The main goal of this study was the description of the diversity of the sponge fauna living associated with the coralligenous concretions. This habitat represents the most important "hot spot" of biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea. Sampling was performed by diving in four sites of the Ligurian Sea (Italy), between 30 and 40 m depth: Punta del Faro (Portofino, MPA), Punta Manara (Portofino, MPA), Gallinara Island (Falconara and Sciusciaù stations) and Santo Stefano. Coralligenous blocks with a total average volume of about 20 litres were collected from each site and all the sponge species settled on the surface of them were removed, identified and grouped according to their morphology. The species settled on the shaded and lighted side of the blocks were separately grouped. Additionally, two blocks per station were cut into slices about 2 cm thick allowing the identification of the endolithic species. A total of 108 sponge species were recorded: 59 from Portofino, 54 from Gallinara Island, 53 from Punta Manara and 37 from Santo Stefano. The diversity, dominance and species richness of the analyzed sponge assemblages of the coralligenous resulted significantly related to the level of irradiance. Sponges from all the sites were more abundant (number of individuals and % of coverage) on the shady side than on the exposed part of the concretions; the species richness indexes confirmed a higher diversity on the shady side. On the shady side the encrusting species were the most abundant probably in relation to the greater substrate availability due to the lower algal competition. On the contrary the lighted side hosted massive and arborescent sponges that are therefore vulnerable to anthropogenic impact. It is possible to hypothesize that a high abundance of these species indicates sites characterized by a good conservation status of the coralligenous communities. The boring sponges (8% of the identified species in this study) represented, from a functional and structural point of view, a group very important in the coralligenous dynamic; the number of excavating species associated to the examined structures was relevant (10) respect to the data reported in literature (only 4 species). Insinuating sponges, living in the internal crevices of the rocky structures, counts up to 25% of the total identified sponges with Stoeba plicata as the more abundant species. Cliona viridis, Jaspis johnstoni and Stoeba plicata are the species reaching the greatest depths inside the concretion, being able to penetrate up to 5 cm into the rock. Regarding the other main morpho-functional categories of the sponges, the massive species represented about 20-30% of the whole assemblage. Regarding the distributional patterns and biogeography two species Eurypon sp. and Forcepia sp. are new; four species Paratimea oxeata, Clathria (Microciona) haplotoxa, Eurypon denisae and Haliclona (Gellius) tenuisigma, are new findings for the Italian sponge fauna; 11 species represent new findings for the Ligurian Sea: Cliona burtoni, Paratimea oxeata, Acarnus souriei, Clathria (Microciona) armata, Eurypon coronula, Eurypon denisae, Eurypon sp., Forcepia sp., Mycale (P.) serrulata, Merlia normani, Bubaris carcisis, Halicnemia geniculata, Dendroxea lenis, Haliclona (Gellius) bioxeata, Haliclona (Gellius) marismedi and Haliclona (Gellius) tenuisigma; 19 species represent new records for the coralligenous community: Stelletta stellata, Cliona burtoni, Paratimea oxeata, Acarnus souriei, Clathria (Microciona) armata, Clathria (Microciona) haplotoxa, Eurypon denisae, Eurypon sp., Forcepia sp., Hymedesmia (Hymedesmia) baculifera, Hymedesmia (Hymedesmia) rissoi, Phorbas mercator, Plocamionida ambigua, Mycale (Aegogropila) tunicata, Mycale (Paresperella) serrulata, Merlia normani, Hymerhabdia typica, Halicnemia geniculata, Haliclona (Gellius) bioxeata and Haliclona (Gellius) marismedi. According to the available literature 285 sponge species have been hitherto recorded from the Mediterranean coralligenous concretions. The obtained data increase this number to 310 and confirm that the coralligenous concretions are an extraordinary reservoir of biodiversity still largely unexplored. Sponges are the most diversified phylum of the coralligenous and, even if they do not directly participate to the construction of the calcareous matrix, they act as important engineers of this structure, with both their compacting and boring activities. These data clearly demonstrated that photographic analysis largely underestimates the coralligenous sponge diversity. For example this method does not allow the record of boring sponges accounting for about 8% of the total. Taking in consideration both epi- and endolithic sponges this work represent a baseline information for the monitoring programs of this complex habitat, yet recognized at an international level, that need to be included within the priority habitat needing a complete protection.
