This thesis focused on the potential reuse of winery by-products as immunomodulants in sheep. Recently, EU Parliament introduced the “Waste Framework Directive” (Directive 2008/98/EC) with the intent to promote the recycling and recovery of waste and by-products in order to obtain a secondary raw material. As describe in this directive a by-product is: a substance or object, resulting from a production process, the primary aim of which is not the production of that item. In this scenario is integrated the “zero waste economy” which is based on the circular economy concept. In this point of view waste can be used as new material to generate products. Nowadays, consumers are attentive to the healthiness and safety of animal products moreover, worldwide is generally accepted that industries generate a large amount of waste leading to a huge environmental impact. It is generally known that winery products contain considerable number of bioactive compounds mainly phenols with strong antioxidant activity, antimicrobial and anticancer activity, modulation of detoxification enzymes, activity on the immune system and modulation of hormone metabolism. Starting from this consideration this thesis is oriented to characterize two different oenological byproducts, wine lees and grape pomace, with the objective of extracting bioactive substances which can be used as supplements in sheep diet. This dissertation provides an in vitro overview of the immunomodulants properties of winery by-products extracts, so further researchers are required to evaluate their impact in vivo. The thesis is divided into three different trials. Winery by-products where collected at two local wineries: Cantine La Marchesa (Lucera, FG) and Cantine Pirro (Troia, FG), in order to support our economy, moreover the choice was made taking into account the vines processed in order to valorizate the Apulia Region production. The winery by-products chosen belong to local cultivar of Vitis Vinifera: Bombino and Trebbiano d’Abruzzo for white vinification (Cantine La Marchesa) and Nero di Troia for rosè and red vinification (Cantine Pirro). To operate in an “enviromentaly friendly” approach solvent and procedures were carefully chosen. In the first trial wine lees, classified as the residues remain at the bottom of recipients after wine production, were collected and submitted to extraction procedures in order to isolate bioactive compounds. The extraction of bioactive substances was conducted using a microwave assisted extraction (MAE) technique with low impact solvents such as water, ethanol and their mixture 1:1 and catalyser/no catalyser to increase the extraction yeald. In this experiment, three different wine lees from Bombino/Trebbiano d’Abruzzo in white vinifiaction and Nero di Troia in rosè and red vinification were submitted to MAE extraction operating at four different temperatures 50°C, 100°C, 150°C and 200°C then total phenols, antocians, flavonoids content and antioxidant capacity were assessed. MAE extracts were tested at 0.4 mg/mL and 0.8 mg/mL on in vitro PBMC proliferation and cytokines’ production. In addition, an apoptosis ELISA assay was done to measure the presence of pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic proteins in cells supernatants. Wine lees extracts were submitted to a GC-MS/MS to investigate the presence of further compounds such as 5-hydroxymetylfurfural. An enzymatic determination of sulphites and organic acids was done to excludes the impact of these substances on wine lees’ antioxidant capacity. Results from this in vitro trial demonstrates that wine lees extracts contain a different total phenols content depends on the type of extraction solvent: white wine lees contains more flavonoids while Rosè lees contains more antocians and ABTS+ ability was higher in Red lees in water extraction. Tests on PBMCs confirm the hypothesis that wine lees are able to affect sheep immune system, reporting a reduction of their proliferation with all wine lees extracts. Even though no significative variation of pro-inflammatory cytokines were found, anti-inflammatory IFN-γ and IL-10 result augmented when Nero di Troia red wine lees in water (ReW) were added to PBMC, demonstrating an immunostimulatory effect of this wine lees extract which can be associated to the high scavenging activity of this extract. From GC-MS/MS analysis in Nero di Troia red wine lees extracted in water results the precense of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) to whose is connected the high ABTS+ capacity. Moreover, 5-HMF affected the apoptotic pathway through the