Due to the increase in human population growth, the depletion of natural resources and the environmental pollution, it is necessary to raise agricultural productivity without enhancing environmental footprint. A sustainable intensification may offer the opportunity of increasing input efficiency by reducing fertilizer applications and agricultural greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions. The issue of sustainability of crop production is even more acute in semi-arid and arid regions, such as Mediterranean arable lands, where drought and related biophysical factors create a fragile and unstable environment. In Mediterranean Basin, wheat is one of the most widely grown crop; in particular, durum wheat represents the main grain crop in terms of surface area and provides food security to a large population share. The use of Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria (PGPB) as inoculants in agricultural soils might be a suitable technology for sustainable farming systems in accordance with the reduction of environmental pollution and the need to use nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) resources more efficiently. Autochthonous microorganisms naturally possess some mechanisms of “adaptive evolution” to win and overcome the stressful environmental conditions and are able to enhance plant growth and protect plants from diseases and abiotic stresses. Within this context, firstly, a review on PGPB application in cereals for a sustainable intensification was carried out focusing on the interaction PGPB-wheat (see Chapter 2). In particular, the main topic of this review was the potential of autochthonous PGPB isolated from soils to enhance nutrient use efficiency. As few data are available on the interaction plant-PGPB isolated from durum wheat rhizosphere, the aim of this PhD thesis was focused on the selection of PGPB from durum wheat rhizosphere and on the evaluation of their effect on N and P nutrition in wheat. To achieve this aim, the following goals were pursued: i) the phenotypic and genotypic characterization of autochthonous non-pathogenic PGPB from durum wheat rhizosphere to select in vitro the most promising strains able to improve nutrient use efficiency; ii) the evaluation of the effect of the PGPB selected as the best nitrifying bacteria on durum wheat N use efficiency; iii) the evaluation of the effect on wheat seedlings growth of PGPB with P-solubilizing and P-mineralizing combined capability. In order to achieve the first goal, four-hundred seventy-four bacteria (mesophiles, spore-formers, pseudomonads, actinobacteria) were isolated from rhizosphere of durum wheat. The isolates were preliminary characterized for phosphate solubilization, NH4+ production, nitrification and siderophores production; then, some quantitative analyses were carried out (production of IAA-indole acetic acid, NO2 -/NO3 - and P-mineralization) and used as input to select some promising isolates through a new approach based on median and quartiles. As a result, sixteen strains were selected and identified by 16S sequencing. The promising bacteria were tested as inoculants in wheat seedlings for a preliminary validation in soil. Among them, three strains (25A- Bacillus, 6P- Stenotrophomonas, and 20P- Stenotrophomonas) showed the best performances in terms of plant biomass and height and were selected to evaluate their effect on wheat nutrient use efficiency (see Chapter 3). A first experiment in a growth chamber (see Chapter 4) was carried out to evaluate the effect of PGPB application on durum wheat N use efficiency, by using the best nitrifying isolates (6PStenotrophomonas and 20P- Stenotrophomonas) which were also able to produce NH4 +. To this aim, two genotypes (Saragolla and Simeto) were grown under controlled conditions to evaluate the capacity of the isolates to establish and survive in rhizosphere and their effect on N-uptake (UPE) and use efficiency (NUEP). In Saragolla both strains improved UPE and NUPE; on the contrary, in Simeto only 20P strain showed a positive effect. A further pot experiment (see Chapter 5) was carried out to investigate the capacity of the best P- solubilizing and P- mineralizing isolates (12A- Bacillus and 25A- Bacillus) to promote the growth of wheat seedlings in low P soil. To this aim, durum and bread wheat plants were grown in low P soil to evaluate: i) the effect of bacterial isolates on root system architecture; ii) the expression of key genes involved in the P starvation response and Pi uptake, IPS1 and TaPT6 transporter. The IPS1 gene is highly responsive to P deficiency, and its transcript level is a good marker for P deficiency responses and has been shown to be involved in P homeostasis. PT6 is a high- affinity Pi transporter gene playing a dual role in Pi uptake from the soil and Pi translocation inside the plant. One isolate, 12A- Bacillus, significantly increased root length, surface area and biomass. These results might be explained by the capacity of 12A strain to produce indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in addition to the P mineralizing and P solubilizing capability. Furthermore, an enhanced shoot dry weight and shoot P content was reported maybe because of combined capacity to increase root length and surface and to mineralize and solubilize P. Further experiments under field conditions and under different environments will be necessary to validate the effect of the selected strains on wheat nutrient use efficiency.
