The Blennies are a family of Perciformes (Teleostei), typically marine and benthic. Parablennius sanguinolentus (Pallas, 1814) is a blenny widely distributed in the Mediterranean sea which has sparked interest for studies of genetic structuring and recently proved to be a valid bioindicator in the assessment of the quality of the coastal environment in a small area of the coast Ionic Sicilian. The purpose of this study, in fact, were: a) the analysis of the genetic structure of populations sampled in 10 sites of Italian coastal areas through the study of variation in the mitochondrial control region sequences, b) the use of P. sanguinolentus from the same sites as a valuable bioindicator, examining the chemical analysis of the sites, the bioaccumulation of some metals in muscle and molecular biomarkers, such as the Comet Assay and Micronuclei Assay. The study now conducted indicated that P. sanguinolentus has a strong genetic structure (Fst = 0.72), which could be justified by the behavior of homing demonstrated for this species and the biological characteristics of the larva with dispersion "inshore". In addition, the data show low levels of genetic variability, which is confirmed by the fact that around 60% of the specimens examined shares three haplotypes, one of which amply represented (46.76% of the samples) and low levels of genetic divergence that could be attributed to a bottleneck event could have occurred in the last ice age. The data obtained in the ten sites examined showed that the concentration of Lead in sediments is significantly higher than all other metals. In addition, a significant metal contamination due to intense human activity is observed in the sites of Rapallo (Genova), Augusta (Siracusa) and Antignano (Livorno). It is interesting to the situation observed in populations of Augusta and Rapallo that have low values of indices of genetic variability in the presence of high levels of metals in sediments and in the muscle of the specimens of the two sites, in accordance with the percentage of micronuclei and nuclear abnormalities present in erythrocytes. In populations of GROUP 1 (populations in which the values of the chemical analysis of sediment and / or bioaccumulation exceed regulatory limits) is interesting the linear regression analysis applied between the values of haplotype diversity and nucleotide and bioaccumulation of Cromium (R2 = 0.53), a metal capable of inducing important toxic effects. Finally, with regard to Marine Protected Area "Island of the Cyclops" (Acitrezza) are found discrepancies between the data of chemical analysis of the sediments and those of bioaccumulation, in fact, despite being a poor site polluted by metals, the average concentration of Lead in the muscle is the highest; such contamination could result from activities related to the marina and fishing on this site.
I Blennidi sono una famiglia di Teleostei Perciformi, tipicamente marini e bentonici. Parablennius sanguinolentus (Pallas, 1814) è un blennide ampiamente distribuito nel Mediterraneo, che ha suscitato interesse per gli studi di strutturazione genetica e, recentemente, si è rivelato anche un valido bioindicatore nella valutazione della qualità dell ambiente costiero in una ristretta area della costa ionica siciliana. Obiettivo di questo studio, infatti, sono stati: a) l analisi della struttura genetica di popolazioni campionate in 10 siti di aree costiere italiane attraverso lo studio della variazione delle sequenze della regione di controllo mitocondriale; b) l utilizzo, negli stessi siti, di P. sanguinolentus quale valido bioindicatore, prendendo in esame l analisi chimica dei siti, il bioaccumulo di alcuni metalli nel muscolo e biomarker molecolari, quali il Test Comet e Test dei Micronuclei. Lo studio ora condotto ha indicato che P. sanguinolentus presenta una forte strutturazione genetica (Fst=0,72), che potrebbe essere giustificata dal comportamento di homing dimostrato per questa specie e dalle caratteristiche biologiche della larva con dispersione inshore . Inoltre, i dati ottenuti mostrano bassi valori di variabilità genetica, che troverebbe conferma nel fatto che circa il 60% degli esemplari esaminati condivide tre aplotipi di cui uno ampiamente rappresentato (46,76% dei campioni) e bassi valori di divergenza genetica che potrebbe essere attribuiti ad un evento di bottleneck probabilmente verificatosi nell ultima glaciazione. Dai dati ottenuti nei dieci siti esaminati emerge che la concentrazione di Pb nei sedimenti è significativamente più