severe impairment, disability and psychiatric complications. Its epidemiological distribution is still very difficult to describe because of its elusive definition. To date, the world prevalence of ET is reported between 0.3% and 1.33%, with great heterogeneity among countries. Comparingly, evidence on the incidence of ET is still scant, with only one study estimating it at around 619 per 100,000 person-years. Once diagnosed, pharmacological therapies are difficult to bear in the long-term or even inappropriate, due to the fact that they have been developed for other conditions. With the ongoing aging process in western countries populations, the burden of ET is most probably increasing. Therefore, it is crucial to have updated epidemiological measures of its impact, and tailored treatment alternatives. The aim of this dissertation is to estimate the prevalence and incidence of ET in two European countries – the UK and France –, and to describe patients’ characteristics and treatment patterns. Methods We conducted two observational cohort studies using THIN® (The Health Improvement Network) general practitioners (GPs) databases. ET cases were defined using readcodes in the UK and ICD-10-CM codes in France. Three increasingly narrower definitions were considered. We estimated the prevalence at 1st January 2020 and the 2014-2019 yearly crude and standardized incidence rates. Moreover, we evaluated the presence of annual trends and described treatment patterns in time by using prescriptions durations in those with at least 2 years of follow-up. Results In the UK, the estimated prevalence of ET on 1st January 2020 amounted to 136.1 [95%CI: 132.0-140.1] per 100,000, while it was 128.4 [124.8-132.0] per 100,000 in France. We found an yearly average crude incidence rate of 18.20 [95% CI: 15.09–21.32] per 100,000 person-years in the UK and of 21.42 [95% CI: 17.83–25.00] per 100,000 person-years in France. A 2% increase in the incidence rate was registered annually in the UK and a 6% positive trend was measured in France. The overall number of treated patients in the whole study period – either in the year prior or in the two years after the ID – is of 1637 (55.4%) in the UK and of 1621 (49.9%) in France. Conclusions In our setting, the incidence and prevalence measures show a great burden of ET in Europe, which is increasing in time – either due to ET recognition or to population aging. Moreover, we found a considerable rate of poorly treated patients – with early therapy stop - and around one in two untreated patients, showing the lack of appropriate treatment options in ET.
Introduzione Il Tremore Essenziale (ET) è una delle malattie neurologiche più comuni e, allo stesso tempo, tra le più trascurate. Tradizionalmente considerato come condizione benigna, ET è ora visto come una malattia neurodegenerativa che può comportare grave disabilità e complicazioni psichiatriche. La sua distribuzione epidemiologica è ancora difficile da descrivere a causa della sua definizione elusiva. Ad oggi, la prevalenza mondiale di ET è riportata tra lo 0,3% e l'1,33%, con una grande eterogeneità tra i diversi paesi. Inoltre, i dati sull'incidenza di ET sono ancora scarsi, con un solo studio che la stima intorno a 619 per 100.000 anni-persona. Una volta diagnosticato, le terapie farmacologiche sono difficili da tollerare a lungo termine o inappropriate, poiché sviluppate per altre patologie. Con l'invecchiamento progressivo delle popolazioni nei paesi occidentali, il carico di ET sui sistemi sanitari è molto probabilmente in aumento. È quindi fondamentale disporre di misure epidemiologiche aggiornate sul suo impatto e di alternative terapeutiche mirate. L'obiettivo di questa tesi è stimare la prevalenza e l'incidenza di ET in due paesi europei – il Regno Unito e la Francia – , descrivere le caratteristiche dei pazienti e i pattern di trattamento. Metodi Abbiamo condotto due studi osservazionali di coorte utilizzando i database dei Medici di Medicina Generale (MMG) affiliati a THIN® (The Health Improvement Network). I casi di ET sono stati definiti utilizzando le classificazioni reacodes nel Regno Unito e ICD-10-CM in Francia, considerando tre definizioni di ET progressivamente più restrittive. Abbiamo stimato la prevalenza al 1° gennaio 2020 e i tassi di incidenza annui grezzi e standardizzati dal 2014 al 2019. Inoltre, abbiamo valutato la presenza di trend