Per fronteggiare l'aumento della popolazione mondiale, il depauperamento delle risorse naturali e l'inquinamento ambientale, sarà necessario incrementare la produzione alimentare, senza tuttavia aumentare l'impatto ambientale associato alle attività agricole. L’intensificazione sostenibile della produzione agricola rappresenta un obiettivo arduo da realizzare soprattutto in regioni aride e semi-aride come le regioni del bacino del Mediterraneo particolarmente vulnerabili ai cambiamenti climatici. Tale obiettivo può essere raggiunto attraverso pratiche agricole sostenibili finalizzate alla riduzione dell'uso di fertilizzanti e delle emissioni di gas serra (GHG). Nell’area Mediterranea, il frumento rappresenta una delle colture maggiormente diffuse e il frumento duro costituisce la prima coltura cerealicola in termini di superficie investita e provvede al fabbisogno alimentare di gran parte della popolazione. L’impiego di batteri promotori della crescita vegetale (Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria, PGPB) come bio-fertilizzanti, rappresenta una promettente alternativa ecosostenibile alle pratiche agronomiche in uso per promuovere la crescita vegetale riducendo l’inquinamento ambientale e gli input esterni di fertilizzanti azotati e fosfatici attraverso il miglioramento dell’efficienza d’uso di tali nutrienti. In particolare, l’impiego di PGPB autoctoni isolati da terreno e caratterizzati da una elevata adattabilità agli stress abiotici rappresenta un promettente strumento per promuovere la crescita vegetale. Poche informazioni sono disponibili in letteratura relativamente all’uso di PGPB autoctoni come inoculanti nella coltivazione dei cereali, del frumento ed in particolare del frumento duro (vedi Capitolo 2). Pertanto, l’obiettivo di questa tesi di dottorato è stato la selezione di PGPB autoctoni isolati dalla rizosfera di frumento duro e la valutazione del loro effetto sulla nutrizione azotata e fosfatica del frumento. A tale scopo, sono stati perseguiti i seguenti obiettivi specifici: i) la caratterizzazione fenotipica e genotipica di PGPB autoctoni non patogeni isolati dalla rizosfera di frumento duro per selezionare in vitro i ceppi più promettenti in grado di migliorare l'efficienza d’uso di N e P; ii) la valutazione dell'effetto dei ceppi selezionati come i migliori batteri nitrificanti sull’efficienza d’uso di N in piante di frumento duro; iii) la valutazione dell’effetto di PGPB caratterizzati dalla capacità di solubilizzare il P inorganico e di mineralizzare il P organico, sulla crescita di plantule di frumento. Allo scopo di perseguire gli obiettivi previsti, quattrocentosettantaquattro ceppi batterici (batteri mesofili, batteri formanti spore, Pseudomonadi, attinobatteri) sono stati isolati dalla rizosfera di frumento duro. Gli isolati sono stati caratterizzati fenotipicamente per la capacità di solubilizzare il P, di produrre NH4+, NO2-/NO3- e siderofori e successivamente sottoposti ad uno screening quantitativo (produzione di acido indolo acetico, di NO2-/NO3- e mineralizzazione P). I dati dei test quantitativi sono stati analizzati mediante indici descrittivi (mediana e quartili) per studiare la distribuzione statistica di