Unilateral modification of the contract is a subject that has interested the doctrine and kept the legislator at work for a long time. The usefulness of this kind of clauses is, in fact, clear to the contractual practice, given their ability to adapt the agreement (which has a static dimension) to the needs that may arise in its dynamic and diachronic development. On the other hand, however, the idea that (just) one party could determine the modification of the contract seems to clash with the general principles governing contract law. On one side, the unilateral modification - which is often pejorative - affects a party without his consent (neither expressed nor implied). On the other side, and above all, this unilateral modification intervenes on a bilateral contract, which, by virtue of the "force of law" which is assigned to it by art. 1372 of the civil code, should not suffer variations by these means. The analysis has therefore originated from the the value of the agreement and the force of law of the contract. The latter, in particular, has been viewed in its historical dimension while also considering the division among those who consider it a rhetorical pleonasm and those who instead see in it a strong systematic value. Some of the dispositions of the civil code regarding the contract in general have then been analyzed, due to their affinity with the subject matter (e.g.: unilateral determination of the contract object, offer of modification in case of hardship), to rule out that they could be disciplining cases of unilateral modification and thus exclude that thay may be valid starting points for the study of the jus variandi. The analysis then moved on to the major hypothesis of unilateral modification disciplined by law, and in particular those contained in Book IV, Title III of the civil code (in the second chapter) and those disciplined by special laws (consumer law, tourism law, bank law, etc.: third chapter). This analysis has been conducted in a particularly critical way, to exclude the qualification of jus variandi of some provisions, although traditionally so qualified, given the different characterization from the subject under exam. In conclusion, in the fourth chapter, the aforementioned legal provisions have been destructured, to identify their main characterizing elements (which were identified as: condition for the right to the unilateral modification to arise, extension of the right to the modification, and finally the power of the party that suffers the modification to counteract). In particular a distintion has been made between the structure and legislative technique of the civil code and those of the special laws. By this way it was possibile to exclude the systematic relevance of the civil code provisions to establish interpretative principles to be used in the assessment of the right of unilateral modification introduced by atypical contractual clauses. Such interpretative principles were derived, instead, from what has been concluded from the analysis of the special law provisions in the subject matter and, in part, from what transpires from the discipline of the contract in general about unilateral determination powers, to establish operational and validity limits of such atypical clauses. The analysis was then concluded with a brief exam of some contracts concerning the circulation of company shares (put options) and contracts of the financial markets (credit default swaps), to underline some critical aspects of these agreements in light of the aforementioned principles.
La modificazione unilaterale del contratto è un tema che impegna, ormai da tempo, la dottrina ed il legislatore. La prassi, infatti, riconosce l’utilità della clausola in funzione adeguatrice del vincolo contrattuale, assunto in una dimensione statica, alle esigenze sorte in fase dinamica, soprattutto quando l’esecuzione del contratto si svolge su uno sviluppo diacronico. D’altro canto, però, l’idea per cui la parte possa determinare ex uno latere la modificazione del contratto urta con i principi generali che regolano il contratto almeno sotto due punti di vista: da un lato, infatti, la modificazione interviene, in senso per lo più peggiorativo, incidendo la sfera giuridica di un soggetto senza il consenso (né espresso, né tacito) di questi. Dall’altro lato, e per di più, tale modificazione unilaterale interviene su un vincolo a formazione bilaterale che, in ragione della “forza di legge” che gli viene assegnata dall’art. 1372 c.c., non dovrebbe patire variazioni di questo tipo. L’analisi ha, quindi, preso le mosse dalla disamina del valore dell’accordo e della forza di legge del contratto, quest’ultima in particolare vista nella sua dimensione storica e considerata anche la divisione di opinioni tra coloro che la ritengono un pleonasmo retorico e chi invece le assegna un forte valore sistematico. Ci si è quindi soffermati su alcuni degli istituti di parte generale del contratto, che presentano particolari affinità con il jus variandi (e.g.: l’arbitraggio della parte e l’offerta di modificazione del contratto eccessivamente oneroso), per escludere che gli stessi disciplinino fattispecie di modificazione unilaterale idonee a fungere da validi punti di partenza per l’analisi della materia de qua. Si è poi proceduto ad analizzare le