Trees outside forest (TOF), i.e. scattered trees, road and riparian rows and small wooded areas can represent, as ecological corridors and habitats of animal and plant species, true "islands of naturalness" and sources of biodiversity in areas where tree cover is scarce, such as simplified rural landscapes or urban and periurban areas. TOF are recognized as multifunctional resources, not only in agroecosystems. In the last years their characterization has been the topic of numerous international researches, most of them concentrated on a reduced scale. In addition to being considered carbon sinks and important ecological corridors for biodiversity, it is recognized that they perform a windbreak action ables to defend farmland from wind erosion, transport and storage of sand from coastal areas and from marine aerosol transport. The purpose of this work is to investigate the role of TOF in the conservation of epiphytic lichen biodiversity and to verify their effectiveness as barriers to the spread of pollutants (nitrogenous substances and trace elements). For this purpose, the Molise region was chosen as the study area, where strongly impacting anthropic activities are scarce and localized and the whole TOF network has been mapped. By a stratified sampling on the TOF map of the Molise region, a sample of 47 plots, representative of the various types on a regional scale, has been extracted. In 30 of them the suitable conditions have been found to carry out the measurements of the lichen diversity on all suitable trees present between 0 and 200 cm. On the basis of the literature, and the results of the preliminary inspections, 15 plots were selected for the study of physiological responses to the presence of nitrogenous pollutants and in a sub-sample of 5 plots, located near Pozzilli, Campobasso, Bojano and Montenero di Bisaccia, further analyzes were carried out to identify the concentrations of trace elements (Zn, Pb, Cu, Cd, Cr, Fe, Al, Mn, V, As, Sb and Hg). For each plot was identified the side directly addressed to the source of impact and the opposite one. Evernia prunastri transplants, taken in a remote area of Alto Molise, have been exposed in the plot on both sides, predisposing 3 replicas on each side, for 90 days, from July to November 2017. The over 100 species found, correspond to more than 20% of the regional flora and almost 40% of the epiphyte. The presence of widespread lichens is predominant, but there are also species included in the national red list (e.g. Bacidia rosella, Buellia disciformis, Gyalecta carneola, Piccolia ochrophora, Thelenella modesta) and new for the region (Agonimia opuntiella, Arthopyrenia analepta, Scytinium subtile). Moreover, the presence of species with suboceanic affinity, less widespread in the Adriatic area of the peninsula (e.g. Bacidia arceutina, B. fraxinea, Collema furfuraceum, C. nigrescens, C. subnigrescens, Normandina pulchella, Physconia servitii, Staurolemma omphalarioides), confirms the role played by the TOF as "refuge environments" important for the conservation of quality species. The study of physiological responses and trace elements content did not show significant differences between the two exposures, suggesting, at least for the experimental conditions, a scarce shielding capacity performed by the TOFs.
Gli alberi fuori foresta (AFF), ossia gli alberi sparsi, i filari stradali e ripariali e i piccoli nuclei boscati, possono rappresentare, in qualità di corridoi ecologici e habitat di specie animali e vegetali, vere e proprie "isole di naturalità” e sorgenti di biodiversità in aree dove la copertura arborea è scarsa, come paesaggi rurali semplificati o anche ambiti urbani e periurbani. Riconosciuti come risorse multifunzionali, non solo negli agroecosistemi, negli ultimi anni la loro caratterizzazione è stata oggetto di numerose ricerche. Oltre ad essere considerati serbatoi di carbonio e corridoi ecologici importanti per la biodiversità, è riconosciuto che svolgano un’azione di frangivento in grado di difendere i terreni agricoli dall’erosione eolica, dal trasporto e deposito di sabbia da aree costiere, dal trasporto di aerosol marino. Scopo di questo lavoro è quello di investigare il ruolo degli AFF nella conservazione della biodiversità lichenica epifita e di verificare la loro efficacia in qualità di barriere alla diffusione degli inquinanti (sostanze azotate e elementi in traccia). A questo scopo, come area di studio è stata scelta la regione Molise, dove le attività antropiche fortemente impattanti sono scarse e localizzate ed è stata mappata l’intera rete degli AFF. Attraverso un campionamento stratificato sulla mappa degli AFF della regione Molise, è stato estratto un campione di 47 plot, rappresentativi delle varie tipologie su scala regionale. In 30 di essi sono state rinvenute le condizioni idonee per effettuare i rilievi della diversità lichenica su tutti gli alberi idonei presenti tra 0 e 200 cm. Sulla base di quanto riportato in letteratura, e delle risultanze dei sopralluoghi preliminari, sono stati selezionati 15 plot per lo studio delle risposte fisiologiche alla presenza di inquinanti azotati e in un sotto campione di 