ciascun parametro all'interno dei singoli gruppi microbici e selezionare i ceppi più promettenti. Come risultato, sedici isolati sono stati selezionati e sequenziati; alcuni ceppi di particolare interesse, sono poi stati testati come inoculanti in plantule di frumento per una preliminare validazione in suolo. Tra questi, tre isolati (25A- Bacillus, 6P-Stenotrophomonas, 20PStenotrophomonas) hanno mostrato le migliori performances in termini di biomassa e altezza delle piante e sono stati scelti per valutare il loro effetto sull’efficienza d’uso dei nutrienti (vedi Capitolo 3). Un primo esperimento in camera di crescita (vedi Capitolo 4) è stato condotto per valutare l'effetto dell'applicazione di PGPB sull'efficienza d’uso dell’ N in piante di frumento duro, utilizzando i migliori isolati nitrificanti (6P- Stenotrophomonas, 20P- Stenotrophomonas) che erano anche in grado di produrre NH4 +. A questo scopo due genotipi di frumento duro (Saragolla e Simeto) sono stati allevati in condizioni di crescita controllate per valutare: (i) la capacità degli isolati di colonizzare e sopravvivere nella rizosfera e (ii) il loro effetto sull'assorbimento e sull'efficienza d’uso di N (rispettivamente Nitrogen Uptake efficiency, NUPE e Nitrogen Use Efficiency for Protein, NUEP). In Saragolla entrambi i ceppi mostravano la capacità di migliorare gli indici UPE e NUPE; al contrario, in Simeto solo il ceppo 20P mostrava un effetto positivo. Un secondo esperimento (vedi Capitolo 5) è stato allestito per studiare la capacità dei migliori isolati P-solubilizzanti e P-mineralizzanti (12A- Bacillus e 25A- Bacillus) di promuovere la crescita di piantine di frumento allevate in terreno carente di P. A questo scopo, piante di frumento duro e tenero sono state coltivate in terreno a basso contenuto in P per valutare: (i) l’effetto di isolati batterici sull’architettura del sistema radicale; (ii) l'espressione di IPS1 e TaPT6, due geni chiave coinvolti nella risposta della pianta alla carenza di P e nell’assimilazione di P. Il gene IPS1 è indotto dalla carenza di P e il suo livello di trascrizione rappresenta un buon marker per la risposta della pianta alla carenza fosfatica; il gene PT6 codifica per un trasportatore ad alta affinità che svolge un duplice ruolo nell'assorbimento del fosfato dal suolo e nella traslocazione all’interno della pianta. Tra gli isolati testati, il ceppo 12A- Bacillus, aumentava significativamente la lunghezza, la superficie e la biomassa radicale. I risultati ottenuti potrebbero essere dovuti alla capacità del ceppo 12A di produrre acido indol-3-acetico (IAA) oltre che alla capacità di mineralizzazione e solubilizzazione di P. In questo esperimento si è osservato un aumento della sostanza secca e del contenuto di P della parte aerea, probabilmente come conseguenza della duplice capacità di aumentare la lunghezza e la superficie radicale e di mineralizzare e solubilizzare il P. I risultati ottenuti in questa tesi dovranno essere confermati mediante prove sperimentali condotte in pieno campo. Inoltre, differenti condizioni ambientali dovranno essere testate al fine di validare l’effetto dei ceppi selezionati sull’efficienza d’uso dei nutrienti in piante di frumento.