BCl2 protein family resulting in an increment of the level of pro-apoptotic Bax proteins. In the second trial, MAE’ wine lees extracts in water at 200°C from previous trial were further extracted in separating funnel then purified by flash liquid chromatography (FLC) and submitted to a GC-MS/MS analysis. Results from gas chromatography report the presence of a family of diketopiperazines in these wine lees fractions with a different isomers distribution in different fractions. Based on these results fractions were merged and then two fractions (F1 and F2) of each wine lees where chosen and tested on in vitro PBMCs at two concentration 0.4 mg/mL and 0.8 mg/mL. This trial consist of two experiments conducted at two different temperatures simulating condition of thermal stress (43°C) for 24 h and condition of normothermia (37°C) for 48 hours; proliferation assay and cytokines determination were done for both experiment and, in addition, a mitochondrial health assay was conducted on cells cultivated in heat stress condition with EVOS FL Cell Imaging System (Thermo Fisher) using the HCS Mitochondrial Health Kit (Invitrogen). Recent studies revealed that diketopiperazines have antioxidant, antiviral, antimicrobial and immunstimulants properties. Results from this second trial report a marked decrement of lymphomonocytes proliferation and cells viability in condition of normothermia even more accentuated in thermal stress conditions. As concern the cytokines pattern, in condition of normothermia a decrement of IL-6 was observed in supernatants of cells harvested with WhF1, RoF1 0.8, ReF1 0.8 and ReF2 while an increment of IL-10 was observed in presence of White wine lees F2. Differently, in condition of thermal stress at 43°C, IL-6 undergone a reduction when cells were stimulated with F2 of each wine lees and with ReF1 0.8 while at 39°C a decrement was registered with RoF1 0.8. IFN-γ level increase in presence of ReF2 0.8 when administered in condition of thermal stress demonstrating the capacity of this wine lees fraction to increase anti-inflammatory cytokines at the expense of pro-antiflammatory cytokines. Third trial focused on grape pomace which consist mainly in grape skin and seeds. Nero di Troia grape pomace were collected and submitted to MAE extraction with water, ethanol and water/ethanol 1:1 and catalyser/no catalyser at 50°C, 100°C, 150°C and 200°C and then total phenols, antocians and flavonoids content and antioxidant capacity were assessed. Grape pomace extracts were tested on in vitro PBMC of sheep during transition period. Blood where collected 15 days (t1), 7 days (t2) before lambing, at lambing (t3) and 7 days (t4) after lambing. Results demonstrate a different impact on PBMC proliferation depending on the types of extracts; PBMCs proliferation increase respect to CS at t3 and t4 except in presence of 200°C extracts in water at both concentrations and in ethanol at 0.8 mg/mL that undergone to a decrement. This result could be associated with an immunosuppressive role of these extracts. The level of IL-6 resulted higher at all time of experiment when cells were stimulated with grape pomace extracted in water/ethanol or in ethanol at 150 and 200°C respectively. At day of lambing and seven days after, it was registered an increment of the level of IL-10. This cytokine and the IL-6 resulted both higher in some extracts and this effect can be linked to the activation of the innate immune response. Lastly, in this trial the level of the anti-inflammatory IFN-ɣ was higher in cells harvested with ethanol and catalyser and ethanol extracts seven days after lambing. From the above consideration is possible to assert that the reuse of winery by-products is possible to obtain bioactive compounds useful in animal nutrition thanks to their immunomodulants capacity. To sum up, wine lees extracts can be used as immunostimolants and antioxidants and their purified fractions, as obtained in the second trial, are useful as chemotherapeutic and anti-inflammatory compounds. Lastely, grape pomace can be used as anti-inflammatory and immunomodulants even in condition of stress linked to the transition period. Further studies can be directed to in vivo experiment in order to better understand the immune impact of these extracts and fractions with the last aim of sustaining animal immune response and meanwhile reducing the environmental impact of oenological by-products.
