In the context of a fervent critical and public interest for the wide-ranging work of Giuseppe Pontiggia (Como 1934 - Milan 2003), the absence of a complete study on the writer's language of non-fiction literature weighed heavily, especially if we consider that in his entire work the language is not the tool, but the object of his research. From this point of view his non-fiction production deserves a prominent place, both for the quality of the literary analysis and for the stylistic originality, especially considering the context of the "crisis of criticism" that has enveloped the non-fiction of the last forty years. In this work I examined the wide range of linguistic and rhetorical tools with which the author accomplished that "task" which, in one of his first essays, he considered decisive for contemporary fiction: the use of "a current language to express truths that are remote from commonplaces ». An effective formula to describe the tension that animates, not only the narrative prose, but above all the writer's essay writing, also in consideration of the historical period in which his experience develops (neo-avant-garde, structuralism, militant criticism, ideological contrasts). This work wanted to "test" the language of the five collections of essays published by the writer (Le paludi di Esperia, 1984; Le sabbie immobili, 1992; L’isola volante, 1996; I conteporanei del futuro. Viaggio nei classici, 1998; Prima persona, 2002) in order to show their linguistic, stylistic and rhetorical consistency, and evaluate the results of authoritativeness, above all against the risks of linguistic authoritarianism reported by Pontiggia himself. Taking into account the writer’s evident desire to build "books" and not “collections of essays, I have identified, for each publication, a specific object of analysis: the language of clarity in Le paludi di Epseria, the genres and narrative instances in literary prose of L’isola volante, metaphorical hermeneutics in I contemporanei del futuro, the roots of the comic effect and the reality evoked in Le sabbie immobili and the rhetorical procedures of authoritativeness in Prima persona. The non-fiction writing of Pontiggia is associated on the one hand with the short forms of the aphorism and the oxymoron (with its ironic and satirical features), on the other hand with the emphasis on the ethical and moral value of literature. My work, in addition to providing ample documentation of these elements - especially at a lexical and syntactic level -, has explored the other resources of Pontiggia's essay writing: the presence of narrative elements, in particular the structures of the investigative genre, the choice of a metaphorical language as the main tool for critical-literary investigation, and the rhetorical elements that characterize the authoritativeness of its language. In particular, the chapter dedicated to First Person tried to challenge Pontiggia's writing on its own field: the analysis of the collection tried to show through what kind of rethoric Pontiggia achieves his persuasive goal not through authoritarianism, but authoritativeness. The keystone must be sought both in the wise use of irony, which tends to show rhetorical procedures instead of hiding them, and in a "kaleidoscopic" conception of reason, in which language must always submit to experience if it doesn’t want to betray his constitutive tension to the truth. This work allows us to appreciate in Pontiggia's essay writing the admirable coexistence of two tensions: one towards a very measured and balanced language (from lexical selection to macro-textual composition) capable of building a real self-sufficient linguistic world; another, characterized by the unsettling use of irony, of the paradox, and of a "kaleidoscopic logic", capable of moving commonplaces and putting the reader in direct contact with his literary and human experience, thus restoring a new sense, no longer ideological, but existential and literary together, to the functions of criticism.
Nel contesto di un fervido interesse critico e di pubblico per la poliedrica opera di Giuseppe Pontiggia (Como 1934 – Milano 2003), pesava l’assenza di uno studio completo sulla lingua della saggistica dello scrittore, soprattutto se si considera che la lingua è, nella sua intera opera, non tanto lo strumento, quanto l’oggetto della sua ricerca. La sua produzione saggistica merita da questo punto di vista un posto di primo piano, tanto per qualità dell’analisi letteraria quanto per originalità stilistica, soprattutto se si considera il contesto della “crisi della critica” che ha avvolto la saggistica degli ultimi quarant’anni. In questo lavoro si è analizzato l’ampio ventaglio di strumenti linguistici e retorici con cui l’autore ha realizzato quel «compito» che, in uno dei suoi primi saggi, riteneva decisivo per la narrativa contemporanea: l’impiego di «un linguaggio corrente per esprimere verità remote dai luoghi comuni». Una formula efficace per descrivere la tensione che anima, non solo la prosa narrativa, ma soprattutto quella saggistica dello scrittore, anche in considerazione del periodo storico in cui la sua esperienza si sviluppa (neoavanguardia, strutturalismo, critica militante, contrapposizioni ideologiche). Il presente lavoro ha voluto “testare” la lingua delle cinque raccolte di saggi edite dallo scrittore (Il giardino delle Esperidi, 1984; Le sabbie immobili, 1992; L’isola volante, 1996; I contemporanei del futuro. Viaggio nei classici, 1998; Prima persona, 2002) allo scopo di mostrarne la consistenza linguistica, stilistica e retorica, e valutarne gli esiti di autorevolezza, soprattutto in controluce dei rischi di autoritarismo linguistico denunciati dallo stesso Pontiggia. Tenendo conto della evidente volontà dello scrittore di costruire “libri” e non raccolte di saggi, ho individuato, per ciascuna pubblicazione, uno specifico oggetto di analisi: la lingua della chiarezza in Le paludi di Esperia, i generi e le istanze narrative nella prosa letteraria dell’Isola volante, l’ermeneutica metaforica nei Contemporanei del futuro, le radici del “comico” e la realtà evocata nelle Sabbie immobili e i procedimenti retorici dell’autorevolezza in Prima persona. Questi oggetti di indagine hanno dunque imposto il loro metodo: ho adottato così una prospettiva linguistica