In the last decade, the market data related to the use and consumption of Italian households, elucidates the reform of services that affect the time spent at home – in some cases concentrating all the activities indoors, in others outside. This trend affects all Western geographies. But the trend towards innovative systems also empties the environments from indoor furniture in favour of dematerialization, and thickens the attention to the enclosures, with the consequent domination (on the house) by the market and a "fragmented" doing, in which every detail corresponds to a different actor; this leads to a loss of the overall vision of the project, apparently unified by interconnected solutions. The Covid-19 emergency which hit the world in the first months of 2020, confining people within their home, is the first of the two phenomena mentioned above (the concentration of activities inside) and has made this reflection extremely relevant, mobilizing many professional categories towards a deeper analysis of spatial obsolescence compared to the needs in the future. And if it is true that the "housing problem" understood as socio-cultural problem is resolved in space data declared recognized (and aware of its own history and its own connotation, such as the spatial-temporal values of the threshold, the attic and the cellar and the ritual characteristics of the kitchen and bathroom, which also belong to the cultural and phenomenological spheres, as well as the renewed role that in 2020 took on semi-permeable places - namely those between the outside and the inside, the casing and the space - such as balconies, loggias and terraces), it is also true that it contains the human, technical, regulatory and innovative aspects. Everything today is reduced to standardization and specialization, Toffler’s paradigms born with the industrial revolution and spread thanks to ease of control, production and distribution. For this reason, after having recognized in residential architecture, or more properly in the dwelling act (as well as relationship between people and house space), the first objective of the research is to question the standard as an approach, proposing as an alternative universal paradigms; the second objective will be to conceive of the scenarios of future living passing through the formulation of an intermediate passage, that is the translation (in appropriate planning instrument) of the paradigms (of more socio-anthropological character) previously identified; the "site" is a "type" of house related to the medium-low socioeconomic band, more specifically mass housing , from whose studies by N. J. Habraken started by conducting a fairly thorough dissertation about the birth of the same category, that of the "mass" social class and its evolution through bourgeoisie before, globalization after. In this phase of analysis, key words such as time, actions, standards and typology emerge, and the comparison between Italy and central-northern Europe, the seat of conception of existenzminimum. Geographical differences , however, are bearers of different declinations of the terms home and dwell, which contain profound semantic differences, each with its own and strong connotations; the intention is to demonstrate and confirm the common (and however ambiguous) dialogical and dynamic characters, which can also be found in the exogenous and endogenous relationships between man and home and which are manifest in the interdisciplinary nature of the subject. The synthesis of the reasoning in spatial terms, would lead to the citizen of the world as an interlocutor, to the concept of family and privacy as deeply different phenomena, to control, adaptability and dialogue as paradigms, to typology as a spatial expression more charged with a sense of belonging and relationship with people. In 1945 it was published “Verso la casa esatta” , the first (and the only one) number of a series of journal book by Gio Ponti and Adalberto Libera, where there were residential designs by various architects . This book was aimed to address, through warnings and drawings, “the exact house, the exact building, the good rebuilding, the rebuilding that Italy and current society need”. The key words are flexibility, human-centred, italianity, man-space and space-man dialogues: my research, careful to the illustrious intention of Ponti, with humility takes inspiration by his work and design the Dwelling Diagram. It wants to propose, through warnings and drawings, an evolving vision of home/house, flexible, adaptable, contestual and resilient and which expresses itself into a background that hasn’t any necessity of post-war rebuilding (as Pontian period), but of post-change one. The thesis, after recounting the semantic, cultural and artistic value of the house, is divided into several sections: an introductory one, which deals with the issue from a temporal (not historical) point of view and which, relying on the observations of Alvin Toffler, explores the waves included after the industrial and digital revolutions; an analytical, in which the state of the art is exploded in layers, called places (and narrated as a story through the views of architects such as Mies van der Rohe, Juhani Pallasmaa, Adolf Loos, Le Corbusier and Walter Gropius, and architectural critics such as Iñaki Abalos and Giulio Argan) which represent privileged points of view from which to observe domestic spatiality: the place of man, of space, of rule, of innovation, followed by a time jump forward to intercept the trend of demand through the study of recent competitions; A third, critical-synthetic, where the key words and paradigms are analyzed and the possible scenarios are formulated, the starting point for the fourth phase, the propositive one, followed by conclusions and experiments. A first critical analysis sees the need to return to a recognition of the social and economic mission of architecture as a complex science and multidisciplinary vocation in a diverse context but that, as a result of globalization, undergoes a generalized cultural standardization, where widespread situations emerge such as the presence of small domestic architectures (often DIY typological expressions) or large residential buildings, both unregistered or obsolete, to which attempts are made to cope through lines of action seeking technical, technological, material, innovative and programmatic solutions (such as the linking of studies on migratory data, critical analyses on family and gender issues, economic analyses and urban development strategies) which must nevertheless be resolved in spatial data. These data are methodologically derived from the adoption of a modularity or a typological system (or both) but often translate into expedients for themselves, not coordinated or controlled by common addresses (in the medium to long term, if not in planning situations through strategic guidelines that, however, have over time demonstrated their flaws) that can support the designer in the definition of the project. There is no doubt that the demand (both for short-term and long-term stays) is mainly for the conversationality between the user and the built space, which, according to the research proposal, it would decline according to connotations of adaptability achievable by means of not predefined tools that fit in the maximum respect of cultural, geographical and temporal needs.
