Sfoglia per Dipartimento Dipartimento di Patrimonio, Architettura e Urbanistica
Analisi storico-archeologico-architettonica del Monastero di S. Ponziano, Spoleto (PG)
Business agglomeration during the smart specialisation strategies Era: modelling tool for ranking policies
Centralità del paesaggio nelle trasformazioni della città e del territorio. Indirizzi e orientamenti possibili
Clusters in designing smart specialization policies. An innovative perspective on the life cycle of clusters to disclose local economic potentials
Creative and cultural industries within port environments: a smart specialization strategy for southern Italy
The Creative Cultural Cluster (CCC) of the Calabria region. An application of location quotient and shift share analysis to discover higher education as driver of local economic development
Creativity and resilience for a sustainable urban regeneration. Third spaces, to face the new challenges of urban civilization by promoting health and well-being
The entrepreneurial region: pah development and technological catch-up in regions on the knowledge periphery
Entrepreneurial social housing. The role of social enterprise in urban regeneration
Fab lab-oriented innovation: an empirical study on the ecosystem approach to grow digital social innovations (DSIs) in Italy
Food system solutions to address food security and local economic development. The case of food hubs in Northeastern US
Fostering neighbourhood advantage for health. Implications and guidelines for urban regeneration
From Brownfields to Innovation Districts. A framework for assessing the role of innovation in supporting (or not) an equitable and sustainable development of disused urban areas over time
Generative programs for urban regeneration in historical settlements. Deriving lessons from the traditional building system in Calabria, Italy
Guida tecnica in materia di efficienza energetica per il patrimonio immobiliare dell’Università Mediterranea. Caso di studio e valutazioni
How to build self-sufficient communities through processes of social transformations: the innovative contributions of the informal sector and the micro-local approach to socio economic changes on a neighborhood scale
I Ponti del Valdemonte nella provincia di Messina: dalla conoscenza alla conservazione
I sistemi territoriali complessi: le componenti natura e cultura nei processi rigenerativi oltre la strategia delle aree interne
Il Geogragraphic Infomation System per la catalogazione del patrimonio cultuale. Applicazione su tre casi studio
Il sotterraneo come luogo di culto dalla cristianizzazione alle grotte eremitiche bizantine. Digital humanities for architecture and archeology: casi studio in Calabria
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