in senso ampio per le Esperidi; una narratologica per l’Isola volante; una metaforica nei Contemporanei del futuro; una semantica e retorica per le Sabbie immobili e Prima persona. La scrittura saggistica di Pontiggia è associata da un lato alle forme brevi dell’aforisma e dell’ossimoro (con i suoi connotati ironici e satirici), dall’altro alla sottolineatura del valore etico e morale della letteratura. Il mio lavoro, oltre a fornire una ampia documentazione di questi elementi – soprattutto a livello lessicale e sintattico–, ha esplorato le altre risorse della scrittura saggistica di Pontiggia: la presenza di elementi narrativi, in particolare le strutture del genere investigativo, la scelta di un linguaggio metaforico come principale strumento di indagine critico-letteraria, e gli elementi retorici che caratterizzano l’autorevolezza della sua lingua. In particolare, il capitolo dedicato a Prima persona ha provato a sfidare la scrittura di Pontiggia sul suo stesso terreno: l’analisi della raccolta ha cercato di mostrare attraverso quale retorica Pontiggia raggiunga il fine persuasivo non attraverso l’autoritarismo, ma l’autorevolezza. La chiave di volta va ricercata tanto nell’uso sapiente dell’ironia, mettere in mostra i procedimenti retorici invece che nasconderli, quanto in una concezione “caleidoscopica” della ragione, in cui il linguaggio deve sempre sottomettersi all’esperienza se non vuole tradire la sua tensione costitutiva alla verità. Il presente lavoro permette così di apprezzare nella scrittura saggistica di Pontiggia la mirabile coesistenza di due tensioni: una verso una lingua misuratissima ed equilibrata (dalla selezione lessicale fino alla composizione macro-testuale) capace di costruire un vero e proprio mondo linguistico autosufficiente; un’altra, caratterizzata dall’uso spiazzante dell’ironia, del paradosso, e di una «logica caleidoscopica», capace di smuovere i luoghi comuni e rimettere il lettore a diretto contatto con la propria esperienza letteraria e umana, restituendo così un nuovo senso, non più ideologico, ma esistenziale e letterario insieme, alle funzioni della critica.
«Al vaglio della lingua comune». La saggistica di Giuseppe Pontiggia.
In the context of a fervent critical and public interest for the wide-ranging work of Giuseppe Pontiggia (Como 1934 - Milan 2003), the absence of a complete study on the writer's language of non-fiction literature weighed heavily, especially if we consider that in his entire work the language is not the tool, but the object of his research. From this point of view his non-fiction production deserves a prominent place, both for the quality of the literary analysis and for the stylistic originality, especially considering the context of the "crisis of criticism" that has enveloped the non-fiction of the last forty years. In this work I examined the wide range of linguistic and rhetorical tools with which the author accomplished that "task" which, in one of his first essays, he considered decisive for contemporary fiction: the use of "a current language to express truths that are remote from commonplaces ». An effective formula to describe the tension that animates, not only the narrative prose, but above all the writer's essay writing, also in consideration of the historical period in which his experience develops (neo-avant-garde, structuralism, militant criticism, ideological contrasts). This work wanted to "test" the language of the five collections of essays published by the writer (Le paludi di Esperia, 1984; Le sabbie immobili, 1992; L’isola volante, 1996; I conteporanei del futuro. Viaggio nei classici, 1998; Prima persona, 2002) in order to show their linguistic, stylistic and rhetorical consistency, and evaluate the results of authoritativeness, above all against the risks of linguistic authoritarianism reported by Pontiggia himself. Taking into account the writer’s evident desire to build "books" and not “collections of essays, I have identified, for each publication, a specific object of analysis: the language of clarity in Le paludi di Epseria, the genres and narrative instances in literary prose of L’isola volante, metaphorical hermeneutics in I contemporanei del futuro, the roots of the comic effect and the reality evoked in Le sabbie immobili and the rhetorical procedures of authoritativeness in Prima persona. The non-fiction writing of Pontiggia is associated on the one hand with the short forms of the aphorism and the oxymoron (with its ironic and satirical features), on the other hand with the emphasis on the ethical and moral value of literature. My work, in addition to providing ample documentation of these elements - especially at a lexical and syntactic level -, has explored the other resources of Pontiggia's essay writing: the presence of narrative elements, in particular the structures of the investigative genre, the choice of a metaphorical language as the main tool for critical-literary investigation, and the rhetorical elements that characterize the authoritativeness of its language. In particular, the chapter dedicated to First Person tried to challenge Pontiggia's writing on its own field: the analysis of the collection tried to show through what kind of rethoric Pontiggia achieves his persuasive goal not through authoritarianism, but authoritativeness. The keystone must be sought both in the wise use of irony, which tends to show rhetorical procedures instead of hiding them, and in a "kaleidoscopic" conception of reason, in which language must always submit to experience if it doesn’t want to betray his constitutive tension to the truth. This work allows us to appreciate in Pontiggia's essay writing the admirable coexistence of two tensions: one towards a very measured and balanced language (from lexical selection to macro-textual composition) capable of building a real self-sufficient linguistic world; another, characterized by the unsettling use of irony, of the paradox, and of a "kaleidoscopic logic", capable of moving commonplaces and putting the reader in direct contact with his literary and human experience, thus restoring a new sense, no longer ideological, but existential and literary together, to the functions of criticism.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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