Il presente lavoro di tesi è incentrato sul possibile recupero di scarti derivanti dall’industria enologica al fine ottenere sostanze bioattive dal ruolo immunomodulante che possano essere introdotte, quali supplemento, nell’alimentazione dei ruminanti. Recentemente, il Parlamento Europeo ha introdotto la “Waste Framework directive” (Direttiva 2008/98/EC) con l’intento di promuovere il riciclo e il recupero degli scarti e dei sottoprodotti per ottenere nuove materie prime. Come, infatti, è descritto nella direttiva suddetta, un sottoprodotto è: un “prodotto”, che deriva dalla dal processo produttivo, ma che non rappresenta l’oggetto ultimo della produzione. Il progetto si staglia in uno scenario che vede da una parte una ingente produzione di scarti agroindustriali e dall’altra la crescente preoccupazione del consumatore rispetto alla salubrità dei prodotti di origine animale e al benessere animale. È noto che l'uva e i prodotti enologici sono ricchi di sostanze antiossidanti quali i polifenoli a cui è associato un ruolo antiossidante, antimicrobico e anticarcinogenico accanto alla capacità di modulare il sistema immunitario e il metabolismo ormonale. Il lavoro è suddiviso in tre prove, condotte in vitro, e mira al recupero di due sottoprodotti: i wine lees e i grape pomace. Al fine di valorizzare la produzione locale e l’economia Pugliese, i sottoprodotti sono stati prelevati presso due aziende locali: Cantine La Marchesa (Lucera, FG) e Cantine Pirro (Troia, FG). I sottoprodotti scelti derivano dalla lavorazione di vitigni autoctoni: Bombino e Trebbiano d'Abruzzo per le vinificazioni in bianco (Cantine La Marchesa) e Nero di Troia per le vinificazioni in rosé e rosso (Cantine Pirro). Al fine di operare in un’ottica di basso impatto ambientale i solventi e le procedure utilizzate sono state attentamente scelte. Nel primo trial i wine lees, per definizione il residuo che si ritrova sul fondo dei silos al termine delle operazioni di svinamento, bianchi, rosé e rossi sono stati prelevati e sottoposti ad estrazione microonde assistita (MAE) con i seguenti solventi: acqua, alcool e la loro miscela 1:1, in presenza o meno di catalizzatore e quattro diverse temperature 50°C, 100°C, 150°C e 200°C. Al termine della fase estrattiva, gli estratti sono stati sottoposti ad analisi spettrofotometrica al fine di determinare il contenuto di fenoli totali, antociani, flavonoidi e la capacità antiossidante. Gli estratti sono stati poi testati a due differenti concentrazioni, 0,4 mg/mL e 0,8 mg/mL, in vitro su culture di PBMC ovine al fine di ottenere informazioni relative alla proliferazione linfomonocitaria e alla produzione di citochine. Sui surnatanti, inoltre, è stata determinata la presenza di proteine Bax e Bcl2 legate all’apoptosi cellulare. Infine, negli estratti, tramite analisi GC-MS/MS è stata determinata la presenza di 5-idrossimetilfurfurale e tramite analisi enzimatica si sono ottenute informazioni circa la presenza di solfiti e acidi organici con lo scopo di escludere un loro impatto sulla capacità antiossidante degli estratti. I risultati ottenuti da questo primo trial evidenziano che il contenuto in fenoli totali è legato alla tipologia di wine lees e al solvente utilizzato per l’estrazione: i wine lees derivanti dalla vinificazione in bianco presentano un maggiore contenuto di flavonoidi mentre i wine lees ottenuti dalla vinificazione in rosato contengono più antociani, infine i wine lees della vinificazione in rosso presentano una capacità antiossidante in termine di potere scavenging superiore agli altri wine lees selezionati. I test condotti in vitro sui PBMC hanno confermato la capacità degli estratti di wine lees di agire sul sistema immunitario ovino portando ad una riduzione massiva della proliferazione linfomonocitaria indifferentemente dall’estratto preso in considerazione. Nessuna variazione significativa è stata ritrovata per ciò che riguarda le citochine pro-infiammatorie al contrario, un incremento significativo dell’IFN-γ e dell’IL-10 è stato evidenziato per l’estratto ottenuto da wine lees Nero di Troia vinificato in rosso ed estratto in acqua (ReW). Questo risultato dimostra la capacità immunostimolante di questo estratto che può essere associata alla sua elevata capacità scavenging (ABTS+). Quest’ultima attività può essere attribuita alla presenza di 5-idrossimetilfurfurale (5-HMF) così come riportato dai risultati ottenuti dall’analisi gas cromatografica del Nero di Troia estratto in acqua (ReW). Il 5-HMF può influenzare l’apoptosi cellulare agendo a livello della famiglia delle proteine dell’apoptosi Bcl2 e nel presente studio l’incremento delle proteine pro-apoptotiche Bax sembrerebbe essere legato alla presenza di 5-HMF nell’estratto ReW. Nel secondo trial gli estratti ottenuti per estrazione al microonde