To describe the minimum creep rate dependance on applied stress and temperature, the Norton equation or derivative relations of the power law is used, while in hot-working the Garofalo equation (sinh) is usually used. Both of these equations are phenomenological and can rarely be uniquely related to microstructural parameters. To overcome this lack, in recent years Sandtröm has developed a basic model to study the creep of fcc metals that does not include adjustable parameters and is fully predictable. This model, initially developed for pure Cu, was then applied by Spigarelli to pure Al; to adapt the model it was necessary to interpret the mechanisms that regulate creep during the power-law breakdown. The increase in creep rate at high stresses and low temperatures was related to the enanched climb rate, which derives from the increase in the vacancy concentration induced by deformation. Accordingly to what derived for pure Cu and Al, the model was further developed to take into account the solid solution strengthening, in order to describe the creep and hot deformation behavior of single-phase Al-Mg alloys. The model demonstrated an excellent accuracy and it neverthless require any adaptation of the experimental data. The model was then developed to obtain a new constitutive equation valid for alloys and composites reinforced with nanometric particles. The new model provides an excellent description of the minimum strain rate dependence of applied stress and temperature, and provides a reasonable explanation for the reduced creep rate found in these composites compared to conventional alloys. In these alloys volumetric fraction and size of the nano-particles play a key role in determining the creep response. The strengthening effect due to the interaction between particles and dislocation was described by introducing a back stress, which is in general proportional to the Orowan stress and has the nature of a true threshold stress. The model was subsequently declined to adapt it to age-hardenable alloys; changes in the volume fraction, size and distribution of reinforcing precipitates and the effect of grain size following the high temperatures exposure were taken into account. Comparison with experimental data showed the excellent correspondence of the model to the real behavior of these materials. Finally, the model was applied to AlSiMg alloys produced by additive manufacturing; these alloys have an extremely fine and complex microstructure, and are not suitable to be studied with the most widespread phenomenological models. The ultra-fine microstructure of the alloy was described using a material model (MM) consisting of soft and hard zones that deform with a similar rate. To predict the creep behavior of the MM, a set of constitutive equations was used that also take into account the growth/ripening phenomena of Si particles. The creep response of an AlSi10Mg alloy produced by LPBF and tested in the as-built condition at 150 and 225 ° C was analyzed. The minimum creep rate curves obtained from the model were then compared with the experimental data obtained by testing the real alloy at constant load in different initial states; also in this last case an excellent correlation between the model curves and the experimental results was obtained.
Per descrivere la dipendenza della velocità minima di creep da stress e temperatura si ricorre all’equazione di Norton o relazioni derivate della legge di potenza, mentre nelle lavorazioni a caldo solitamente viene utilizzata l'equazione di Garofalo (sinh). Entrambe queste equazioni sono di natura fenomenologica e di rado possono essere correlate in modo univoco ai parametri microstrutturali. Per superare questa carenza, negli ultimi anni è stato sviluppato da Sandtröm un modello base per lo studio del creep dei metalli fcc che non prevede parametri di adattamento e completamente prevedibile. Questo modello, inizialmente sviluppato per il Cu puro, è stato poi applicato da Spigarelli all'Al puro; per adattare il modello è stato necessario interpretare i meccanismi che regolano la velocità di deformazione nelle condizioni di power-law breakdown. L'aumento della velocità di creep ad alte sollecitazioni e basse temperature è stato correlato all’aumento di velocità del climb, che deriva dall’aumento della concentrazione di vacanze indotto dalla deformazione. A partire da quanto ideato per Cu e Al puri, il modello è stato ulteriormente sviluppato per tenere conto del rafforzamento per soluzione solida, al fine di descrivere il comportamento a creep e a deformazione a caldo di leghe Al-Mg monofase. Il modello ha dimostrato un'eccellente accuratezza nel descrivere i regimi di applicabilità del creep e della lavorazione a caldo, pur mantenendo la sua caratteristica più importante, ovvero di non richiedere alcun adattamento dei dati sperimentali. Come secondo step, il modello è stato elaborato per ottenere una nuova equazione costitutiva valida per leghe e compositi rinforzati con una dispersione di particelle nanometriche. Il nuovo modello garantisce un'eccellente descrizione della dipendenza dalla velocità minima di deformazione della sollecitazione applicata e della temperatura, e fornisce una ragionevole spiegazione per la ridotta velocità di creep che si ha in questi compositi rispetto alle leghe convenzionali. In queste leghe la frazione