This thesis stems from the need to study the outcomes of the First World War in Catania, with particular attention to participation of the clergy in this event. We tried to explore, through accurate data, the real involvement of the religious events of the conflict to rebuild this historic event was read on them. The personality of Giuseppe Francica Nava di Bontifè (1826-1928) sums up the hopes and courage of the people of the Archdiocese of Catania: on the one hand it showed him in full agreement with the papal directives, condemning the war in all its manifestations, the other was activated immediately to coordinate a series of initiatives to support soldiers and their families. The Great War, despite its tragic, was an opportunity for the apostolic church, to fend off accusations of defeatism fringes anticlerical addressed to the priests and insinuations against Benedict XV to work secretly in favor of the Central Powers. The whole "ecclesiastical phalanx" always showed an attitude consistent with the provisions of the national government and was able to maintain the home front strong resistance even in the most difficult. The general history of the First World War cannot be separated from the deepening of the details that really helped to form it. The puzzle of local history is constantly evolving, and the contribution of each scientist is to unravel this skein that still has some gaps. The war was not fought only by soldiers in the trenches, but he was experienced and shared by men and women remained in the rear to support the country in arms. Reconstruct their stories means a further contribution to the general history of the First World War. It is not my claim to rewrite the political history of Catania during the war, as other scholars have already done so, as I did not even presume to present a purely military history, since this topic is beyond my competence and my initial project . My work in this case is part of a more general explanation of the attitude of the clergy and his Archbishop of Catania during the First World War. My goal is to let the characters speak in this faithful to the poet Marziale: Hominem, pagina nostra sapit. The main characters are many, starting with the Archbishop Francica Nava to continue with military priests, attentive and active witnesses of the war. They've turned my attention to their writings, their relationships with the city of Catania and the Holy See.
La presente tesi di dottorato nasce dall'esigenza di studiare gli esiti del primo conflitto mondiale a Catania, con particolare attenzione alla partecipazione del clero a questo evento. Si è cercato di sondare, attraverso dati precisi, il reale coinvolgimento dei religiosi alle vicende del conflitto per ricostruire la lettura che questo evento storico ebbe in tali ambienti. La figura dell Arcivescovo Giuseppe Francica Nava di Bontifè (1826-1928) compendia le speranze e il coraggio del popolo dell'arcidiocesi etnea: se da un lato si mostrò in totale accordo con le direttive papali, condannando la guerra in ogni sua manifestazione, dall'altro si attivò fin da subito per coordinare una serie di iniziative a sostegno dei soldati e delle loro famiglie. La grande guerra, pur nella sua tragicità, fu un occasione di apostolato per la chiesa, per rintuzzare alle frange anticlericali le accuse di disfattismo rivolte ai sacerdoti e le insinuazioni contro Benedetto XV di lavorare segretamente a favore degli Imperi centrali. L'intera falange ecclesiastica mostrò sempre e comunque un atteggiamento conforme alle disposizioni del governo nazionale e fu capace di mantenere solido il fronte interno di resistenza anche nei momenti più difficili. La storia generale sulla prima guerra mondiale non può prescindere dall'approfondimento delle realtà particolari che hanno contribuito a formarla. Il puzzle di storie locali è in continua evoluzione, e il contributo di ogni singolo studioso serve a dipanare questa matassa che ancora oggi presenta delle lacune. La guerra non fu combattuta solo nelle trincee dai militari, ma fu anche vissuta e condivisa da uomini e donne rimasti nelle retrovie per sostenere la patria in armi. Ricostruire loro storie significa fornire un ulteriore contributo alla storia generale della prima guerra mondiale. Non è mia pretesa riscrivere la storia politica di Catania durante la guerra, poiché altri studiosi lo hanno già fatto, così come non ho nemmeno la presunzione di presentarne una storia prettamente militare, dal momento che questo argomento esula dalle mie competenze e dal mio progetto iniziale. Il mio lavoro, nella fattispecie, si inserisce in un quadro più generale di chiarimento dell atteggiamento del clero di Catania e del suo Arcivescovo durante il primo conflitto mondiale. Il mio obiettivo è quello di lasciar parlare i protagonisti, in ciò fedele all'insegnamento del poeta Marziale: Hominem, pagina nostra sapit . I personaggi principali sono tanti, a cominciare dall Arcivescovo Francica Nava per proseguire con i sacerdoti militari, testimoni attenti e operanti della guerra. A loro ho rivolto la mia attenzione, ai loro scritti, ai loro rapporti con la città di Catania e con la Santa Sede.
This thesis stems from the need to study the outcomes of the First World War in Catania, with particular attention to participation of the clergy in this event. We tried to explore, through accurate data, the real involvement of the religious events of the conflict to rebuild this historic event was read on them. The personality of Giuseppe Francica Nava di Bontifè (1826-1928) sums up the hopes and courage of the people of the Archdiocese of Catania: on the one hand it showed him in full agreement with the papal directives, condemning the war in all its manifestations, the other was activated immediately to coordinate a series of initiatives to support soldiers and their families. The Great War, despite its tragic, was an opportunity for the apostolic church, to fend off accusations of defeatism fringes anticlerical addressed to the priests and insinuations against Benedict XV to work secretly in favor of the Central Powers. The whole "ecclesiastical phalanx" always showed an attitude consistent with the provisions of the national government and was able to maintain the home front strong resistance even in the most difficult. The general history of the First World War cannot be separated from the deepening of the details that really helped to form it. The puzzle of local history is constantly evolving, and the contribution of each scientist is to unravel this skein that still has some gaps. The war was not fought only by soldiers in the trenches, but he was experienced and shared by men and women remained in the rear to support the country in arms. Reconstruct their stories means a further contribution to the general history of the First World War. It is not my claim to rewrite the political history of Catania during the war, as other scholars have already done so, as I did not even presume to present a purely military history, since this topic is beyond my competence and my initial project . My work in this case is part of a more general explanation of the attitude of the clergy and his Archbishop of Catania during the First World War. My goal is to let the characters speak in this faithful to the poet Marziale: Hominem, pagina nostra sapit. The main characters are many, starting with the Archbishop Francica Nava to continue with military priests, attentive and active witnesses of the war. They've turned my attention to their writings, their relationships with the city of Catania and the Holy See.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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