in acqua a 200°C, sono stati sottoposti a separazione mediante imbuto separatore e successivamente a purificazione tramite cromatografia flash (FLC) e le frazioni così ottenute sono state sottoposte ad analisi GC-MS/MS. Dall’analisi gas cromatografica è risultata la presenza di dichetopiperazine con una diversa distribuzione isomerica a seconda della frazione considerata. Sulla base di questi risultati, le frazioni sono state accorpate e per ogni wine lees due diversi accorpamenti F1 ed F2 sono stati scelti come campioni da testare a due diverse concentrazioni (0,4mg/mL e 0,8 mg/mL) in vitro su PBMC ovini. Il secondo trial è stato suddiviso in due esperimenti di cui uno condotto in condizione di stress termico (43°C) per 24h e l’altro condotto in condizioni di normotermia (37°C) per 48h; per entrambi gli esperimenti sono stati valutati la proliferazione dei linfomonociti e la produzione di citochine, inoltre sull’esperimento condotto in condizioni di stress termico è stata effettuata una valutazione della salute mitocondriale mediante il microscopio EVOS FL Cell Imaging System (Thermo Fisher) utilizzando il kit HCS Mitochondrial Health (Invitrogen). Recenti studi hanno riportato che le dichetopiperazine hanno capacità antiossidanti, antivirali, antimicrobiche e immunomodulanti. I risultati ottenuti in questo studio riportano una marcata riduzione della proliferazione dei PBMC e della vitalità cellulare in condizioni di normotermia e in maniera più accentuata nello stress termico. Per quanto concerne la produzione di citochine, in condizioni di normotermia si osserva un decremento della produzione di IL-6 nei surnatanti delle cellule coltivate in presenza di WhF1, RoF1 a 0,8 mg/mL, ReF1 a 0,8 mg/mL e ReF2, mente un aumento della IL-10 si osserva in presenza della frazione F2 del wine lees da vinificazione in bianco. In condizioni di stress termico, invece, la IL-6 subisce una riduzione nei surnatanti delle cellule in presenza della F2 di ciascun wine lees e della concentrazione 0,8 mg/mL del ReF1; contrariamente, a 39°C si registra un decremento di questa citochina in presenza della concentrazione 0,8 mg/mL di RoF1. Il livello di IFN-γ aumenta in presenza di ReF2 a 0.8 mg/mL in condizioni di stress termico dimostrando la capacità di questa frazione di favorire la produzione di citochine anti-infiammatorie a scapito delle pro-infiammatorie. Il terzo trial mira alla valorizzazione dei grape pomace che sono principalmente composti da semi e bucce. I grape pomace di Nero di Troia sono stati sottoposti ad estrazione MAE e alla analisi spettrofotometrica così come riportato per il primo trial. Gli estratti ottenuti sono stati poi testati a due diverse concentrazioni (0,4 mg/mL e 0,8 mg/mL) su PBMC ovini separati da sangue periferico durante il transition period. A tal fine il sangue è stato prelevato 15 giorni (t1), 7 giorni (t2) prima del parto, al parto (t3) and 7 giorni (t4) dopo il parto. I risultati ottenuti da questo trial dimostrano come i diversi estratti abbiano un’azione differente sulla proliferazione linfomonocitaria. La proliferazione aumenta al tempo t3 e t4 in presenza di tutti gli estratti tranne con quello a 200°C in acqua ad entrambe le concentrazioni e in etanolo a 0.8 mg/mL in corrispondenza dei quali si osserva un decremento della proliferazione dei PBMC. Il livello di IL-6 aumenta per tutti i tempi considerati quando le cellule sono stimolate con i grape pomace estratti in acqua/etanolo e in solo etanolo rispettivamente a 150°C e 200°C. Al momento del parto e 7 giorni dopo esso, si registra un aumento della IL.10. L’incremento della concentrazione di questa citochina e della IL-6 che si verifica con alcuni estratti potrebbe essere associato all’attivazione del sistema immunitario innato. Infine il livello di IFN-ɣ risulta più elevato 7 giorni dopo il parto nei surnatanti delle cellule stimolate con grape pomace estratti in etanolo e catalizzatore e in solo etanolo. Da quanto suddetto è possibile concludere che, gli estratti di wine lees possono trovare applicazione come immunostimolanti e antiossidanti e le loro frazioni, purificate così come nel secondo trial, possono essere utilizzate come chemioterapici ed immunomodulanti. In ultimo, gli estratti di grape pomace possono trovare impiego quali anti-infiammatori ed immunomodulanti anche in condizioni di stress come quello legato al transition period. Ulteriori studi dovrebbero essere orientati alla valutazione dell’impatto che questi estratti e frazioni possono avere sul sistema immunitario dell’animale in vivo.
Exploitation of winery by-products as immune modulators in sheep
