Nicotinamide MonoNucleotide AdenylylTransferase (NMNAT) represents the key enzyme of NAD+ biosynthesis, both in de novo and salvaging pathways. For salvage in particular, cellular NMNAT allows regeneration of the coenzyme from vitamin B3 (niacin) or PP (Pellagra Preventing) precursors, available either exogenously or endogenously from intracellular metabolic NAD+ consumption. By catalyzing a transfer reaction of the adenylyl moiety from ATP to NMN, i.e. the mononucleotide form of vitamin B3, the enzyme allows the production of PPi and NAD+. In the cellular environment, NAD+ is involved in important redox and not redox functions, and its deficiency is related to a number of human diseases, among which neurodegenerative diseases in particular. In such context, the protein chimera WldS, arising from spontaneous mutation on chromosome 4 of mouse strain C57BL/6J, has been discovered as an essential neuroprotective agent. In such protein chimera, the enzymatically active fragment is represented by the murine homologue of the human enzyme NMNAT1, one of the three known NMNAT isozymes in mammals accounting for NAD+ biosynthesis in different subcellular compartments. Several papers recently showed a general enzyme capability of conferring neuroprotection but disagreement on which isoform is mainly responsible for such phenotype. In the attempt to clarify the underlying molecular mechanism we investigated on the molecular and kinetic properties of the three known NMNAT isoforms in mammals. This study allowed to develop a novel assay procedure for their individual activity determination directly in crude tissue extracts. This discrimination assay permits a direct measurement of the isoform-specific alteration observed in several chronical and pathological diseases of the nervous system, as well as in pellagra and “pellagra-like” diseases, directly related to nutritional deficiency of vitamin PP.
La Nicotinamide MonoNucleotide AdenililTrasferasi (NMNAT) è l’enzima chiave per la biosintesi del NAD+, sia nella via de novo che in quelle di recupero (salvage pathways). Nelle vie di recupero, l’NMNAT consente alla cellula di rigenerare il coenzima dalla vitamina B3 (niacina) o PP (Pellagra Preventing) assunta attraverso fonti esogene o ottenuta metabolicamente dalla degradazione intracellulare del dinucleotide stesso. Catalizzando il trasferimento dell’adenilato dall’ATP all’NMN, la forma mononucleotidica della vitamina B3, l’enzima porta alla formazione di PPi e NAD+. Il NAD+ è coinvolto nella cellula in vitali funzioni redox e non redox e la sua carenza è associata ad una vasta gamma di patologie nell’uomo, tra cui malattie neurodenegerative. È stato scoperto che la proteina chimerica WldS, proveniente da una mutazione spontanea sul cromosoma 4 nel ceppo murino C57BL/6J, è in grado di ritardare la degenerazione assonale. La porzione enzimaticamente attiva della proteina chimerica è l’omologo murino dell’enzima umano NMNAT1, una delle 3 isoforme note di NMNAT nei mammiferi che catalizzano la biosintesi del NAD+ in diversi distretti cellulari. Diversi lavori pubblicati hanno mostrato la capacità delle 3 isoforme di conferire protezione in varia misura, anche se non concordano su quale sia l’isoforma responsabile della protezione dalla neurodegenerazione. Per chiarire i meccanismi molecolari alla base del fenomeno sono state studiate proprietà cinetiche e molecolari delle 3 isoforme NMNAT note da mammifero. Tale studio ha permesso di mettere a punto un saggio di determinazione individuale della loro attività applicabile direttamente a estratti tissutali grezzi. Tale saggio consente di rilevare in maniera diretta le alterazioni a carico delle singole isoforme, già osservate in varie patologie cronico-degenerative riguardanti il sistema nervoso, nella pellagra e in stati patologici cellulari definiti “pellagra-like”, strettamente connessi alla carenza nutrizionale della vitamina PP.
Biosintesi della vitamina B3: studi strutturali e funzionali di isoenzimi nicotinamide mononucleotide adenililtrasferasi coinvolti nella protezione dalla neurodegenerazione
Nicotinamide MonoNucleotide AdenylylTransferase (NMNAT) represents the key enzyme of NAD+ biosynthesis, both in de novo and salvaging pathways. For salvage in particular, cellular NMNAT allows regeneration of the coenzyme from vitamin B3 (niacin) or PP (Pellagra Preventing) precursors, available either exogenously or endogenously from intracellular metabolic NAD+ consumption. By catalyzing a transfer reaction of the adenylyl moiety from ATP to NMN, i.e. the mononucleotide form of vitamin B3, the enzyme allows the production of PPi and NAD+. In the cellular environment, NAD+ is involved in important redox and not redox functions, and its deficiency is related to a number of human diseases, among which neurodegenerative diseases in particular. In such context, the protein chimera WldS, arising from spontaneous mutation on chromosome 4 of mouse strain C57BL/6J, has been discovered as an essential neuroprotective agent. In such protein chimera, the enzymatically active fragment is represented by the murine homologue of the human enzyme NMNAT1, one of the three known NMNAT isozymes in mammals accounting for NAD+ biosynthesis in different subcellular compartments. Several papers recently showed a general enzyme capability of conferring neuroprotection but disagreement on which isoform is mainly responsible for such phenotype. In the attempt to clarify the underlying molecular mechanism we investigated on the molecular and kinetic properties of the three known NMNAT isoforms in mammals. This study allowed to develop a novel assay procedure for their individual activity determination directly in crude tissue extracts. This discrimination assay permits a direct measurement of the isoform-specific alteration observed in several chronical and pathological diseases of the nervous system, as well as in pellagra and “pellagra-like” diseases, directly related to nutritional deficiency of vitamin PP.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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