Nell’ultimo decennio, i dati di mercato relativi ad usi e consumi degli italiani fanno emergere una latente riforma dei servizi che determinano il tempo trascorso tra le mura domestiche, in alcuni casi concentrandone tutte le attività all’interno, in altri all’esterno. Tale trend, che investe tutte le geografie occidentali, descrive anche una progressione verso sistemi innovativi, che da un lato svuotano gli ambienti interni dagli arredi in nome di una smaterializzazione, dall’altro inspessiscono l’attenzione per involucri ipertecnologici. L’inevitabile conseguenza è il dominio del mercato sulla casa e l’affermarsi di un fare “frammentato”, in cui ogni dettaglio corrisponde ad un attore differente. Ciò porta a perdere la visione d’insieme del progetto, apparentemente unificato da soluzioni interconnesse. L’emergenza “Covid-19”, che ha investito il mondo nei primi mesi del 2020 confinando le persone tra le proprie mura domestiche, ben rappresenta i fenomeni sopracitati e ha reso estremamente attuale la presente riflessione, mobilitando molte categorie professionali verso una più profonda analisi dell’obsolescenza spaziale rispetto alle esigenze in divenire. E se è vero che il “problema abitativo” inteso come problema socio-culturale si risolve comunque in dati spaziali dichiaratamente riconosciuti è vero anche che ne contiene gli aspetti antropici, tecnici, normativi e innovativi. Tutto oggi si riduce a standardizzazione e specializzazione, paradigmi toffleriani nati con la rivoluzione industriale e diffusi grazie a facilità di controllo, produzione e distribuzione. Per tale ragione, dopo aver riconosciuto nell’architettura residenziale o più propriamente nell’atto abitativo l’ambito specifico di interesse, il primo obiettivo della ricerca è metter in discussione lo standard come approccio, proponendo in alternativa dei paradigmi universali. Il secondo obiettivo è quello di concepire degli scenari dell’abitare futuro attraverso la traduzione in strumento progettuale appropriato dei paradigmi (di carattere più socio-antropologico) precedentemente individuati. Il “luogo” è, invece, il tipo di casa relativo alla fascia socioeconomica medio-bassa, più specificamente la mass housing , dai cui studi di N. J. Habraken si è partiti, conducendo una dissertazione abbastanza approfondita riguardo la nascita della stessa categoria (quella della classe sociale “di massa”) e la relativa borghesizzazione prima, globalizzazione dopo. In questa fase emergono sia parole chiave come tempo, azioni, standard e tipologia, che il confronto tra Italia e Nord Europa, sede di concepimento dell’existenzminimum. Nonostante tali ragionamenti abbiano una dimensione generalizzante, è essenziale tenere presente che le differenti geografie sono generatrici semantiche di casa e abitare, ciascuno caratterizzato da proprie e forti connotazioni. L’intenzione è dimostrarne e confermarne i comuni caratteri (e comunque ambigui) dialogico e dinamico, che si possono ritrovare anche nelle relazioni esogene ed endogene tra uomo e casa, manifesto dell’interdisciplinarietà dell’argomento. La sintesi dei ragionamenti in termini spaziali ricondurrebbe al cittadino del mondo come interlocutore, a digitalizzazione e globalizzazione come fenomeni decisivi, a famiglia e privacy come concetti profondamente mutati, a contestualità, adattabilità, flessibilità e resilienza come paradigmi, alla tipologia come espressione spaziale più carica di senso di appartenenza e di relazione con le persone. Nel 1945 veniva