maggiori ipotesi di jus variandi previste dalla legge ed in particolare quelle contenute nella disciplina dei tipi del codice civile (nel capitolo secondo) e quelle contenute invece nelle discipline di settore (capitolo terzo). Tale analisi ha avuto uno stampo particolarmente critico nell’escludere la qualificazione di jus variandi a fattispecie pur tradizionalmente così qualificate, per la diversa caratterizzazione rispetto alla materia sotto esame. Nel capitolo quarto, infine, si sono scomposte le fattispecie tipiche analizzate individuandone i principali elementi caratterizzanti (che sono stati identificati in: an, quantum, e potere - lato sensu - di reazione della parte in soggezione), distinguendo in particolare tra struttura e tecnica legislativa del legislatore codicistico e del legislatore settoriale. Ciò ha permesso di escludere la rilevanza sistematica della disciplina dei tipi per ricostruire dei principi interpretativi nella valutazione del diritto di modificazione unilaterale introdotto da clausole atipiche di fonte pattizia, ma di procedere ad un’interpretazione mutuata in parte da quanto concluso in tema di jus variandi nelle discipline di settore, in parte da quanto ricavabile dalla disciplina del contratto in generale sui poteri determinativi unilaterali, per stabilire i limiti operativi e di validità di tali clausole atipiche. In chiusura, si sono brevemente analizzate delle figure contrattuali attinenti alla circolazione di partecipazioni sociali (opzioni put) ed ai contratti dei mercati finanziari (credit default swap), per evidenziarne i punti di attrito con i principi interpretativi precedentemente delineati.
Unilateral modification of the contract is a subject that has interested the doctrine and kept the legislator at work for a long time. The usefulness of this kind of clauses is, in fact, clear to the contractual practice, given their ability to adapt the agreement (which has a static dimension) to the needs that may arise in its dynamic and diachronic development. On the other hand, however, the idea that (just) one party could determine the modification of the contract seems to clash with the general principles governing contract law. On one side, the unilateral modification - which is often pejorative - affects a party without his consent (neither expressed nor implied). On the other side, and above all, this unilateral modification intervenes on a bilateral contract, which, by virtue of the "force of law" which is assigned to it by art. 1372 of the civil code, should not suffer variations by these means. The analysis has therefore originated from the the value of the agreement and the force of law of the contract. The latter, in particular, has been viewed in its historical dimension while also considering the division among those who consider it a rhetorical pleonasm and those who instead see in it a strong systematic value. Some of the dispositions of the civil code regarding the contract in general have then been analyzed, due to their affinity with the subject matter (e.g.: unilateral determination of the contract object, offer of modification in case of hardship), to rule out that they could be disciplining cases of unilateral modification and thus exclude that thay may be valid starting points for the study of the jus variandi. The analysis then moved on to the major hypothesis of unilateral modification disciplined by law, and in particular those contained in Book IV, Title III of the civil code (in the second chapter) and those disciplined by special laws (consumer law, tourism law, bank law, etc.: third chapter). This analysis has been conducted in a particularly critical way, to exclude the qualification of jus variandi of some provisions, although traditionally so qualified, given the different characterization from the subject under exam. In conclusion, in the fourth chapter, the aforementioned legal provisions have been destructured, to identify their main characterizing elements (which were identified as: condition for the right to the unilateral modification to arise, extension of the right to the modification, and finally the power of the party that suffers the modification to counteract). In particular a distintion has been made between the structure and legislative technique of the civil code and those of the special laws. By this way it was possibile to exclude the systematic relevance of the civil code provisions to establish interpretative principles to be used in the assessment of the right of unilateral modification introduced by atypical contractual clauses. Such interpretative principles were derived, instead, from what has been concluded from the analysis of the special law provisions in the subject matter and, in part, from what transpires from the discipline of the contract in general about unilateral determination powers, to establish operational and validity limits of such atypical clauses. The analysis was then concluded with a brief exam of some contracts concerning the circulation of company shares (put options) and contracts of the financial markets (credit default swaps), to underline some critical aspects of these agreements in light of the aforementioned principles.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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