The present research is aimed at analysing the role of arbitration procedures in the context of doble taxation dispute resolution mechanisms (DTDRMs), with regard to those disputes arising from the interpretation and application of Double Tax Treaties’ provisions and with a view to the recent extension of that procedure by means of the so-called Action 15 BEPS Project - Develop a Multilateral Instrument. In this vein, the analysis started with the examination of the current state of the art before the implementation of the arbitration procedure as of Art 25, OECD Model, by means of concentration on the so-called “mutual agreement procedures” (MAPs) for the settlement of those disputes related to double tax treaties (DTTs). Therefore, as upheld by statistical data, MAPs have testified several shortcomings and downsides in dealing with such disputes, especially with regard to their capacity of providing an effective final decision fully eliminating the double taxation issue which was mandatory and binding on parties involved, and in certain terms. The implementation of arbitration procedures highlights several features which supplement significantly the current DTDTRMs network for filling in the shortcomings above-mentioned, and, above all, to guarantee the taxpayer(s)’ right of effective participation to such a procedure. That posed, the research develops through a compared analysis of the different experiences verified both in the European context (i.e. the “European Arbitration Convention” - 90/436/EEC, and, recently, the EU Directive No. 1852/2017 on alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in EU), and the international tax treaty-based scenario (see Art 25, § 5, OECD Model, and, recently, Part VI - Arbitration - OECD MLI), for the purposes of identifying those advantages and disadvantages that those current DTDRMs present, and, as last-resort mechanisms for the final settlement of such DTTs-related disputes, in case of failure to do so by the previous mechanisms available, by the arbitration procedure. Last but not least, particular attention shall be drawn to the applicative analysis of different arbitration models, with an emphasis to the so-called “Final Offer Arbitration”, since its characteristics seems to be particularly suitable for the settlement of DTTs-related disputes. Indeed, it provides a satisfactory balance between, by one side, the need for reaching a final and actual solution to the double taxation issue claimed by the affected taxpayer(s), and, by the other side, the preservation of each Contracting State's taxing right and fiscal sovereignty.
Il lavoro di ricerca è diretto ad individuare il ruolo dell'istituto arbitrale nell’àmbito degli strumenti di risoluzione delle controversie tributarie internazionali, scaturenti dall’interpretazione ed applicazione dei Trattati Fiscali Bilaterali e su base multilaterale, a seguito dell’adozione del Progetto OCSE “Base Erosion and Profit Shifting” - Action 15 - Develop a Multilateral Instrument. In tal senso, si è proceduto con l’analisi dello stato dell’arte odierno e precedente all’implementazione dello strumento arbitrale ex art. 25, § 5 del c.d. “Modello OCSE di Convenzione per evitare le doppie imposizioni del reddito e del capitale” (Modello OCSE), concentrandosi sulle c.dd. “procedure amichevoli” di composizione di tali controversie fiscali internazionali. A partire dall’analisi, corroborata dal dato statistico, delle carenze sistematiche rilevate da prassi e dottrina in relazione a tali “procedure amichevoli” circa la loro idoneità a fornire una soluzione in tempi certi, obbligatoria e vincolante nei confronti delle parti coinvolte e, di conseguenza, effettivamente capace di veicolare una soluzione alla doppia imposizione ingeneratasi. A tal riguardo, le caratteristiche dell’arbitrato presentano significativi vantaggi per il raggiungimento delle finalità suddette e la tutela dei diritti di partecipazione al procedimento del contribuente inciso. Ciò posto, si procede ad analisi comparata delle esperienze in ambito europeo (Convenzione arbitrale europea 90/436/CEE e, recentemente, della Direttiva UE 1852/2017) ed internazionale (Art 25, § 5, Modello OCSE e OCSE - Strumento Multilaterale [MLI] - Part VI - Arbitrato) onde verificare quali specificità ed, eventualmente, carenze sistematiche ed applicative presentino tali strumenti di risoluzione delle controversie fiscali internazionali correntemente applicabili e, a guisa di organo di ultima istanza per la definizione delle controversie fiscali internazionali in parola (in caso di inidoneità degli strumenti aditi nelle precedenti “fasi” del procedimento di risoluzione di tali controversie fiscali internazionali), del ruolo potenzialmente esercitabile dall’arbitrato. Un’attenzione privilegiata, del pari, viene riservata alla disamina dei modelli arbitrali concretamente sviluppati nella prassi internazionale e, tra questi, il c.d. “Arbitrato con Offerta Finale” è oggetto di autonoma analisi, stante le sue caratteristiche volte a renderlo potenzialmente idoneo, secondo la dottrina maggioritaria, all’implementazione nell’àmbito della fiscalità internazionale operando un adeguato bilanciamento tra necessità di addivenire ad una soluzione effettiva e vincolante della doppia imposizione lamentata dal contribuente con la preservazione delle prerogative dei singoli Stati contrenti in tema di sovranità fiscale e concreto esercizio della potestà impositiva.
Arbitration Tax Proceedings for International Tax-Treaty Related Disputes
The present research is aimed at analysing the role of arbitration procedures in the context of doble taxation dispute resolution mechanisms (DTDRMs), with regard to those disputes arising from the interpretation and application of Double Tax Treaties’ provisions and with a view to the recent extension of that procedure by means of the so-called Action 15 BEPS Project - Develop a Multilateral Instrument. In this vein, the analysis started with the examination of the current state of the art before the implementation of the arbitration procedure as of Art 25, OECD Model, by means of concentration on the so-called “mutual agreement procedures” (MAPs) for the settlement of those disputes related to double tax treaties (DTTs). Therefore, as upheld by statistical data, MAPs have testified several shortcomings and downsides in dealing with such disputes, especially with regard to their capacity of providing an effective final decision fully eliminating the double taxation issue which was mandatory and binding on parties involved, and in certain terms. The implementation of arbitration procedures highlights several features which supplement significantly the current DTDTRMs network for filling in the shortcomings above-mentioned, and, above all, to guarantee the taxpayer(s)’ right of effective participation to such a procedure. That posed, the research develops through a compared analysis of the different experiences verified both in the European context (i.e. the “European Arbitration Convention” - 90/436/EEC, and, recently, the EU Directive No. 1852/2017 on alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in EU), and the international tax treaty-based scenario (see Art 25, § 5, OECD Model, and, recently, Part VI - Arbitration - OECD MLI), for the purposes of identifying those advantages and disadvantages that those current DTDRMs present, and, as last-resort mechanisms for the final settlement of such DTTs-related disputes, in case of failure to do so by the previous mechanisms available, by the arbitration procedure. Last but not least, particular attention shall be drawn to the applicative analysis of different arbitration models, with an emphasis to the so-called “Final Offer Arbitration”, since its characteristics seems to be particularly suitable for the settlement of DTTs-related disputes. Indeed, it provides a satisfactory balance between, by one side, the need for reaching a final and actual solution to the double taxation issue claimed by the affected taxpayer(s), and, by the other side, the preservation of each Contracting State's taxing right and fiscal sovereignty.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 07/12/2024
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