pubblicato “Verso la casa esatta”, il primo (e unico) numero di una serie di quaderni curata da Gio Ponti e Adalberto Libera e contenente progetti residenziali di firme varie finalizzati a indirizzare, attraverso avvertenze ed elaborati, “la casa esatta, la costruzione esatta, cioè la buona ricostruzione, la ricostruzione che l’Italia e la civiltà attuale esigono”. Le parole chiave sono flessibilità, attenzione alla persona, italianità, dialogo uomo-spazio e spazio-uomo: la presente ricerca, attenta all’illustre intenzione condotta da Ponti, con umiltà prende ispirazione dal lavoro sopracitato e formula il Diagramma dell’Abitare, che vuole, attraverso avvertenze e indicazioni, proporre una visione in divenire della casa, flessibile, adattabile, contestuale e resiliente e che si esprime in un contesto domestico che non ha esigenza di ricostruirsi dopo una guerra (emergenza del periodo Pontiano), bensì dopo un cambiamento. La tesi, dopo aver raccontato la valenza semantica, culturale e artistica della casa, si articola in cinque fasi: una introduttiva, che affronta la questione da un punto di vista temporale e che, appoggiandosi alle osservazioni di Alvin Toffler, esplora le ondate compresa e successiva alle rivoluzioni industriale e digitale; una analitica, in cui lo stato dell’arte viene esploso in layers, chiamati luoghi (e narrati attraverso la voce di architetti come Mies van der Rohe, Juhani Pallasmaa, Adolf Loos, Le Corbusier e Walter Gropius e critici di architettura come Iñaki Abalos e Giulio Argan), che rappresentano punti di vista privilegiati da cui osservare la spazialità domestica: il luogo dell’uomo, dello spazio, della regola, dell’innovazione, a cui segue un salto temporale in avanti per intercettare il trend della domanda attraverso lo studio di concorsi recenti; una terza, critico-sintetica, dove si analizzano le parole chiave e i paradigmi desunti e si formulano i possibili scenari, punto di partenza per la quarta parte, quella propositiva, cui seguirà la fase conclusiva. Una prima analisi critica vede farsi avanti la necessità di restituire all’architettura (come scienza complessa e di vocazione multidisciplinare) il riconoscimento della propria missione sociale ed economica in un contesto vario ma che, come conseguenza della globalizzazione, subisce una generalizzata uniformazione culturale. Da qui emergono situazioni diffuse come la presenza di piccole architetture domestiche (spesso espressioni tipologiche autocostruite) ovvero di edifici residenziali di grossa mole, entrambe non regimate od obsolete, a cui si tenta di far fronte attraverso linee di azione che cercano soluzioni tecniche, tecnologiche, materiche, innovative e programmatiche che si risolvono comunque in dati spaziali. Tali dati risultano metodologicamente derivanti dall’adozione o di una modularità o di un sistema tipologico (o entrambi) traducendosi spesso, tuttavia, in espedienti fini a sé stessi, non coordinati o regimati da azioni strategiche unificanti che possano supportare e guidare il progettista. Indubbiamente, la domanda (tanto per tempi di breve che di lunga permanenza) riguarda principalmente la conversazionalità tra l’utente e lo spazio costruito, il quale, secondo la proposta della ricerca, si declinerebbe secondo connotazioni (e perseguendo gli obiettivi) di adattabilità, contestualità, flessibilità e resilienza, realizzabili mediante strumenti non predefiniti che si collocano nel massimo rispetto delle esigenze culturali, geografiche e temporali.