5 plot, situati in prossimità di Pozzilli, Campobasso, Bojano e Montenero di Bisaccia, sono state effettuate ulteriori analisi per individuare le concentrazioni degli elementi in traccia (Zn, Pb, Cu, Cd, Cr, Fe, Al, Mn, V, As, Sb e Hg). Per ciascun sito è stato individuato il lato del plot direttamente rivolto alla fonte di impatto e quello opposto. Trapianti di Evernia prunastri, prelevati in una area remota dell’Alto Molise, sono stati esposti nel plot su entrambi i lati, predisponendo 3 repliche per lato, per 90 giorni, da luglio a novembre 2017. Le oltre 100 specie rinvenute, corrispondono a più del 20% della flora regionale e a quasi il 40% di quella epifita. La presenza di licheni ad ampia diffusione è predominante, ma non mancano specie inserite nella lista rossa nazionale (e.g. Bacidia rosella, Buellia disciformis, Gyalecta carneola, Piccolia ochrophora, Thelenella modesta) e nuove per la regione (Agonimia opuntiella, Arthopyrenia analepta, Scytinium subtile). Inoltre, la presenza di specie ad affinità suboceanica, meno diffuse nel settore adriatico della penisola (e.g. Bacidia arceutina, B. fraxinea, Collema furfuraceum, C. nigrescens, C. subnigrescens, Normandina pulchella, Physconia servitii, Staurolemma omphalarioides) conferma il ruolo svolto dagli AFF come “ambienti rifugio” importanti per la conservazione di specie di pregio. Lo studio delle risposte fisiologiche e del contenuto di metalli in traccia non ha evidenziato differenze significative tra le due esposizioni, suggerendo, almeno per quanto concerne le condizioni sperimentali, una scarsa capacità di schermatura operata dagli AFF.
Biomonitoraggio lichenico e ruolo dei licheni come bioindicatori in diverse tipologie di alberi fuori foresta (AFF)
CAPORALE, Stefania
Trees outside forest (TOF), i.e. scattered trees, road and riparian rows and small wooded areas can represent, as ecological corridors and habitats of animal and plant species, true "islands of naturalness" and sources of biodiversity in areas where tree cover is scarce, such as simplified rural landscapes or urban and periurban areas. TOF are recognized as multifunctional resources, not only in agroecosystems. In the last years their characterization has been the topic of numerous international researches, most of them concentrated on a reduced scale. In addition to being considered carbon sinks and important ecological corridors for biodiversity, it is recognized that they perform a windbreak action ables to defend farmland from wind erosion, transport and storage of sand from coastal areas and from marine aerosol transport. The purpose of this work is to investigate the role of TOF in the conservation of epiphytic lichen biodiversity and to verify their effectiveness as barriers to the spread of pollutants (nitrogenous substances and trace elements). For this purpose, the Molise region was chosen as the study area, where strongly impacting anthropic activities are scarce and localized and the whole TOF network has been mapped. By a stratified sampling on the TOF map of the Molise region, a sample of 47 plots, representative of the various types on a regional scale, has been extracted. In 30 of them the suitable conditions have been found to carry out the measurements of the lichen diversity on all suitable trees present between 0 and 200 cm. On the basis of the literature, and the results of the preliminary inspections, 15 plots were selected for the study of physiological responses to the presence of nitrogenous pollutants and in a sub-sample of 5 plots, located near Pozzilli, Campobasso, Bojano and Montenero di Bisaccia, further analyzes were carried out to identify the concentrations of trace elements (Zn, Pb, Cu, Cd, Cr, Fe, Al, Mn, V, As, Sb and Hg). For each plot was identified the side directly addressed to the source of impact and the opposite one. Evernia prunastri transplants, taken in a remote area of Alto Molise, have been exposed in the plot on both sides, predisposing 3 replicas on each side, for 90 days, from July to November 2017. The over 100 species found, correspond to more than 20% of the regional flora and almost 40% of the epiphyte. The presence of widespread lichens is predominant, but there are also species included in the national red list (e.g. Bacidia rosella, Buellia disciformis, Gyalecta carneola, Piccolia ochrophora, Thelenella modesta) and new for the region (Agonimia opuntiella, Arthopyrenia analepta, Scytinium subtile). Moreover, the presence of species with suboceanic affinity, less widespread in the Adriatic area of the peninsula (e.g. Bacidia arceutina, B. fraxinea, Collema furfuraceum, C. nigrescens, C. subnigrescens, Normandina pulchella, Physconia servitii, Staurolemma omphalarioides), confirms the role played by the TOF as "refuge environments" important for the conservation of quality species. The study of physiological responses and trace elements content did not show significant differences between the two exposures, suggesting, at least for the experimental conditions, a scarce shielding capacity performed by the TOFs.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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