In the last few years the interest in the design of structural and non-structural solutions for landslide risk mitigation has grown considerably. Shallow landslides induced by precipitations often evolve into debris flows characterized by high destructive power, high speeds and, because of the lack of warning signs, they are therefore difficult to be monitored. Geotechnical design and, in this case, the use of autochthonous plant species as measures to mitigate the risk associated with shallow landslides, can significantly contribute to a sustainable development by adopting environment-friendly, economically convenient and socially acceptable choices. The evaluation of the strength contribution offered by vegetation can be very useful for a correct stability analysis and therefore for an effective design of the possible stabilization solutions. One of the main effects related to the presence of vegetation on slopes is to produce an improvement in the mechanical characteristics of the soil through the strengthening action of the roots. The plants roots, in fact, characterized by an excellent tensile strength, can produce a significant increase in the resistance of the soil. The presence of roots increases the shear strength of the soil essentially increasing the effective cohesion and, indirectly, the strength linked to the suction due to the breathability of the root system. Despite the progress made by scientific research regarding the study of roots contribution to the slope stability, there are still several aspects of research that can be refined. In order to overcome these gaps, the research work was based on the use of a combined approach which have on the one hand the execution of deterministic stability analysis of the slope, later validated by probabilistic analysis, and on the other the laboratory experimentation through undrained isotropic triaxial tests on large cylindrical samples (20x40cm) consisting of rooted soils, in order to determine the contribution in terms of reinforcement that the roots bring to the soil. The research has brought significant results both in terms of reliability of the parametric stability analysis and regarding the experimental tests. With reference to the stability analysis, it should be noted that, in terms of reliability the analyzes are not always satisfied, although the safety coefficient obtained using the traditional methods of the deterministic analysis is greater than the one. This is imputable to the fact that, since the soil-root composite material is influenced by several factors, the degree of uncertainty of these parameters considerably influences the result. Regarding the laboratory experimentation, the prototype equipment used for the tests has allowed to overcome the main limitations of most of the experimental researches in the literature, which is relating to the scale effect. The tests have been carried out on rooted specimens, under different confining pressure. This made it possible to evaluate the contribution of the root system in terms of strength and the results of the present research work represents, today, the only data available on shear strength of soil-root composite materials obtained by great dimension tests.
Negli ultimi anni si è assistito ad un crescente interesse nei confronti della progettazione di interventi strutturali e non strutturali per la mitigazione del rischio frana. Le frane superficiali indotte da precipitazioni spesso evolvono in colate detritiche caratterizzate da un alto potere distruttivo, velocità elevate, mancanza di preavviso e, data la scarsità di segni premonitori, risultano quindi difficilmente monitorabili. La progettazione geotecnica e, in questo caso, l’utilizzo di specie vegetali autoctone come interventi di mitigazione del rischio associato a frane superficiali, possono contribuire in modo significativo allo sviluppo sostenibile adottando scelte rispettose dell'ambiente, economicamente convenienti e socialmente accettabili. La valutazione del contributo resistente offerto dalla vegetazione può risultare molto utile ai fini di una corretta analisi di stabilità e quindi, in ultima analisi, per un efficace dimensionamento dei possibili interventi di stabilizzazione. Uno degli effetti principali legati alla presenza di vegetazione su un pendio è quello di produrre un miglioramento delle caratteristiche meccaniche del terreno attraverso l’azione di rinforzo delle radici. Le radici delle piante, infatti, essendo dotate in genere di una ottima resistenza a trazione, possono produrre un sensibile incremento della resistenza del terreno. La presenza di radici aumenta la resistenza al taglio del terreno essenzialmente andando ad incrementare il termine di coesione efficace e, indirettamente, il termine di resistenza legato alla suzione per la capacità traspirativa dell’apparato radicale stesso. Nonostante i passi in avanti prodotti dalla ricerca scientifica in merito allo studio del contributo offerto dalle radici alla stabilità dei pendii, rimangono tuttavia ancora diversi aspetti della ricerca che è possibile affinare. Al fine di superare queste lacune, il lavoro di ricerca si è basato sull’utilizzo