volumetrica e la dimensione del particolato nanometrico assumono un ruolo chiave nel determinare la risposta a creep. L'effetto rafforzante dovuto all'interazione tra particelle e dislocazione è stato descritto introducendo un back stress, che è in generale proporzionale allo stress di Orowan e ha la natura di un vero threshold stress. Successivamente si è declinato il modello per adattarlo alle leghe da invecchiamento; si è tenuto conto dei cambiamenti nella frazione volumetrica, dimensione e distribuzione dei precipitati rinforzanti e dell'effetto della dimensione del grano a seguito dell'esposizione ad alta temperatura. Dal confronto con dati sperimentali si è attestata l’ottima rispondenza del modello al comportamento reale di questi materiali. Infine, si è applicato il modello alle leghe AlSiMg prodotte dalla manifattura additiva; tali leghe possiedono una microstruttura estremamente fine e complessa, e non sono adatte ad essere studiate con i modelli fenomenologici più diffusi. La microstruttura ultrafine della lega additive è stata descritta utilizzando un “materiale modello” (MM) costituito da zone morbide e dure che si deformano con una velocità simile. Per prevedere il comportamento a creep del MM è stato utilizzato un insieme di equazioni costitutive che tengono conto anche dei fenomeni di accrescimento/maturazione delle particelle di Si. Parallelamente, è stata studiata la risposta a creep di una lega AlSi10Mg prodotta mediante LPBF e testata nella condizione as-built a 150 e 225 ° C. Le curve di velocità minima di creep ottenute per il MM dal modello costitutivo sono state quindi confrontate con i dati sperimentali ottenuti testando la lega reale a carico costante in diversi stati iniziali; si è ottenuta anche in questo ultimo caso un'eccellente correlazione tra le curve del modello ed i risultati sperimentali.
Analisi del comportamento a creep di leghe a struttura cfc: sviluppo di un modello basato su parametri fisici
To describe the minimum creep rate dependance on applied stress and temperature, the Norton equation or derivative relations of the power law is used, while in hot-working the Garofalo equation (sinh) is usually used. Both of these equations are phenomenological and can rarely be uniquely related to microstructural parameters. To overcome this lack, in recent years Sandtröm has developed a basic model to study the creep of fcc metals that does not include adjustable parameters and is fully predictable. This model, initially developed for pure Cu, was then applied by Spigarelli to pure Al; to adapt the model it was necessary to interpret the mechanisms that regulate creep during the power-law breakdown. The increase in creep rate at high stresses and low temperatures was related to the enanched climb rate, which derives from the increase in the vacancy concentration induced by deformation. Accordingly to what derived for pure Cu and Al, the model was further developed to take into account the solid solution strengthening, in order to describe the creep and hot deformation behavior of single-phase Al-Mg alloys. The model demonstrated an excellent accuracy and it neverthless require any adaptation of the experimental data. The model was then developed to obtain a new constitutive equation valid for alloys and composites reinforced with nanometric particles. The new model provides an excellent description of the minimum strain rate dependence of applied stress and temperature, and provides a reasonable explanation for the reduced creep rate found in these composites compared to conventional alloys. In these alloys volumetric fraction and size of the nano-particles play a key role in determining the creep response. The strengthening effect due to the interaction between particles and dislocation was described by introducing a back stress, which is in general proportional to the Orowan stress and has the nature of a true threshold stress. The model was subsequently declined to adapt it to age-hardenable alloys; changes in the volume fraction, size and distribution of reinforcing precipitates and the effect of grain size following the high temperatures exposure were taken into account. Comparison with experimental data showed the excellent correspondence of the model to the real behavior of these materials. Finally, the model was applied to AlSiMg alloys produced by additive manufacturing; these alloys have an extremely fine and complex microstructure, and are not suitable to be studied with the most widespread phenomenological models. The ultra-fine microstructure of the alloy was described using a material model (MM) consisting of soft and hard zones that deform with a similar rate. To predict the creep behavior of the MM, a set of constitutive equations was used that also take into account the growth/ripening phenomena of Si particles. The creep response of an AlSi10Mg alloy produced by LPBF and tested in the as-built condition at 150 and 225 ° C was analyzed. The minimum creep rate curves obtained from the model were then compared with the experimental data obtained by testing the real alloy at constant load in different initial states; also in this last case an excellent correlation between the model curves and the experimental results was obtained. File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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