This thesis focused on the potential reuse of winery by-products as immunomodulants in sheep. Recently, EU Parliament introduced the “Waste Framework Directive” (Directive 2008/98/EC) with the intent to promote the recycling and recovery of waste and by-products in order to obtain a secondary raw material. As describe in this directive a by-product is: a substance or object, resulting from a production process, the primary aim of which is not the production of that item. In this scenario is integrated the “zero waste economy” which is based on the circular economy concept. In this point of view waste can be used as new material to generate products. Nowadays, consumers are attentive to the healthiness and safety of animal products moreover, worldwide is generally accepted that industries generate a large amount of waste leading to a huge environmental impact. It is generally known that winery products contain considerable number of bioactive compounds mainly phenols with strong antioxidant activity, antimicrobial and anticancer activity, modulation of detoxification enzymes, activity on the immune system and modulation of hormone metabolism. Starting from this consideration this thesis is oriented to characterize two different oenological byproducts, wine lees and grape pomace, with the objective of extracting bioactive substances which can be used as supplements in sheep diet. This dissertation provides an in vitro overview of the immunomodulants properties of winery by-products extracts, so further researchers are required to evaluate their impact in vivo. The thesis is divided into three different trials. Winery by-products where collected at two local wineries: Cantine La Marchesa (Lucera, FG) and Cantine Pirro (Troia, FG), in order to support our economy, moreover the choice was made taking into account the vines processed in order to valorizate the Apulia Region production. The winery by-products chosen belong to local cultivar of Vitis Vinifera: Bombino and Trebbiano d’Abruzzo for white vinification (Cantine La Marchesa) and Nero di Troia for rosè and red vinification (Cantine Pirro). To operate in an “enviromentaly friendly” approach solvent and procedures were carefully chosen. In the first trial wine lees, classified as the residues remain at the bottom of recipients after wine production, were collected and submitted to extraction procedures in order to isolate bioactive compounds. The extraction of bioactive substances was conducted using a microwave assisted extraction (MAE) technique with low impact solvents such as water, ethanol and their mixture 1:1 and catalyser/no catalyser to increase the extraction yeald. In this experiment, three different wine lees from Bombino/Trebbiano d’Abruzzo in white vinifiaction and Nero di Troia in rosè and red vinification were submitted to MAE extraction operating at four different temperatures 50°C, 100°C, 150°C and 200°C then total phenols, antocians, flavonoids content and antioxidant capacity were assessed. MAE extracts were tested at 0.4 mg/mL and 0.8 mg/mL on in vitro PBMC proliferation and cytokines’ production. In addition, an apoptosis ELISA assay was done to measure the presence of pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic proteins in cells supernatants. Wine lees extracts were submitted to a GC-MS/MS to investigate the presence of further compounds such as 5-hydroxymetylfurfural. An enzymatic determination of sulphites and organic acids was done to excludes the impact of these substances on wine lees’ antioxidant capacity. Results from this in vitro trial demonstrates that wine lees extracts contain a different total phenols content depends on the type of extraction solvent: white wine lees contains more flavonoids while Rosè lees contains more antocians and ABTS+ ability was higher in Red lees in water extraction. Tests on PBMCs confirm the hypothesis that wine lees are able to affect sheep immune system, reporting a reduction of their proliferation with all wine lees extracts. Even though no significative variation of pro-inflammatory cytokines were found, anti-inflammatory IFN-γ and IL-10 result augmented when Nero di Troia red wine lees in water (ReW) were added to PBMC, demonstrating an immunostimulatory effect of this wine lees extract which can be associated to the high scavenging activity of this extract. From GC-MS/MS analysis in Nero di Troia red wine lees extracted in water results the precense of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) to whose is connected the high ABTS+ capacity. Moreover, 5-HMF affected the apoptotic pathway through the