di un approccio combinato che ha visto da un lato l’esecuzione di analisi di stabilità di versante di tipo deterministico, validate successivamente da analisi probabilistiche, dall’altro la sperimentazione di laboratorio attraverso prove triassiali isotrope non drenate su campioni cilindrici di grandi dimensioni (20x40cm), costituiti da terreni radicati al fine di determinare il contributo in termini di rinforzo che le radici apportano al terreno. La ricerca ha portato dei risultati significativi sia in termini di affidabilità delle analisi parametriche di stabilità sia per quanto riguarda le prove sperimentali. Con riferimento alle analisi di stabilità, si evidenzia che, seppure il coefficiente di sicurezza ottenuto utilizzando i tradizionali metodi dell’analisi deterministica risulti maggiore dell’unità, in termini di affidabilità non sempre le analisi risultano soddisfatte. Ciò è imputabile al fatto che, essendo il materiale composito terreno-radice influenzato da molteplici fattori, il grado di incertezza di tali parametri influenza in maniera considerevole il risultato. Per quanto riguarda la sperimentazione di laboratorio, l’apparecchiatura prototipo utilizzata per le prove ha permesso di superare i principali limiti della maggior parte degli studi sperimentali presenti in letteratura, ovvero quelli dovuti all’effetto scala. I test sono stati effettuati su provini radicati, a diverse tensioni di confinamento. Ciò ha permesso di constatare l’apporto dell’apparato radicale in termini di resistenza ed i risultati del presente lavoro di ricerca rappresentano, ad oggi, gli unici dati disponibili sulla resistenza a taglio di materiali compositi terreno-radice ottenuti su campioni indisturbati di grandi dimensioni.
Contributo della vegetazione alla mitigazione del rischio associato a frane superficiali
In the last few years the interest in the design of structural and non-structural solutions for landslide risk mitigation has grown considerably. Shallow landslides induced by precipitations often evolve into debris flows characterized by high destructive power, high speeds and, because of the lack of warning signs, they are therefore difficult to be monitored. Geotechnical design and, in this case, the use of autochthonous plant species as measures to mitigate the risk associated with shallow landslides, can significantly contribute to a sustainable development by adopting environment-friendly, economically convenient and socially acceptable choices. The evaluation of the strength contribution offered by vegetation can be very useful for a correct stability analysis and therefore for an effective design of the possible stabilization solutions. One of the main effects related to the presence of vegetation on slopes is to produce an improvement in the mechanical characteristics of the soil through the strengthening action of the roots. The plants roots, in fact, characterized by an excellent tensile strength, can produce a significant increase in the resistance of the soil. The presence of roots increases the shear strength of the soil essentially increasing the effective cohesion and, indirectly, the strength linked to the suction due to the breathability of the root system. Despite the progress made by scientific research regarding the study of roots contribution to the slope stability, there are still several aspects of research that can be refined. In order to overcome these gaps, the research work was based on the use of a combined approach which have on the one hand the execution of deterministic stability analysis of the slope, later validated by probabilistic analysis, and on the other the laboratory experimentation through undrained isotropic triaxial tests on large cylindrical samples (20x40cm) consisting of rooted soils, in order to determine the contribution in terms of reinforcement that the roots bring to the soil. The research has brought significant results both in terms of reliability of the parametric stability analysis and regarding the experimental tests. With reference to the stability analysis, it should be noted that, in terms of reliability the analyzes are not always satisfied, although the safety coefficient obtained using the traditional methods of the deterministic analysis is greater than the one. This is imputable to the fact that, since the soil-root composite material is influenced by several factors, the degree of uncertainty of these parameters considerably influences the result. Regarding the laboratory experimentation, the prototype equipment used for the tests has allowed to overcome the main limitations of most of the experimental researches in the literature, which is relating to the scale effect. The tests have been carried out on rooted specimens, under different confining pressure. This made it possible to evaluate the contribution of the root system in terms of strength and the results of the present research work represents, today, the only data available on shear strength of soil-root composite materials obtained by great dimension tests.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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