Italy is characterized by a congenital duplicity, visible in the gaps and substantial territorial differences. On the one hand, Italy’s metropolitan areas and coasts follow the rhythms of development and growth of the most advanced countries, on the other, the Inner Areas suffer from an insoluble demographic contraction and a progressive socio-economic decline. The latter, tangent areas, exist as a slow overlapping of traces of those who have made the earth and the mountains an economy: castles, villages, agricultural landscape, sheep tracks, hydraulic works, terraces are manifestations of a timely and capillary work, a small plot for the protection of the territory. In an anthropological context that no longer belongs to us, irremediably detached from any feeling of affinity, a link of co-evolution, with nature, we look at these territories as a world of the vanquished, fragile landscape, broken and not functional, lands of old, marginalized, excluded, hermits, farmers and dreamers. On the contrary, they can be fertile territories for social, political, cultural and design innovation. However, the relaunch of the Inner Areas through the revitalization of the smaller villages and historic centers faces considerable difficulties in the elaboration of policies able to put in system the expectations of development of the territory and the landscape-heritage protection. Socio-economic reactivation is closely dependent on attracting investment and retaining and attracting residents, providing adequate levels of quality of life. New forms of regeneration can trigger development processes, starting from the data values of the territory and reconnecting the precious link with the rural dimension. The research reassembles a reading of this Italian duplicity, the foundation of a varied and diversified cultural character, returning a cognitive picture of a territory that for the most part is Disadvantaged, Inner and Mountain. On the basis of analysis and reflections, we look at a potential Laboratory Italy Inhabited: the internal territories as an object of planning and design of new economies, new models of life, management and protection of territory, environment and landscape. The depopulation of the territory and the abandonment of the heritage are one of the most important phenomena at national level, to which this work wants to respond through the proposal of a territorial strategy for the Inner Area of Fortore in Molise and an agenda of interventions for the historic center of Toro.
L’Italia è caratterizzata da una congenita duplicità, visibile nei divari e nelle sostanziali differenze territoriali. Da un lato l’Italia delle aree metropolitane e delle coste segue i ritmi di sviluppo e crescita dei paesi più avanzati, dall’altro le Aree Interne soffrono di una insolvibile contrazione demografica e di una progressiva decrescita socioeconomica. Queste ultime, aree di tangenza, esistono come lenta sovrapposizione di tracce di chi ha fatto della terra e delle montagne un’economia: castelli, borghi, paesaggio agrario, tratturi, opere idrauliche, terrazzamenti sono manifestazioni di un lavorio puntuale e capillare, una trama minuta per il presidio del territorio. In un contesto antropologico che non ci appartiene più, irrimediabilmente avulsi da qualsiasi sentimento di affinità, nesso di coevoluzione, con la natura, guardiamo a questi territori come mondo dei vinti, paesaggio fragile, disgregato e non funzionale, terre di vecchi, emarginati, esclusi, eremiti, contadini e sognatori. Al contrario, possono essere territori fertili per l’innovazione sociale, politica, culturale e progettuale. Tuttavia, il rilancio delle Aree Interne attraverso la rivitalizzazione dei paesi e dei centri storici minori affronta notevoli difficoltà nell'elaborazione di politiche in grado di mettere a sistema le aspettative di sviluppo del territorio e la tutela paesaggistico-patrimoniale. La riattivazione socio-economica è strettamente dipendente dalla capacità di attirare investimenti e di trattenere e attrarre residenti, offrendo livelli adeguati di qualità della vita. Nuove forme di rigenerazione possono innescare processi di sviluppo, partendo dai valori dati del territorio e ricucendo il prezioso nesso con la dimensione rurale. La ricerca ricompone una lettura di questa duplicità italiana, fondamento di un carattere culturale vario e diversificato, restituendo un quadro conoscitivo di un territorio che per la maggior parte risulta Svantaggiato, Interno e Montano. Sulla base delle analisi e delle riflessioni, si apre lo sguardo verso un potenziale Laboratorio Italia Abitata: i territori interni come oggetto di pianificazione e progettazione di nuove economie, di nuovi modelli di vita, di gestione e tutela di territorio, ambiente e paesaggio. Lo spopolamento del territorio e l’abbandono del patrimonio costituiscono uno dei fenomeni più rilevanti a livello nazionale, a cui questo lavoro vuole rispondere attraverso la proposta di una strategia di territorio per l'Area Interna del Fortore in Molise e un'agenda di interventi per il centro storico di Toro.
SIM(i)LIA. Svantaggiato Interno Montano. Laboratorio Italia Abitata
Italy is characterized by a congenital duplicity, visible in the gaps and substantial territorial differences. On the one hand, Italy’s metropolitan areas and coasts follow the rhythms of development and growth of the most advanced countries, on the other, the Inner Areas suffer from an insoluble demographic contraction and a progressive socio-economic decline. The latter, tangent areas, exist as a slow overlapping of traces of those who have made the earth and the mountains an economy: castles, villages, agricultural landscape, sheep tracks, hydraulic works, terraces are manifestations of a timely and capillary work, a small plot for the protection of the territory. In an anthropological context that no longer belongs to us, irremediably detached from any feeling of affinity, a link of co-evolution, with nature, we look at these territories as a world of the vanquished, fragile landscape, broken and not functional, lands of old, marginalized, excluded, hermits, farmers and dreamers. On the contrary, they can be fertile territories for social, political, cultural and design innovation. However, the relaunch of the Inner Areas through the revitalization of the smaller villages and historic centers faces considerable difficulties in the elaboration of policies able to put in system the expectations of development of the territory and the landscape-heritage protection. Socio-economic reactivation is closely dependent on attracting investment and retaining and attracting residents, providing adequate levels of quality of life. New forms of regeneration can trigger development processes, starting from the data values of the territory and reconnecting the precious link with the rural dimension. The research reassembles a reading of this Italian duplicity, the foundation of a varied and diversified cultural character, returning a cognitive picture of a territory that for the most part is Disadvantaged, Inner and Mountain. On the basis of analysis and reflections, we look at a potential Laboratory Italy Inhabited: the internal territories as an object of planning and design of new economies, new models of life, management and protection of territory, environment and landscape. The depopulation of the territory and the abandonment of the heritage are one of the most important phenomena at national level, to which this work wants to respond through the proposal of a territorial strategy for the Inner Area of Fortore in Molise and an agenda of interventions for the historic center of Toro.I documenti in UNITESI sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.