Abitare scenari
MUSSARI, Ester Rachele
In the last decade, the market data related to the use and consumption of Italian households, elucidates the reform of services that affect the time spent at home – in some cases concentrating all the activities indoors, in others outside. This trend affects all Western geographies. But the trend towards innovative systems also empties the environments from indoor furniture in favour of dematerialization, and thickens the attention to the enclosures, with the consequent domination (on the house) by the market and a "fragmented" doing, in which every detail corresponds to a different actor; this leads to a loss of the overall vision of the project, apparently unified by interconnected solutions. The Covid-19 emergency which hit the world in the first months of 2020, confining people within their home, is the first of the two phenomena mentioned above (the concentration of activities inside) and has made this reflection extremely relevant, mobilizing many professional categories towards a deeper analysis of spatial obsolescence compared to the needs in the future. And if it is true that the "housing problem" understood as socio-cultural problem is resolved in space data declared recognized (and aware of its own history and its own connotation, such as the spatial-temporal values of the threshold, the attic and the cellar and the ritual characteristics of the kitchen and bathroom, which also belong to the cultural and phenomenological spheres, as well as the renewed role that in 2020 took on semi-permeable places - namely those between the outside and the inside, the casing and the space - such as balconies, loggias and terraces), it is also true that it contains the human, technical, regulatory and innovative aspects. Everything today is reduced to standardization and specialization, Toffler’s paradigms born with the industrial revolution and spread thanks to ease of control, production and distribution. For this reason, after having recognized in residential architecture, or more properly in the dwelling act (as well as relationship between people and house space), the first objective of the research is to question the standard as an approach, proposing as an alternative universal paradigms; the second objective will be to conceive of the scenarios of future living passing through the formulation of an intermediate passage, that is the translation (in appropriate planning instrument) of the paradigms (of more socio-anthropological character) previously identified; the "site" is a "type" of house related to the medium-low socioeconomic band, more specifically mass housing , from whose studies by N. J. Habraken started by conducting a fairly thorough dissertation about the birth of the same category, that of the "mass" social class and its evolution through bourgeoisie before, globalization after. In this phase of analysis, key words such as time, actions, standards and typology emerge, and the comparison between Italy and central-northern Europe, the seat of conception of existenzminimum. Geographical differences , however, are bearers of different declinations of the terms home and dwell, which contain profound semantic differences, each with its own and strong connotations; the intention is to demonstrate and confirm the common (and however ambiguous) dialogical and dynamic characters, which can also be found in the exogenous and endogenous relationships between man and home and which are manifest in the interdisciplinary nature of the subject. The synthesis of the reasoning in spatial terms, would lead to the citizen of the world as an interlocutor, to the concept of family and privacy as deeply different phenomena, to control, adaptability and dialogue as paradigms, to typology as a spatial expression more charged with a sense of belonging and relationship with people. In 1945 it was published “Verso la casa esatta” , the first (and the only one) number of a series of journal book by Gio Ponti and Adalberto Libera, where there were residential designs by various architects . This book was aimed to address, through warnings and drawings, “the exact house, the exact building, the good rebuilding, the rebuilding that Italy and current society need”. The key words are flexibility, human-centred, italianity, man-space and space-man dialogues: my research, careful to the illustrious intention of Ponti, with humility takes inspiration by his work and design the Dwelling Diagram. It wants to propose, through warnings and drawings, an evolving vision of home/house, flexible, adaptable, contestual and resilient and which expresses itself into a background that hasn’t any necessity of post-war rebuilding (as Pontian period), but of post-change one. The thesis, after recounting the semantic, cultural and artistic value of the house, is divided into several sections: an introductory one, which deals with the issue from a temporal (not historical) point of view and which, relying on the observations of Alvin Toffler, explores the waves included after the industrial and digital revolutions; an analytical, in which the state of the art is exploded in layers, called places (and narrated as a story through the views of architects such as Mies van der Rohe, Juhani Pallasmaa, Adolf Loos, Le Corbusier and Walter Gropius, and architectural critics such as Iñaki Abalos and Giulio Argan) which represent privileged points of view from which to observe domestic spatiality: the place of man, of space, of rule, of innovation, followed by a time jump forward to intercept the trend of demand through the study of recent competitions; A third, critical-synthetic, where the key words and paradigms are analyzed and the possible scenarios are formulated, the starting point for the fourth phase, the propositive one, followed by conclusions and experiments. A first critical analysis sees the need to return to a recognition of the social and economic mission of architecture as a complex science and multidisciplinary vocation in a diverse context but that, as a result of globalization, undergoes a generalized cultural standardization, where widespread situations emerge such as the presence of small domestic architectures (often DIY typological expressions) or large residential buildings, both unregistered or obsolete, to which attempts are made to cope through lines of action seeking technical, technological, material, innovative and programmatic solutions (such as the linking of studies on migratory data, critical analyses on family and gender issues, economic analyses and urban development strategies) which must nevertheless be resolved in spatial data. These data are methodologically derived from the adoption of a modularity or a typological system (or both) but often translate into expedients for themselves, not coordinated or controlled by common addresses (in the medium to long term, if not in planning situations through strategic guidelines that, however, have over time demonstrated their flaws) that can support the designer in the definition of the project. There is no doubt that the demand (both for short-term and long-term stays) is mainly for the conversationality between the user and the built space, which, according to the research proposal, it would decline according to connotations of adaptability achievable by means of not predefined tools that fit in the maximum respect of cultural, geographical and temporal needs.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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