Il principale obbiettivo di questo studio è stato la descrizione della diversità della spongofauna associata alle concrezioni coralligene, il principale hot spot di biodiversità dell’intero bacino del Mediterraneo. I campionamenti sono stati effettuati in immersione in quattro siti del Mar Ligure tra 30 e 40 m di profondità: Punta del Faro (Area Marina Protetta di Portofino), Punta Manara, Isola Gallinara (stazioni Falconara e Sciusciaù) e Santo Stefano. I blocchi di coralligeno, con un volume medio di circa 20 l ciascuno, sono stati raccolti in ciascun sito e tutte le spugne presenti sulla loro superficie sono state prelevate, identificate e raggruppate in accordo con le loro caratteristiche morfo-funzionali. Gli esemplari insediati sul lato ombroso e quello illuminato dei singoli blocchi sono stati raggruppati separatamente. Inoltre due blocchi per ciascuna stazione sono stati tagliati in sezioni spesse 2 cm per consentire la raccolta e l’identificazione delle specie endolitiche. In totale 108 specie di poriferi sono state raccolte e identificate: 59 da Portofino, 54 dall’Isola Gallinara, 53 da Punta Manara e 37 da Santo Stefano. La diversità, dominanza e ricchezza specifica della comunità a spugne studiata è risultata significativamente correlata con il livello di illuminazione. In tutti i siti le spugne erano più abbondanti, sia in termini di numero di individui che di ricoprimento percentuale, sul lato ombroso dei blocchi rispetto al lato illuminato; i valori dell’indice di ricchezza specifica hanno confermato la maggiore biodiversità del lato ombroso. Su questo lato le spugne incrostanti erano le più abbondanti a causa della minore competizione con la componente algale. Al contrario il lato illuminato ospitava in prevalenza spugne massive e arborescenti che erano dunque particolarmente sottoposte all’impatto antropico. E’ possible ipotizzare che un’elevata presenza e diversità di queste specie indichi siti caratterizzati da bassi livelli di impatto. Le spugne perforatrici (8% delle specie identificate durante questo studio) rappresentano un gruppo molto importante da un punto di vista della dinamica dei substrati calcarei; il numero di specie perforanti era alto (10) in confronto con i dati riportati in letteratura (4 specie). Le spugne insinuanti, viventi nelle fessure interne alla struttura coralligena, rappresentavano il 25% delle specie individuate essendo Stoeba plicata la specie più abbondante. Cliona viridis, Jaspis johnstoni e Stoeba plicata erano le specie che raggiungevano la maggiore profondità all’interno delle concrezioni penetrando 5 cm nel substrato. Da un punto di vista biogeografico due specie, Eurypon sp. e Forcepia sp., tra quelle identificate sono probabilmente nuove; Quattro specie: Paratimea oxeata, Clathria (Microciona) haplotoxa, Eurypon denisae e Haliclona (Gellius) tenuisigma, sono nuovi ritrovamenti per la fauna italiana; 11 specie sono nuovi ritrovamenti per il Mar Ligure: Cliona burtoni, Paratimea oxeata, Acarnus souriei, Clathria (Microciona) armata, Eurypon coronula, Eurypon denisae, Eurypon sp., Forcepia sp., Mycale (P.) serrulata, Merlia normani, Bubaris carcisis, Halicnemia geniculata, Dendroxea lenis, Haliclona (Gellius) bioxeata, Haliclona (Gellius) marismedi and Haliclona (Gellius) tenuisigma; 19 specie rappresentano nuovi ritrovamenti per la comunità coralligena: Stelletta stellata, Cliona burtoni, Paratimea oxeata, Acarnus souriei, Clathria (Microciona) armata, Clathria (Microciona) haplotoxa, Eurypon denisae, Eurypon sp., Forcepia sp., Hymedesmia (Hymedesmia) baculifera, Hymedesmia (Hymedesmia) rissoi, Phorbas mercator, Plocamionida ambigua, Mycale (Aegogropila) tunicata, Mycale (Paresperella) serrulata, Merlia normani, Hymerhabdia typica, Halicnemia geniculata, Haliclona (Gellius) bioxeata and Haliclona (Gellius) marismedi. Secondo la letteratura disponibile 285 specie di poriferi sono fino ad ora descritte per le concrezioni coralligene del Mediterraneo. I nostri dati aumentano questo valore a 310 e confermano che il coralligeno è una straordinaria riserva di biodiversità ancora largamente inesplorata. Le spugne sono il più importante phylum del coralligeno e, anche se non partecipano direttamente alla deposizione della matrice carbonatica, agiscono attivamente sia nella demolizione che nel compattamento della struttura. I nostri dati chiaramente indicano che i rilievi fotografici sono largamente insufficienti a stimare la diversità dei poriferi del coralligeno: le spugne perforatrici ed insinuanti sfuggono, ad esempio, a questa analisi. Questo lavoro, che considera per la prima volta le specie epilitiche ed endolitiche potrebbe rappresentare un riferimento per ulteriori studi su questo habitat che dovrà essere inserito nei programmi di tutela dell’ambiente marino.