Improvement of nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiency in wheat by application of Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria as bio-fertilizers
Due to the increase in human population growth, the depletion of natural resources and the environmental pollution, it is necessary to raise agricultural productivity without enhancing environmental footprint. A sustainable intensification may offer the opportunity of increasing input efficiency by reducing fertilizer applications and agricultural greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions. The issue of sustainability of crop production is even more acute in semi-arid and arid regions, such as Mediterranean arable lands, where drought and related biophysical factors create a fragile and unstable environment. In Mediterranean Basin, wheat is one of the most widely grown crop; in particular, durum wheat represents the main grain crop in terms of surface area and provides food security to a large population share. The use of Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria (PGPB) as inoculants in agricultural soils might be a suitable technology for sustainable farming systems in accordance with the reduction of environmental pollution and the need to use nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) resources more efficiently. Autochthonous microorganisms naturally possess some mechanisms of “adaptive evolution” to win and overcome the stressful environmental conditions and are able to enhance plant growth and protect plants from diseases and abiotic stresses. Within this context, firstly, a review on PGPB application in cereals for a sustainable intensification was carried out focusing on the interaction PGPB-wheat (see Chapter 2). In particular, the main topic of this review was the potential of autochthonous PGPB isolated from soils to enhance nutrient use efficiency. As few data are available on the interaction plant-PGPB isolated from durum wheat rhizosphere, the aim of this PhD thesis was focused on the selection of PGPB from durum wheat rhizosphere and on the evaluation of their effect on N and P nutrition in wheat. To achieve this aim, the following goals were pursued: i) the phenotypic and genotypic characterization of autochthonous non-pathogenic PGPB from durum wheat rhizosphere to select in vitro the most promising strains able to improve nutrient use efficiency; ii) the evaluation of the effect of the PGPB selected as the best nitrifying bacteria on durum wheat N use efficiency; iii) the evaluation of the effect on wheat seedlings growth of PGPB with P-solubilizing and P-mineralizing combined capability. In order to achieve the first goal, four-hundred seventy-four bacteria (mesophiles, spore-formers, pseudomonads, actinobacteria) were isolated from rhizosphere of durum wheat. The isolates were preliminary characterized for phosphate solubilization, NH4+ production, nitrification and siderophores production; then, some quantitative analyses were carried out (production of IAA-indole acetic acid, NO2 -/NO3 - and P-mineralization) and used as input to select some promising isolates through a new approach based on median and quartiles. As a result, sixteen strains were selected and identified by 16S sequencing. The promising bacteria were tested as inoculants in wheat seedlings for a preliminary validation in soil. Among them, three strains (25A- Bacillus, 6P- Stenotrophomonas, and 20P- Stenotrophomonas) showed the best performances in terms of plant biomass and height and were selected to evaluate their effect on wheat nutrient use efficiency (see Chapter 3). A first experiment in a growth chamber (see Chapter 4) was carried out to evaluate the effect of PGPB application on durum wheat N use efficiency, by using the best nitrifying isolates (6PStenotrophomonas and 20P- Stenotrophomonas) which were also able to produce NH4 +. To this aim, two genotypes (Saragolla and Simeto) were grown under controlled conditions to evaluate the capacity of the isolates to establish and survive in rhizosphere and their effect on N-uptake (UPE) and use efficiency (NUEP). In Saragolla both strains improved UPE and NUPE; on the contrary, in Simeto only 20P strain showed a positive effect. A further pot experiment (see Chapter 5) was carried out to investigate the capacity of the best P- solubilizing and P- mineralizing isolates (12A- Bacillus and 25A- Bacillus) to promote the growth of wheat seedlings in low P soil. To this aim, durum and bread wheat plants were grown in low P soil to evaluate: i) the effect of bacterial isolates on root system architecture; ii) the expression of key genes involved in the P starvation response and Pi uptake, IPS1 and TaPT6 transporter. The IPS1 gene is highly responsive to P deficiency, and its transcript level is a good marker for P deficiency responses and has been shown to be involved in P homeostasis. PT6 is a high- affinity Pi transporter gene playing a dual role in Pi uptake from the soil and Pi translocation inside the plant. One isolate, 12A- Bacillus, significantly increased root length, surface area and biomass. These results might be explained by the capacity of 12A strain to produce indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in addition to the P mineralizing and P solubilizing capability. Furthermore, an enhanced shoot dry weight and shoot P content was reported maybe because of combined capacity to increase root length and surface and to mineralize and solubilize P. Further experiments under field conditions and under different environments will be necessary to validate the effect of the selected strains on wheat nutrient use efficiency.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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Open Access dal 26/06/2020
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