BCl2 protein family resulting in an increment of the level of pro-apoptotic Bax proteins. In the second trial, MAE’ wine lees extracts in water at 200°C from previous trial were further extracted in separating funnel then purified by flash liquid chromatography (FLC) and submitted to a GC-MS/MS analysis. Results from gas chromatography report the presence of a family of diketopiperazines in these wine lees fractions with a different isomers distribution in different fractions. Based on these results fractions were merged and then two fractions (F1 and F2) of each wine lees where chosen and tested on in vitro PBMCs at two concentration 0.4 mg/mL and 0.8 mg/mL. This trial consist of two experiments conducted at two different temperatures simulating condition of thermal stress (43°C) for 24 h and condition of normothermia (37°C) for 48 hours; proliferation assay and cytokines determination were done for both experiment and, in addition, a mitochondrial health assay was conducted on cells cultivated in heat stress condition with EVOS FL Cell Imaging System (Thermo Fisher) using the HCS Mitochondrial Health Kit (Invitrogen). Recent studies revealed that diketopiperazines have antioxidant, antiviral, antimicrobial and immunstimulants properties. Results from this second trial report a marked decrement of lymphomonocytes proliferation and cells viability in condition of normothermia even more accentuated in thermal stress conditions. As concern the cytokines pattern, in condition of normothermia a decrement of IL-6 was observed in supernatants of cells harvested with WhF1, RoF1 0.8, ReF1 0.8 and ReF2 while an increment of IL-10 was observed in presence of White wine lees F2. Differently, in condition of thermal stress at 43°C, IL-6 undergone a reduction when cells were stimulated with F2 of each wine lees and with ReF1 0.8 while at 39°C a decrement was registered with RoF1 0.8. IFN-γ level increase in presence of ReF2 0.8 when administered in condition of thermal stress demonstrating the capacity of this wine lees fraction to increase anti-inflammatory cytokines at the expense of pro-antiflammatory cytokines. Third trial focused on grape pomace which consist mainly in grape skin and seeds. Nero di Troia grape pomace were collected and submitted to MAE extraction with water, ethanol and water/ethanol 1:1 and catalyser/no catalyser at 50°C, 100°C, 150°C and 200°C and then total phenols, antocians and flavonoids content and antioxidant capacity were assessed. Grape pomace extracts were tested on in vitro PBMC of sheep during transition period. Blood where collected 15 days (t1), 7 days (t2) before lambing, at lambing (t3) and 7 days (t4) after lambing. Results demonstrate a different impact on PBMC proliferation depending on the types of extracts; PBMCs proliferation increase respect to CS at t3 and t4 except in presence of 200°C extracts in water at both concentrations and in ethanol at 0.8 mg/mL that undergone to a decrement. This result could be associated with an immunosuppressive role of these extracts. The level of IL-6 resulted higher at all time of experiment when cells were stimulated with grape pomace extracted in water/ethanol or in ethanol at 150 and 200°C respectively. At day of lambing and seven days after, it was registered an increment of the level of IL-10. This cytokine and the IL-6 resulted both higher in some extracts and this effect can be linked to the activation of the innate immune response. Lastly, in this trial the level of the anti-inflammatory IFN-ɣ was higher in cells harvested with ethanol and catalyser and ethanol extracts seven days after lambing. From the above consideration is possible to assert that the reuse of winery by-products is possible to obtain bioactive compounds useful in animal nutrition thanks to their immunomodulants capacity. To sum up, wine lees extracts can be used as immunostimolants and antioxidants and their purified fractions, as obtained in the second trial, are useful as chemotherapeutic and anti-inflammatory compounds. Lastely, grape pomace can be used as anti-inflammatory and immunomodulants even in condition of stress linked to the transition period. Further studies can be directed to in vivo experiment in order to better understand the immune impact of these extracts and fractions with the last aim of sustaining animal immune response and meanwhile reducing the environmental impact of oenological by-products.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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Open Access dal 16/05/2021
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