Sponges of the coralligenous community in the Mediterranean sea
The main goal of this study was the description of the diversity of the sponge fauna living associated with the coralligenous concretions. This habitat represents the most important "hot spot" of biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea. Sampling was performed by diving in four sites of the Ligurian Sea (Italy), between 30 and 40 m depth: Punta del Faro (Portofino, MPA), Punta Manara (Portofino, MPA), Gallinara Island (Falconara and Sciusciaù stations) and Santo Stefano. Coralligenous blocks with a total average volume of about 20 litres were collected from each site and all the sponge species settled on the surface of them were removed, identified and grouped according to their morphology. The species settled on the shaded and lighted side of the blocks were separately grouped. Additionally, two blocks per station were cut into slices about 2 cm thick allowing the identification of the endolithic species. A total of 108 sponge species were recorded: 59 from Portofino, 54 from Gallinara Island, 53 from Punta Manara and 37 from Santo Stefano. The diversity, dominance and species richness of the analyzed sponge assemblages of the coralligenous resulted significantly related to the level of irradiance. Sponges from all the sites were more abundant (number of individuals and % of coverage) on the shady side than on the exposed part of the concretions; the species richness indexes confirmed a higher diversity on the shady side. On the shady side the encrusting species were the most abundant probably in relation to the greater substrate availability due to the lower algal competition. On the contrary the lighted side hosted massive and arborescent sponges that are therefore vulnerable to anthropogenic impact. It is possible to hypothesize that a high abundance of these species indicates sites characterized by a good conservation status of the coralligenous communities. The boring sponges (8% of the identified species in this study) represented, from a functional and structural point of view, a group very important in the coralligenous dynamic; the number of excavating species associated to the examined structures was relevant (10) respect to the data reported in literature (only 4 species). Insinuating sponges, living in the internal crevices of the rocky structures, counts up to 25% of the total identified sponges with Stoeba plicata as the more abundant species. Cliona viridis, Jaspis johnstoni and Stoeba plicata are the species reaching the greatest depths inside the concretion, being able to penetrate up to 5 cm into the rock. Regarding the other main morpho-functional categories of the sponges, the massive species represented about 20-30% of the whole assemblage. Regarding the distributional patterns and biogeography two species Eurypon sp. and Forcepia sp. are new; four species Paratimea oxeata, Clathria (Microciona) haplotoxa, Eurypon denisae and Haliclona (Gellius) tenuisigma, are new findings for the Italian sponge fauna; 11 species represent new findings for the Ligurian Sea: Cliona burtoni, Paratimea oxeata, Acarnus souriei, Clathria (Microciona) armata, Eurypon coronula, Eurypon denisae, Eurypon sp., Forcepia sp., Mycale (P.) serrulata, Merlia normani, Bubaris carcisis, Halicnemia geniculata, Dendroxea lenis, Haliclona (Gellius) bioxeata, Haliclona (Gellius) marismedi and Haliclona (Gellius) tenuisigma; 19 species represent new records for the coralligenous community: Stelletta stellata, Cliona burtoni, Paratimea oxeata, Acarnus souriei, Clathria (Microciona) armata, Clathria (Microciona) haplotoxa, Eurypon denisae, Eurypon sp., Forcepia sp., Hymedesmia (Hymedesmia) baculifera, Hymedesmia (Hymedesmia) rissoi, Phorbas mercator, Plocamionida ambigua, Mycale (Aegogropila) tunicata, Mycale (Paresperella) serrulata, Merlia normani, Hymerhabdia typica, Halicnemia geniculata, Haliclona (Gellius) bioxeata and Haliclona (Gellius) marismedi. According to the available literature 285 sponge species have been hitherto recorded from the Mediterranean coralligenous concretions. The obtained data increase this number to 310 and confirm that the coralligenous concretions are an extraordinary reservoir of biodiversity still largely unexplored. Sponges are the most diversified phylum of the coralligenous and, even if they do not directly participate to the construction of the calcareous matrix, they act as important engineers of this structure, with both their compacting and boring activities. These data clearly demonstrated that photographic analysis largely underestimates the coralligenous sponge diversity. For example this method does not allow the record of boring sponges accounting for about 8% of the total. Taking in consideration both epi- and endolithic sponges this work represent a baseline information for the monitoring programs of this complex habitat, yet recognized at an international level, that need to be included within the priority habitat needing a complete protection.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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