elevata rispetto a tutti gli altri metalli. Inoltre, una notevole contaminazione da metalli dovuta alle intense attività antropiche si osserva nei siti di Rapallo (Genova), Augusta (Siracusa) e Antignano (Livorno). Appare interessante la situazione riscontrata nelle popolazioni di Augusta e Rapallo che presentano bassi valori di indici di variabilità genetica, in presenza di valori elevati di metalli nei sedimenti e nel muscolo degli esemplari dei due siti, in accordo con le percentuali di micronuclei e di anomalie nucleari presenti negli eritrociti. Nelle popolazioni del GRUPPO 1 (popolazioni in cui i valori delle analisi chimiche dei sedimenti e/o del bioaccumulo superano i limiti normativi) appare interessante l analisi della regressione lineare applicata tra i valori della diversità aplotipica e nucleotidica e il bioaccumulo di Cr (R2=0,53), un metallo capace di indurre importanti effetti tossici, anche se non possono essere prevedibili le modalità con cui l inquinante esplica la sua tossicità. Infine, per quanto riguarda Area Marina Protetta Isola dei Ciclopi (Acitrezza) si riscontrano discordanze tra i dati delle analisi chimiche del biotopo e quelli del bioaccumulo, infatti, pur essendo un sito scarsamente inquinato da metalli, la concentrazione media di Pb nel muscolo è la più elevata; tale contaminazione potrebbe derivare dalle attività legate al porto turistico e peschereccio presente in questo sito.
Struttura genetica del Blenniidae Parablennius sanguinolentus (Pallas, 1814), un valido bioindicatore dell'inquinamento delle acque costiere
The Blennies are a family of Perciformes (Teleostei), typically marine and benthic. Parablennius sanguinolentus (Pallas, 1814) is a blenny widely distributed in the Mediterranean sea which has sparked interest for studies of genetic structuring and recently proved to be a valid bioindicator in the assessment of the quality of the coastal environment in a small area of the coast Ionic Sicilian. The purpose of this study, in fact, were: a) the analysis of the genetic structure of populations sampled in 10 sites of Italian coastal areas through the study of variation in the mitochondrial control region sequences, b) the use of P. sanguinolentus from the same sites as a valuable bioindicator, examining the chemical analysis of the sites, the bioaccumulation of some metals in muscle and molecular biomarkers, such as the Comet Assay and Micronuclei Assay. The study now conducted indicated that P. sanguinolentus has a strong genetic structure (Fst = 0.72), which could be justified by the behavior of homing demonstrated for this species and the biological characteristics of the larva with dispersion "inshore". In addition, the data show low levels of genetic variability, which is confirmed by the fact that around 60% of the specimens examined shares three haplotypes, one of which amply represented (46.76% of the samples) and low levels of genetic divergence that could be attributed to a bottleneck event could have occurred in the last ice age. The data obtained in the ten sites examined showed that the concentration of Lead in sediments is significantly higher than all other metals. In addition, a significant metal contamination due to intense human activity is observed in the sites of Rapallo (Genova), Augusta (Siracusa) and Antignano (Livorno). It is interesting to the situation observed in populations of Augusta and Rapallo that have low values of indices of genetic variability in the presence of high levels of metals in sediments and in the muscle of the specimens of the two sites, in accordance with the percentage of micronuclei and nuclear abnormalities present in erythrocytes. In populations of GROUP 1 (populations in which the values of the chemical analysis of sediment and / or bioaccumulation exceed regulatory limits) is interesting the linear regression analysis applied between the values of haplotype diversity and nucleotide and bioaccumulation of Cromium (R2 = 0.53), a metal capable of inducing important toxic effects. Finally, with regard to Marine Protected Area "Island of the Cyclops" (Acitrezza) are found discrepancies between the data of chemical analysis of the sediments and those of bioaccumulation, in fact, despite being a poor site polluted by metals, the average concentration of Lead in the muscle is the highest; such contamination could result from activities related to the marina and fishing on this site.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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