annuali e descritto i pattern di trattamento nel tempo utilizzando la durata delle prescrizioni, per i pazienti con almeno due anni di follow-up. Risultati Nel Regno Unito, la prevalenza stimata di ET al 1° gennaio 2020 è stata di 136,1 [IC 95%: 132,0-140,1] per 100.000, mentre in Francia è stata di 128,4 [124,8-132,0]. Abbiamo stimato un tasso medio di incidenza grezzo annuo di 18,20 [IC 95%: 15,09–21,32] per 100,000 anni-persona nel Regno Unito e di 21,42 [IC 95%: 17,83–25,00] in Francia. È stato registrato un aumento annuo del tasso di incidenza del 2% nel Regno Unito e del 6% in Francia. Il numero complessivo di pazienti trattati in tutto il periodo di studio – sia nell'anno precedente che nei due anni successivi alla data di diagnosi – è stato di 1637 (55,4%) nel Regno Unito e di 1621 (49,9%) in Francia. Conclusioni I risultati sulle misure di incidenza e prevalenza mostrano un grande impatto di ET in Europa, con un trend in aumento nel tempo – probabilmente dovuto sia a una maggiore consapevolezza di ET, sia al processo di invecchiamento della popolazione. Inoltre, abbiamo riscontrato un tasso considerevole di pazienti trattati in modo insufficiente – con interruzione precoce della terapia – e circa un paziente su due non trattato, evidenziando la carenza di opzioni terapeutiche appropriate per ET.
Epidemiology and treatment patterns of Essential Tremor: real-world evidence from primary care databases in the UK and France
Introduction Essential Tremor (ET) is one of the most frequent neurological diseases, but, at the same time, one of the mostly neglected. Traditionally viewed as a benign condition, ET is now considered a neurodegenerative disease that can imply severe impairment, disability and psychiatric complications. Its epidemiological distribution is still very difficult to describe because of its elusive definition. To date, the world prevalence of ET is reported between 0.3% and 1.33%, with great heterogeneity among countries. Comparingly, evidence on the incidence of ET is still scant, with only one study estimating it at around 619 per 100,000 person-years. Once diagnosed, pharmacological therapies are difficult to bear in the long-term or even inappropriate, due to the fact that they have been developed for other conditions. With the ongoing aging process in western countries populations, the burden of ET is most probably increasing. Therefore, it is crucial to have updated epidemiological measures of its impact, and tailored treatment alternatives. The aim of this dissertation is to estimate the prevalence and incidence of ET in two European countries – the UK and France –, and to describe patients’ characteristics and treatment patterns. Methods We conducted two observational cohort studies using THIN® (The Health Improvement Network) general practitioners (GPs) databases. ET cases were defined using readcodes in the UK and ICD-10-CM codes in France. Three increasingly narrower definitions were considered. We estimated the prevalence at 1st January 2020 and the 2014-2019 yearly crude and standardized incidence rates. Moreover, we evaluated the presence of annual trends and described treatment patterns in time by using prescriptions durations in those with at least 2 years of follow-up. Results In the UK, the estimated prevalence of ET on 1st January 2020 amounted to 136.1 [95%CI: 132.0-140.1] per 100,000, while it was 128.4 [124.8-132.0] per 100,000 in France. We found an yearly average crude incidence rate of 18.20 [95% CI: 15.09–21.32] per 100,000 person-years in the UK and of 21.42 [95% CI: 17.83–25.00] per 100,000 person-years in France. A 2% increase in the incidence rate was registered annually in the UK and a 6% positive trend was measured in France. The overall number of treated patients in the whole study period – either in the year prior or in the two years after the ID – is of 1637 (55.4%) in the UK and of 1621 (49.9%) in France. Conclusions In our setting, the incidence and prevalence measures show a great burden of ET in Europe, which is increasing in time – either due to ET recognition or to population aging. Moreover, we found a considerable rate of poorly treated patients – with early therapy stop - and around one in two untreated patients, showing the lack of appropriate treatment options in ET.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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